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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Nov 1956, p. 11

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v Sick Stermer pointed foreman of tjie d e p a r t m e n t of t h e . A l e m i t e " Sales company of Chicago this , week. He, has been with the I company since April of this yedr. . . . B i r t h d a y Jeffrey Stermer celebrated his third birthday with a supper a weeH ago Sunday night With fr^|pds and relatives. Tuesday eyening, the Rictynond Evening unit of Home Biireau, together with the Hebron and Greenwood units, have a district meeting at the Greenwood school. The home advisor will have the lesson entitled "Foods can be the basement of Grace church. The girls have enjoyed their first in Brownies very much. Mrs. Howard Ehrke and Mrs. D. Plowman are the troop For three Tuesday evenings, the future den mothers of the Richmond Cub pack will take a training course offered by the Boy Scouts of America. They will meet at the grade school. Rouen Duncan will be the cubmaster and Don Rawlins will be his assistant. The boys are anxious to start and will soon be able to concentrate On their own program instead of concentrating their efforts on being envious of the girls who are Brownies. Several school board members of both the grade school board and the high school board, together with Mr. Gundersori* and Mr. Johnson, attended a meeting at Crystal Lake of the Mc- Henry county school board members and administrators. Attend Workshop **bcently, F. Gunderson, C. Lindholm and D. Sheldon from the high school attended a workshop of the north east division of the Illinois Education association in St. Charles. C.R.O.P. The committee from the Richmond Home Bureau found the farmers^ most co-operative in giving corn and cash to the Christian Rural Overseas Project. Friday and Saturday, the F.F.A. boys will pick up the corn that has been donated. Attends Meeting Saturday, M. D. Sheldon attended a meeting of the Chicago Area Business Education associates) in the English room of Marshall Field's. It seems our teachers, school administrators and school board spend a lot of extra time at their jobs for which they receive no salary. Basketball Games Friday, the basketball season opened with a game at College high in Whitewater. f!J\iesday evening there will be a %ame here with Walworth and tonight there will be a game in Antioch. Church News Sunday evening, the Senior Youth Fellowship group met at Grace church where they heard Dr. Bertha Shafer speak on "New England Thanksgivings." Monday evening, the Sunday S0j»ool teachers met at Grace church for planning the Christmas program for the Sunday School. Tonight there will be a Thanksgiving Service at Grace church. Tomorrow morning, the Community church will have its Thanksgiving service. The Good Fellowship group of the Community Church Women iU] meet at the home of Miss Ibel Winget next Wednesday, Nov. 28, at 1:45 p.m. Mrs. Cora Stewart will be the co-hostess. F.T.A. Met Last Wednesday evening, the P.T.A. heard Mr. Duker of Mc- Henry speak on "Our Schools aren't as bad as you think they are." The mothes of the second graders served gingerbread with \0ipped cream and coffee. The second grade won the P.T.A. dog and the three dollar prize for having the highest percentage of parents present. Here and There Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Beli and daughter, Phyllis, of Union were dinner guests recently of Arthur Bell. Mr. and Mrs. George Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stermer attended the Illinois-Wisconsin football game a week ago Saturday at Champaign. Mrs. Charles Schultz and daughter, Karen, have been staying in Libertyville so that Mrs. Schultz can take care of her nieces and nephews while their mother has an opration. She is staying with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Panek. Bunny and Bill Frick have gone deer hunting in Michigan for two weeks. The Otto Bucherts are vacationing in Arizona for three weeks. They will visit Mr. and Mrs. Glen Peterson, former Richmond residents. The Larsen family is moving to Harvard. The Falconers will move into the Larsen house. J. W. Lawler, a former Rotner player, was hospitalized, but is out again. The Lindholms spent last weekend in Davenport at the home of Mrs. Lindholm's parents. Mrs. Lindholm was in the wedding party of her sister who Was married Saturday, Nov. 17. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoffman attended the wedding of Mr. Hoffman's sister in Rock ford a week ago Saturday. The first grade has been having a slim attendance because of the chicken pox. Among those who have had, or are currently having, chicken pox are: Randy Arsenau, Bonnie Sue Prouty, Patty Savage, Mike Rekenthaler, Pan and Mike Etzkorn. The grade school had lots of mothers visiting school during National Education week last week. Thursday was an especially busy day for visitors. * r- r Richmond Community News Brownies Will Celebrate Next Wednesday evening, Nov. 28, the Brownies and their parents will celebrate the first birthday of the Richmond Brownie tyop with a potluck supper in It's A Boy Mr. and Mrs. James Berryhill are the parents of a boy, born Sunday, Nov. 11, at DeKalb. Mrs. Berryhill is the former Helen Kattner of Richmond. Brian, the Berry-hill's 3-year-old son, is staying with his grandma and grandpa, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Kattner. The Berryhills live in DeKalb. Mrs. D. Sheldon went to Chicago with her husband. While he attended a meeting, she went Christmas looking. George Schultz of Solon Mills has been in California on business for two weeks. m sap** WFB ARE FRANKLY PROUD of the service oar skilled Registered Pharmacists reader in helping to preserve the health of this community. So we invite you to benefit from their competence and care. Bring us your Doctor"* next prescript don. You can rely on us to compound it promptly --and precisely as directed. Drug •ore PHONE 40 " 108 S. Green St. McHenry, DL to Another hectic time is behind us and we can all relax for awhile. First we had the excitement of a national election and then the press of our thirty-eighth Armistice Day, now called Veterans Day, was upon us. We are bringing up the topic of, election day again for a peculiar reason--the failure of quite a few to display our nation's flag in a dignified and proper manner and in of all places, some of the polling places throughout the township. We had reports of flags being flown so low they actually touched the ground, flags slung between posts so low that small children were playing hide and seek with the flag. At one polling place, the flag was Reported wired to an old soft drink sign. Flags should b£ flown from a flag staff if at all possible, of # sufficient height to be above all people who may pass. If the flag is hung from a wall, the blue union should be to the flag's own right or to ^n observer's left, TTiis holds true whether the flag is hung horizontally or vertically. If you have any doubt as to the proper way to display the flag, a call to the American Legion will answer any of your questions.. Prior to Veterans Day, members of Post 491 and members of our auxiliary were to make our usual first Thursday of the month trip to Downey hospital. We started out on time but got no further than Wilson road, where we ran into the beginning of a heavy fog. Forced to turn back, we returned to McHenry, where fifteen minutes later the very dense fog followed us. Our busy time started Saturday evening, when Post 491 played host to members and neighbors with a dance at the post home. Sunday morning our rifle post commander held a Veterans Day ceremony on the front lawn of the post home. The rifle squad was directed as usual by Drill Master William Soucie. I wonder how many of us have noticed that in any public ceremony the members of the rifle squad are Marjorie Steadman, a junior at R.B.C.H.S., was guest of honor at a surprise party given by her parents in honor of her birthday. Margie's birthday is tomorrow. Happy birthday. Yorgen Nor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nor, is 6 years old today. Hecentiy, Bob Miller was pleasantly surprised by the visit of his mother, his sisters and Carol Steinke. Bob is stationed at Great Lakes Naval Training Station. BUI Parker, his mother and grandmother visited Buddy Jarrett at Fort Campbell, Ky., on their way to Florida. always on hand. hand spirit. Our hats are off, by the to C. G. Nacker, a member of our post who took some marvelous pictures of the rifle squad and Governor Stratton during the recent dedication ceremony for the opening of Elm street. At 5 p.m. Sunday the ball really started to roll. Activities started with a cocktail party, followed by a pot-luck supper. The large crowd that attended this party enjoyed themselves to the hilt right up to closing time. Everyone is looking . fopvard to, the next big party. Monday