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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Mar 1957, p. 2

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trtfaw Betty Jean. Loclavood Engaged To Marry Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lockwood of 603 N. Court street announce the engagement of their daii^Hter, Betty Jean, to Dallas D. Davis of Hampshire. No definite date has been set for the wedding. Alfred Seyfferths , Wed Fifty-Five Yeafii Alfred and Lee Oria Seyfferth of Lakehloor are celebrating their fifty-fifth, or eriierald, anniversary this month. Open house will be held at the home of their son at 7&3 N. Leanington, Chicago, Saturday, March 30. Announce Troth dr Cliirlce May Mr. and Mrs. George A. May of Kingwood announce the engagement of their daughter, Clarice, to Sam Biienzli, son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto, Buenzli of McHenry. A June 1 weddirig is plahhed. Pan-Hellenic To Meet In Harvard The McHenry county Pan-Hellenic group will meet Monday evening, March 25, at the home of Mrs .Clarence Goodall of Harvard. A silent auction will be conducted by members of the philanthropy committee, led by Mrs. Frederick Wahl, Jr. ^Members will bring several small items to sell to raise money for the group's scholarship fund. A Harvard girl graduate will be awarded the Pan-Hellenic scholarship this year. Two McHenry graduates received this honor last year. Mrs. Clifton Fulton, nominating committee chairman, will present the slate of new officers. •n^awi<aaoe!^<i Home Economist To Visit Cduh+y Women and girls in McHenry county will have a chance to hear the? latest homemaking news when Miss Beth Peterson Speiaks Thursday, March 28, at 1:30 p.m., at the Moose hall, Woodstock. Miss Peterson is a leading home Economist from Wilmingtdn, Dela. She will" tell the women how "Research Creates New Fashions in Living." Mr, and Mrs. James Krein denounce the birth of a son at Memorial hospital on March 15. The little lad Weighed 7 lbs. 1 oz. Mr. and Mrs. John Appel of Ingleside are the parents of a son, hbrn M&rch 13 at Memorial hospital. A daughter was born March 15 at Memorial hospital , to Mr. and; Mrs. Robert Gildeme&ter ojf Ring- WOdd. Mr. and Mrs. Jafnes Krein welcomed a son at Memorial hdspital an March 15. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Covey of Wonder Lake becairie the "parents of a son, bom at Mehiorg&l' hospital March 16. A daughter Was born to Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Wheelock at "Memorial hospital on March 16. Mr. and Mrs. James Holden are the parents of a son, born March' 17 at Memorial hospital. A boy was born at Memorial hospital March IS to Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Havermeyer. Mr. and .Mrs. Robert Rankin of Wonder Lake became the parents of a boy, born at Memorial hospital March 19. Friends in McHenry will be happy to learn that Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Kinsaia of Chicago are the grandparents of a son'bom to Mr. and Mrs. Emery Blanchard March 11 at Michael Reese hospital, Chicago. He lias been named Douglas Alan. The little fellow 1s the son of the former Norma Kinsala. Beth iNsterson Her presentation is being sponsored by McHenry County Home Bureau and the county's home economics extension service. Mrs. Ruth Fenwick, Huntley, president of the county group, says there will be no admission charge for the afternoon event. Miss Peterson, a former Iowa county home demonstration agent and Iowa clothing specialist, is nationally known for her knowledge of new chemical developments as they affect the home, particularly in the textiles field. She has the answers to many of the questions, on selection and care of the new synthetic fibers and finishes found on the homemakers' shopping list. McHenry County Home Bureau