?: t*!f ftlu^^.S4pii^iii9M By Phyllis Carlson \ Wedding: She was born at Richmond, the Marilyn Olson and Craig John- daughter of Mr. and Mrs, T. C. son were married at Grace j Schroeder. She was a member church ^Saturday, Sept. 1. ijyn is the daughter of M Mar- Mr. and Mfs. Thure Olson of rural Spring Grove. She was a graduate of the RBCHS class of '52 and graduated from nurse's training from the Lutheran hospital in Moline j of St. Joseph's Catholic church of Richmond. She loaves a son, JohnP two sister, Mrs. Dora Brown of Richmond and Mrs. Frank Welch of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. A. solemn requiem Mass was PABENTS URGED ADVISE YOUNGSTER ON TRAFFIC HAZARDS Five million first-grade scholars are filing into schoolrooms across the nation to begin their education. •' > , Some will never reach the second grade. ' Many of these five and six year olds, on their "own" for the first time, will be killed or injured while flocking through dangerous city traffic or hazardous country roads. , To avoid this tragedy, parents should set up planned training ii\ • • r- < * a^?5S By lln. George Sbepird a year ago in August. She has sung at St. Joseph's church last been a nurse at the hospital in | Thursday at 10:30 a.m., with I saftTtv to hefnllnweiT hv Libertyvill^ for the past few ; buPial in the church cemetery. youngsters on trips toandfrom months. i We extend our sympathy to Marilyn looked lovely in a bal-! John Gordon and Mrs. Brown of lerina length dress of white net skirt over eggshell satin. She carried white mums. The maid of honor and the bridesmaid wore Richmond. Church News The Community church started pale blue, .ballerina length dress-1 its Sunday school again Sunday es and carried rust-colored mums, j morning, with, the following The maid of honor was Mrs. teaching staff: Pre-school, Miss 3^i)bert Olson, sister-in-law of the ; Myra Speaker; assistant, Mrs. bride, Who lives in New Jersey. Bob Speaker, first grade, Mrs. The bridesmaid was SheiFa John-, Harry Buchert; second grade, son, sister of, the groom, who ; Mrs. Ada Town send; third grade, lives in Moline. The two grooms- J Mrs. Rouen Duncan, fourth grade, men were friends. The usher! Mrs. Mary Osborne; assistant, was Bill Olson, brother of the Miss Ruth Richardson: fifth and bride. sixth grades, Mrs. Walter Pretz- The bride's mother looked love- ; man; seventh grade, Mrs. Ben ly indeed in a light beige dress j Winn; eighth grade, Mrs. Earl and wearing an orchid. The Mecklenberg: high school class, groom's mother wore a blue | Mrs. Edwin Wittmayer. suit with brown accessories. j The Senior Youth Fellowship The wedding reception was . group will meet next Sunday for held in the church hall. Several its first mecting of the fall seaclassmates • of the bride, both son from class of '52 from Richmond The Church Council met at the a"d fr°"\u nUZGS Cl3SS °f °'J Lutheran parsonage Monday eveattended the wedding. nin The bride and groom urtll live Jj" , , , , in Champaign for about six The board of trustees met last months until« the gr9om receives niSht-. his degree from the University of Illinois in journalism. We wish them happiness and success. her Here and There Lois Arsenau celebrated birthday Saturday. Rotary Miss Edna Speaker has had to Last week the Rotarians heard delay her return to teaching in a talk on production at xne Hammond Claud Gordon company. I illness. for awhile due to I Tfcis advice comes from Arthur S. Johnson, director of the Insti- ! tute for Safer Living of a leading company. • The first thing parents should do is work out the > safest route to school and then personally escort their children - until, they are' aware of the various hazards. Parents should make sure While on these training trips that they stop on curbs, look both ways before crossing and fcroks only at proper crosswalks. Good example is important in teaching safety. Johnson advises parents to walk decisively and not to show