Twb THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER * ' -'^ ; -"! - ^ ' V " ' • .* '* , -v * * * V v j Thursday/Augudi 23, pS>Vlrsff' 'p4. i- fA RjPi ALEX HOMO Sorvices were held Aug.' 15 frorrr^a chapel at 2701 Clark MISS RITA BOLGER CHARMING BRIDE OF Society Surprise Party For Mrs. Edward Nordin Mrs. Edward Nordin was 'RAYMOND GAYLORD pleasantly surprised in honor of | _ her birthday anniversary last , St pa1rick-s ra1ho]ic t.hur«'h Sunday. Aug. 19, a day before was th(i scono of a bo;)ll,ir„| the active date, fifty-four, rela- • v.rddihR ]ast saturdav. -Aug. 18. lives an<^ friends from Crystal | when Migs Rjta Joan Boljfpr Lake, Elgin. Bartlett, Marengo. ; v „t dauRh(er of fh(. McHenry, Woodstock and Cary and Mrs Thomas A gathered at the home of her ; became the bride of Mr. daughter and husband, the Ar- Raymond A Gavlord son of the nold Larsons. to enjoy a social ; c|iar]ps 'rorPys* of Woodstock, afternoon and picnic supper. • Rpv Fj,; Edward r r()akk.y <ff- Mrs. Nordin was the recipient ; ficiated at the 10 o'clock nuptial of many lovely girts. : _ ~ ; niven- in marriage hv her Darlenp -brother, Walter Roleer. the bride Observes Birthday _ . approached Ihe altar, charming Darlene. daUgW^bf Irv»l a f]oor loncth dross, of white !• rounds. celebrated herj ninth ; tu],e ovrr satll1i stvIof1 princess b.rthday last week , Tuesday - af- l fv,e VjUl f(l)] sUh.f. 1Aro bndi(.0 ternoon with a p*rty at her j ai;d SWP(,thPar( nockl,no. - Fashhome. Games were enjoyed and onpd with short slrovos. she a picnic supper, featuring birth- • wore matching mil1s Hor finger-• j Bonnie and . Patti Bickler of DTD COlM A T Q 1 ^virago spent the past week f HjXiOV-/1N Jrxi-iO jwith their grandparents',' Mr.^and .%• Mrs. ArUiur Bickler. *«•., »,• " j » . Mrs- ^red Simon of Chitago Misses Alice and Leta piaikijias boon spending some tirtie *in enjoyed a vacation at the Dolls the Frank KemPfer, Jr. home of Wisconsin last week. > Duane Bacon, who has b^en Mrs. Harvey Rapp ot Arling- ; attending summer school, at De- . V >r-i • t ton Heights was a recent guest • Kalb is spending a few weeks "1 U'C ' Sno w'- ul °' of her mother. Mrs. Zena Bacon. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs ^ Wrightwood avenue Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kempfer I Loster Bacon b(?fore retur^^ u ho died in Roosevelt Memorial and Mrs. Fred Simon were Chi- )or the fall term : hospital. He was the father of cago visitors Thursday evening., Mr.' and Mrs. Ernest USeman i R°~, #T° °f •Sh®re --'Ch" where they paid their last re-andsons Ernest and Howard en- e deceased + wa* lor several spects to the former s nephew, j joved a fishing trip in -Mrnne- ,• acarPer,tf foreman for John Kempfer, at a chapel at • sot a this week. ' Benson, .Inc. contractor. 4358 S. Richmond street. Mrs. Ray McCarthy, son, Bart Ofhlr survivors include the Mesdames Albert Foley. Floyd of Rive]. Forest and Ray Deadvi""-/',,, , V n?or® Cooley, Paul Doherty. Ray Mc- ot Chicago were visitors in the f:s0t!^ George; and , Gee. Walter Care\. Thomas ; bome of Miss (Genevieve Knox Doherty and Misses Florence Saturdav. > Carey, Evelyn Carey and Nellie Mrs. 'Max Doering spent a| . , . T. Doherty joined friends from Har- , few days the'past week in Chi-I ^ , vard and Woodstock for a get- cago> where she was called by1 ? o 4 J Richmond together and luncheon af Dundee t (he illness and death of. h ; towps|iip died Saturday morn- Wednesday. brother, Clarence Franfcen, Who,! ^ iS, f^Howing an illness Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence passed away on Thursday. H^l ^i-ee^Qtitlis, spent, the weekend with . Mc- husband attended the funeral on Henry relatives. 'Mbnday and she returned home Mrs. Carrie Covalt of Kenosha. wjtb jiim. Wis., has been spending some Mrs. Emma Franzen a former time in the Lester Page home. McHenry resident, flew h«r> fa™?cr" tt Miss Mary Walsh of Chicago trom San : Francisco to attend H,S Wlfe' • E1«an6r HerSott was a recent guest of Miss Gene- the funeral of her son and will Knox. fonfilgr^dqllil^ren, Kenneth, Eileerij-' Judty and ) Janet Homo. The: db<?eased was born July 20, •}3^E9|f,and had lived in his home community for the past forty years. , He was a retired May' died last May 18. He is survived by one son, George A. tip Veil was attached to a lace I cap. pearl trimmed, and she : carried n bouquet of stephanotis. centered with a white orchid. Mrs. Margaret Carey, a sister day cake and ice cream, was served. Guests were Nancy Freund. Linda Blake, Kathleen Justen. Mary Kay Adams, Ellen Brennen, Kathy Blake and Rosemaij actPd a.s matron of honor and ® i bridesmaids were' Mrs. Ann Mili ler, another sister, Mrs. Joan • Gathering For /' Freund and Miss • Rosemarie Two 9Amiiversarles . ' S e h m i t t , f r i e n d s . A gathering of relatives was Tliry were attired similarly in held at the Charles Martin home white embroidered, nylon organnear Griswold Lake last Sunday dy dresses over mint green tafhonoring the birthday annivers- feta. ballerina length. Their ai"ies of the Martins' daughter, picture hats were of matching Mary and Edward Sutton. color and they carried bouquets Present to enjoy the picnic Qf red and white pom poms, dinner and supper were Mr. and William Hackman. of DeKalb. Mrs. William Sutton and son . a f, iend. served as best man and Mrs. Laura Minteer of May- > and groomsmen were Richard wood, the Harry Minteer family Carey. Robert Freund and Gerof Milwaukee, Wis.. Mr. and a]d 'Freund. Brothers of ihe Mrs. Bill Martin, Pam and Patty couple. Richard Gaylord and of Waukegan, Edward Sutton, Thomas F. Rolger. were ushers, son, Charles, and daughter. El- Little Debbie Miller, a niece eanor Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. , of the bride, was flower girl Thomas Sutton. Mr. and Mrs. ! and Michael Carey, a nephew. Peter M. Schaefer. Mrs. Eleanor ; was ring bearer. Debbie carried Nye and Arthur Martin. j a basket of red and white mums Callers during the afternoon 1 ana had the same small flowers were Mr. and Mrs. Laurence jn her headpiece. Fish of Grayslake. Mrs. Corey chose a dress of • grey lace over rose ajid had Young Family navy accessories. Reunion Sunday I Following the ceremony, din- The home of Mr. and Mrs. • ner was served for. twenty at Stephen Schmitt was the scene the McHenry Country club, of a reunion of the family of where a reception was held Mrs. Catherine Young on Sun- j from 2 to 5 o'clock. day, with about ninety-five pres- The bride graduated from the ent. • local high shool in 1951 and A buffet supper was served at t has been employed in the office 5 o'clock to the large assembl-' of Tonyan Construction company, age, following a pleisfsant day of ' The bridegroom is a 1949 grad'i- Visiting and renewifife acquaint-' at£4 rff Woodstock high school ance with those from a distance, and has completed four years Family members attended from with the Air Force. After a trip Chicago, Waukegan and Elgin. , West, the couple will reside in as well as Sister Mary Edulfa DeKalb. where he is attending (Marie Young) of Glen Ellyn Northern Illinois State college. and Mr. and Mrs. jack Shetterly , (Julia Young) of Springboro, Ohio. spend some time.with her daugh- f "J ' J" George and Leo Heimer were ter-in-law May, of ^Ringwood, ""a daughter, weekend visitors in the John Joseph Jung of Harvard was a ^3U'ine' °[ FUngwood^ a brother. Hoffman home in Indianapolis. visitor in the home of Mrs. Ant^ of Spring Grove and Ind- " ' Helen Young Tuesday evening. f,VL,^Chlld?n: , __ Mrs. Viola Henise. daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Yanda nyr T1^e ,body f res^d at the Peter Mrs. Paul Quimby. husband and accompanied bv their euests M" Justen funeral home until 10 son Donovan, of Angwin. Calif . Ml, a!ld Mrs. Willard SchoU of Tuesday when rites were called on old friends here Sun- Winnebago, Minn., left Mondav conduct^ St'. Peter s church, day. The Henise family were lor Minnesota, where the forftrer , sPr,n{». Grove' wlth burial »n the McHenry residents many years attended the centennial cel^bra- 'j /,^etPryago" tion of St. John's college, from I ,, ® member of the Margaret Hall of Chicago was where Mr. Yanda graduated. 