invites all women who wish to keep up-to-date on homemaking information to the county meeting March in Moose hall and to the tea, to follow Miss 'Peterson's presentation. GARDEN CLUB TO OPEN NEW SPRING SEASON TUESDAY One of the sure signs of spring is the announcement that the McHenry Garden Club will hold its first meeting of the season on Tuesday, March 26, at the home of Mrs. Peter M. Justen. Members are looking forward to an interesting gathering, inasmuch as there will be an opportunity to hear from the hostess regarding her summer vacation in Europe last year. She has taken some unusually informative pictures of her trip and members are hoping to see them at this meeting. Some important business is on the agenda. him rfri If ifr* PERSONALS i i' 'I fr'fi Wl' i * Mr. and Mrs. Giles Angstrom and children, Larry, Jerry and Eric of California and Mrs. Sigvard Erigstrdm and granddaughter, Connie Rose Engst'roitt, Of Crystal 'Falls, Mich.; visited in the James Longhway and Harry Fruik homes . during the past week. Kirs. Hetty Reichow of Chicago was a ' weekend guest in the Robert Thompson horiie, Miss Kay Bacon of Milwaukee, Wis.; visited her grandmother, Mrs. Nellie Bacon, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hrehn arid daughter, Jatfde, Of Hammond, Ind.; were visitors in the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Zena Bacon Tuesday. The family returned recently from California. where he -was releai&d from service. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Ford of Lombard \Vere Sunday guests In th;e Elmer WinkeMiah "home. * Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Freurjd of Delavan, Wis.; vFsitied McHfenry relatives Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Nelson and Mrs. William McCabe attended a dinner at Crystal Lake Friday evening, honoring N. Seaquist. Mr. Seaquifet, 93, who has been visiting relatives here for some time, is leaving this weekend for his home in Sweden. Mrs. William Bacon and Mrs. Gerald Newman were dinner guests in the Louis McDonald home in Woodstock Suhd&y. Gerald, Earl &nd Vernon Gferasch of S. Milwaukee, \Vis., were callers in the home of their uncle, Paul Gerasch, Sunday. Miss Georgiahna Donahue of Huntley spent the weekend with McHenry friends. Mrs. Harvey Rapp and Mrs. Lillian Johnson of Kenosha, Wis.; were Wednesday guests of the former's mother, Mrs. Zena Bacon. Mrs. John Purvey, Mary Lynn, Allan and Peggy of Crystal Lake spent Saturday in the Albert Purvey home. Mr. find Mrs. Harold Miller have returned to their home on Riverside Drive from a several week's vacation in Florida. Mesdames Betty Rode, Gwen Smith afid Marlclare Adsfitis were Milwaukee shoppers Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson attended the funeral of Edward Whiting of Hebron, which took place in Woodstock Tuesday afternoon. John J. Keefe, Jr., oif Long Island, N. Y., who is spending some time in Milwaukee, Wis., on a campaign for the Catholic Council Service was a recent visitor in the home of his sister-in-law and» brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Smith. Gerald Long, who is in service, stationed near Seattle, Wash.; spent the past week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Odilon Long. His wife and daughter Linda, who accompanied him here, remained for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Doherty returned last week from a Florida vacation. Mrs. Chuck Miller and Mary Beth Fuchs, who had also been vacationing there, returned home with them. Miss Florence Antholz and Mrs. Pearl Patzke visited the latter's son, Ralph, at Champaign Sun day. Mrs. Paul Reardon and Mrs. Fred Garner spent the weekend in Ishpeming, Mich., visiting with Mrs. Reardon's son, Paul, and his family. While there, they also visited Lake Superior and, Marquette. Dr. and Mrs. Edgar Peaslee