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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Nov 1956, p. 7

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REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE PLACE *> r y *z[ • **• ^if Y, £ \t ' ' / r-y ! ? • ; ' , ' i CLASSIFIED FOR RENT HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED CLERK-TYPIST. -Some knowledge bookkeeping required. Permanent--five-day week. Qive references, age, experience u?d salary desired. Apply Box 211, ro McHenry Plaindealer. 27-tf 'NEED MORE MONEY TO LIVE GN ? Increase your weekly income $20 to $25 or more in spare time. Supply Rawleigh Products to consumers ™ifi Fox River Grove or McHenry. Also openings for full time qejalers. I'll help you get started. See or write Roy Keenum, 211 stview Rd., Crystal Lake. Ph. •R or write Rawleigh's, Dept. .-52-Dt) Freeport. 26*5 Help Wanted Want to work at the friendliest place in town? ILLINOIS J3ELL , TELEPHONE CO. "/ . . has a few openings for rrators. YOU LIKE • People • A responsible job • Good pa> and • Pleasant surroundings . . Come in and learn more about ' becoming a "voice with a smile". EX-OPERATORS: Credit Given for past experience. Salary s^igher than ever. Call Miss Marshall on McHenry .9901 or See her at 102 N, Park, McHenry. ^ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE CO. a* WANTED -- Intelligent girl for typing, dictation and some book- tieping experience. Phone Cary ercury 9-7286 during business hours. '• 29 WANTED -- DEPENDABLE dishwasher. Apply in person at Johnson's Snack Shop. 216 So. Green St., •McHenry. 29 (MIDDLE AGED woman to cook ;and do light house work for middle aged couple; one able to leave fid spend winter in Florida; good ages. Give complete resume and •references in letter to Box 213 c/o Plaindealer. 29 PRACTICAL NURSE or equivalent to care for invalid woman at ,home. Must furnish own transportation. Phone McHenry 502-R-2. *29 REAL ESTATE HOUSE FOR SALE by owner, 3 bedrooms, 2 car garage with 3 room apartment above. 100' x 100' lot. East Pistakee Bay Wooded Estates. $1,000 down and contract. Phone McHenry 1727-R. 28-tt 3 .BEDROOM bungalow, full basement, attached garage, completely furnished. Income home on adjoining lot. Will sell separately -- $ owner. Call 758-J. 28-4 COUNTRY CLUB Subdv. New 3 bedroom house. Plastered walls, hardwood floors, forced air oil heat. Birch cabinet^, large lot, beach rights. Charlotte Ave. 28-3 FOR SALE-- HOMES--FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY M KNOX REAL ESTATE 405 Richmond Read McHenry, HI. Phone: McHenry 421-J 42-tf THREE bedroom ranch home, full basfement, plastered walls, oak floors, modern kitchen, ga£ heat, 70' x 120' lot, immediate occupancy Easy terms. IO bedroom cape cod expandfcle with two unfinished bedrooms upstairs, full basement, plastered walls, oak floors, modern kitchen, storms, 70' x 120' lot. Financing available. Wonderful buy for growing family. See or call A. N. May Builders, Inc., Richmond, Illinois. Phone: 4381. 2&3 I Good Reasons For Always Using McHenry Plaindealer to Want Ads * Low Rates * Good Results * Easy To Place Tel. McHenry 170 2 BEDROOM year round home, basement attached garage, lake privileges. Beautiful view. Stove and refrigerator included, $11,500 Fred Shumate. PKone Wonder Lake 6761 13tf BARGAIN SEEKERS THIS IS THE CHANCE OF YOUR LIFE 2 bedroom, near river, fruit trees, rock garden, hardwood floors, tile bath, automatic washer & dryer. ,;6 yrs. old. Full price $12*500. 5 aeries with 2 yr. old ranch home on main road 2% miles to large shopping district. -- $14,500. 3 bedroom, garage, gas heat, basement, tile bath & screened in porch $12,000. WE HAVE 2 buyers that are interested In a home between $9,000 and $12,000. We also have a buyer for a business property in McHenry. If you are interested in selling your home or business property c611 McHenry 430. Airspun Builders and Real Estate. 