was back to business with our regular post meeting. Following the business portion of the meeting members were treated to timely movies- On hunting and fishing. Not to be outdone, the post treated by setting up free beer for all, withvhot lunch as well. • Neither of these treats Were previously announced, which proves what we, have been telling everyone,. "You never know what you might miss when you don't attend your meetings." We were all pleased to meet several new members at Monday nght's meeting. It 4ooks as tho are going to have some real activity among these new members. Jack Thies, one of the newmembers, came up with i a proposal to give McHenry an-'adult basketball team. Approval was given for financial assistance and our offical sponsorship. Jack then announced that he was prepared to start at once. He has about twelve players ready to go. While the team so far is made up mostly of Korean veterans, positions can be filled by non-veterans as well. If you are a good basketball player, finished with your schooling and want to try for this team, contact Jack Thies through Post 491. In closing this article, we of Post 491 wish to thank the Plaindealer for their cooperation in printing these articles of interest to veterans and the public in general. They will be published at least once a month. John' T. Gray Commander Post Np. 491 American 1*11*11*1 i*' i losing Your Don't let a clogged or leaky radiator waste your And- Freeze. Our efficient Factory Method cleaning and repairing guarantees you a leak-proof, clean Radiator. Low flat-rate prices. GENERAL REPAIRS Ornameritkllr6n " ADAMS BROS. REPAIR SERVICE Bus. Phone 788 -- Re& 209-J Located in Stilling's Phillips "66" Service Station 800 E. Elm St. , JtfcHenry, III. WHICH GIRL PAS! IK31 I TEST? 'NinK^irctat The poised young woman *• the right of court*. You can tell at a gUnc* ... and that's why the Ninety-Percent Test is so important. Adults judge even children (and children judge each other) by what they see. It's true that clothes may create slightly less than 90% of the impression Juniors make, but the test is just as important. Another point to remember: Because children's clothes become so grimy so quickly, it's especially important to have them drycleaned regularly and often. (This kind of care carries a built-in bonus. In addition to looking fresher, drycleaned clothes last longer.) LOCAL CL WE GIVE RED STAMPS 206 So. Green Pick up A Delivery Phone 20 rrrrr EDDIE the EDUCATOR says # want Ads DRIVE WITH CARE! yowl romn an ac^uaint-ane® youll wantr continue! •ctrcK SCHOOLS BVIW firmlrir BiTTIB COMMWIHTIM ARE YOU LUCKY? No purchase necessary! No registering to do! To win, just watch for and re&d our ad each Thursday, you could be the lucky winner A new winner each week. Is this your telephone number? If so, stop in this week-end before 6 P.M. Saturday. J You will receive 10 gallons of Ethyl gasoline Free of Charge! Guettler's Cities Service "SPECIAL DISCOUNTS TO COMMUTERS Washing • Lubrication • Repairs - Complete Car Service PHONE 9831 2 Blocks South Of Main Street 790-W (On Highway SI gBSgfrBEBSi THE MAN WHO'S TOO BUSY TO MAKE FRIENDS 1$ SELDOM TOO BUSY TO N£PO THEM. WITHOUT BRAG6ING, I THINK I'LL PROVE TO BE JUST ABOUT AS INTERESTING AND ENTERTAINING A FRIEND AS YOU'VE MET IN A YEAR OPYESTERDAY*. I'LL BE SEEING YOU IN THE ADS RUN BY • F.G.DePAUW 1^*53 ^GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY RAQ£9 MORTGAGE PROTECTION RO. B0X4OI T ^ 2IO SOUTH GREEN <P/W 1450,1125 <*,1126 MCHENRY, ILL. Be looking for CyCology in our series of advertisements which will appear in this newspaper every Thursday starting December 27th. He is a nice old guy and has some very sensible advice to offer. Drive in at the new Tidewater Sign of Service FLYING for it! Extra Power Extra Performance Add up the extras with "Flying A" Ethyl gasoline and Veedol 10-30 Motor Oil Summertime starts in any weather... smooth, quiet power for the most powerful onginpg... up to 40 extra miles on every tankful of gasoline. Next tima stop at Tidewater's new red-and-white "Flying A" - for service -- extra power -- extra performance. Veedol 10*0 Motor Oil, 100% Pennsylvania at its fittest! T I D E W A T E R O I L C O M P A N Y 8an Frariclaco • Houston • Tula* • N«w York Atk your "Flying A" Dealer for a Credit Card Application McHENRY COUNTY FARMERS CO-OP. ASSOCIATION McHENRY, ILLINOIS DISTRIBUTOR OP TIDEWATER OIL. COMPANY PRODUCTS

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