^t^urgjay. October Uj, 1956 ' / i^T THEMclfENR* PUUNBEALER tiSim By Phyltfe Whitfield V Nativity Lutheran Church "Unseen Faith" is the sermon topic chosen By Pastor Burton 1 Schroeder for Sunday, Oct. 5)1. This same Sunday, the Nativity Luther league will attend the fall .rally of the Fox Valley district Luther league to be held at Waukegan. All leaguers desiring to attend the rally are to meet at the church at" 2. The junior choir of the church •will have their Hallowe'en party at the church Friday, Oct. 26, at 7:30. All are to come in costume. Choir members and any child between 9 arid; 13 who would like to join the choir is welcome to attend. Saturday, Oct. 27, the men of ...the Nativity .Brotherhood will travel to Rockford to attend the annual conviction of the Illinois *$ynod Brotherhood to be held at the beautiful new Trinity Lutheran church. At this convention, plans will be made to further promote the Mission Minute Men program which helps new mission congregations in the form of loans from funds given by Brotherhood 'Mission Minute Men. At Nativity, the entire November brotherhood meeting will be devoted to this program, when a Representative of the Illinois Synod will come to tell of the mission program. Legion News The annual children's Hallowe'en party will be held at the Legion hall Sunday afternoon, Oct. 28, at 2 p.m. Prizes will be given for the' best costumes and refreshments will be served to the children. A combination hay-ride party and box social is being planned for Oct. 27. This is an event for adults, young and old. Let your hair down and join in the fun. Complete details will appear in the next issue of this paper. Ray Slocum and Mrs. Phyllis Lincoln are welcomed as new members of the rank of. Wonder Lake Legionnaires. m The membership drive is underway, with Carl Jaeshcke, senior vice commander of the post, as chairman. Working with him are Jim Widen, Lois Weeks and Bob Kiddell. A 100 per cent membership is their aim by Veterans' Day, Nov. 11.. Legionnaires, please help them reach this goal Don't forget, the Legion home is open to the public every Saturday night. a Kiwante, A'otes Joseph T. MaJtflfney 0f the Mc- Henry club was the guest for . the evening, Monday, Oct. 8. George Pederson gave a report on the convention in Chicago. An announcement was made about the Odds 'n Ends auction to be held at the Gladstone farm on Route 31, north of McHenry, Saturday, Oct. 27, sponsored by the AlcHenry club. All are invited to the auction and also to contribute items to be auctioned. The football banquet is to be the first Monday after Thanksgiving Day. Keep the date in mind. Lou Plottner, who with his wife is moving back to Chicago, will be greatly missed in the club. The Plottners, whp have been active in civic affairs the A'ears they have lived at the Lake, will be missed by all who knew them. Remember--Attend and hring a friend." ville to be nearer their daughter and family. The Sieberts started coming to the Lake twenty-five years, ago in the summer and on weekends and were permanent residents over ten years. ; Shortly before they moved, Mrs. Siebert was honored by several groups of friends and neighbors. The ladies of Christ the King church gave her a watch by which to remember them. Mlrs. Sybil Johnson entertained a group of neighbors who presented Mrs. Siebert with a lovely tablecloth. A group of ^neighbors who often played cards with Mrs. Siebert met for a list game and a delicious luncheon was served at the home of. Mrs. Grover Wickline. . Queen's Ladies Help With Children The Queen's Ladies, who are the junior members of the Altar and Rosary sodality, are helping with the Sunday School held at Mathews hall every Sunday from 10 to 11 for children belonging to Christ the King church. The ages are from kindergarten through eighth grades. TTie 9 Mass at Christ the King church is; the children's Mass and all -children are urged to attend. A group of Queeh's Ladies monitor this Mass and help the Sisters, who come from Rockford to the Sunday School after the Mass. Sisters Ann Sabastian, Raefel Therese and William Mary come from Rockford each Sunday and are assisted by the following girls: Judy Dolce, chairman of this group of girls; Jo Ann Miller, Barbara Jacobson, Phyllis Litizia, Dorothy Cook, Mary Weisenberger, Judy Kolar, Kathy Merjercik, Barbara Mahal and Nancy Gulczynski. Tony Sieberts Move Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Siebert have sold their home in Wooded Shores and have moved to Naper- Harrison School News Basketball practice for the boys has. started at the school this week. The services of Mr. Fox have been secured for basketball coach. Cheer leaders are already hard at work under the direction of Miss Brunkhorst. Friday, Oct. 19, there will be no school. The teachers at Harrison schpol will attend the teachers' meeting in St. Charles. The school board wishes to take this opportunity to inform all past members of -the Community club that money donated by