0Thur,sday. September 27, 1956 : r . ' ; r ; " ; . \ « ^ *wJ?« {• t <®s *> $ "*•? * "<, TW^HENBYPLAiNDEALER •• ••:: . v;r\ 'J..; ^'•^,'.'>"::"'^i/'" ;;-• . ';• : /-,' :•' ..'• / • , " ,." ""•• ^- ' / ." ' / ' ^ggv*fc*TT v ......... .- ---P^EKWlir y Mr*. George Shepard M, Mrs. Pete Sebastian entertatfn- ™ed her Five-Hundred club at her* home Wednesday. A 1 o'clock dessert luncheon was served. High score went to Mrs. Louis Hawley and low. to Mrs. Lester Carr. Wp Butlers Entertained. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler entertained their card club at their home Tuesday evening. High cores went to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy and low to Mrs. Ben Walkington and Pete Sebastian. s w. si. c, S. The Woman's Society for Christian Service serving society met at the home of Mrs. . Paul Walkington Thursday. A pot-luck dinner was served at noon. The ' business, meeting was held in the ^SWafternooh. Anniversary Supper Mrs. Agnes Jencks entertained a few friends at hfer home for dinner Wednesday evening in honor of the forty-eighth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Holly of McHenry. Church News (g On Sunday morning, Sept. 30, "both churches will observe rally day during the church school and the worship hours. This is the day that the church's vital role as educator is lifted up for emp h a s i s a n d ' r e c o g n i t i o n . T h e church school teachers will be consecrated to their callings in the year ahead during the worship services. The superintendents, Mrs. Evan Vogel at Green- ^wood and Mrs. Frank Harrison -at Ringwood, invite all parents and friends of the chufrch to participate in these services. Ringwood worships at 9:30 and studies at 10:30. 1 The new officers of the Senior Youth Fellowship will leave the Greenwood church at 1 p.m. next Sunday afternoon for Wesley Woods at Latke Geneva. They (j^will spend the afternoon and evening planning the high school age group's program for the six months. The group's officers this year are Charles Sowers, president; Russell Carr, vice-president; Jacqueline Skidmore, secretary; Mary Jane Bell, Anna Mae Aissen, Ruth Swanson, Jerry Hogan, Q u e n t o n M o e l l e r a n d K e i t h Schadht, commission members; and Patricia Hogan, reporter. John Hogan is vice-president of the sub-district cabinet. • Supper The Woman's Society for Christian Service will serve a creamed chicken and home-made biscuit supper, family style, in the church hall ^Saturday evening, Sept. 29, serving ifrbffi 5 until 7:30 p.m. • . School News The best event, for the pet and hobby show was Sandra Pee Hoffman's angora guinea . pig, Mike Hogan's dog and Timothy Lively's, duckling. Mike Hogan brought four goldfish to school, two for the upper grades and two for the lower grades. The goldfish upstairs are named Edward and Jackie. The Ringwood school girls beat in slideball, 7 to 31 Eirtily Ortlieb - Sandra Hoffman, School Reporters. Births Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ackerman, Jr., announces the arrival of a. son born Wednesday, Sept. 19, at the Highland hospital in Belvidere. Senior Youth Fellowship A meeting; for the official board of the Senior Youth Fellowship was held at the Greenwood church Tuesday evening. Rev. James Reid and Don Schacht met with us. Segregation wasdiscussed. A meeting will be held in the Ringwood Fellowship room Sunday evening. A discussion on segregation will be held, two for and two against. Patricia Hogan,' Reporter. , * y " 'Personals .' §ue ScheVr* of Wmj&gah spent Tuesday with, her mother, Mrs. Flora Harrison:.. Mrs. C. L. Harrison returned home Monday from Memorial hospital,1 where she underwent surgery. Her daughters are helping care for her. i Miss Agne& Anderson of Oconomowoc, Wis., spent a few days the past week in the home of her brother, Charles Anderson, and family. ' . • Mrs. Lizzie Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald' Smith and children of Buchanan, Mich., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Pete Sebastian and ! Mrs. Cora Woods. Mrs. i Smith is a sister of i Mrs. Woods and, is 96 years old1 and enjoying - very good health. . - Those from here to attend the fall rally of the ^district woman's society at Crystal Lake Friday were Mrs. Paul Walkington, Mrs. John Hogan, Mrs. Louis Hawley, Mi*s. Ben Walkington, Mrs. Kenneth Cristy and^ Mrs. Frank Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Bullis and family of Genoa City were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Sebastian Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Godfrey of Waupaca, Wis., spent the weekend with her. sister and family, the Kenneth Cristys. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Trion of California are visiting relatives and friends here. M i's s Dorothy Bitzer and Frank Stevens of Richmond and Mrs. Agnes Jericks visited MrsT Ruby Shepard Thursday evening. Mrs. Roy Harrison and son, L<> ren, and Mrs. Flora Harrison were visitors in Elgin Thursday. Mrs. Ruby Shepard is spending a few weeks, in the home of her son, Howard, and family at Atlanta, Ga. Mrs. Clayton Bruce went to Highland hospital • in Belvidere Saturday, afternoon to see her daughter, Mrs. Charles Ackerman, and new baby .son. For Better Results -- Shop In McHenry. VILLA §WR$ING HOME ON PISTAKEE BAY, NEAR McHENRY Home for ffe« Acted SENILE . . . . BED PATOBN1B PHONE McHENRY 461 0 \ $ * i ". . , you should see our new ZEO-RAN Automafic Water Softener! I expected something like a water softener to be an eyesore, but the Copper-Tone enamel finish is actually stunning! "Honestly, Mabel, I don't know When I've had anything I've appreciated so much . . . I've been struggling with hard water all these years and didn't know what I was missing. I can notice a difference in my complexion already, and Joe never complains-about shaving anymore. He says he gets a smoother shave in half the time it used to take him. "I got the biggest kick out of Joe . . . He said we couldn't afford a water softener, but vsrhen the man explained how a ZEO-RAN Automata saves a family of four like ours up to $166 a year thefe was no stopping him. Ves, I said saves. It saves 70% on soap . . . 25% on coffee . . . there's 25% less wear and tear on clothing, fend lots of other things. ... "I told Joe, 'Savings Schmavings' ... I want to get rid of gray, crusty, sheets, pillow cases, shirts and things.' And Mabel, you should see how my wash comes. out now . . .. all soft- and fluffy and really: white. Majbel, why don't you have the ZEO-RAN man analyze the water; at yotir house. He does it for nothing, and he dgn tell you how hard it is, and all about the ZEORAN Automatic a lot better than I can . . . Sure. thing* we'd be glad, to analyze the water at Mabel's house. We'd be glad to dd it for you too . . . aijd like .the lady sqys, "... tell you all about the ZEO-RAN Automatic." Just give us a call. & of McHENRY CHARLES R. PETERSON PHONE 873 Owner - Manager McHENRY By Ken Schopp and Doaha Gunder Now that the summer season, wi*th all its activities, is oyer and everyone is preparing for the cold winter ahead, it is about time that we get down to business and re|iort the news,- past and present; ' v ...--_ ... vwin* v„One of our earlys ^fcfteiiry Shore residents, Gomer Snivley, is at Illinois Research hcispitftf recuperating from a very se^ipus operation. .We all extend our pin- Cere wishes for a speedy rep©y$ry. If any of his friends would .like to drop him a line, he is ip i'^om 718, Illinois Research £10 S. Wood street, Chicago! , */•,, Mrs. Dorothy Sekins, resident of McHenry Shot^^BS hospitali^od but is reporwfffeto. be on the recovery list. W'efall hope she will be up and around soon. ' • Also report. on • the sicfe , list is Martin Klein, infant spii: of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Klein. Here's hoping that little Martin Vill soon be feeling hilhself again. sored by4 the Shores club was a wiener roast and beach party. Nearly everyone in the subdivi- ' sion attended and had a wonder- - ful time. Again, we Would like to thank the committee which did such a wonderful job in arranging this affair. Events j One of the big highlights spon- H! FIDELITY by MAGNAVQjC ! PLAYERS I: S: COMBINATIONS PORTABLES CONSOLETTES ^ CONSOLES v SPEAKERS Transistor Radios RAD10N1C SALES S06 E. Elm St. McHENRY 1446-J Personals Robert Dobbertin celebrated his birthday this past weekend. To help make it an eventful occasion, all his, relatives and friends came out from Chicago. (Happy birthday. Bob.) Also celebrating her birthday was our new neighbor. Mrs. Donna Kyper, and we wish her many happy returns. Daniel Smith and wife from Glenview Air station visited the John Smiths. Also guests in the Smith household were the Wallenburgs from Chicago. The Harry Paulins entertained Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dobbs from St. Petersburg, Fla. Guests at the Ken Schopps were the Robert Stiegs and Tom Pieaccas. The George Gurtders helped the Kenneth Schopps celebrate their f o u r t e e n t h a n n i v e r s a r y . T h e y took in a show and ended the evening by having dinner at Gurnee. Still one of the big topics in the subdivision is the 33*4 inch Northern Pike1 which Ernie Siemoris caught, about the big one that got away from A1 Siers, and the Colorado Trout caught by E. Granso, weighing out at 23 pounds. George Gunder has resumed his studies at Northwestem University in the field of chemistry. Newcomers New residents in our subdivision in the last few months are D. Addante, E. Monroe and E. Granso. Our warmest welcome to you all. Word of Thanks We extend our thanks to the road commissioner of Nunda township for the wonderful job tye did in resurfacing Idyll Dell road. The road is in sucli good shape that the school bus. has agreed to come down and /pick our children up for school. Our thanks to Mr. Duker for the fine job he has done in arranging transportation for the children. the subdivision, whicti is 15 m.p.h. "Children should be se&i. not hurt/' SAVINGS BONDS . ' U.C.P. SERVICES * •" . i!.• ""'-'Si Mrs. Ruth Oonk^serves as in» structor and Miss Joann Raushert ^s, physical therapist for the nine . physically handicapped children in special service classes in Mp» , Henry, under the auspices of the .1 McHenry county chapter of United Cerebral Palsy. Mrs. Oonk's salary is paid by the U. C. P. organization and Mia| •; Rjjushert's jointly by the U.C.E^, and the McHenry hospital. All other help is on a voluntary basis and volunteers are needed; especially a speech therapist, for a few hours each week. DRIVE WITH CARE! Caution We all should pay particular attention to the speed limit in Always Delicious *. Always Fresh I RIVERSI (CLOSED MONDAITS) 111 Riverside Dr. Phone 44 McHenry; 111. m n ,*'v "r$ Where you relax.a handy phone ! You've probably wished dozens of times that you had a handy telephone in your living room, pla,yroom or den. Where you could just reach out and answer the phone without chasing through the house... hold telephone conversations in peace and privacy .. why, thafs living! The cost Is so low, too.,. only a few cents a day, after a small installation charge. Call your telephone business office and order your extension phone today. ILKHTOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY. y'.i -w M-i •;4 ,-^t W Buielt CENTURY 6-Pos«ono«r 2-Door RKrifra RIGHT NOW--we're making it . bonanza time for you. The poptilarity that's putBuick solidly up in America's top 3 sellers means we can give a better allowance on your trade-in. And Buick's success tells you our prices are right and ready for action. But this is more than a great deal on a dollars-and-cents basis--its a sm^rt deal on how much more cdr you get in a '56 Buick. You'll be getting the greatest buy ip performance with Variable Pitch Dynaflow*--the only transmission that uses the switch-pitch principle' of a modern airliner s propellers. You'll be getting the most effioient bundle of V8. power ever placed under a hood. And you'll be getting a ride that's sheer luxury. So how about hurrying in while your present car is at peak worth? You'll make a buy you can crow about. And we'll prove that -- today. ' *New Advanced Variable Pitch Dynaflow is the only Dynaflow Buick builds today. It is standard on Roadmaater, Super and Century--optional at modest extra cost on the Special. P. 8. We have some especially good buys right now on the. high-powered CENTURY and the •xtra-spacious SUPER. Better see 'em real soon! . to & Pftparfxa liad&M Mmance With Buicjc solidly im> IMumber Thms SQISS spot nationwWe, our large tolas volume let* u» deol you on ww tweef r trade-in allowaneo on your prM«nt ear--which it at its peak worth right today! Bonanza Biyr Today's Buish prices start right on thai liMh of tla amaflet cars--IS iKtrea pawotr and sizzle. Extra six#, room, luxury. EnSffss-omesSfc rid*. Mora structural weigfe and sfllrfity. W>wc»tomom>w styling. It's the Best Buick Yetl Mm&ma Resale You can always bank on Buick's resale value -- but your '5* Buick should get you even more when you trod* It, thanks to today's now Variable Pitch Dynaflow.* It's the world's most advanced transmission--only one that gives you the cruising thrift and full-power acceleration of the modern plane s switch-pitch propellers! AIRCONDITIONING of • COOl NEW IOW PtlCl It cool*, filtvfi, dohumidifiM. G«t 4-Season Comfort Iii yo«f now Boitk with gnuiam mOIOAttC CONDITIONIMO •WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT BUICK WIU BUILD THEMR. I. OVERTON MOTOR S 403 FRONT ST&&ET PHONE 6 MCHENBY. nxmom ' M .. «... i V,.