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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Sep 1956, p. 2

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, Pox Valley Camp ^•/'Wlll Meet Oct. 2 ' The next meeting of Fox River I'ii'-; Valley camp, No. 3251, R.N.A., :.will be held at the home of. Mrs. Kenneth Petersen on Oct. 2 at 8 p.m. John Rogers To Wed October 6 Dr. and Mrs. Richard Aloysius Nagle' announce the forthcoming liiarriage of their daughter, Patricia Ann, to John Frederick Rogers of McHeriry on Saturday, Oct. 6, at 11 o'clock at St. Ita church, Chicago. The pre-nuptial dinner will be served in the home of the bride Sunday, Sept. 30. Mr. Rogers is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rogers of John street, McHenry. Adnlt Girl Scout Cook-Out The Adult Girl Scout associar tion will hold a cook-out at the V.F.W. grounds Wednesday, Oct. 10, at 10:30 a.m. Community Club Flans For Hallowe'en The next meeting of the Johnsburg Community club will be held Monday, Oct. 1, at 8:15 o'clock, at which time plans will be made for the Hallowe'en party next month, to which everyone is invited. After Monday's meeting, refreshments will be served by a committee composed of Steve Schmitt, chairman: James Stilling, co-chairman; Allan Schmitt, Jack Schmitt, John Shay, Howard Thomas, George Thompson, John Thennes and Vince Tonyan. PERSONALS Tell Officers Of Parochial P.T.A. St. Mary's school P.T.A. will hold its first meeting of the season on Wednesday, Oct. 3. at 3:15 o'clock in the school hall. New officers for the .coming year are Mrs. Bernard Matchen president; Mrs. LeRoy Welter, vice - president; Mrs. V i nc e n t Adams, secretary; Mrs. John Glosson, treasurer;. All members are invited to attend and mothers of all new students are urged to join the P.T.A. Miller Infant Christened Sept. 28 The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Miller was christened Richard Alan at baptismal services held Sunday, Sept. 23. St. Mary's church, with Fr. Reuland officiating. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kreutzer. The baby has a brother, Wayne, and a sister, Wendy. BtBTHS Mr. and Mrs. Frahklin Berryman are the parents of a son, born Sept. 24 at Memorial hospital. , A daughter was born on Sept. 20 at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Freund. Judith Marie is tile granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Kalsch and Mayor and Mrs. Geprge P. Freund. William Sutton of Sioux Falls, S. D., visited relatives and friends here the past week. It was his first visit here since leaving with his parents, the Neal Sutton's, for the west in 1902. Mrs. A. K. Burns, who has been spending several weeks here left recently for Tallahassee to join her husband on a trip to Houston, Texa°s, for a visit in the home of their son, Robert, and family before returning to her home in Hollywood, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Phalen and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kappus of Kenosha, Wis.; visited friends here Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander of Hebron called on McHenry relatives ^.Friday. Robert J. Frisby and daughter Lenore, enjpyed a vacation in Wisconsin the past week. Mr. and Mrs. .Lester Bacon vacationed at Star Lake, Wis., the past week. Miss Marion, McOmber was a Milwaukee, Wis.; visitor Saturday, where she attended the wedding of Miss Joyce Russo to James H. Mallon, Jr., which took place at the Holy Name Cathedral, with a reception following at the Pfister hall. Mrs. Charles Unti, daughter, Berniece and son, Angelo, have returned from Daytona Beach, Fla., where they spent the past several months. Mr. and Mrs. Peter N. Justen left last week for a vacation at Evergreen, Colo. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hayes and son, Robert, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gustafson and daughter," Karen of Chicago visited Mrs. Edith Hayes Saturday. Mrs. Harry Kist of Chicago spent a few days the past week with her sisters, Mrs. Kathryn Worts and Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson. The Robert Wayman family of Arlington Heights visited McHenry relatives Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dreyer of Forest Park were weekend guests in the home of their son, Wm. Dreyer', Jrr - Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Riggs of Salem, Wis., and Mr. and Mrs. George Merkt of Silver, Lake, Wis., were recent visitors ih the Fred Bienapf] home. Mesdames Clinton Martin, Arthur fcoppe, C. W. Klontz, V. F. Thompson and George H. Johnson attended the antique show at Whitewater, Wis. Saturday. Mrs. Fred N. Rogers was a Chicago visitor Saturday, where she attended a personal shower fpr her prospective daughter-inlaw, Miss Patricia Ann Nagle in Oak Park. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wendt of Crystal Lake called on McHenry relatives Friday evening. . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brugger and family of Kenosha, Wis., were Sunday visitors in the Dale Dixon home, where they helped Bobbie Dixon celebrate hi^fourth birthday. Mrs. Olive Geer of Crystal Lake spent Sunday in the George H. Johnson home. A daughter was born Sept. 23 at Memorial hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Toussaint. Mr. and Mrs. Gunnar Walinder are the proud grandparents of a girl, Pamela Jean, born to Mr. find Mrs. Robert Belzer at Cottage hospital, Galesburg, Sept. 14. She has a Sister, Christy. Gunnar Walinder spent the weekend in the home of his daughter, Mrs. Robert Bolzer in Galesturg, Mrs. , Walinder, who spent tlie past week there making the acquaintance of her. new granddaughter, returned h om e Mth him. Mr. and Mrs, Henry Tomlinson left Wednesday of this week for Bellevue, Fla., where they- will visit for two weeks with, her hrother and family, the Frank Martins. Mr. and Sirs. M. L. Schoenholtz arid daughter, Ruth Ann, Mrs. Sen Freund. rind Mrs. Fred Leonhart attended the graduation of Jack Schoenholtz at Great Lakes Saturday. Jack was in Co. 453, which was presented with the Hall of Fame flag. Each boy was presented with a silver bracelet. Mr. and Mrs. Norbert • Yegge and son, Jack, spent .the weekend in DeWitt, Iowa, where they made the acquaintance of their new nephews, John, 5, ahd Edward, 4, French Canadian boys who have become members of the Harvey FrahR. family. WSCS OPENS SEASON WITk FINE PROGRAM, LUNCHEON The September pot luck luncheon meeting of the* Women's Society for Christian Service met at the church Thursday, Sept. 20. The hostesses for the luncheon were Mrs. Ahn Vaerse, chairman; Mrs. Anita Vajipell, Mrs. Mildred Thomas and Mrs. Nancy Barnings. During the short business meeting following the luncheon, Mrs. Corbett and Mrs. Franke carried on a conversation telling the ladies present about the study group which will begin soon. This group will be under the direction of Mrs. Kenneth Cristy of Ringwood and will be the study of home missions. The classes .will be held four consecutive Tuesdays beginning, Nov. 6. Mrs. Ruth Barger gave information about plans for the annual bazaar to be held Nov. 1. Work on items for the various booths is under way and new ideas are formulating which will make this bazaar bigger and better. Mrs. Gruenfeld presented the devotions and reminded each one that they must ail have "islands" to retire to for spiritual development each day. Mrs. Lang, a'worker from the Elgin State hospital, spoke. briefly about groups visiting the patients there. She was glad to hear the W.S.C.S. had plans for continuing their visitation program. . f Mrs. Loppert,' Jtfresident o^ the Rock River conference, spoke about the theme and- goals for the next four years. She said that- Methodist women were among the best informed women in the world because they arc interested in work in every corner of the world and study the people and work being done there. In going over the goals for the next four years, she said that the spiritual touch must not be lost and that "if you are too busy to pray -- you are too busy." Mrs. Varese, program chairman, announced that the speaker next month would be Mrs. Harwood, missionary to Burma. Gloria Wilkie, daughter of the Gerald E. Riepes of Pistakee Bay, is attending the University of Arizona at Tuscon. A 1956 graduate of the local high school, she is pledged to Gamma Phi Beta. Buy U.S. Savings Bonds KIWAXIS CECB • William Purcell--"f *hp City National Bank and Trust company, an employee of the trust department, will