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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Nov 1956, p. 5

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Plaondealer Phone 170 - 171 Published every Thursday at lenry, 111., by the Mc&eary iblishing Company, Inc. NATIONAL EDITORIAL BURFEINDT, Gen'l. Manager ADELE FROEHLICH, Editor tJr SUBSCSEPTION EATS p: In McHenry County £1 Year $3.00 6 Months: $1.75 'r 3 Months ........ $1.00 Outside McHenry Comity jfr- 1 Vcar $af.50 6 Months $2.00 3r Months $1.$$ S3 maeiiman Entered as second-class matter at the post office fet McHenry, Illinois, under the act of May 8, 1879. START SERIES OF .«jt£ADEHS' MEETINGS ON 4-H ACTIVITIES The first of a series of leaders' get-togethers planned by the County home economics 4-H comftiittee will be held Wednesday, Nov. 28, at 1:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Clarence Seegers of Marengo. The gatherings are planned to x^|give leaders an opportunity to talk over common projects and problems and to keep them up to date on 4-H activities and projects. The county home economics extension a d v is e r s,. Mrs. Sibyl Sears and Irene Downey of Woodstock, will attend to present Information on 1957 projects and activities. Anyone in the county desiring to lead or join a 4-H club qr wishing to receive more information on the leaders' meeting is asked to .contact the home advisers or one of the committee . members. RECEIVE BIDS FOR FIFTH SECTION OF NEW TOLL HIGHWAY 0 The Illinois State Toll Highway commissioh has received bids for a. section of the -North Illinois toll highway to be partially located in McHenry county. This is the fifth of fifty-one roadway construction sections to tje advertised by the commission. Known as N-3C, the section is about four miles southwest of Marengo and directly west of jfkisection N-4A, where construction Jjias already started. ; 'The section calls for 6.18 miles 'of four-lane divided highway running approximately from Markley road in southeastern Boone county to about a mile east of Riley road in southwestern McHenry county. Apparently low ' bids totalled $2,984,150. Contract specifications call for ^ N-3C to be completed within 370 1 w calendar days. Construction is Already under way on 10.26 miles of the toljway in McHenry and Winnebago counties. The Spirit Of Thanksgiving - The spirit of Thanksgiving seetns to be symbolized by dining room tables stuffed tb overflowing with turkey, sweet potatoes and all . the trimmings. Families gather, tuck their napkins under their chins, offer thanks and -- dig in? On the same day, in Asian rice paddies, Berlin refugee camps, Italian caves, Korean orphanages, Israeli gettlqpients, Gaza Strip tents and Hong Kong ^gutters-- there are no such tables groaning with food--no such happy families gathered. In answer to the crying need of' refugees, orphans, War victims and starving millions throughout the world, CARE, the overseas relief agency, has launched its 1956 Food Crusade. Using farm surplus, donated, by the U.S. government, CARE, is distributing five million special food packages to the world's heedy in the name of the American people. Each package, containing 22 pounds of nourishing staples, will feed a family of four for one month. In order to carry out this ambitious and humanitarian program,' CARE needs your help! Your contribution of one dollar will deliver one 22-pound package, bearing your name, to a needy family in one of eighteen countries of Europe, Asia, the Middle East Or Latin America. Multiply that dollar by 100 and you can deliver one ton of food abroad to an orphanage, refugee camp, needy village or institution. No one is suggesting that you go without your turkey and trimmings but, if you can spare a dollar or more, you can invite an entire family to share your blessings. We recommend CARE's Food Crusade as your opportunity to put real meaning into Thanksgiving. We think you'll enjoy your own meal the more for having shared it with someone less fortunate. The place to send your contributions is: CARE, Chicago! MOURN DEAtH OF ARTHUR THELEN. NATIVE OF CITY Friends joined the family of Arthur Thelen in mourning his death. He died the last of the week in Chicago. Mr. Thelen Was a native of McHenry. He is survived by his widow, Marie; two sons, John A. of Wheaton and Peter J. of McHenry; five godchildren and one sister, Mrs. Emma Mason, of Pekin, 111. Services were held at 10 o'clock Monday morning from Queen of Angels church, Chicago, with interment , in St. Mary's cemetery McHenry. Bead tile ftfoat Ad% LAKEMOOR CAB Service M All Times PHONE MeHENRY 2581 <* BASKETBALL McHenry American L®§i@n Post Team (Comprised of Former High School