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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Nov 1956, p. 12

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^Vl C T* • j y^ii- _. fi;: Mi V f ^ ""fSpT f.^ag»,fiy»lv<|fA:: •'• -: • ' ? THE MeHENRY PLAINDEMSR ' ' !'" - WeJnQgday. Npvojober 21. 1^61 i^MiaUiiuijH McCullotn Lake News By Eve Levesque _!_/ "Bless This House O Lord, we pray". In many homes throughout our community tomorrow, fortunate folks will be sitting down to a table loaded with goodies. We, in this land, have so very much for which to be grateful. ^ Before we feast, lot us offer a prayer for all of those in want, both in this country and in foreign lands. And, may God bless all of our homes. Surprised 'Teener Miss Louellen Tomasello was thrilled beyond words when her 'teen age crowd walked in, in honor of her fourteenth birthday, Sunday evening, Nov. 11. The young folks had scads of fun, foraging for unusual items on their scavenger lists. While enthusiasm was still at a high pitch, they indulged in a "ribtickling" game of charades. Dancing, of course, was on the agenda. Louell£n's parents, Mary and Louis, thought of everything in the way of refreshments to please young appetites. The young peo^ pie made short work of the beautifully decorated birthday cake. The lucky miss received gifts "of a knitted suit, jewelry and clothing. On hand for the fun were Bob Cable, Ed Caron, Angelo Budasi. Judy Hocin, Don Hojnacki, Carol Stritar, Anne Peschke and brother, Jim. Building: Permits The hours for obtaining build ing permits from Building Commissioner John Boyle are 7 to 9 on Tun-day and Thursday and all day Saturday. If this is not convenient, call 715 for an appointment. A permit is needed if you change the outside contour or appearance of your home in anyway. Bridal Shower Miss Elaine Vycital has a good start toward furnishing her new home. She was the honored guest at a surprise shower at the home of Mrs. Loretta Meyer on Tuesday, Nov. 13. Other hostesses intruded Pearl Nersted, Lee Brocken and Eleanor Reid. Elaine will become the bride of William Nelson on Friday, Nov. 30, at the Community Methodist church, McHenry at 8 p.m. The hostesses decorated Loretta's home beautifully for the occasion. In addition to the other tempting delicacies, the "piece de resistance" was. the delicious "broken glass" cake which was served. Guests who attended were mother of the bride, Henrietta, Miss Frances Vycital, Elsie Hoppe, Mabel Nelson, Betty Potelka, Betty McDermott, D o ro t h y Wheelock, Meta Schroeder, Mary Kuna, Agnes Schwingle, Frances Matchen, Eleanor Creutz, Pearl Pietsch, Claire Seeber and Dorothy Miller. Those invited but who were unable to attend were Mary Kantorski, Lorraine Boyle, Jean Reid, Lillian Conway, Trudy Phoenix, Marilyn^ Bacon, Lillian Ringelstetter, Carolyn Millies, Ruth, Mary and Mrs. Frances Vycital. Every year, this great organization holds an outstanding party for the youngsters of the community. The funds raised will again be used for this purpose. The "ducats" may be obtained from any member of the club. "grandma and graridpa Reid came to dinner. Good time for all who participated. Is This A Record? May Kennenberg served the entire christening outfit for her twelfth great-grandchild. Stephen Joseph Martin was presented at the front of St. Nicholas' church, Chicago, on Sunday, Nov. 11. Of course, May and Butch attended. The young lad's White slip, dress and coat were in the traditional long style and very beautiful. The .Lat^t Thing . In beauty aids was demonstrated at the home of Linda Dason on Monday, Nov. 12, by Mrs. Helen Harth, Mrs. Madeline Moore of Fox Lake assisted her. Watching the "how and why" of it all were Mrs. Joe Dolham, Shirley Olsen, Anne Aregger, Rosalind Josserand, Martie Raach Fay Fisher, Anne Anderson, Marge Scott, Sonya Andrews, Joyce Wilson, Anne Zahn, Nellie Sina and Geni Ostergren. After the demonstration, the gals enjoyed coffee and delicacies whipped up by Linda. Bet the husbands are bedazzled with their glamorous gals now! Hope He Makes It It's been much too long since we have been treated to the sight of big Bob Kantorski. He just might be able to make the feast at home tomorrow. He will be flying in from Cleveland, if he comes. His mother, Mary, and Mrs. Carrie Sesko spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Lil Lasitchka. The women had a grand time visiting and getting the big city news. * Junior Host In honor of his eighth birthday, gentleman Mickey Reid treated his young chums to a theater party on Sunday. We suspect mama Jean and papa Bill "footed the bill" though! Munching candy and pop corn, and screaming with delight were sister Jeanne, Dennis Meyers, Ellen and Steve Huska,. Geoffrey Houck, Carl Harth and J. R. Levesque. The young fellas actual natal day was Thursday, Nov. 15, when . Natal Days and Matrimonial Milestones Johnny Vycital, in boot training at Great Lakes, celebrated his eighteenth birthday with the "boys in blue" on Thursday, Nov. 15. His family is hoping he'll be able to come home for a visit this weekend. Mary and Louis Tomasello chalked up nineteen (hectic but fun) years together Monday, Nov. 19. Willard Schultz "lived it up" for his natal day yesterday, Tuesday, Nov. 20. Little Louise Matthesius is hoping mama will have a party for her sevefith birthday Saturday, Nov. 24. Linda Dason will keep out of mischief baking spegial cakes for her wee sons this weekend. Mark will be one on Saturday, Nov. 24, and "big" brother, Michael, will be 2 on Sunday, Nov. 25. Julia Hecht is "proud as punch" of her small grandson, Gregory Scott Schmitt. He'll also be 2 on Sunday, Nov. 25. Here's hoping everyone has enough to eat tomorrow, but don't forget toe save a little for Friday! See you next week? PASTURING OF ALL SOIL BANK ACREAGE PROHIBITED Soil Bank acreages placed in the 1956 Soil Bank program are not to be harvested or grazed during the remainder of this calendar year. This warning was issued by John L. Slavin of the McHenry county ASC office. With grain harvest practically completed and with crops reaching the dormant stage, farmers may have a tendency to grow careless and permit livestock to run on designated acreages. Unless such areas are cleaned tilled or the vegetation has been thoroughly destroyed, such action will constitute a violation. This may require refund of payments already made, .plus an additional penalty. . Under existing procedures the ASC will continue to spot check farms from this standpoint and will investigate all reported violations, continued Mr. Slavin. Any questions relative to the use or handling of designated acreages should be referred to the office at Woodstock. HARDEST BUSIEST CHEAPEST WORKERS IN TOWN PLAINDEALER WANT ADS V.F.W. AUXILIARY NEWS m ^ By Alyce Brda » ,|i .| |i -i. if, <i <M. i{. it iMf it. .|M|, SPRING GROVE By Mm. Charles FreundvJAt the Nov.-12 meeting of . the auxiliary, We were honored by the presence of Jesse Kopping, assistant to our fifth district president. We were sorry to hear of the death of president Helen Addic's sister, this being the reason she could not attend our meeting herself. There are a few of the things discussed you might be interested in and like to know about. Tuesday, Nov. 13, a flag given by the auxiliary was dedicated at the high school and on Nov. 20 a flag, also given by the auxiliary, was dedicated at the Johnsburg school. This might not sound important but did you ever stop to think what it would be like not to have 'Old Glory' flying from atop our flagpoles and where else, is it more important than over our schools where the citizens of tomorrow are learning their responsibilities of tomorrow? ,»If any of you would like an enjoyable evening.. I'm told that every other Saturday night the teenagers have square dancing at the Edgebrook school. They like to have two chaperones from each school attend and the kids really provide an entertaining evening. We will have our auxiliary Christmas party at the next meeting, Dee. 10. As before, we will have a dollar grab bag. Be sure to come and bring a guest if you like. It's rumored we will have turkey with dressing served us. It might sound early but the New Year's holiday always follows Christmas so get in touch with your baby sitter if necessary and make plans to attend the New Year's eve party at the club what club? Why the V.F.W. of course! Must mention that June Schmunk capably served as secretary in the absence of Gussie Diedrich. That's all for now--except that before you start on that Thanksgiving dinner let's all give thanks, along with all the other things, that we have the privilege of being able to participate in such a worthy organization. Members of the Christian Mothers sodality of St. Peter's parish who attended the convention of the National (Council of Catholic Women in Chicago on Thursday and Friday were Mrs. Charles May, Mrs. Tom McNally, Mrs, Walter Brown, Mrs. A1 Wipper, and Mrs. Charles Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Smith and family, Mir. apd Mrs. Charles Freund, sons, Dan and Vic, and Mrs. Jake Miller and daughter, Verna, joined in a reunion of the Frank Smith family at St. Mary's hall, McHenry, last Sunday. Order your Rubber Stamps at the Plaindealer Office today. Chhrlstmas Dance Tickets are now available for the Christmas fund dance given by the McCullom Lake Social and - Athletic Club. It will be held at the Johnsburg Community hall Saturday, Dec. 15. Carpets & Rugs Over 1,000 samples of quality carpets and rugs. Color grouped in bur new daylight lighted showroom. # Home Shopping Service # Free Estimates # Liberal Trade-in Allowances 9 Budget Terms TIDY IS and RUGS Junction Monies 120 and 14 PHONE WOODSTOCK 1000 4M GET A mgiFUL BRAND NEW EUREKA smm AU?OM^71€ IMDEL i-235 With motor-driven dirt "Disturbulator" and disposable paper dust bag ® ONLY J NO DUST BAG TO EMPTY1 BBAYS, SVJESPS . SUCflQN asA nsi AQ95 and your cleaner Powcr-drlvon DISTURDU&.A70R rtmevaa ombcddMl REGULAR PRICE $89.95 dirt, hair, thread* Easy Budget Ttrmtl See live demonstration at our store at once, or in Matching Type Face (" m 90 MS [.iMIl TKIAl! LEE & RAY ELECTRIC "YOUR ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS" 516 W. Main St. Phone 882 McHenry, III. HI FIDELITY by MAGNAVOX PLAYERS 1 COMBINATIONS PORTABLES CONSOLETTES CONSOLES SPEAKERS ^ Transistor Radios 4 RAMCMIC SALES 306 E. Elm St. MeHENRY 1446-J Meetings The firemen held their regular meeting at the fire house on Monday night, j After the meeting, cards were played and a lunch was served.'. Rev. John Daleiden and Rev. Andrew Plesa and the ushers of St. Peter's parish held a meeting in ' St. Peter's hall on Tuesday night, with Father Deleiden as host. There was also a social evening at cards. A delicious chicken dinner was served. The Catholic Youth club met at St. Peter's hall on Monday night. Plans were made for a holiday dance or party. After a religious' discussion with Father Plesa, refreshments were served. The Christian mothers and children of Mary met at St. Peter's hall on Thursday night. The Christmas party was planned and will be held on Dec. 20. Pot-luck supper will be served and there will be a one dollar gift exchange. The ladies who attended the N.C.C.W. convention in Chicago gave reports on various subjects. Father Daleiden gave an interesting talk. Cards ahd bunco were played and prize winners were Mrs. Emma Kattner, Mrs. Isabelle Smith, Mrs. Nora Miller, Mrs. Bev Schmitt and Mrs. Lillian Heraty. A lunch was served by the committee in charge. Birthdays Happy birthday to Frances McNally on Friday, Nov. 16. Charlotte. Freund celebrated her' eight; eenth birthday on Nov. 13 by going out to dinner \yith her mother "yours truly" and Donna, Diane and Joan May. Chicken was on the menu and there was also a birthday cake. Lovely gifts were presented to the honored guest. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tinney and Bob enjoyed an evening of cards with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund on Wednesday night. Pizza pie was served after cards. Mrs. Walter Brown, Mrs. A1 Wipper and Mrs. John Jung attended a board meeting of N.C.C.W., McHenry deanery, at Christ the King church in Wonder Lake on Wednesday night. We were sorry to hear that Peter Mayr son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred May, had lost the sight of one eye due to an accident when a piece of steel pierced his eye ball. Pete is with the Air Force and was doing mechanic work oh an airplane. r- . • Insured Savings: savings loves ten. In Crystal LhUb Savings and I&oan Association an- Insured by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp., and east 2y2 per cent plus Yi per cent extra. 88-tl Lend Uncle s&m Your Dollars ISTARTED - THE long drive " ^ . V,>. (ySS'Sli S16NEO \ ; • * J ) 'sites . *AVg A L0N& jrSTRAl6Nri>T*tv& (Tom .'been fractTICIfclft. since ' Vou-RETIREj RICHTON the green, JERRY --Omtiy New Construction or Remodeling Masonry . r and Frame Homes# J. R. LEVESQUE & CO. Masonry -- General Contractors McCULLOM LAKE, ILL. Phone McHenry 2171 Satisfaction Guaranteed Call For * Free Estimates RIVERSIDE DRIVE LAUNDROMAT 202 No. Riverside Drive Near Ol d Bridge OPEN 6:30 A.M. 'TILL 8:30 P.M. Phone 890 70c Eadi Load Washed Dried and Folded We Dye Your Shag Rugs Spreads and Drapes Wash & Dry Pillows Cotton Quilts Wool Blankets Nylon Jackets Shirts * Finished Beg. & Sport Fall& Winter Clothes Exper% Cleaned "MAGNIFICENT PROMISES ARE ALWAYS TO BE SUSPECTED" * (Author's name below) There appears to be a growing tendency toward advertising seemingly low bargain prices by certain radio, television, and door-to-door salesmen. The products they sell are usually made by a manufacturer unknown to you, or newcomers to drug manufacturing. Before buying such medicines or vitamins, make certain these magnificent promises are true. Only a pharmacy is licensed, and regularly state inspected, to protect you. Usually the prices we charge for comparable quality are less. YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONB McHenry 26 WHEN YOW NEED A MEDICINE A great many people entrust us with the responsibility of filling their prescriptions. May we compound yours? NYE DRUGS "Waitftmmn Ayncy" PHONE 2® 129 H. Mverslde Dr. McHenry. HI PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS •Quotation by Theodore Parker (1810-1860) wimy NO TANK TO BUY "KEEP-FILL" BULK RATES ARE LOWER FOR DOMESTIC, INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL USE DRI-GAS KEEPS YOUR TANK FILLED YOif ONLY PAY A MONTHLY PAYMENT Our bright green cylinders ore, of course, available for regular use* 3&tt~aad T H E A L L - P U R P O S E F U E L is a registered trademark of THE DRI-GAS COMPANY 0 1 ALTHOFF'S (AS SERVICE. Int 409 Front Street A COMPLETE FLEET OF RADIO DISPATCHED TRUCKS Phones: Office - 283 Bulk Plant - 2599 McHenry; 111.

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