.WFi M Pip Tw«l»» THE .McHEIlBY - PLAINDEAL5H REDHEAD 10 FE 4HHH3(> ^,aw \tK\w. AN ORDINARV RMR OF EYES IS CAPABLE OF DRAWING UP "TO €5% OF THE ENERGY YOUR BbDY GENERATES. A picture painted on the nerve fibers after being received through the cornea, and then focused by the tens, sets up electrical impulses from lohicti the brain conjures for 'you, all the visual elements-distance, color brightness, contour, vertical and horizontal. THE- LATE i^l LATE SHO Tfrvr$d&y* November 29,1 I Especially for f | Pet Owners .. | lililliiKIIIIIII'iaXliljllJItl'lliaVlllliiililil!)!!:!:!:!!!!!');!'!:!?)'!:!!!:!;!;^ f •>. The addition of certain antibiotic supplements to the diet of puppies has resulted in larger and steadier weight gains during the first eight weeks after weaning. However, the use of antibiotics does not affect the size of the adult dog. LAST YEAR ABOUT 53 MILLION AMERICANS) USED EYE DROP5 TO REST TIRED EYES. - . ^(BiSDZP EaOi eye has more than 100 million sensitive cells capable of receivinqan impression.'1 However, onlq a fraction ct these impressions are relaued to the orsin. Milk Ideal For Weight Reduction Milk is an ideal food to drink and use in other ways while on a weight reduction program, according to Geraldine Acker, University of Illinois foods specialist. Milk is an excellent source of protein, minerals and vitamins necessary to diets, whether for reducing or just as insurance to keep tipping the scales at the same mark. Miss Acker emphasizes that good diets are based on fulfilling the daily nutrient requirements at a lower calorie count. Milk will not cause you to put on weight if it is included in your daily allotment of calories. If your calorie count needs to be very low, you can use skim milk. It has all the food value of whole milk except for the fat content and vitamin A, and it has only half the calories. Milk leads the way to good nutrition and a better balanced reducing diet. Good basic nutrition is the forerunner of good health and good looks. All foods help, particularly milk. and a better balanced reducing diet. Good basic nutrition is tho forerunner of good health and good looks. A1 lfoods help, particularly milk. Pet owners who change residence or fail to complete a regular schedule for having their pets inimunized against distemper should start the series over rather than risk trouble from the interruption. Cortisone has benefited many cases of arthritis in old dogs and also seems to hasten the healing of ulcers of the cornea of the eye. It has also seemed of benefit in canine bronchial asthma. The cancer problem in dogs is increasing. Veterinarians report an especially marked increase in mammary tumors in older female dogs. Spaying may help present these tumors. Wounds on a cat's ears often are caused by the bites or scratches of other cats. Such wounds should be regarded as serious because they may develoD stubborn infection if not properly cared for. |T m ®1 Until a ivian g Bites a Dog| tmtOHe V Dies V Elopes V Has a Party V Receives an Award V Has a Baby V Makes a Speech V Gets Married V Holds a Meeting V Buys a Home V Has Guests V Goes Away or Moves V Has a Fire Vis 111 V Has an Operation V Has an Accident V Builds a Home V Wins a Prize V Or Takes Part In Any Other Unusual Event THAT'S NEWS AND WE WANT IT BY TUESDAY OF EACH WEEK JUST CALL The McHenry Plainc PHONE 170 •' :'i'V THOSE WERE THE DAYS ^IT'6 6EVENJ O'CLOCK £ ' By ART BEEMAft THE TRUTH fay ItyM Arnold ! NOTHING WE'RE JUST COAAiN0 IN . CHILDREN -- WHERE ARE YOZJ 0OIN6 ? TO THE MOVieS/ THEY'RE HAVING A SPECIAL. MIDNIGHT MATINEE 1 CHILDREN N-TIME TO BE OFF TO DREAMLAND F WERE THE DAYSi W?E£MA* OLD TIME FAVMLIES USED TO RETIRE 900M J i AFTER THE BIRDS --VOU CANT HARDLY TELL • FROM PAY I AM** « ** SHELL; HOSSFACE HANK BY FRANK THOMAS ^.BOY.'