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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Mar 1957, p. 17

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•. mm th t f . ' ' V ' • . • : - i / ; - - - ; S « ' j - « " - ' • • ' " " t ' t r v " ; . ' " ' " ' " ' ' iT McHENRT PLAINDEALEH Johnsburg News '1, By Mr*. Betty Hettamaaa Surprise Birthday Mrs. Marilyn Miller was pleasantly surprised on her birthd: recently when a group */of h^r friends dropped in to celebrate her birthday. Her husband, "Hessie," planned the whole shindig for his spouse. Tnjoying an evening of card playing, followed by cake, ice cream and coffee, were Mr. and Mrs. Edward Blake. Cathy, Karen pnd Nancy, Mr. atid Mk-s. Leon Busch and Mr. and Mi*s. Duane Andreas besides "Hessie," Marilyn and their three Wughters, Barbara, Jane and Colleen. ' Congratulations Corner Happy birthday to Hank Nell. Sr., who observed his natal day ori March 9. His daughter, Ethel, will celebrate her birthday in Florida on March 27. Billy Thomas celebrated his nihth birthday by treating David Sieger, Donnie Allan and Tommy aTia Danny Brown to the, movies on Sunday, March 16. Little Bruce Thcxmas ' will turn 4 as of March 21, While the very next March 22, his mother and daid, Connie and Howie, will be stepping out to celebrate their tenth wedding anniversary. Best wishes to all. #e men Communion Sunday lext Sunday, March 24. the nT&n and boys of St. John's Foresters will receive Communion in a body at the 8:30 Mass. Breakfast will be served in the Commiinity club hall following the Mass. Public Party Siinday evening, March 24, the Blessed Virgin sodality will sponsor another of their ever popular l£tolic parties in St. John's school hajll. Proceeds of this particular party will help to defray the costs of furnishing another much needed school room for the forthcoming semester. Plan on attending and help this worthwhile cause. Hospital Patient i Five-year-old Johnny Dehn spent last Friday in the Woodstock hoslfwal, where he parted with his much troublesome tonsils. He was a brave little fellow and nary a whimper was heard. Birthday Party Little Bobby Einspar was the center of attraction at his home last Sunday when his relatives came to honor him on his third birthday. Present for dinner were and Mrs. George Kae, Sr., and Mrs. Willard Einspar and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Kde, Jr., and family, Walter Einspar, Miss" Ann Clare and Mr. . and Mrs. Gerald Brown and son. I: Around the Town Mrs. Kate Weingart of McHenry visited at the home of Mrs. H£len Hettermann last Saturday. Jake (Miller will be spending an i^ldetermined amount of time in Grand Rapids, Mich., where he is visiting his daughter and husband, the Fred S^illmans. and family visited at the home of the Raymond Shannon's in Wheaton recently. . , Mesdames Dolores Roberts, Betty Hettertnann and Dorothy Michels attended a bridal shower in Chicago last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lin Blaisdell of Chicago wei^e dinner guests at the Robert Einspar home this week. Plan on getting up to Pistakee Highlands next Sunday between 1 and 4 o'clock to attend their white elephant and bake sale. ^Brownie News The meeting of March 12 found the girls making favors for the forthcoming mother's tea. Two of *the committee women attended a neighborhood meeting in McHenry on March 13. Johnsburg is now part of the Sybaqury council. Starting on March 27, the Brownies will have a house to house cookie sale. Everyone is asked to cooperate in > buying cookies so the girls can meet their quota. Ethel' Heim is chairman for this drive. LARGEST ALCOHOL PLANT Illinois has the largest synthetic alcohol plant in the world. Located at Tuscola, it turns out more than one-fourth of the nation's entire production of ethyl alcohol, according to Illinois Business Review, a University of Illinois publication. Eleven Illinois plants are now engaged in producing organic chemicals from natural gas and eptroleum. One of the largest of these plants is at Tuscola; several others are located along the Illinois Waterway. The many uses for, petrochemicals (the general term for chemical compounds derived from petroleum and natural gas) include employment in the manufacture of insecticides, fertilizers, refrigeration compounds and synthetic vitamins. NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF PAUL E. WEIDNER FOR VARIATION AND AMENDMENT OF THE McHENRY COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE. Notice is hereby given in compliance with the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance that a public hearing will be had before the McHenry County Zoning Board of Appeals in connection with thU application for variation and amendment of the Zoning Ordinance to permit construction of a permanent porch 10 ft. in wiflth on the East side of the existing residence now on th& following property constituting a non-corifortning use, said real estate being described as follows: Lot 17 in Schaefer's North Shore Subdivision, a subdivision of part of the NorthNvest fractional quarter of the fractional Northeast quarter and part ol the Northeast quarter of the fractional Northwest quarter of fractional Section 8, Township 45 North, Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian, lying West of Pistakee' Lake. Said real estate is located on Woodward Street on the West side of Pistakee Lake in McHenry Township. ' Such hearing will be held at 3:45 P.M. on Tuesday, April 16th in the City Hall in the City of McHenry, McHenry, Illinois, at which time and place any person desiring to be heard may be present. Dated this 14th day of Match, A.D. 1957. McHENRY COUNTY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS By: HAROLD J. BACON, Chairman Attorneys for Petitioner: ECKERT & CALDWELL 207 North Benton Street Woodstock, Illinois (Pub. March 21, 1957) For Better. Results -- Shop In McHenry. Meet and Dine at the Tower Grill On Rt. 120 in Lakemoor Phone McHenry 161 Open Dally 10 A.M. to 1 A.M. FH. & Sat. Until SUM A.M. -- Closed Monday FINEST FOOD ANYWHERE Chicken, Steak, Jnrlmps, Fish, Snack* and SodaFountal*M*H*^^ LENTEN DISHES SERVED Famous for our Casrey-Oui Service <j • Phone Mcllenry 161. Leave your order, name and phone number. * j < > In 20 minutes the food will be prepared, piping hot and ready to «» 1» serve when you reach home. 4" SORRY No intoxicating liquours served. Just a nice quiet place to enjoy ' j the be^t foods and where you can bring your sweetheart, < • mother or wife and children and enjoy your repast Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Miller m Mem Frnsk says, "Be an 'Eirly Bird' LAKEMOOR NEWS by Annette Schmit Continued from Page 16 had been broken off. It took considerable time before they coula return home as police had to be notified. It was not the late return that bbthered them so much as was .the wear" and tear on the nerves. Dance Recitals Kenneth and Carol Booster. Sre to apjtear in three dance reijltals in the near future. Carol has received an award for toe-dancing. Kenneth recently received a special scholarship award. These fine young folks make us very proud, indeed. Community Guest List Mr. and Mrs. Walter Biehl 4^ joyed the company of their guesfe, Mr. and Mrs. Mike: Easterllng, Mrs. Edna Ryan, and Mr. arid Mrs. Leo Pace, last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. James Schmit en-' tertained Jim's brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. William Schmit, of Chicago, last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Beahler spent last Sunday in the home of Ted's niece, Dorothy Burton, of Chicago. Spending last week at the Clifford O. Hyatt" home was Fred Mutter of Chicago. Fred is a former school chum of Dick's. Happy Birthday! " Little Terri Schmit blew .her four candles out at her family birthday party on March id. The birthday fairy was good enough to see to it that she received two inoculations for a gift. One for good luck--the other, to go to heaven. Tommy O'Leary celebrated his EAGLE - PICKER AimmmuuH STOKM WINDOWS and DOORS JALOUSIE DOORS & WINDOWS # Narrow Sturdy Frames • All Inserts Glide Easily 41 # Self Storing • Simple Seasonal Changing Liberal Trade In Allowance on your Old Doors and Windows. Spring Painting' Use SPUED SATIN Demonstrated on the NBC*TV •J The miracle ingredierit that makes SPRED SATIN so durable you don't need to paint again until yob want to change colors; H(i)!I¥i£ SH@W $*29 $705 :U gal. qt. Standard Colors Select exactly die colors you want from the 180 beautiful shades on our giant color card. Paint in comfortwith window* closed on coldest days without drafts or irritating odor*. ORDER NOW Zephyr Ventilal Aluminum Awnittgs Color and Style fofi- Every Home. ARTHUR BOGER PHONE 1180 807 E. Waukegan Road McHenry P R O F E f J I O f l R L D I R E C T O R S ' •%! DR. JOHN C. GOETSCHEL Chiropractic Physician Naprapathic Manipuation 25 Orchard Beach Road McHenry, IU. Hours: Mon., Tufts., Thurs. ft Fri. 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. 1180 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Phone McHenry 748 DR. O. R. SWANSON Dentist Office Hours: Dally Except Thursday 9 to 12 -- 1:80 to 5'SO Hon., Wed. and Fri. Evening* By Appointment Only Telephone McHenry 160 natal day on the same day that St. t>at did. The entire O'Leary clan turned out to help celebrate. Lorry Beahler celebrated her tenth birthday with her friends, Joey Dzuira, Mickey and Terry Morrisdn, Mike Hatch, Mike Hoofman, Joyce and Janice Wall, Sam, Clarence and Gerald Sosong, Patty, Herbert, Mike and Chuckie Zabroski, Suzy arid Kenny Er-' hardt and Jeanie and Judy Hamil. Sick List Ed. Lannes has been having a bit of a bout with- his health of late. I understand that he was admitted to Columbus hospital, in Chicago, three weeks ago for observation. Ed returned home on Wednesday .March 13, and it is expected that he will be under constant doctor's care for quite a while. We hope your feeling better now, Ed, and we're all hoping to see you up and around real soon. We're certainly sorry to hear that Ruth Rogers is going back to St. Francis hospital in Evanstori one day this week. We were just beginning to get used to Ruth being home. Hurry and get well quick, Ruth. J. J. Schmit is holding a grudge these days with good reason. He obtained the grand old American chicken pox. -Amiffos Home Welcome home, amigos, Ray and Stelle Blades. We hope you enjoyed that beautiful motor trip to Mexico. A few weeks of sunshine should have been welcome after the frost, show and sleet of the north country. Now that you are good arid rested open the doors of your business establishment and prepare to meet the oncoming spring tourists. Many - complaints voiced about the appearance of our lake during the dry season but have any of you taken a good.look at it lately? A few more good heavy rains and we'll stop worrying about it. The lack of mpisture last year didn't help any of the small lakes in the region. An Heir! Blest with a bundle of boyish behavior and bound to burst with pride are Mr. and Mrs. James Krein, whose son was born last Friday, March 15, at Woodstock hospital. Master Krein weighed 7. lbs. 1 oz. week. Too bad they weren't ghosts and could turn on their ecto-Plasm. NATIONAL TEA SALES H. V. McNamara, president, National Tea Co., announces continued increases in sales for the second four-week period of 1957, although the trend is not as strong in this direction as a year ago. Consolidated sales of National Food stores and subsidiaries for the four weeks ending Feb. 23, 1957, toialed $48,218,123, which was an increase of $1,567,318 for a gain of 3.36 per cent over the same period of 1956, when sales were $46,650,805. RADIO BROADCASTS Gov. William G." Stiratton discusses issues under conslderiition by the General Assembly on the "Know Your Illinois" radio program being carried during tfKMremainder of the month by 37 radio stations throughout the state. Proposed changes in state auditing methods and problems connected with an expansion of the Illinois educational system are outlined by the governor. He points out that it is necessary to draw plans for ten years ahead to take care of mounting attendance at state-supported raiiggp? and universities. ouch! Several of our Lakemoor childern were among those who met the needle and serum for inoculations at the local schools last OOTWEAR OR YOUR ASSILY ROM DRIVE WITH CARE! SHOP IN k* r * /£ •' ^ . HVV\\ 'J H--» i lili# Al' T T1ALTH--good health--in so predous a commodity that no one has ever dared to put a price-tag on it. Yet millions who could have health and vigor dilly-dally and delay. Consult your Doctor nov/. Let him help you back on the Highway to Health. And, yes, pf course, w* hope you'll bring his prescriptions to this fiad pharmacy for our careful compounding. BOLGER'S Drag Store PHONE 40 Sand Gravel ALEXANDER LUMBER 701 South Front Street PHONE 1424 McHenry, £11. Limestone VERN THELEN IXoaVating Black Dirt Dredging T«fl. McHenry 1888 Rt. 5, Box 1020 McHenry, HI. EARL R. tVALSH INSURANCE Fire, Ante, Farm Si Life Insurance Kepraseriting RELIAIBILni COMPANIES When You Need Insurance of Any Kind PHONE 48 or 958 Oveen * Elm McHenry, HI. SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Ornamental ft Structural Steel \ VlsIt Our Showrooms ft Miles 8outh on Rt. 81 PHONE 950 DR. M. B. SAVAGE DR. D. McCONNEL Veterinarians Office Hours: 10 a.m. to 12 Noon 1p.m. to 8 pm Evening* By Appoim&manfe Phone 8221 Rlchmoii, IU. ROTH SHOES 108 S. Green St. 118 So. Green St Phone 2027 McHenry, Illinois ,x ^. 5WC'At$-Pb iiSIM SSBn9®'> Sedan 83 ('ncl"ding Dei; inorges o ACTION STARTED right from the day people first saw our price in print They looked-and hurried in-and what they found was a marvelous car at a marvelous price. For we didn't stop with creating fresh new body styling and wide, wide vision--and a new look all over. We put pleihty of millions into making this SPECIAL fun to drive as well as a beauty'to look at. We started with a dazzling new performance teama brand-new V8 and a brilliant new Dynaflow.* We built a brand-new nested ride chassis that gives you plenty of room inside-yet keeps road clearance the same. And for good measure, we made handling easier and stopping more level with a new suspension system. So if you want the dream car to drive--this is it See your Buick dealerUnd find that out--today. Advanced Variable Pitch Dynafiow U the only Dtfnafiow Buiek *«&• today. It ie standard on ROADMASTSS, SUMB tni CSNTUSY-optional at modest extra coit on the SPECIAL. T~nJporto|ion , cl" r«*M> °«l H 9°'- »w» mtf Wrtow Iranimia, " ' ""Wrnp 'BiuSb-ut, Whta biltir automobiles era built Buick wiH boHd thorn • . / worth. \ <- • rSe>»« """ *ir|C • CrrSr w yourself ' " * * * * • • • • * fSo(«>y-Mind«f itondord on **••• Rqm>mastek. optional at extra (Oil otheif JROAOMA'Sneil jgee Authoriied BuickJDeaHi , it

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