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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Sep 1956, p. 9

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Thursday, 27, 1956 {rf ftT™ >^«- •' T^^-r-sur^T- TJF ^ THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER |- * ' ; v J>• jf- »• "J. Hn. Charles Freuiti GROVE MFaMM __. Lotus Club Sleets ^le ^t°^us Country Woman's <C2ub of Spring Grove opened their fall meeting at the home of Mrs. Joseph Koberstine, with president, Mrs. F. Shotliff, presiding. Seventeen members and sixteen guests were present. After a short business meeting. Mrs. Katherine, Stallsmith of Ingleside sang "Homing*', "The Star" and "When a Maid Comes Knocking at Your Heart". Mrs. Xpah Kautz at the organ' and *3urs. Ida Koberstine at the piano played "The Lost Chord", "Gypsy Love Song" and "Canadian Gapers". There were several other organ selections by Mrs. Koberstine, after. which refreshments were served. NeW officers for the next two years, are treasurer, Lenore Miller; recording secretary, Gertrude Parfr^y; and auditor, Mrs. ice Van Every. Sodality Meeting; - Tjie Christian Mothers sodality met at S. Peter's auditorium on Thursday night for their regular ineeting. Reports were given on the card party in July and the bake sale in September. Both were very successful. Plans were discussed for a food shower to be given fortfhenuns at the Oct- (|||ber meeting. Mention was also made of the NCCW convention at the Conrad Hilton in Chicago, which will be; in ifbvember. Following the meeting, cards and bunco were played and prizes went to Mrs. Isabelle Smith, Mrs. Berniecfe Wipper, Mrs. Emma Kattner, Mrs. Beverly Schmitt, Mrs. Lillian Heraty and Clarice May. Refreshments were served after cards. t Joanne Knox, will become the bride of Wencil Stanek at a double wedding ceremony on Oct. 13. Personals Mrs. William Engels was hostess to the members of her club at her home on Thursday afternoon. Games of five-hundred"* were played and prizes went to Mrs. Hilda Meyer, Mrs. Josephine May, Mrs. Clara Deinleln, Mrs. Emma May and Mrs. Lizzie Engels. Lunch was served by the hostess after cards. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wagner ot Oak Park visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner, this week. • Richard Wagner, who is a student at Whitewater- college, jspent the weekend at his home here. John Sheets and Henry Kattner have returned to the University of Illinois to resume their studies. Mr. and Mrs. Frank_ Sanders and Mrs. Alice Wagner visited Mr. and' Mrs. Tom Madden at Rockton last Sunday. Mrs. Charles Freund and Mrs. John McGovern attended a Mc- Henry County Postmasters' dinner meeting in Hebron Wednesday night. Members of the Holy Name sodality of St. Peter's started their season of bowling with their first game at the Johnsburg alleys on Sunday night. Those ladies who accompanied their husbands enjoyed an evening of bowling too. HEPATITIS Infectious hepatitus is caused by a virus that attacks the liver, producing a severe inflamation and frequently, numerous symptoms that mimic other disabling conditions, such as influenza, the educational committee^ of the Illinois State Medical society observes in Health Talk. The inflammation may be in the liver .cells, in cells lining the blood passageways through the liver, or in the tissue spaces between groups of cells. The term hepatitis is derived from the Greek word "hepar" meaning liver. Actually there are two types, infectious and serum. Both are contracted in different, ways/ Infectious hepatitis gets into the blood stream through the mouth, while serum hepatitis is introduced into the blood through injection. The importance of the liver, which is the largest organ in the body, in maintaining good physiological health is the reason why infectious hepatitis is of serious consequence. The liver performs many chemical tasks. One function is to secrete bile, a necessary adjunct to digestion. In the boi ye] process./ the - wast products are eliminated from the body, through the intestinal tract, and the bU* salts essential to rebulid body tissue and new cells are sent to the gallbladder for storage, to be released when needed. When hepatitis develops, the liver enlarges and its manufacturing ability is impeded. A "backing up" process takes place. The bile seeps into the blood stream, where it is carried to all parts of the dy, producing a jaundice, or ellow coloring of the patient's skin. In some/ instances, however, jaundice does not develop. Hepatitis may develop gradually or suddenly. Characteristic symptoms are low grade fever, loss of appetite, a feeling of uneasiness, fatigue, headache* nausea, vomiting, light-colored stool and pain in the right upper portion of the abdomen. \ * Laboratory tests are essential to establish a definite- diagnosis of hepatitis. * There is no specific treatment for the disease.- The physician's main concern is to alleviate the gastrointestinal symptoms and to prevent further damage to the liyer. Diet is important m the management of the disease. - It should consist chiefly of Carbohydrates such as cereals, fruits, fruit juices, bread, potatoes, rice, sugar and candies and proteins in the form of lean meats, milk, milk powder and cottage cheese. Bed rest is extremely important'in hepatitis, not only because of the patient's great, fatigue but to prevent recurrences. Cleanliness, and good sanitary facilities will do much to prevent infectious hepatitis. ; And, willing though..the donor may be, a person who has ever had jaundice should not give blood for transfusion to obviate the risk of serum hepatitis. BETTER SCHOOLS BUILD BETTER COMMUNITIES SAFETY PROGAM Lend Uncle s&m Tour Dollars The University of Illinois will oyen its series of home football games by taking on the University of California's team Saturday, ,Sept. 29, and at the same time Gov. William G. Stratton's football traffic safety program will start its fourth consecutive season. Roads leading to Champaign- Urbana