Players) •8. Richmond, Mnoh McHeitff High School Gym unday, Nov. TWO GAMES 1st Game 7:30 PM. -- 2nd Game 8:30 PM. 9 LOCAL TEAM SPONSORED BY MeHENRY AMERICAN LEGION POST No. 491 Donation Adults 50c Children Under 12 25c Proceeds Used to Purchase Uniforms & Equipment SAVORY VEAL WITH RICE 2 pounds veal steak cup flour 131 teaspoons salt % teaspoon pepper 1 teaspoon paprika % cup salad oil 1 clove garlic, minced 1 cup sour creain % cup water 8 thin slices of lemon 2 cups onion rings 8 cups hot cooked rice Cut meat fcito 12 pieces. Pound until thin. Dip in a mixture of the flour, 1 teaspoon of the salt, pepper, and paprika. Brown meat in heated salad oil. Remove meat from skillet. Pour off fat. Add garlic and sour cream to skillet and stir until simnDtlu Stir in water. Flace meat in the gravy. Cut lemon Blices in half and arrange oyer meat. Cover with onions. Bring to a boil; lower heat. Cover and simmer about one hour, or until the meat is very tender. Heap hot rice in center of plat* ter. Arrange meat around rice. Pour gravy over meat and rice. If the gravy is too thin, thicken slightly with a paste of nour and water. Yields six servings. CORN CROP This season's average loss of mechanically harvested Illinois corn may amount to 12 bushels an acre on the average, according to the state and federal departments of agriculture. It ran this high because of extremely dry weather. However, more than half of the ears and shelled corn thus missed by the machines will probably be saved either by picking it up by hand or turning livestock into the fields. About i,5 per cent of the bumper Illinois corn crop has been harvested. The long-range Weather forecast covering the remainder of November says that cloudy, cold, wet conditions may be expected. Precipitation is likely to be above normal, following a September and October unusually warm and dry. Most of Illinois, the report says, is .likely to have temperatures, averaging Colder than normal, except that, near normal temperatures are predicted, for the northern quarter of the state. LAST ROAD BIDS The last bid letting of the season in connection with Gov. William G. Stratton's 1956 road building program were held at Springfield Nov. 20. Bids were received on construction projects in 13 counties. Contracts for road and bridge projects in 26 counties) totalling $8,686,000 were awarded last week by the state Division of Highways. SALES TAX The Illinois Department of Revenue reports sales tax collections during the fiscal year ending last June 30 totalled $282,- 823,765. Of this amount, $157,- 383,662 was paid by businesses in Cook county and $120,757,853 by establishments downstate. Insured Savings: Savings invested In Crystal Lake Sin-tags and Loan Association are Insured by the Federal Savings and ILoan' Insurance Corp., and earn per cent pins i/2 per cent extra. 88-tf , 4TH ANNUAL JOHNSBURG RESCUE SQUAD BENEFIT DANCE Johnsburg Memorial Hall Nov. 24th Hungarian Child Refugees Sent Emergency Aid Money and more than ten ions of clothing from Save the Children federation are being rushed from America for aid to Hungarian boys and girls, SCF president. Dr. Richard P. Saunders has announced. The federation has cabled funds in answer to an urgent appeal for assistance from its representative in Vienna. A substantial shipment of children's clothing and layettes left the SCF warehouse in New York City early this month tp be flown free of charge to refugees in Austria. "More than 15,000 refugees have fled from Hungary into Austria, mostly women and children," Dr. Saunders stated, "Countless un< ACT TO OBTAIN LAND FOE SCHOOL PLAYGROUND XJSE A suit to recover land in 1vic- Henry by condemnation has been filed in circuit court on behalf of the county board of school trustees against local land owners. According to the bill, the'board of education of the local high school district, No. 156, desires the property for playground purposes and that compensation cannot be agreed upon. , ' The petitioners, the county board ojf trustees, ask that the court determine the amount of compensation that- may be paid the owners. The law states that PLAN NEW HOSPITAL Intensive plaits are under way expectancy rose from 57 years In 1920 to 70 years In 1955. In the for a 2000 bed chronic disease last 35 years the state's general population over 65 years of age increased 250 per cent; state mental hospital population jumped 400 per cent. Dr* Otto L. Bettag, director of public welfare, said the new hospital wfll not be a substitute for an old folks home, but instead will be state hospital' to be erected in the Chicago suburban area. This hospital will have the most modern facilities, with special features for elderly patients. Gov. William G. Stratton, making this announcement last week, pointed out the'problem of caring for the aged is growing as the proportion place for treating the physical of elderly persons in the total J conditions that frequently unjjer* population increases. Average life I line mental illness in the aged. Shop at Home SAVE! ov„v u county school board of trusaccompanied children--*cold, hun- must bring the suit on begry and lost-- wear tags around1 , school district intheir necks saying "Please take me * vec*- in. My mother and father are fight-; -- --~1~ ing to free Hungary.' "For the relief of such,youngsters Save the Children federation is launching a nation-wide campaign to raise more clothing and money." SCF-- an international nonprofit, nonsectarian organization-- has served needy children without regard to race or creed for the past iwenty-tive years. Dr. Saunders stressed that his organization was emptying its warehouses in order to meet "one of the most tragic events in modern times." He urged Americans to help by sending cash contributions to "Hungarian Refugee Relief," Save the Children Federation, United Nations, Plaza, New York 17, N.Y. Bundles of child and adult clothing, also urgently needed, should be sent to Save the Children Federation Warehouse, Knoxville, Tenn. CALL DR. HENRY FSEUND OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green Street McHenry; (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FETTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABIUTAFION .COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS " "I HOURS: DAILY 9 TO 12 AJft. and 1 TO S: PJC..l FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:BO PJFF. ... EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT • PHONE MeHENRY 452.; Modern Dancing with ROMAN KONEY & His Orch. Dancing from 9 P.M. 'Til 1 A.M. and cRafiidayton Water Systems Wo Repair and Sarrica All Makai of Pumpi Authoriiadi Rad Jackal fr Datton Pump Agancy Wells Drilled or Driven Pump* A Repairs MCHENRY COUNTY WELL © PUMP COMPANY Fred H. Mattheslus Phone 718 ICE SKATING IS GOOD,'HEALTHFUL FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY. - FOR THE BEGINNER "" STBAP-ON DOUBLE RUNNERS . . . . $1X0 "ARCO" BLACK & WHITE SHOE • DOUBLE RUNNERS . . . SOS FOR THE ADVANCED SKATERS ~~~ "ARCO" White Figure Skates {or Girls . . . . . . . .$ 7.25 "ARCO" Box Toe Hockey Skates for Boys $ 7JS "NESTOR JOHNSON" Ladies'White Figure Skates . . . . . $ 1 4 . 7 5 "NESTOR JOHNSON" Men's Black Figure Skates ... . . . $14.75 "NESTOR JOHNSON" Men's Box Toe Hockey Skates 9U&95 STRAP-ON SNO SKI SKATES ....... $138 SEE OUR COMPLETE DISPLAY OF TOYS AND GIFTS - USE OUR LAY-A-WAY PLAN! VYCITAL'5 HARDWARE SHEET METAL SHOP 132 S. GREEN STREET PHONE 98 MEHENRY, NJ Snglnoered -for uo|ir klncfl of driving I What's a woman to do? It's mighty frustrating to have to dash all the way from the kitchen every time-the phone rings. What's a woman tq do? Get a kitchen phone, of course. Saves steps, saves time, saves calls. You can even pick up the phone and make a call "while you keep an eye on what's cooking. Only a few cents a day, after a small installation charge, for a lot of convenience. Call your telephone business office for your kitchen phone today. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY n- ISl EW The Engine that puts SUPER M HOLIDAY COUPE BCONOMV WHIN ROWER WHEN VOU WANT IT I WBBP IT! For '57, Olds launches the mighty new Rocket T-400 Engine . . . most efficient, most powerful in Oldsmobile s high-compression history! Greater torque . . . now 400 lb. -ft. G reater horsepower . . . now 277! Displacement ... up to 371 cubic inches! Greatest action yet . . . from a host of major engineering advances that put the accent on your kind of performance! Biggest news of all! You getjhis action -packed Rocket T-400 Engine in every new Oldsmobile! Take your choice seventeen exciting models in three gnat serin-- ' Rocket 88, Super 88, Starfirv 98! Olds for '57 launches other sweeping changes yoa cu see at a glance! There's the low, flowing profile . . . the wide,, road-hogging* ride of the neww ide-Stance Chassis! Fresh styling ideas, too, accent the low-level look . . . from the new Hi-Lo Bumper to the sweeping color and chrome of the new Accent Stripe! Only Olds--value-car of the year--could be this new . . . this powerful . . . this different! Come in soon and see how much this can mean to you! rvi sn INI NIW 1957 tOCKIT MOINI OLMMONUSI NOW ON DitfUT IN out IMOWIOOM! R. J. 0w@rton Motor Sales m ** *** --• il out OUBT FOK "HIGH BUTTON SMOK", STABKIN* NANITTI PA1BAY, HAi MARCH ANO MM MUCUS «M I 1, SAT.

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