them to the school has been spent on playground equipment, ifusole bars, turning bars, tumbling bars and cement climbing blocks were the items purchased. The board is grateful for the generous gift from the former,club. Maxine Lichty and George Rink were sworn in as school board members at the regular September board meeting. Mr. TTiomas will attend the Northern Illinois Principal's round table Saturday, Oct. 20. Mrs. Lichty, Mrs. J.ay Hansen and Mr. Thomas will attend the Illinois School Board Association's tri-county fall conference Oct. 18 in Chicago. The mothers of kindergarten and first grade children are invited to a tea given for ' them at 1:30 Oct 22 at the school. A short program will be presented and an opportunity to meet the tifco teachers and other mothers will be enjoyed over a cup of tea. Annual Card Party The annual card party given by the Altar and Rosary sodality of Christ the King church will take place at, Harrison school Thursday evening, Oct. 25, at 8 p.m. A beautiful hand - made quilt which the ladies have been working on the past year, under the direction' of Mrs. Rita Walde, will be given to some fortunate person that evening. Table games will be played, with a gift for each table. Refreshments will be served. ; Come with your friends and enjoy this nice affair. Here and There Mr. and Mrs. Ted Meyer and their five children from Thorp, Wis., were weekend guests in the home of Mr. and ;Mrs. Martin Weisenburger. A minor accident occurred over the weekend when Paul Vacula and Ray Swanson collided near Mill, 111. Neither was hurt but the Vacula car was badly damaged. Sarge Duttko and boys visited friends at the Lake Saturday. The mother of Richard Ruzicka entered the McHenry" hospital for tests and surgery later in the week. Happy birthday to Victoria and Jeanette McCall, who haVe birthdays this month. Victoria was 10 Oct. 5 and Jeanette will be 9 the twenty-first. , Oct. 9 was the day Howard Dolce was 12 years old. People burning leaves should be especially careful this fall since the rain has been so scarce. Parents should be certain their children are supervised when burning leaves thfcy have raked up. Mr. and Mts. Fned Whitfield were happy ti> have in their home for part of the weekend Mr. Whitfield's brother, William, his wife, Kay, daughter, Diane, 4 years old, and Kay's sister, Mary Yiiryan. They have been living in Germany and England the past thee and one-half years while Mr. Whitfield served with the U.S. Army. Their visit was cut short by a call from Topeka, Kas., informing Fred and William of the sudden critical illness of their father, F. A. Whitfield, Sr. Fred left with them Sunday morning to drive to the bedside of their father. Mr. Whitfield, a former missionary in India, and his wife have visited at the Lake I several times and a year ago he spoke at a meeting of the W.S.C.S. at the Community IVIethodist church in McHenry. Brownie Hayride About fifty-five Brownie girls enjoyed a hayride in place of their usual weekly meeting Wednesday, Oct. 10, at the Clinton farm. Cookies and apples were brought by the leaders for the girls. Leaders who enjoyed the ride, too, were Mesdames Wilson, hmaNe f r i n FOR QUICK/SAFE whmvar you ar«, /^) whinmr you ASTHMANEFRMc If SIZE MiiUOiil whh V* o». Solution "A"® Ink*) an I BOLGERS PHONE 40 103 S. Green St. McHenry, 111- I ANNUAL HILL ms. & X, a REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED ME DANCE PRESENTED B% JC JSBURG qpMMUNiinr CLUB. Inc. at Memorial Hall SATUR9AY,- OCTOBER 271li Prises Awarded Judging of Cosiumes at 10 p.m. Sharp castor* TaxM.cn* iwcttiwy to pby (•It* *1 schaelt 'and 9oy«^nenU Our present practice* in local to><atiM not juai^iiti* pay their fair thare. nwnt* ni«tn fair Mftvfc. V,\& _ IllinoSi Education %*** UlHIIIIIIIUIl)llllllltllUIU^|ltlllU!llll!ll!ll|||||inillim J0HNSBURG NEWS By Betty liettwrniM Illl!tl:l!l:i;i!lilil'|llil jl|||i|iMdi]!|!|!lli:|;IUllitil!lil.ll!l!l!f:l:i:ii||rI!| I Fire Calls Recently our fire department was called to assist in putting out three grass fires. The first was at the Sasso residence at Pistakee Bay, the second on Regner Road and third was in Sunnyside Estates. You are asked to use caution when starting any Kind of outside fire. Everything ?is so dry lately that even the smallest spark can start a large fire. Schmitt after a lingering illness last weekend. Our deepest sympathy is extended to her bereaved family. Return from Hospital Stevie King, three - year - old j grandson of Mrs. Mamie King, j returned to his home after spend- ; ing two months in St. Therese I as a result of polio. He is mak* j Birthday Corner Joey Dehn will celebrate his third natal day come Oct. 25, while Earl Ross of Sunnyside Beach joined the "39ers" on Oct. 13. He and Mrs. Ross enjoyed dinner in Chicago with old friends to celebrate the occasion. Something a little bit different in the line of birthdays will Jake place on Oct. 17 at the home of Bob and Flo Nelson, when they celebi'ate their canine