'i>, ; THR5FT WEEK REMINDER FROM A Oil Hea+er Is Often Fire Hazard li'u-- rr n- Home Clrclo The Home CfrcJe was ehtertained in the home of Mrs. Louis Hawley Thursday, with Mrs. Ben Walkington as co-hostess. Luncheon was served at 12:45 and a fine program in charge of Mrs. Louis Hawley Was enjoyed. Bake Sale The Women's Society for Christian Service will hold a bake sale in the post office building Friday, Jan. 25, starting at 10. The W.S.C.S. will hold a bake sale in the post office building Friday, Jan. 25, starting at 10 a.m. W.S.C.S. Church News The Women's Society for Christ-! ian Service met in the fellowship j room at the church Wednesday j evening Mrs. Viola Low arid Mrs. ; Phyllis Rasmussen had the pro- I gram "Islands in my Community". I Hostesses .vrro Mrs. Walter Low j and Miss Alice Pect . j The Ringwood official board met at the church Monday eve- ( ning. | Rev. Roy Johnson of the Church i of the Brethren delivered the j sermon Sunday morning as the pastor. Rev. James Reid, and his j family are vacationing in Florida. | Round-up Club The Round-up club met at the Church Saturday evening and all j went for a sleigh ride. They end-! ed up at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrison, where refreshments were served. Frank Smith of Pistakee Bay showed pictures on the screen that he took while in Korea. • Birthday Supper The annual birthday supper sponsored by the Round-up ehib will be held in the Church basement Saturday evening. Jan. 26. A social evening will be enjoyed and each one will pay a penny for their age. spent the week-end with relatives at Waukesha, Wis. John Hogan, Jr., and a group of school friends attended the auto show in Chicago Saturday. Mr. and Mi's. Milton Madison and son of Kenosha Were visitors in the Dr. Hepburn home Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Gout of Fox Lake were callers in the Dr. Hepburn home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woods and son, Leonard, and granddaughter. Helen, of Genoa city were Sunday dinner guests df Mr. and Mrs. Pete Sebastian. Mrs. Clara Durland was called to Eau Claire. Wis., Sunday by the sudden death of her brother who died of a heart attack. Wni. Cruickshank is attending the stock show in Denver this i week. ! Oil 'heaters -- whether stove, range or space heaters -- are responsible for a great number of fatal fires in dwellings. Portable heaters, which in many pltfces in tenement dwellings that are especially vulnerable to the spread of fire and Joss of life--are a major cause of such fires. . Because of this, the National 6oard of Fire Underwriters has issued the following precautions: Don't place the heater near a doorway where the exit could be blocked. Don't put it where it can eastiy be tipped over. Keep it away from curtains, bedding' or other combustibles. '• Don't fill it when hot or when In use. Be •sure there's ventilation in the room at night--open a window. Don't let children play near the heater. E the educator says INAUGl'RATION RITE Gov. Wifliam G. Stratton was inaugurated for his second term as chief executive of Illinois at noon Monday, Jan. 14. The inaugural was held in the state Armory at Springfield. Chief Justice of the State Supreme Court. Ray Klingbiel, will administer the oath of office to the governor. Newly elected and reelected state officials were inducted in Armory ceremonies beginning at 12:30 p.m. Buy U <3. Savings Bonds Dear Santo: Please make il possible for me to do the thing I want to do mostteach children well. Illinois Education Association INCREASED WATER USE Increasing use of water by Illinois residents is shown in a report by the Sta;e Water Survey. In towns of 15,000 to 50,000 population. wato>- nsp wept im *--- Personals Mrs. Fugene Oxtoby and Mrs. George Shepard were visitors at . Marengo and Belvidere Tuesdav !38 Sallons daily caPlta m 1940 afternoon. Thcv called on Mrs. tG 48 £allons in 1952- In towns nf less than 10,000 population, the use of water increased from F. N. Muzzy at Marengo. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low And Mr. and Mrs. Roland Bauer spent Friday evening in Bauer home, near McHenry. Mrs. Louis Hawley spent Friday with her daughter, Mrs. Ernest Reinwall, Jr., and family at McHenry. Miss Mary Hogan gave a talk at the District 6 Pure Milk meeting at the Westwood school at Woodstock Saturday. Those from here 1o attend the W.S.C.S. meeting at the Chicago temple in Chicago Friday were i Mrs. Ben Walkington, Mrs. Paul Walkington and Mrs. John Hogan. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce and family spent Saturday evening in the Delmer Shook home at Woodstock. • Mr. and Mrs. William Glawe of Woodstock and Mrs. Flora Harrison were dinner guests in the Roy Harrison home Sunday. Mrs. Ben Walkington spent the weekend with her daughter, Virginia, in Chicago. Mrs. John Hogan and daughter, Mary, attended the 4-H Lead ers' banquet at the Clarence Olson school at Woodstock Tuesday evening. Mrs. Hogan received a certificate and gold pin for ten years of leadership. Sunday guests in the Beatty- Low home were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frey of Richmond, Mr. - and Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and family. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Crjisty 32 gallons daily p<*>- ^apita in 1940 the" Urban ito 35 gallons in 1952. SHE READ MI? THOUGHTS" «// . . . and found he was not thinking of her at all, but only of STEFFAN'S! le flans "SfRVICE And QUAllllf I7/>/ ^ A TRADITION " I I \ 5/4 Main ST 1 McHENQY, ILL • . ... "APPEARANCES ARE DECEPTIVE" '(Author's name below) That good things come, in small packages is particularly true of .medicines. It is amazing how often a serious illness is relieved, almost like magic, within a few hours. When the new hormones and antibiotics were first released many people were dismayed that some of them cost as much as 50c each. They soon learned that not only were they saving more lives, but people got well so much quicker that medicines-per-illness now cost less than before. We, of course, price all prescriptions as low as operational costs permit. YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE McHeory 26 WHEN YOU NEED A MEDICINE A great many people entrust us with the responsibility of filling their prescriptions. May we compound yours? NYE DRUGS PHONE' 26 129 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry v 111. PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS "Quotation by Aesop (619-564 B.C.) The Appointment of A New MERCURY DEALERSHIP IN THIS AREA T&A Mercury Sales, Inc. 16 Rand Road on Route 120*-- Lakemoor PHONE McHiNRY 2669 Open Daily 8 A.M. to 9 P.M. -- Sunday 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. Be Sure To Get Our Deal On The New "BIG M" 1957 Mercury Before You Buy Any New Car! We Have Complete Service Facilities For Every Make Car. -- See Our Late Model Used Cars NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS ch For Our Grand Opening Announcement Soon! LOIN ROAST lib Portion 33'. 43 Loin Portion ib. Center Cut Lb. Cii@§is or Roast Rib Half Portion, lb. 43c Loin Hail Portion, Ib. 51c 65 PORK BUTT ROAST "Super-Right" Quality Tender Juicy--Fresh Lb. 39 LEG OF LAMB "Super-RigHt" Quality, Shin Bone Removed Lb. 49 NIBLETS WHOLE KERNEL COftiN 29* 12-oi. tint PICT RIPE FREESTONE I NCHES 3 29-OI. tint DOLE SLICED iMlJkPPLi 29-ox. tin 35 A»P FANCY SLICED liiTS 16-02. tin DEL MONTE PEACHI! Sliced and 29-oz. Halves tin It WOODBURY BATH S©AP bath WOODBURY FACIAL SOAP reg. IVORY BATH SOAP large bars IVORY FACIAL SOAP 3"'- Q<c bars aO SPARE RIBS "Super-Right" Quality--Fresh Perfect for Barbecue Lb. 39 At* Stewing Chickens 3 to 4 lb. Pan Ready Plump, Tender Chicken Lb. 35 PRODUCE VALUES From A&P! i " • Golden--Firm, Ripe, Fruit Blowl Quality Bananas •\ Florida Temple 90-100's Oranges Florida U.S. No. I Grade A New Red Potatoes 2-29 Do*. 49 Colorado McCVure Potatoes 10-69 French Fries A-.P 2 £29c f Whole Kernel 4 I0-OI. ^ ION! A & P Brand £ pkgs. «# I Baby Una Beans 2 HE 12-01. tin Safe and Gentle To Your Undies 2,arg# C7« pkgs. 01 4ie Rinso So® Powder giant pkg. r by iange Juice 233s Uxliii Soap Strawberries A & P Frozen Sliced $ Sugated I0*z. pkf* AMERICA'* FOREMOST FOOD RETAILER . . . SINCE 1859 rami Size ivory 4-25 Ivory Flakes 2 5 17 TKI GREAT ATLANTIC £ PACIFIC TEA COMPANY All pricos effective through January 19th Drive Slower and