speak on wills and trusts before the Kiwanis plub at the Country club at 12:10 o'clock on Monday, Oct. 1. TODDLER SHOP & YOUNG TEEN CORNER 109-111 E. Elm St. McHenry, I1L PHONE 146 See Our Selection Of Drfesses - Car Coats Skirts - Lingerie -- Blouses - Sweaters - Clutch Bags - Collars For the Very New Teen FOR QUICK. SAFE wherever you ore, whenever you need it ASTHMANEFRIN® POCKET SIZE NEBUilZER 'wNh Vi oz. Solution "A"® Inhalant BOLGERS PHONE 40 1QS & Green ill. McHenry, ID- 120 So. Green Street PHONE 91 McHenry, 111. Worwick Photo THE MARGIN KLAPPERICHS In a beautiful, early fall wedding solemnized in St. Patrick's Catholic church on Saturday, Sept. 15,, Miss Shirley Conway became the bride of Mr. Martin Klapperich. FUTURE HOMEMAKERS ATTEND OFFICERS' LEADERSHIP MEET "Now is the Time to Turn to F.H.A." was the theme of the section 21 officers' leadership training conference held at Elgin Senior high school Saturday, Sept. 22. Registration of 160 F.H.A. girls from twenty schools started the day off in good style. A parade of* banners, red skirts, white blouses and clever poems introduced the new section officers, including Janice Kraemer of Fox Lake, president. Section awards for 1955-56 were presented to Crystal Lake high school for honor chapter and Flower Technical high schobl for both international good will and public relations. Each of the section officers conducted a discussion at Whiah F.H.A. girls learned many1 better ways to -carry out duties for the year ahead. An interesting report was made by Harvard girls on the national convention in Chicago, JUtj^-TSJ through 7. # The McHenry F.ltf.A. was vitell represented by Patti Dixon, Lois May, Charlene Freund, Elsie Morris and Miss Carey Clffitk, advisor. , September 8T.\ - v McHenry Cpi^unity P,T,A. Meeting--8:15 p.m>--High School Cafeteria. McHenry Community ., P..^. ^. Meeting*-^ :15».*-High School CafeteJi&Pv. September Supper--Riitjjjwood Church ; (Chicken ahji: Homemade Biscuit Supper, --, RingWood Church -- Serving front 5 tti .7:30 p.m. , \<^ci»befi; Fox River Valley Camp, R.N.A. Mrs* Kenneth; Petersen Home -- 8 p.m, : St. Mary's 'P.T.A'.' Meeting-- School Hall --"8rl5 p.m. Martha Circle -- Mrs. Betty FrancUe Home, Pistakee Bay-- 1 P-in. October 6 "Parents Promenade'" Daftce-- Legion Home--Sponsored by St. Patrick's Motherjs Club. V.F.W. Auxiliary Membership Kick«off -- Roast Beef Dinner •-- V.F,W. Clubhouse. October 7 Annual C.O.F. Nickel Night October IS V.F.W. AvurtUary, Benefit--Clubhouse. i-'"M K. of C. iMeeting. • i qtetober, ^3 O.E.S. Card Party and Bake Sale--Acacia Jtfall--8 p.m.--Public; Invited. October 18 C. D. of A. Public Party--iLegion Home. p. D. of A. Public Party--Legion Home. October 25 Card and Bunco Party -- Harrison School -- 8 p.m. sponsored by Altar and Rosary Sodality of Christ the King Church, Wonder- Lake. November 8 Luncheon ' and Bazaar--Sponsored by Zion Lutheran Ladies' Aid -- Legion Home -- Starts at Noon. \ - ; Buy UJS. Savings Bonds "F6r Shoes That Please 'See Peter Gies" ... © Baby Shoes • Boys' & Girls' Shoes • Ladies' Shoes • Men's Shoes • ^Vorit Shoes • Rubber Footwear . CAitb 3 I would like to thank all ihe wonderful friends who helped make my recent birthday, and open house such a memorable one with their presence, cards, flowers and gifts.; , . 21 Mrs2 John Thompisoi|' CARD OF THANKS ' The thanks of our family goes to the itohnsbui'g rescue squad, to the McHenry hospital and to the kind neighbors of Our subdivision who assisted in the rescue and recupertion of our daughter, Elizbeth Ann, after a water mishap. '< The Raymond, Shannon family. *21 * LUNDY-FLEMEVG NUPTIAL Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lundy announce the marriage of their daughter, Margaret, to John Fleming, son of Mrs. R. M. Fleming, which took place at 11:30 o'clock last Saturday, Sept. 22, in the Chapel of the Sacred Heart of St. Patrick's church. A dinner and reception were enjoyed at 1 o'clock at the Legion home. Following a wedding trip, the couple will reside on south Green street. ' CABD OF /sr ST rnkTT' U Pay* to Advertise In The McHenry Plsiiifealei spiritual bouquets floral, offer* ings, cards of sympathy and the njany other, remembrances at the- time 6f dur bereavement. We are especially grateful! for the services of Rt. Rev. .Msgr. C. S. Nix, the Reverends Donald Schiller, Paul Termar and John Daleiden. J The family of Mathias Welter • ' " v . * 2 1 In Everyday Living IT JUST ISN'T SMART to mail cash. The risk of loss is tbo great. 