nervousness. Point out the danger of cars emerging from driveways and impress upon children the need to obey all traffic officers and school crossing guards. Teach your child that stormy days are especially dangerous as the autoist's visibility is pood. Warn him against playing in streets, alleys and driveways on his or her way to school. If your child takes the school bus, parent^ should make sure his group doesn't play or overflow into the highway while waiting. This and similar hazards can be kept at a minimum ! i$O0 Club •; | nouhce the arrival •. a Mr. and Mrsf Ben Walkington j born Friday, Sept. 7. ^ j .Purchases' ... t o. w wnoJ Mr. 4nd Mrs. B. T. JButler Kenneth Cristy and B. T. Butler j haVe1 purchased the Wni: Pajgni and low to Mrs. B. T. Butler and | home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson have purchased .the Harold Jepson house and have rented it to Mr. and Mrs. Licus. entertained their five - hundred club at their home Tuesday evening. High score went to Mrs Pete Sebastian. Agnes Jencks Entertain^ Mrs. Agnes Jencks entertained j the women's five-hundred club at her home Wednesday, At 1 o'clock | dessert luncheon was served. High score was made by . Mrs. Viola Low and loiy by Mrs. Pete J Sebastian. •/ * • Hospitalized Mrs. C. L. Harrison Is a medic* al patient at the Woodstock Memorial hospital. ed by Mrs. Grace McC&inon Thursday at the home of Mrs. Lester Carr. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Viola Low, Mrs.. Oscar Berg and Mrs. Nick Young. Personals Bunco Club y ! Mr- and Mrs. John Smith and The Bunco cluh was entertain-!son,Grcf °' Wverdale spent the i hv Mrs nrap» -- weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.. Weldon Andreas. On Sunday, , they all attended the Ebe.l reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ebel, Jr., at Marengo. * Mrs. Viola Low and mother, Mrs. Emily Beatty, spent Thursday morning in the Walter Wilcox home near Woodstock. Mrs. Agnes Jencks spent Thursday in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Sowers and son Charlie, and Dick Afsspn have returned home from their trip to Amarille, Texas, wfitjfe- they visited their daughter ifend family. Church News On Saturday evening, Sept. 15, the high school age youth of both churches will meet at the John Hogan farm at 7 The evening will begin with worship and elect ion,, of officers for the coming year. A hayride will follow, with the youth ending their ride at the Ringwood chtircli. .where refreshments Will be served. Any high school youth* needing information or a ride, call the pastor, Paul Walkington or Donald Schacht. At this meeting final plans will be mad^ for the three day retreat to Wesley Woods at Lake Geneva from Sept. 21 to 23. We will want to know just ho^v many plan to Mr, and Mrs. Henry Aissen y- li ' '"ill f" Ifc -| ' and fatally spent Friday evenipg at Wopdstock. .....' . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowman and family spent Sunday with friends in Chicago. - •> Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce and family spent Sunday in the Stanley Lea home iat Garden Prairie. • < ^ / ' Sunday guests in the Df. Hep-- burn home were Mr. and. Mrs. Robert Schuetze arid daughter, Ruth, of Milwaukee, 'Mr. and Mrs. Payl Miller and M^. mid Mrs. John Madison of Kenosha. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Huem'an of. Arlington,. Va. are , visiytiiig. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas. Mrs. Betty Tretow and children are making their home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs- Byron Sowers, while her husband is ^stationed in Japan. , • Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aissen spent Sunday evening in the Wm. Dieckman home. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shales spent Sunday in the Walter Cairns home at Burlington. Mrs. Lyle Peck of Elgin spent Thursday with her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. "Ben Walkington. , Mr. and Mrs# Byron Sowers were called to Tuscola, 111., Thursday by the serious illness of her mother. They returned home Sund&y evening. Mr. arid Mrs.