1 i-j-ir ie a weekend guest of Miss Clara Mrs. E. Meyer and sister of I . „ ~ " Miller. rural Woodstock and Mrs. WSl- ^ . Mrs. Thomas Murphv and bam Spencer were recent Visit- bro^^ of RicJard Cronin of daughters of Fox River Grove I ors in Marengo. They ^Z Chl were Sunday visitors in the Carl Wednesday at Genoa City, »-'|c^0 fenowing a long iUness. He TOWNSHIP KIWANIS ' SEEKS INTER-CLUB TRAVELLING G^VEL The. ftiwanis Club Of" McHenry Township attended iq a group, a luncheon meeting with the Kiwanis club of Rochelle in that city last week. „ f Forty-eight 'per cent x>f the club's membership attended this very important inter-club meeting. The purpose of this mass movement was to try and gain the possession of the "Inter-Club "Travelling Gavel" on a points basis. The points that the club accumulated may very well gain the McHenry Township club this worthy and rare honor. Representing the clyb were; Past Lt. Gov. Joseph Waynne, president Charles Coles, past president Ed Alder son, secretary Joseph Cina, treasurer Horace Wagnor and members, Rev. Burton Schroeder, George Pedersen, Sam Yokely, All Schimke, Elmer Murphy, Fred Zandier and Art LaGreca. ' A wonderful luncheon was en-t joyed by the entire group. CARD OF THANKS In this way may I thknk all those kind friends^ for cards, flowers, prayers and gifts wfiiile I was confined to the hospital. They were appreciated so much. *16i Mrs. Joe H. Weber Weber home. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Klont/., 1 Mr. and Mrs. George H. John- Card of Thanks I want to thank those who leaves £our brothers and one sister. Services were conducted from son. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Yanda cards and gifts and g Mel's church on Thursday annnda~ ttnheeiirr gtrunepscttos MMrr. annnHd Mlv/Trrsc. visited me duringb the timjfe I AA ug. 116C, w.i.t,h .b ur.ia.l .in Q--. ueen oyf; Willard School, of Winnebago, , confined to the hospital. TT^a<iSian fon^tor.,, Minn., were among the local These many remembrances were folks who attended the Chicago- aPPieciated so much. land Music Festival Saturday s Jrevening. ^ 4 1 Card ol Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cronin Mr. and Mrs. Joseph atten<1:?d the funeral of his wish to thank their many friends H cemetery. Clarence Franzen larence Franzen, 32, of Chica£ Q; Aj"ho made his home with _ o , Ms %ister, Mrs. Max Doering, in Grobel „ CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank friends and relatives for cards, visits, prayers and gifts during my recent stay in the hospital. They were appreciated so much. 16 Mrs.\ Eleanor Young FAMILY 8! The public/i Irs.v I .m,iE DINNER s invited to attend a family style roast beef dinner to be served at. the Masonic hall on Saturday, Sept; 1, from 5:30 to 7:30 o'clock, sponsored by the O.E.S. - COMING EVENTS • • / August 28 Garden Club Outing -- "Wisconsin" State Park, Wilmfi^^^"-: September 3L. % Family Style Roast Beef Dinner -- Acacia Hall -- Service Frdm 5:30 to 7:30 p.nrj. •-- Sponsored by O.E.S. September. IS K. of C. Meetiig -- 8 p.m. -- K. of C^Hall. Septemt>er Woman's • Cluh Fall I.uncheon Meeting -- 1 p.m. -- McHenry Country Club -- Program by Mildred R. Brom. ^ MONEY AND BANKING In Everyday Living WATCH FOR THIS COLUMN in this newspaper. Through it, you tan learn how to effect important economies in everyday living, and get maximum value for your dollars; can broaden your acquaintance with the nature and range of the financial services available at our bank -- so that you may reap more abundant benefit from them. • • • THE "BIGGEST WORD" in many a .family budget is miscellaneous. Logically, in a carefully worked-out budget, the total of all amounts under miscellaneous should be smaller than the total for any major category. If such is not the case with your budget, try, for a month or two> listing the purposes of all small expenditures. You may find that dimes, quarters, and dollars spent for things you do not need or even really .enjoy account for no small portion of the "catch-all category" total; and that by curbing heedless spending you can regularly record a larger total for savings. We invite you to bank your savings with us. • • • Q: BURGLARIES - are they something that happens to {he other fellow? A: In 1954, the latest year for which complete figures are available at the time this is written, the unlawful entries reported in our country were 519,000; so the possibility of your home or place of business being burglarized is not wholly remote. 1954 burglaries cost Americans $91 million! It could have been much mo rebut countless people with precious things to protect were taking advantage of the low-rental safe deposit facilities provided| by banks... including our bank. McHENRY STATE BANK Interest Paid On Savings Deposits Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System PHONE 1040 ry for some time, passed 1 brother James Cronin, in Chi- for kindnesses extended at. the '^rXmS Ch!n^?HpAUgt'ii6' cago Thursday. time she was hospitalized and survivors include the widow, Olga; a daughter, Clarice; his ^The James Ballotti farftily of since her return home. They Mrg Emmg Franze a' Sycamore were visitors in the are most grateful for everything f McHfnrS' resident now I.oster Bacon home Fridav. Card Of Thanks ^ w a n t t o t a k e t h i s m e a n s INSURANCE SPHOOf °f thankinK everyone for flowuka. nc|£ nCJiOOL Prg cardSi spiritual bouquets and Carl R. Elshoff and James G. , all other kindnesses extended at Longhway, . insurance--represent a the . timt- of our bereavement, tives, have been attending a We are especially grateful for basic company school in Dallas, the sympathetic services of Fiv Texas. Twenty representatives . William Collins. from six states participated. *16 Francis Raycraft Familty TODDLER SHOP & YOUNG TEEN CORNER 109-111 E. Elm St. McHenry, 111. PHONE 746 . residing in San Francisco; a sistor, Bernice Bailey; five brothers, John, Ray and Charles, all ofri<NCalifornia, and Gordon and RfMWd of Chicago. /Euneral rites were conducted in the chapel at 4338 Fulierton avenue, Chicago, on Monday. wrch 'Ibtirial in Elmwood cemetery. We Are Ready For School, Are Yjpti? GIRLS Skirts Blouses BOYS Pants Shirts Sidts Bt OTH Sox Underwear Slips . ATTEND CONVENTION Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Freund left for Detroit last. Sunday, where Mr. Freund is attending the national convention of the Knights of Columbus a.s an elected delegate to represent the councils in the Rock ford diocese. Campus Bound ? When you get back to school this fall, you'll rate your own cheering section if you are one of the smart students who make it a point to always look well-groomed. Co-eds throughout the country agree that the first step to an attractive appearance is a stylish, easy;to-manage permanent wave. Why not phone us today for an appointment? V AIR-CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT ' YOUR LOVELINESS IS OUR BUSINESS 1' C~J\iveistJe &L rshj h nq ofh,cl> Open Tues., Thurs. and Fri. Evenings 'til 9 Aversicle 126 N. Riverside Drive en ratuling McHenry, 111. HO Fhone 147 PRICES TO FIT EVERY BUDGET Easy Credit Terms r ""~-51he time is ripe . . . the price is right for savings! It's our Great August Fur Sale of Fine Furs that will cost more when the temperature drops . . . We've a fine collection of New fall deigns in top quality, beautifully matched pelts ... all masterfully handled . . . Come See and Save! ALL, FURS LABELED TO SHOW COUNTRY OF ORIGIN OF IMPORTED FURS -- AIR CONDITIONED -- Otto Heinz, Furs Cleaning and Repairing -- Re-Styling , Bonded Storage 105 N. Riverside Drive Phone McHenry 1843 McHenry, 111. scfco°t for your youngster's growing feet PARENTS Buckles, Ties, Slip-on styles that rate 100% with your little scholar -- all with that special fit and feel of quality. In longest-wearing leather. See them soon. OE PAR and Young T@in Corner 109-111 E. Elm Street McHenry, 111. PHONE 746 No Need for Continuous Advertising! 4» PREACHERS - Should preach only one sermon or so a year. People are against sin anyway, so why harp on it. TRAFFIC LIGHTS - Should be turned off at dangerous intersections to save electricity. Everybody knows it's a dangerous spot and that is sufficient. TEACHERS - No need to review lessons. Tell the children ji/st once and they'll never forget. HIGHWAY POLICE - Stop driving up and down the highways. No need to caution drivers by patrolling highways. Drivers know the law and should obey. • OUT OF TOWNERS - That advertise and mail order firms that send cataloges are wasting their money. Everyone knows what is sold at stores in town and they'll all shop at home. BUT - If you are one of the fqolish kind, likfe the Notre Dame cathedral that has stood for six centuries but still rings the bell every day to let people know it is there, and believes in continuous profitable advertising, then you will advertise in The McHenr? Plaindealer I