cutie's seventh birthday. Happy Birthday wishes to "Joey and Earl and -- oh well! Tippic, too. Feted At FAVORITE VACATION SPOT Illinois, which last year ranked fifth among Vacation states,* ifhay rise to fourth place this year. State park attendance figures through Sept. 1 show 561,475 more visitors than in the similar period of 1955. In outlining this showing, CArl Q. Hodges, superin tendent of the'Division of Department Reports, gave credit to stepped-up newspaper advertising and continuing distribution of films and iravelMiter^tUre for helping increase the paptawtity of the Prairie state's vacation areas. Hotels, motels^ ^slfaurancs, railroads, bus lines ancK re tilers serving the travelling public are enjoying heavier patrohage as a result of the rising tide of* visitors, according to Hodges, wfro,4g inch a rge of the state's travel pro motion activities. ^ ... Gable, Crasser, Whitfield, Weisenberger, Kiddell and Huebner. The Brownie leaders, held a meeting at the home of Mrs. Fred Whitfield Wednesday morning to organize their prdgra&ftlitfor the winter months. Mrs. CJriswald from Greenwood alsp attended and as an experienced Brownie worker gave 'pointers and answered questions in order to give the girls at the Lake a better Brownie program. • Party John Huff was guest of honor last Sunday evening at a farcing wonderful progress and soon ! well party given by his parents will be out playing with his j Mr. and Mrs. Albert Huff, at St. friends once again. j John's school hall. John at»d Stevie is the son of Gene and1 Bernie Schmitt left last Monday- Eileen King of McHehry. (.morning for a hitch in Uncle • . j Sam's army. Passes On Present in the hall for supper Death claimed Mrs. Christina were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Midhels and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Michels and family, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Michels and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Cleatus La Foqtaine and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ang. Di Bonna and family of Marengo, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jung of Wisconsin, Mr. and Mrs. Wilkensonand daughter, Lynn, of Wonder Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Oeffling, Sr., and family, Mr. and Ms. Joseph Huff and family, of Richmond, Mrs. Lorraine Huff, Mr. and Mrs. Alger Oeffling and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Oeffling and family, Mr. and Ms. George Oeffling. Jr., and son, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schuch and daughter of Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oeffling, Mr. and Mrs. William Schabow and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Govvin and son, Mr. and Mrs. "Bud" Lieser and daughters, Betty and Eileen and Janicc Huff. Page Etar*n/ -- :.i Around The Town Si'•"••• Mr. and Mrs. George passer 5 and family of Chicago spent several days here last week. » | Emitt and Dolores Roberts etli tertained friends from Woodstb&k ! last Saturday evening. "" u \ The Emil Boilers of Morton ; spent last weekend at her father's ! home. l* When you have admired a public man for some time, it is disturbing to learn that he has said or something extremely stupid. To be prepared for the worst you must expect the worst, and that takes most of the, fun out-of >he present moment. Order your Rubber Stamps at the Plaindealer Office today. Rom where I sit... Joe Marsh Barnyard "WHOOdonit // The Barn Owl Controversy still rages in our town. One group claims owls should be protected because they eat vermin. The other faction holds that those little howlers also eat chickens ... and should be shot. Now Pops Parker claims both parties are right. All owls clean ViP vermin. So»nc owls also clean out an occasional hen yard. The way to spot a bad owl, according to Pops, is to put up a 10-foot pole in the chicken run with a No. 2 trap on it. A marauding bird generally perches to look over jthe situation before he strikes, giving you your evidence, and the culprit! From where I sit, I doubt if this will end the owl argument. People hare different opinions on the subject-just as they have different opinions about whether beer, tea or what-have-you makes the best thirst quencher. Examine the facts and make up your own nlind, I say... and be thankful we live where that's possible. - i s frUt - - AW SHUCKS, FELLERS, IT WAS NUTHIN" "Easy as pie --I just looked in the Yellow Pages to find what I wanted to huy. Found it in no time." Everybody looks in the Copyright, /9.S6, United States Brewers Foundation "•uas*' sio •• • s " •• * ^ COUPE t/me to YOU'RE ALWAYS WELCOME AT YOJJR OLDSMOBIIE QUALITY DEALER'S! COME ONft COME ALU EVERYONE WELCOME! R. J. Overton Motor SaiCS 403 Front Street Phone 6 ©LOSMOMLE PRESENTS HElEMVO'CONNm, PSTI MARSHA?.I, PHIi HARRIS, ETWEfc WATERS AND CESAR ROMSS® ' SATURDAY COLUK UVKNIvAll m "Manhattan tower", Saturday eve., ©ctober 2?\ a special iev^nt on nbc-tvi oont miss its L