-EP WB HAD llff HIS MONEY,VMHUT ) c vs/E COULDN'T DO L)T MAN.'-EF I HAD THEIR) SPARE TIME, VMHUl « COULDN'T DO NNtTH U7 I BOSS! IS ONE OF THE MOST UNSANITARY PRACTICES IN VJMICK HUMANS INDULGE *ANS> SHOUU> BE AVO/fiEb'SW leading bacteriologists / 4 <^AtHTAKE HAIF - Tmo Rtltiird b* Smnh ScMti iver ANTS Demami. N I \v\ Africa, aire the ok! y IMSBCTS farad by mf& Lfvinq Thlnq! (TOTALLY SLIN&/THEV TRAVEL IN MILLIONS, AND EAT ONLY M€AT, LWIMG OR DEAt>!) SONNY SOUTH oTT, HEAH COMES HELLOi THAT NEW GIRL THAR' | ^ IN TOWN By AL SONDERS PeRwwoEntLV FROZEN GROUND EXISTS UNDER MORE THAM 85 %pERCENT OF TMS . ALASKAN TERRITORY / WOULD Vtf LIKE T' \ COME OVAH AN'SE£ f ME TONIGHT f J" OH, HELLO. AH HAWEh/T SE-EN SO BEFOAH J* AH JUST ADORE TALL MEN! &HO. NUFF WHy THANK YE LI'L DAVY HOW DIO yE KNO VO'RE OV UNGLE RUFF WANTED A RAZOR FER HIS IMfctMu. dlwMW* RURAL DELIVERY AL SMITH WHY IT- HAS NEW O.K TIRES, NEW PAINT/ GIVE JOB, A GOOD C VOO MOTOR AND IT ^TWENTY/ RUNS LIKE DREAM' NEVER MIND/ IF IT'S WORTH THAT / l i e c r r, MUCH I DON'T >U5tD WANNA CARS BOtldHT ANO d°LO ILL Givytf YA 1 TAKE A ten bucks! ) f good LOOK AT IT/ 0L t LITTLE By KERN PEDERSON OFF MAIN STREET By JOE DENNETT 7 I NEVER TOUCH THAT DOOR WITH MY HANDS' MEATBALL/ didn't 1 tell. You to be CAREFUL OF YOUR DIRTV HANDS ON THAT DOOR' always t I DIDN'T DO IT. MA, HONEST/ IQM OKA J bf SAhtt Servioi Dnuim, N. I GRANDPA'S BOY I Got Thb CWocolmzJ you #?/NG By BRAD ANDERSON MAK/N (CHocXAT MILK 5HAK£5 o«7 5^ OW^AWJ -fHUMp THe>ILK( oH 5 nns After a feller drinks in a gals beauty he's soon eatin' her cookin*. • • • Fellers who tell nothin' but the truth seldom do much talkin'. • • • Tod Bolton says his birthstone must have been a grindstone • • • There's a tot o' beef in' and bellerin' where there ain't any cows. * • • Many a gal's apple dumplln' is a winesap or a bald. win. • • • And don't a lot o* gals give their honey a combin'? * *•• * F-S-5S AH of us long for th' time when we'll not be short. * • * Yes sah, straight shooters all aim t' do right. * • «i It's th' hot headed folks who really burn us up. $ • • • Harry Daven says, "A 'touch* is always felt." • • •• Yes sah, prayin* things down < is a lot better than workin' things up. * * * Ho hum, when tires and men ' are busted they're flat. * * * One thing about Rip Van A Winkle, he did wake up. V --ftfeV. CHAKLEY GRANT .1 ACROSS 1. Salary 4. Dispatch 8. Couch 12. Single 18. Great lake 14. God of war 16. Sluggish 17. Prevaricates 18. Grows weary 19. Weird 21. Spread to dry 23. Speeder ' 28. Accumulated 80. Four, comb, tonn 81. Soak up 82. At thla time 34. Craft 85. TravwrM 88. Repd 41. P6rt of foot 48. Period 44. Crown 46. Bint 50. Make doll 52. Perservered 64. Toward sheltered side 55. Let it stand 56. Mineral roek 57. Not as ranch 58. Allot 69. Enclosure DOWN 1. Mail 2. Against 3. Period of time 4. Feels 5. An epoch 6. A number 7. Hinder 8. Salty 9. Eastern 10. Fixed charge 11. Beast of burden 16. Obtains 20. Groove 22. Lair 24. Makes mistakes 25. Grade 26. Fungus npore sac 27. The morning 28. Disciples 29. Kind of besfle . S8. Marry 86. Steps 87. Ocean 89. Courteous 40. American Indiana 42. spectrum 45. Poker stake 47. Above 48. Wither 49. Paradise 60. Companion 5J, Malt drink Solution