* Mack and son of DesPlanes called on Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Hepburn Sunday mbrning. John Hogan, Jr., attended a sub-district cabinet meeting of the M.Y.F. at McHenry Sunday afternoon. attend. \ , , The Ringwood church invites if parents on school bus lines | y0U worship at 9:30 a.m. and will get together and arrange a j to sludy at 10:30 a m The ,,ewly There were several visiting Ro-1 Mr and Mrs Schuman and; neigh* ' !?rmed f"" ,c'fs ? "•«' at tarians from Harvard and Mc- da,u..«grhhtte*rr hha,™ve moved into the par^nt wuiaccompany tne neign the reguiar study hour, you are r Henry. They were Bob Goll, old MacAssey residence next I Paul Marcks, Fred Stahl, E. J. door to the Paul Adams family. Gausden, Earl Walsh and Albert , They moved here from Chicago, . Barbian. , whei;e Mr. Schuman is in busi- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buchert • ness. Welcome to our com- Jeft for Oregon, where they will. munity* sp^en d several weeks' vacation. |I Did, you .l.i.k e t.h. e interesting G~ arden Cr,1lu,.b . i concoctions the P.T.A. showed at itg meeting ]ast night? The The Richmond Garden club met j hats were made under the direc, at the home of Mrs. Roy Jacob- ; tions of Mrs. Francis Arsenau at son Wednesday, Sept. 5. Mrs. j hCr home last week by Mrs. Evan Vogel, president, was in Lou Burks Mrs v Harris Mrs charge of the meeting. The sue- Fred Gunderson, Mrs. Roland cess of the flower show was dis-1 jackson, Mrs. Babs Buchert Mrs cussed. Tlie members are grate- j Bob Lindbloom and Mrs. Harold, ful to all who attended' the show. Carlson. There were many blue, yellow1 and white ribbons awarded by | h m a"^.Mrs; Reuben Boelter Z-.J-- I have moved onto the Harry Anderson farm on Route 173. borhood group to and from the i . . . , . . . . . . . . . bus stop eaeh day. i "Kll<'d "> Joln 11,15 circle' The Institute knows the life Sunday evening; Sept. 9, the parents may save by responsible P'c*ure Martin Luther, tvas "safety training" means much more to them than" their own. Buy U.S. Savings Bonds shown at the Ringwood church. Birth , „ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low anthe judges. A game, "^Exhibits in Your Flower Garden," in wh|ch articles represented the names of flowers, w£s played. Mrs. Dorothy Morrison won the prize. Tea was served by the hostess. The n4xt meeting will be held at the*home of Mrs. Glen Morrison qn the first Wednesday in October. Mrs. Gordon Died Mrs. Wendella B. Gordon di£d Labor Day in St. Joseph's hospital in Elgin aft©* an extended ill- !| ness. "A Comfortable Old Age Is The Upward Of A Well Spent Youth" • (Authors name below) One of the reasons why the youth oj today will have a more comfortable old age is the increased use of vitamins. Your children will live longer because you have been giving them vitamins from their very birth. We carry hundreds of different vitamin combinations in stock and each one is caretuiiy stored to best" protect , their potency. Many of them are refrigerated. All of them are the products of Pharmaceutical chemists of high ceputation. TOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE McHenry 26 WHEN YOU NEED A MEDICINE > A great many people entrust us with the responsibility of filling their prescriptions. May we compound yours? NYE DRU&S PHONE 26 129 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, 111 PROSCRIPTION' CHEMISTS (Mured Savings: Savings Invested in Crystal Lake Savings and Loan Association are insured by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp., and earn 2'/j per cent plus y2 per cent extra. SS-tf DR. HENRY FREUND mi OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green Street, McHenry ... > •• • EYES EXAMINED --. GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABn^ITATldJ^ " COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS: DAILY 9 TO 12 A.M. and 1 TO FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:30 PJML ; EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT - PHONE McHENRY 452 A CHAT WITH US. Regular check-ups and maintenance by our experts, means lowei* car costs to you! Call us today and find out for yourself. Brake Service AH Mechan ical Repaiss Complete Motor Oveitiiaullng BUTCH'S 24 HOUR TOWING 8BRVIG8 309 W, Elm Street McHenry, IDL Phone 811 -- Residence 91-R Jiliss Mary Hogan spent the weekend 'in northern Wi^fconsin. , Mrs. Charles Brennan and Mrs. Wm. He^blirn were Elgin visitors. Friday. ^ , Miss Charlotte Hofgan is doing practice teaching at Marseilles for six ,weeks. She will then go back to school at-Champaign and will again dcMpractice teaching. Mrs. Jack Leonard • and children of Lake Geneva spent Sunday with her parents',' Mr. and Mrs.' Fred Wiedrich, J r . ' Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brennan and family attended a Schmitt family reunion at Fox River Park Sunday. Mr. Rockwell ofr Chicago called, dn Dr. Hepburn- Sunday morning. . . . John Hogah,.. Jr. will go to Waukegan Monday and will appear on the radio network. He will tell of his trip to 4-H Junior leadership camp at Monticello and, the duties as a Junior leader- ; of the local club. I Mr,.. ahd Mrs., 't B. T. Bdtler : spent Sunday afternoon ahd bve-' •!; ning in the Harold Stanek home ^ iat Elkhorn and helped Harold celebrate his birthday- ^ ; r| .Mr. and; Mrs. Henry Seegnt, | Orval Hiitson, Frank Resier, John ; Dreyiniller and Will Claxion of McHenry were dinner guests- of Mr§. Ruby Shepard Sunday eve\, : hihg. r Mr. £ynd Mrs. H, W. Blood of ® Paradise, Calif., are . spending • | few days with Mr. ahd ' Mrs;- 1 Ben Walkingtdn. • | Mr and Mrsl Layerne "Thomasj " of Greenwood* Miss Betty F"i0e| /] and Louis Belshaw of Woodstock, j JWIr. arid Mrs. Nathan Renslow and family of Crystal Lake, Miv and Mrs; Ernest Rehslow and family of Hinsdale and Hans ^ Koltz of Harvard spent Sunday with .Mr. and Mrs. Janies Finieyiv i HOMES BIHLT TO SUiT YOU i 4 MANY FLOOR PLANS AND MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM FJiA. AND V.A. FINANCING AVAILABLE ALL TYPES OF • Concrete Work • Remodeling • Garages * Additions i WOODSTOCK CONSTRUCTION CALt 220 MAIN WOODSTOCK, ILL. Tom "Deek" Lawson McHENRY 234 W. Ed. Jackton WOODSTOCK 2140 REMEMhER, ONLY GAS GIVES SUCH MATCHLESS - I 9 AT LAST DRY CLEANING THAT'S mRANTEED K <• <• •Mf ^-hghV UM, WJib 'ilMtMiHE OUR SAH1T0HS * DRY CUMKN6 . N. <><""• z. ^SSSssr 'Quotation by • R. Palmer (1808-1887) Clean ... bright. .. fresh . . . that's the way your clothes will look. Ready to put on, you'll wear them with "chin-up" satisfaction. Thaf s our promise. Try our Sanitone Service today! R A I N B O W C L E A N E R S Around Corner North of National Tea PHONE 927 No. Front St. Open Fri. Evening 'Til 9 McHenry. 111. •Kb No nifted for special deep fat fryers or fancy cooking extrasifibt when you cooic with gait Matchless new gas ranges are i Equipped with surface buniers you set--like an oven-f-to any degree from 150° to 550°. Then the burner takes ov^r---keeps heat constant correct... frees you ffom "pot-watching". Ho overcooking, no boil-overs--jwt perfect resultfl Treat yourself to ll^e pleasure of caking with gas ttnd a new range, why only a t^fas range gives sudi matchless llei'forniancel & Sw Universal and many ifliir riratiditess 6as Range bargains now of our ot your baler's showroom. "Old Stove R«un<l<-Up" see Hie automatic top bum*r and many / eftfaerneWto# featyres onthis f- ^ \G e t s R a n g e * Regular Price $329.95 SAtlF^ 297.95 §*trade-in Allowance ; fer Vour oltf range <44^9 Lew down payment... Liberal terms 1 I i» ^•nny Flciiiid offers: $7.50, 600 pag« World Famous Cheft' Cook Book with the compliments of Penny Ram* when . you.buy lhf» range. Prompt. .. Courteous . .. Dependable Service • PHONE MeSENRY I»1 cooic mm\ K&.: