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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Nov 1956, p. 2

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mw Fox Valley Meeting At Joeten Home Dec. 4 Pox River Valley Camp No., 3251, win hold its tiext meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 4, at the home of Mrs. Peter M. Justen, 400 W. Elm street, at 7:30 o'clock. Election of officers will take place and after the meeting a Christmas party, with exchange of gifts, 'will take place. £$feh member may Invite * iuesi NOVEMBER BRIDE Medlar Photo LESTER KANTLEHNERd . Hie new Methodist churth in Ringwood was the scene of a pretty wedding Nov. 10 when Miss Carol Jean Gnadt of Wonder Lake became the bride of Lester L. Kantlehner of Mount Carroll, 111. They will reside at ifecCullom Lake. CHARLES MILLERS WED TWENTY-FIVE IpJSARS NOVEMBER 25 Mr. and. Mrs. Charles Miller, Who reside on Rt. 31, north of McHenry, Hill observe their silver wedding anniversary on Sunday, Nov. 25. A family supper at 5 o'clock for close relatives at the Legion home will be followed by open house at 8 o'clock fyr friends. Helen Oeffling of Volo and Charles Miller were married in St. Peter's Catholic church, Volo, oh Nov. 25, 1931, and have always made their home in the Vblo and McHenry area. The couple has two sons, fiill . ahd Neil. PERSONALS / • Mrs. ^Richard Cronin and Mrs. Bernard Doherty and baby have returned from a visit with relatives in Detroit, Mich, where they attended .the , wedding Of Mrs. Doherty's brbther. 1 Mrs. Eldred Johnson, who spent the summer in McHenry, has returned to Florida for the winter. Mrs. Grace Lord of Crystal Lake spent Wednesday with Mrs. Nellie Bacon. Mrs.'Odilon Long left last week for a visit in tjie home qf her soiv Jerry,, in Spokane, Wash., to make the acquaintance of her new granddaughter, Linda Marie, born Nov. 2. Mesdames' Charles Vycital, Stanley Vycital, Arthur Hoppe, Clinton Martin, and Miss Frances Vycital were among the many folks from here who saw "Magic of the Holidays'* a Christmas show presented by the Illinois Garden chits at the t Palmer House, Chicago, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence of Chicago were weekend visitors in McHenry. Mrs. Magnus Nelson, accompanied by Mrs, Emma Pearson of Crystal Lake, visited Mrs. Caroline Prahl at Sherman hospital, Elfein, Thursday, where she has been confined following a heart attack recently. John Knox left last week to spend the winter1 in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen N. Schmitt left Thursday for their winter home in St. Petersburg, Fla. Mr; and Mrs. John Kilday have moved to Florida to make their home. Mr. arid Mrs. William Johns and daughters, Carol and Cathy, of Elgin visited McHenry relatives Sunday. ,/" Mrs. Frank Meyer and granddaughter, Mary Grace, attended a card party sponsored by Transfiguration church, Wauconda, Saturday night. Mrs. Harold WMiting of Chicago was a McHenry visitor Sunday. l!g§ftif mm i "f 1 - 4 wn I / 1 jfc mmp TICKETS FOR BENEJTT Tickets for the McHenry hospital auxiliary benefit party may obtained at Bolger's Drug store, the McHenry State bank and the offices of the McHenry Medical Group, or from members of the auxiliary, under the direction of Mrs. Jerome Buch, Mrs. Charles Cuda, Mrs. Fred Lieberson, and Mrs. Robert Newkirk. Aotivm CLUB if anyone is interested in forming a teen-age activity club, please come to tne Barn at Pistakee Highlands, on Friday, Nov. 23, at 7:30 pjn. BIRTHS Boys were born at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Martin Muleski on Nov. 15, to Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Harms and to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Monte on Nov. 16. Girls were born there to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nootbar on Nov. 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Checchin on Nov. 17, to Mr. and Mrs, Harry Mickelson on Nov. 19 and to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dohnamario on Nov. 20. RINGWOOD SChOOL NEWS The Ringwood school hf£ two new pupils. Their napies are John and Joy Wright. John is In fourth grade and Joy is in second. The president and secretary,; of the Book club for November are Pat Low, president; and Tim Lively, secretary. Emily Ortlieb and Sandra Hoffman, school reporters. r RIVERSIDE MAIRSWLING NOW... you can choose your wave as you want it! GEORGIANNA PERMANENTS Smooth wide waves for die sophisticated high style. Soft wide waves for the casual style. Springy medium-wide wfrves for the fluffy style. Lively curls for the neat, pert head. Variations are unlimited with this NEW PROFESSIONAL salon permanent! AIR-CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT Open Tues., Thunk and Frl. Evenings til 9 YOUR LOVELINESS is OUR BUSINESS ,iversi IN N, Riverside Drive ide . $*toirsty.hng Giftuch McHenry, DL uaio Phone 149 November 26 McHenry County Pan-Hellenic Meeting -- Mrs. Russell Putnam Homd, Garfield Rcted, Harvard. November 29 W.C.O.F. Regular Meeting--8 p.m. December 1 • Johnsburg P.T.A. Carnival December 4 Fox River Valley Camp, R.N.A. Meeting -- Mrs. Peter M. Justen Home. 1' • .. •' ..'..'I December 8-9 McHenry Choral Club^ Concert --8:15 p.m.--High School Auditorium. December 18 W.C.O.F. Christmas Party Regular Meeting of Woman's Guild, St. Paul's Episcopal church. Knights of Columbus, Regular Meeting--8 p.m. December IS Bake Sale--Sponsored by Woman's Quila of St. Paul's Episcopal church -- Huppy and Leo's Grocery, 115 S. Green St. -- 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. 'V December 16 ' < High School Choral Program --8:15 p.m.--School Auditorium. A greeting card like thh is certain to be enjoyed Jong niter the ^ Christmas season is bat • memory. the Christmas Card That No One Else Can Send Just take a quick look around-- and you'll notice counters and win. dows are Suddenly coming alive with fat Santas, shining snowflakes, tinsel and ti'ee ornaments. . So, you see, it's not a bit too sbon to decide on a suitable Christmas card for your special holiday greeting this year. If you're like most of us, you've probably discovered that shopping for an individual-looking card for you and your family is often a disappointing experience, That's why so many people who feel their holiday message should be expressed in warm, personal, individual terms are. turning to photographic greeting cards. Nothing but nothing really puts the "strictly personal" stamp ,on a Christmas card the way a picture of your own taking does. And that picture may be one now in your album that you've taken some time during the year, or one that you shoot with a holiday theme especially selected for "season's greetings." Your family picture record for 1956 probably contains a number of snapshots that would lend themselves admirably to the task of saying "Merry Christmas.1* If you decide to take a special picture for your Christmas card, there are, of course, endless possibilities awaiting your camera. Several of the photographic cards we recerved last year might spark your imagination. One that we especially enjoyed was a shot of the little girl of the house &W togged out in red flannel pbjamas and seated on the family hearth "wailing for Santa." Another was a close-up of shiny Christmas balte strung across the mantel, Each ball bore a large letter -- and the whole spelled out "MERRY , CHRISTMAS." Still another featured a frosted windowpane--a home-grown Jack Frost, job done with a soap spray- -showing Junior's finger just completing the Words "MERRY XMAS" across it --John Van Guilder -L "HOLIDAY FASHIONS" "Holiday Fashions," sponsored by the W.S.C.S. of the Community Methodist church and pre-, Sented by Betty Nielsen, will be i feature of Thursday, Dec. 6, at I o'clock at the church parlors. This will be a dessert luncheon, followed by the fashion show. MARRIED SATURDAY Mildred Groves, daughter of the Anthony DiLegges, became the bride of Raymond Flanagan of Waukegan in a nuptial ceremony solemnized in St. Patrick's i church, McHenry, on Nov. 17. KIWAN1S MEETING DATE The McHenry Kiwanis club h^s changed its meeting place to the Legion home, at 12:10 o'clock every Monday. IN MEMORIAM In memory of our father, who passed away five years ago, Nov. 21. Leslie, Ethel, Laura and Marion Wiedrich. 29 AMONG THE SIC| , . IfcHenry Hospital Patients at McHenry hospital this week were Mrs. Natalie Retss, Stephen Zriny ahd Sharon Stoller of McHenry; Allen Burkes of Rt. 4; Vicki Miller of Rt. 5; Eugene Dowell of Rt. 6; Mrs. Therese Joosten of Wonder Lake i Susan Kelsey and Mark and Rich-, ftrd Tonyan of Pistakee Bay; Raymond- Grant of Spring Grove; Mrs. Elizabeth Coltman , of Sunnyside Beach; and Guy Patellara of Lakemopr. / .. ATTEND FUNERAL Among out of town guests who attended the- funeral of Mrs. Helen SmaUey were Mrs. Paul Nagly, Miss Ruth Laurie, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Feeley,. Miss Lillian, Smith, Mr. and, Mrs. John Cusack, Miss Jennie Finn and Mrs. Berhard White .Of "Chicago.; Mr. and Mrs. "Howard Schneider of Dundee; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jeske, Baron Austin, Mrs. Ida Whiston, Grant Nolan, Mrs. Lyle Hudspn, Minrii'e Bohn, Myrtie Householder, Mrs/ Irene Dietz, Chester Hollister, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gorman, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gorman, Mr. and Mrs. Chet Hollister, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hollister and Mr. and Mrs. Dell Anderson of Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dier of Deerfield; and Mrs. Wallace Carroll and daughter, Lelia, of Lake Forest. by' Marie' ScbAettgton Why not (top off Thanksgiving dinner with pumpkin pie-lets. Thesee individual pies are easy to serve and especially interesting when several different toppings are used, such as whipped cream, nuts, etc. • Pumpktapte . 5,4-inch unbaked pastry shells 2 eggs, slightly beaten 1 No. 303 can (2 cups) pumpkin % cup sugar 1 tsp. cinnamon , % tsp. salt ' W tsp. ginger % tsp. cloves - 1 2/3 cups evaporated milk s (spices used are ground spices) Mix ingredients in Order given. Pour into pastry shells. Bake in 425 degree oven for fifteen minutes; reduce temperature to 350! degrees and continue baking 25| to 30 minutes longer. May bel'V tested by inserting blade Of silver? * knife into center of one pielet:*: Knife will come otjt cleiuiy if ; baked sufficiently. \ | Pies may be pladed on fa la^fc Susan . or large platter- aiftep decorating. : • Recipe * may be Used : tonoakifc one nine-inch pie if pr#«?f& 4 iiUSICAL SERVICE, ^ | Dr. Donald HUstad, dirCdtor, <>f the Moody Bible Institutje and hgad of the music ?fa6wtijr of the Moody Bible Institute, be thc giisst organist atiu at the anhuai Thanksgiving corvT cert of the Evangelistical MisSiott church, Crystal Lake, on Nov...-2$:- at 7:30 p.m. Dr. Hustad is regarded as one of the outstanding ' organists and pianists in oifl£' country. The public is especially; invited to attend this service. ' Buy U.S. savings BenoS CARD OF THANKS Our recent bereavement leaves us with grateful hearts toward neighbors and friends. Your helpfulness and comforting expressions of sympathy will always be remembered. , 29 Calvin Houser and children. DR. B. S. KRIMMER announces his association with the McHENRY MEDICAL GROUP Practice limited to medical and surgical diseases of the eyes. Office hours by appointment 308 S. Green Street Phone McHenry 1050 'A Prayer Thanks For all Thy mercies: Fruitful yield Of ripened vine ahd golden fieM; For freedom; kin and friends to love... We humbly thank Thee, God above. ---Amen. IN OBSERVANCE OF THANKSOIVING OUR BANK WILL NOT TRANSACT BUSINESS ON THURSDAY, NOV. 22. McHENRY STATE BANK Interest Paid On Savings Deposits Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System PHONE 1040 ii Buy U.S. Savings Bonds VILLA NURSING HOME ON PISTAKEE BAK, NfSAR McHENRk Home for the Aged SENILE .... BED PATIENT® PHONE McHENBY 461 Don't Forget.... RAINBOW'S Holiday SUDDEN SERVICE!! \ \ (In by 10:00 AJ4. -- Ready by 4:00 P.M.) % Spill Thanksgiving gravy on the favorite dress or suit? Don't worry, you can still wear it for this weekend. Get it in to our store by 10 A.M. and we'll positively have it freshly cleaned and pressed by 4 P.M. RAINBOW CLEANERS 100 NORTH FRONT ST. PHONE 927 for Pickup Service or SAVE 10% CASH 'N CARRY Open Dally to 6 P.M. -- Fridays to 9 P.M. For The Best Christmas Yet! Join TMAS CLUB A PREPAii CHRI! IN 1957 Club For A dub Even Income 50* A *1.00 A $2.00 A m ek iefc sk *25.00 §§ffi„00 *moo A fc *3.00 A Week ' 0 A Week *1©J0 A We®k = *1,000.00 *250.00 OPEN YOUR CLUB AND YOU CAN MAKE PAYMENTS IN PERSON -- BY MAIL -- BY USE OF THE NIGHT DEPOSITORY » . OR ! WE CAN DEDUCT THE PAYMENTS FROM YOUR CHECKING ACCOUNT • WHERE ONE 81 ENJ BANKING NOTICE T&E McHENRY STATE BANK WILL BE OPEN WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21 AND WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22 IN OBSERVANCE OF THANKSGIVING. McHENRY STATE BANK GHEEN & ELM STHEETS SERVING McHENRY SINCE 1906 MEMBER OF FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM MEMBER OF FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORR PHONE McHENRY 1040 3 j." .

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