14tf Ji< near McHenry, faces beach lot on Fox River. Has large living room, gas heat. Price furnished $9850. Can be bought unfurnished. L. Neikirk, owner, Huemann's Subd. Ph. 1353. . 29-2 SITUATION WANTED RELIABLE WOMAN will care for children in your home any hour, any day or evening. Phone McHenry 627-R-l. „ 26-tf WILL CARE, for children ill my home.\ 5 days a week, -- Phone 823-Wi 29 WANTED Year 'round fully insulated home near lake $5,500. Can be bought on contract. 1 bedroom fully insulated -- $4,700. Ranch house, 2 bedrooms, garage attached, large kitchen, storms, tile bath $13,000. House with river rights, natural fire place, 3 bedrooms, f u l l b a s e m e n t , h a r d w o o d floors, forced air oil heat, custom kitchen., Home is 2 yrs. old. Widow must sell. $25,000. Business property, 3 apartments, 1 store, full basement, ineome $250.00 per mo. Price $19,000. Can be bought on contract. 4 rooms, river rights, $8,500. $1,000 down, balance on contract. Wonder Lake, 2 bedropms, gas heat, 2 yrs. old, $12,000. Can be bought on contract. CAR POOL to and from Libertyville. 5 day week. Working hours 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. Call Ed Wittrock, McHenry 662-R-l. 29 Wanted INSURED SAVINGS Savings invested In Crystal Lake Savings and Loan Association are insured by tfee Fedft- al Savings and Loan Insurance Corp., and earn 2%% plus sx'ra. 33-tf REAL ESTATE wanted tor our clients. 2 and 3 bedroom, modern homes. In or near McHenry, close to railroad preferred. From $12,000 to $15,000. JACOB FRITZ • REALTORS In Johnsburg McHenry 37 38-tf 3 bedroom ranch, water softener, washer & dryer, birch cabinets, attached garage, gas heat, bath and a half, walking distance to depot & shopping. 1 year old. (This house must be seen to appreciate) $26,000. 1 commercial block building on large business lot. Owner retiring. For fast sale $1,1,500. Completely furnished home on 3 lots all fenced in. Must sell, $11,000. 2 bedroom forced air heat, storm, screens. This is another exceptional buy at $9,000. 6% acre farm with nice large house, large chicken house and other bldgs. 1 mile from town on main highway, $15,000. Can be bought on contract. AIRSPUN BUILDERS fc REAL ESTATE Located 2 blocks East.of Bridge on Route 120 PHONE McHENRY 430 26-tf THREE bedroom brick home, full basement, double garage, enclosed breezeway, storm windows and screens, gas heat, near schools. Edgebrook Heights. Phone 1485-M. 28-3 5 ROOMS, 2 bedroom house on 100 x 125 lot; garage basement; Must sacrifice, $7900. Small down payment. Can be purchased on contract. Wonder Lake 2662. *29 Listings Wanted Pine Tree Tower Rt. 120 and Johnsburg Rd- McHenry Office Phone 1655 Residence 1216 52-tf To Interested Parties' For a gala night's entertainment, plan to attend "Theatre Party" on Nov. 28, sponsored/ by McHenry Hospital Worn- ' en's Auxiliary. Get your tickets at Bolger's drug store. . ON PACKAGES , To Our Friends Happy Thanksgivng Spiritually and Turkey wise - • Club Lilymoor 29 MOOSE DANCE * ' EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT 9 P.M. MEMBERS & GUESTS^ ONLY at the McHENRY MOOSE LODGE On Route 120 McHenry, 111. 19tf FINANCING WANTED -- We have available a limited number of clients desiring first mortgages. Tliese mortgages cover new homes and are secure investments. Arnold N. May Bldrs., Inc., Richmond, 111. Richmond 4381. 26-tf WAffTED TO BUY TOP PRICE PAID for iron, metals and junk cars. Ed Marsh, phone Woodstock 1610-M-2. 43-tf GROOMS -- SCRAP iron and metal. Phone 637M1. 5-tf 3 USED STORM windows-- size 28 x 63. Gust Roepke, Richmond. Call Richmond 2831. *29 MISCELLAMEOUS HAS YOUR DRINKING become a problem? Men, women, if so write Alcoholics Anonymous, Rt. 5, Box 508, McHenry, 111. .Meetings every Monday 8:30 p.m. 12-tf Classified Ads bring results. Place yours with the Plaindealer BUCK'S TOWN CLUB Will be happy to serve your Thanksgiving Turkey with all the trimmings along with the regular menu. Dinners served from 12 noon until 9 p.m. Reservations accepted. 