Were called to the home of D,r. George Peaslee at St. Albans. New York, after the latter suffered dn eye ailment. Dr. George Peasjtee, father of the local resident, is a retired chiropractic. ' TWENTY-FIVE STUDENTS ATTENFT FBLA CONVENTION Twenty-five, students frojla M.C.H.S. attended the eighth anfcual F.B.L.A. convention ih Springfield on March 15 and 16 at the Lel&rld hotel. THe two-^My convention began with a bartquert on Friday night in the ball room of the hotel. GUest speaker for the everting was D.H.G. Enterline of Indiana university. His topic was "Oppor'tUnities Now Facing FutUr^ Business Leaders." "the election of officers ^rijd directors was held Saturday morning. Highlights of this meeting was the election of Linda Anderson of McHenry to the office of state vice president, northern Section of Illinois. The new officers where installed and the president's inaugural address was given. The state advisor, Robert Sanders, spoke of the program for the coming' year, Stating there would be more state-wide activities to bring "all chapters closer together. The meeting was then adjourned until the ninth annual c6nventi6n next year. The members from M.C.H.S. were chosen according to the number of points each had earned durinp the past school year. Those attending Were Mary Banks. Sue- Browne, Pat Seeback, Sharon Fit7Gerp1d. Jeanetfe Frennd. Elaine FoUte. Jeanette Oresdow, Elaine Grandt, Bambi Marticke, JoAnn Miller, Nancy Gulczyski, pa'tti Miller. Gene DTet.le. .T<m PeaYSon, Bob NOwak, Bruce Kelson. Kat-1 Tomm, Ernest Useman fend Ed Cenulis. seniors: Linda Anderson. Zelinda Bennett, Diane Hanson, Nanev O'Brien, Bonfiie Bazfler and Helen Oljfcfi, juniors. tOCAL PRINCIPAL to ADDRESS PTA ON LEGISLATION CARD OF ^THANKS I want to take this means of thanking the many friends who remembered me with prayers, sent flowers, gifts, get-well messages and in other ways extended kindnesses to me while I Was in the hospital; also for kind remembrances to my husband at this time. I am grateful, too, to the clergy of St. Mary's church. All of these things I appreciate so much and will remember always. ^6 Rose Walinder ANNOUNCEMENT n The McHenry county couhcil of Parent Teachers associations will meet at the Jefferson school, Harvard. March 21, at 8:15 p.m. Phillip Schtftt will Speak oh hew legislation, which should be of interest to all legislative chairmen of the local wilts. GueSt speaker will be Mrs. Julia Covert, whose subject will be "The Exceptional Child" (Handicapped), but No Less Precious." Another important feature will be the election Of officers for the 'forthcoming year. Tips on the State convention to be held in Chicago In April will also be piven. All uhft chairmen are asked to have their delegates to the convention on 'hand that night t6 gain valuable information. - Harvard unit will present a skit entitled "Kids Will Be Kids," an hilarious one-act play depicting some of the problems teachers have to face. The council officers Urge all local unit chairman and executive boards to attend this very important meeting. A&rch 21 • s". W.S.C.S. Guest Day--1 pjn. March 182-28 ^ Rummage Sale -- Methodist Church Basement -- 9 to £ p.m. Annual Guest Day, McHenry iv.s:c.s. ... March 22-28 W.S.C.S. Rummage Sale--8 ajn. to 9 p.m. - -- March 28 Dance Sponsored by P.T.A. -- High School Cafeteria -- 6:15 to 11:15 p.m. March 26 O.E.S. Matrons and P&trbfts Night--Acacia Hall--8 pjm. March 2,6 McHenry Garden Club Meeting --Mrs. Peter M. Justen home-- 1:30 p.m. March 27 Lecture Luncheon Club--N&ih --McHenry Country Club. March 28 McHenry Commuhity P.T.A. Meeting--High School Cafeteria --8:15 p.m. March 29-30 W.S.C.S. RUmmage Sale--Ringwood Church Basement April 2 Fox River Valley Camp TjL.lti'A,, Meeting -- Mrs. Frank Pechtfrt Home -- Crystal Lake Rokd -- 8 p.m. April 9 O.E.S. Stated Meetiiig--Acacia