1 If you haven't, as y«t| opened a ; Ipnfccking acc<Mint wiljh us, tliere : -Kstill a Way tso send funds safely 0^ cftail. You simply fill oiLit a form at our biknk andgive us the ;',cash you want to transfer; we ' then issue a Bank Money Order, . .at a small fel^tand you mailihat. /'Why not avail yourself of this 'protection and convenience ? it it it "IT'S NOT THE COST..." You are considering buying your first car; but fail to see just where the upkeep will fit into ydur budget, is there one fccfor you have overlooked? Some of the niortey you now spdnd foir travel on public^ conveyances will be back in the kitty -- arid it costs the same to transport a single person or a family by car. Perhaps this reminder will throw a new light on your figuring. If it does, and that helps r&olve thi^ problem, we'l)i}ie omplyrewdrtled. We're not in the business of selling cars, and wei're not urging yoii to buy cine. You'll determine for yourself whether or^ not to make^ itfdi a purchase. K you do decide to buy, however, ahd Would welcome low-cost financing assistance, we are the fblks to seeabout an economica}:bahk Auto Loan, on convenient; terili^ , 1 dllT oiF IVERY $ hbie- * owners,; sjirveys show, plans some home improvement in the next 3 years. Chances are, many of these folks intend to finance, too. Under the FjHA Title I program, property improvement , loans up to $2,500 are available, at low odst; with* repayment periods up to 3 years. Our bank is authorized to make FHA Title I loans. Ask us for details. McHENRY STATE BANK Interest Paid On Savings Deposits "r Member Federal Deposit Insurance Coi^oratlMI Member Federal Reserve System PHONE 1040 v r~*r SUPPORT KIWANIS KIDS' DAY SEPTEMBER 28 & 29 The Kiwanis Clubs of McHenry and McHenry Township will have their fund raising drive for Underprivileged Children ori/the above dates. We strongly urge the peoplie r of this area to be as generous as possible because the funds collected will be used locally to help the underprivileged children of McHenry and McHenry Township. Two of the functions of this fund are to purchase eye glasses and pay for dental work needed .by children whose patents cannot purchase these items due to financial con- f ditions and hardships beyond their control. Thank You. AIR-CQNDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT i • YOUR LOVELINESS IS OUR BUSINESS " Operi Tue«.r Thura. and NOTICE EFFECTIVE MONDAY, OCT. 1st Our Store Hours Will Be Daily - 9:00 A.M. 'Til 6:30 P.M. Friday - 9:00 A.M. 'Til 9:00 P.M. Sunday -10:00 A,M. 'Til 1:00 P.M. THE CANDY BOX / Peter GieB Shoes r-M. Ift Slipe . Repairs luaib % i " 126 N. Riverside i>rive Phone 141 atrstmtftg. McHenry, 111. f-i -PfcDne i41-M 107 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, DL Are you unhappy withyo^ dry cleoner. Then Iff Nomr's fl»e GO ^LOSAfOBILC/ Wo guarantee a pleasant me-pris*! M HOLIDAY SEDAN qridi ferijoy feODSi-i: # . There'? gemHne rati in owning an Olds! Approval, too, from folks who'll know you're on the fjo. Neither can be measured in mere dollars and cents. Yet, it costs surprisingly little more, for Oldsnniobile's big benefits than for tetany models.of smaller, low-priced car^. And the little difference Becomes even smaller when you consider how well your investment holds when you go over to Olds. Try us just once and you'll see the big difference in Sanitone Dry Cleaning -- Spotless S'liGCP £H0*0<C§ our • Deep-down dirt gone Colon ond textures revived • Perfect press • Odor free Come see the value... try yoOr Olds soon t XOU'RI ALWAYS WKICOMI AT YOUR OLOSMOSILI QUALITY DIALU'S! Try Sanitone Service and why we say, "Never again will you be satisfied with ordinary dry cleaning." R A I N B O W CLEANERS Around Corner North of. National Tea North Front Street PHONE 927 Open Fri. Eves, 'til 9 . J ; U v e r t o n Motor d a l e s 403 From street (we PRISINTS i^l» WIUMUlllriTMUUI^ IN Hit "A^-SPiaAtU OF 1957" • NBC-TV • SAT. IVI«# 5«PT. 29|

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