will be posted with signs asking motorists to hold down speed to not over 50 miles per hour in heavy traffic to and from the games. Newspapers, radio and TV stations will again be requested to help publicize the program. Gov. Stratton, announcing arrangements for the use of signs and football safety stickers, expressed gratification over the success of the voluntary speed reduction plan in its three previous seasons. Wonder Lake2793 Wonder Lake 7011 LAKE REGION CONSTRUCTION GENERAL CONTRACTORS REMODELING , "NO" JOB TOO LARGE -- NO JOB/TOO SMALL" WONDER LAKE, ILL. Before You Buy Call us for free estimates on CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES • YARD GOODS • SHADES © VENETIAN BLINDS M © BED SPREADS © CURTAINS • DRAPERY HARDWARE & RODS % PHONE 917 214 South Green St. McHenry, HL Shower For Knox Girls Miss Helen Knox and Miss Joanne Knox were honored at a shower held for them At St. Peter's auditorium on Sunday afternoon, Sept. 16. Cards and bunco furnished the entertainment and a delicious lunch was served the guests. The two Misses Knox were the happy recipients of .*many lovely gifts. Miss Helen ®TCnox will become the bride of Jim Busch and her sister, Miss PR0FE<5l0nflL 0IREC70RV Through the Oven Door by your *wf)0*resota REPORTER DR. -I. C. GOETSCHEL «« CMropractic Physician 25 Orchard Beach Road ©iflce Xloura: Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Frl. 10 to 12 - 1:30 to 5:80 - 7 to 9 Saturdays.: 10 A.E to 2 P.M. PRONE *48 DR. C. R. 45WANSON Dentist Office Honrs: _ Daily Except Thursday * 9 to 12 -- to 5?S0 Mon., Wed. and Frl. Evenings - By Appointment Only Telephone McHenry 160 VIRGIL R. POLLOCK SPECIALIZING IN L|FE INSURANCE AND ANNUITIES * ALSO _ Non-Cancellable Accident <V And Health Non-Cancellable Hospitalization Group Insurance For Free Information Call McHenry, 111. Phone 1188-J Band Limestone VERN THELEN Excavftbif Gravel Black Dirt Bredglng Tel. McHenry 1SS8 Rt. 5, Box 1020 McHenry, m. EARL R. WALSH INSURANCE; Fire. Auto, Farm & Life Insurance Representing --; RELIABLE COMPANIES- • When You Need Insurance of A Any Kind • PHONE 48 or 958 Green & Elm ItfcHenry, Dl. SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Ornamental A Structural Steel Halt Our Showrooms S Mfles South on Rt. 81 PHONE 950 ^ . MERLE NORMAN COSMETIC STUDIO Complimentary demonstration and free instruction in > oomplexion care and individual make-op and color chart. "Try before yon buy!" CELIA WARNES, Owner Phone li<P 1 BIk. East of. the Old Bridge Have you «v«r been right in the middle of making a cake when the telephone or doorbell rings? One good way to make sure that such an interruption doesn't ruin the cake is to lay all the ingredients to the left of your bowl before mixing. Then, as you add ingredients, place their- containers to the right. In case you're called away during the process, you easily can tell what's been added when you return. .... «. '••••>:*:• ••• v.-;,... Isn't it a thrill to have the things you bake come out of the oven perfect in color and pretty as a picture ? And when they are baked with -Ceresota flour, you know, 'they'll taste as good as they look. Ceresota does things for your baking that other flours can't. And for a very good reason. Ceresota gives you baked Ebods of fuller flavor, etter texture, and better appearance because it is vnblMched -- the NATURALLY WHITE flour. Grated orange rind, when added to the dough, gives an exciting different taste to homemade doughnuts. Ever noticfe how proud youngsters are of their parents' handiwork ? How often have you heard, "See my "new sand pile ? Daddy made it!" Or--"Look, Daddy, Mqnmy baked a cake!" Silver Ingredients 2 cups Ceresota unbleoched flour 1 i/i cups sugar VA cup shortening Vi cup butter Va teaspoon salt 3 teaspoons baking powder 1 cup milk \ ---4 egg wtiitps--stiffly beatea- VV> : HH 1 teaspoon almond flavor Directions: Cream shortening, add sugar, and continue creaming. Sift dry ingredients together and add alternately with milk and almond flavor. Fold egg whites into batter. Pour into 9" square greased and lightly floured pan. Bake in 850° oven about 30 minutes. Frost with White Butter Frosting and sprinkle silver ball decorettes over top of cake. White Butter Frosting Blend: 2 cups confectioners' sugar VA cup soft butter Stir in--beat until smooth: 3 tablespoons cream Mz teaspoon almond flavor feresots ^••1 Unbleached Naturally White DR. M. D. SAVAGE D. McCONNEL look for valuable coupon with every bag CM ctllS • • • as Ne :WS f The gentleman you see in the picture above is a Cadillac salesman. Hp ig placing a telephone call to a citizen in his community--to pass along some news of a very special nature. He is calling to tell of the wonderful opportunity that exists today to become the proud and happy owner of a new Cadillac car. What exactly will he have to say? Well, first of all he will tell of the unusually generous trade-in allowance that he can give at this particular season. Then he will reveal some wonderful and surprising information about how quickly delivery can be obtained on a new Cadillac.' And then, time permitting, he Ivill recite some of the other practical aspects of Cadillac ownership. He will talk about the car's relatively modest cost ... its dependability and endurance ... its economy of upkeep *. . and its marvelous resale value. And we feel almost certain that, with so much logic on his side, he will have little difficulty explaining why this is the1 "time OVERTON CADILLAC PONTIAC Co. PHONE 17 of times" to make the move to Cadillac. Within the next several weeks, this gentleman--or one of his colleaguesmight be calling you. And when he does, we hope you'll remember that he has newsf. We think you will enjoy talking with him--for he is a fine person, long accustomed to serving the leading citizens of his community. And we think you'll be grateful that you took the time to hear what he has to say. 400 FRONT STREET McHENRY. ILL.

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