29 Wise Shop At Nye's "Your Waigreen Agency Drug Store" Phone 26 129 No. Riverside Dr. McHenry, HL LEGALS NOTICE OF CLAIM DATES Estate of MATHIAS L. WELTER, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that January 7th, 1957, is the claim date in the estate of MATHIAS L. WELTER, Deceased, pending in the Cotanty Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. VIRGINIA M. RITTER, Administrator LEROY J. WELTER, Attorney 404 Grove Ave. McHenry, Illinois (Pub. Nov. 15-21-29 1956) Insured Savings: Savings Invested in Crystal Lake Sayings and LOAD Association "are Insured by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp., and earn %yt per cent plus y2 per cent extra. 88-tf 11 i I H M'.f 'H tt 1' I H I 11 'New* About Onr Servicemen s s Robert L. Whiting, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Whiting of Woodstock and a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. William Staines of 519 Waukegart road, McHenry, has been appointed first platoon leader of his recruit company at Great Lakes Naval Training center. As a recruit petty officer, he will wear a./miniature rating insignia as a badge of authority during the remainder of his nine weeks of boot camp. . He was chosen for the position in recognition of leadership qualities displayed while undergoing recruit' training. Placing Christmas Seals on her holiday packages, Miss Illinois of 19'56 (Tillie Micheletto) Collinsville, 111., urges all Illinois residents to buy and use Christmas Seals on all their holiday mail and packages and spread the message of hope, joy and cheer throughout the world. "For Christmas Seals are not only symbolic of a courageous fight against the insidious disease, tuberculosis, they are a gift to ourselves -- a gift of health." CROP CAMPAIGN. HEADED BY LOC^L MAN. IN PROGRESS People of McHenry county Can share their abundance with world neighbors through CROP this Thanksgiving season and in so doing wiU feel that they contributed substantially to those less fortunate. William E. Pictor, McHenry high school agriculture teacher, is chairman of this year's drive for the couhty, assisted by Mark Zimmerman in his publicity program. There are millions of starving and homeless refugees throughout the world. Five out of ten people alive today .never get enough food for health, growth and vigor. They are helped only by such agencies as CROP. The Christian Rural Overseas Program was started ten years ago to collect farm commodities and send them to the needy overseas. Church World Service, sponsor of the movement, has cqllected and delivered for Catholic Rural Life, Lutheran World Relief and other Protestant denominations. At present, about twenty-four countries, including the newly added Hungary, are receiving CROP help to meet new disasters or relieve continuing suffering. Rural folks locally may re-, spond to CROP by pledging corn to the Home Bureau units which are making the canvassing drive in this county. Cbsh gifts are also acceptable to pay for distribution of government-given surplus. aoi I0E301 I0G301 961 CARPETS & RUGS • HOME SHOPPING SERVICE • FREE ESTIMATES • BUDGET TERMS • SMOOTH-EDGE INSTALLATION BY FACTORY TRAINED PERSONNEL FREE: RUG PAD OR 10% OFF FOR A LIMITED TIME TONYAN'S 1 JME FIBMISHINS'I " PHONE 917 214 SO. GREEN ST. IOBX©Ii McHENRY jj sssao FLYING WfiTH AUTOMATIC DELIV/ER FAOYHRJLLY Our automatic service keeps you constantly supplied with dependable high grade Fuel Oil Phone 730 today for quick delivery. C IQCAG MMMM 1^. HfATtMOtlS TREASURER'S REPORT A balance in all county funds oft $648,147.66 on Nov. 1 was reported by County Treasurer Vernon Kays in his report made last week. The balance on Oct. 1 was $659,303,12. Receipts. during the month amounted to $111,693.10 as against expenditures of $122,- 843.56. Results received on four test wells are not encouraging and engineers are expected to come up with more information which will eventually lead to securing a second source of water supply. EAGLE. PICHER TRIPLE SLIDE Aluminum STORM WINDOWS and DOORS Liberal Trade-In Allowance on your old windows and doors. ORDER NOW! Zephyr Ventilated ALUMINUM AWNINGS •nd DOOR CANOPIES Also The Famous Zephyr Aluminum ROLL UP A DOWN AWNINGS ARTHUR BGGER PHONE 840-J S07 Wanlcegan Rd. McHenry Second Lt. Frederick D. Harfcmann, whose wife, Harriet, and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Hartmann, live an Route 3, McHenry, recently was graduated from the officer basic course at the quartermaster school, Fort Lee, Va. In the 12-week course, Lt. Hartmann received essential branch training as a newly commissioned officer. He entered the Army last July. Lt. Hartmann was graduated from the University of Illinois in 1955 and was employed by the Illinois Bell Telephone company, Champaign. CITY TAX COLLECTION City sales tax collection during September netted 832 Illinois m u n i c i p a l i t i e s $ 3 , 9 0 7 , 9 1 7 . The S32 cities assessing the one-half cent sales tax on August business -epresent an increase of eleven over the preceding month. McHenry received $5,055.26. VICTIM . An accident which caused iiijuries to four at the time it oc-' curred on Oct. 27 in McHenry, county claimed one of their live* this past week. The victim f§ Ernest Meyers, 44, of rural Lakes, Geneva, who died in Walworth hospital at Elkhorn.. J It will be remembered that5 Mrs. Gene Toone, 28, of Wfe& worth, her son, Larry HarrisoBjf 10, and Charles Forsythe, 44, off Walworth were seriously injured^ in the crash. Meyers was treatedat Harvard hospital for several days and later transferred tOi Elkhorn. Meyers lost control ofhfe cair on Oct. 27, after which it skidded, for 400 feet before hitting an embankmeht and a tree. His death was the thirty-fourth fatality in the county this year. • vk M t-m PLAN TAG DAYS AT WONDER LAKE AND RINGWOOD FOR CROP • _ • 'i's The Ringwood unit- of the Home Bureau is the sponsoring agent for the Christian Rural; Overseas Program in that area^"'; Under the directorship of Mrs.! John Condron, members will spon* sor a tag day at Wonder Lak#'^' Saturday, Nov. 24, with the local - 4-H members accepting contribu-; tions. ^ Mrs. Leo Smith and Mrs. Walk#?; ington plan a similar tag day for! Ringwood. Mrs. Arthur Hopp^f! • will call on the farmers in the.a area for their pledges of vcrops and the members of the F.F.A,, will pick uf> the donations. Coa-.'ttribution of cash or crops will ••••; be gratefully accepted. I announces . . . ALYCE JOYCE as our authorised Hammond Organ Teacher and Sales Representative for the Ctialn-p-Lakes Reglftl ^ The HAMMOND ORGAN.. . . . the easiest keyboard in^ strument for adults and children to play. Lyon-Healy offers a complete line of Hammond Organs, priced from $1365, on terms to suit your needs. For full details, see, phone or write . . . ALYCE JOYCE 308 West Elm McHenry, Illinois Phone 812 LYON-HEALY, 243 S. Wabaih. Ave* Chicago 4. WAbash 2-7900 bathes away dry skin No more body lotions, oils and creams-leaves you i mooth all over. Four full ounces $3*^0 (pi-- tax) Just a few drop$ of this fragrant, Qolden, Cosmetic Bath Oil literally washes away rough, dry skin, comforts chapped areas, helps tensions disappear. Its luxurious perfume clings and its amazing effect lasts. Embrace is actually a beauty treatment for the body, a soothing comfort the entire family can enjoy. Try it tonight! MAIL AND TELEPHONE ORDERS FILLED NYE DRUG STORE 129 NO. RIVERSIDE DR. WALGREEN AGENCY PH ONE 28. McHENRY, ILLINOIS '"•I

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