Hall--8p.m. April 13 Bake Sale--George Justen Furniture Store--Sponsored by Zidn Lutheran Ladies Aid--1 April 23 O.E.S. Stated Meeting--Acacia all--8 ELECT OFFICERS or NEW HlLLS WOMAN'S •.Election ;oi officers ttidk pl'ice at the se^d^onthly meeting of the Holiday Hills Wdmfin's club, h«d r Wednesday March id, at tl«e hdnie of Mrs. Airline Seebach, on Hickory street, in the subdivision. Officers of the newly organized club include Mrs. Ger-. fy Breede, president: Mrs. Joan Mrs- Rita Oleyar, secretary; Mrs. Pearl Sough, treasurer; and Mrs. Ear- Une Mettelka, m^b^Bhip ditiiriiiain. After business meetfiig, r&- freshments wete served to twenty- three women by co-holtess€ai, ArJIne Seebach, Marge Schmidt, Ma'ry Jung^irth and Aniia Warswick, A s^ciial hour rounded out the «v^ning. 'In .alMts #ory'. wjDl . liildugiit. .•tj&.. :^aoci ai. Mother Nature. "Spring's A- ^odrti-r-in Town and Country" is the theme of the Chicago flower show of 1957 which Hie Garden ClUb oif Illinois, Inc., will present at Navy Pier March 23-31 in conjunction with the Modern Living 'expfesition. cAsto or IkMi I Would like to talft this means of thankti^g -my friends for tiards, flowers, visits and prayers while I was sliilc at hoiihe and many thanks td Ml my Iho^s^rtfiil neighbors. Everything was appreciated '(^o much. ^46 Hfelen Pitzen Hal p.m. AMONG THE SICK Memorial Hospital Patients at Memorial hospital* Woodstock, dnring the past week included Master Charles Caley c»f Ringwood, Mrs. Marjorie Nail/ Winfield Pietsch and Mrs. -Louella Lockwood. Otto Mueller has returned-home, from Sherman hospital, Elgin, where he underwent surgery on. his hand last week. CAfi>D OF THANKS I woviId like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their cards, gifts and prayers received WhHe I was in the hospital. 46 Y . Kathryn O'Donnell It soQieti|ne«. happens that the man who thinks he is a genius can't think of anything else, I am pleased to announce that I have moved to my new offices at 206 West Elm Street, McHenry. JOSEPH X. WAYNNE Attorney at Law • RED CRO^S A total of $1,5$3.64 hap been raised locally to date toward a 'Red Cross quota df $3,600. Anyone who still desires to donate !may. send contribution to American Red Cross, McHenry, 111. Revolutionary NtW «fcair lot INFANTS, DABIIS and CHI10MN. ONt Willi «M QAB1ES un aiiloy lh* MATTKEtS-LOU laai*^ and ROCKtNd action, Ccnal«nabl «\pno«gh lo StEtP in lot HQUUl UniUrMuod at a HOUSE Mair, rtuK INO tU\i and CAR Mat AND car. *0. paubla ihicknau danim nw W ACHES any e> a 'haiiky. Intra lirong SAfETT . Um throagk THUEE yaan ol gf. A HM VAIUE. $5(M) Phone McHenry 1233-J First Day of Spring The weatherman can't quite make up his mind on whether or not to prolong winter or to let spring in to stay. No matter what he decides, the fact remains that today, March 21, is the first day of spring and we will soon be in the midst of our busiest season. If you plan on getting one of our soft, easy to manage permanents in one of the lovely new styles, we suggest that you phone 147 soon for your appointment. YOUR LOVELINESS IS OUR EBUSINESS Open Twml, Thura. a*d #rL na • SI iverside 12® N. Riverside Drive airslylifig McHejffiry, ilL to Witib ill SAN1TONE DfcV CLEANINO liALLY MADE OUR DRAPES AND SUP COVERS LOOK LIKE WEW/ ! AND NO STALE OtiV CLEANING ODORS THIS YEAR. I'M GLAD WE SWITCHED TO.. SANIT&M6? Sanitoae is a different kind AA-41 of dry cleaning 'that gets out more dirt. That'« why yoa'll be itn^md at the way it restores etflor, lustre, and textufe to fabricsfGive your home a new "face"--send things to us this year. L,l RAINBOW CiEANitS PHONE 927 JA^Ouod CJorifer Vdrth Of National Teh 8*. . McHisMiT, ti&. Op«n £vh. ^til 9 6R6WING CHAMPS Glenn Ew)d, left., representing, E$pel Brothers of McHeiur^, was recently prOclWmed dburity corn-growing champion at a banquet held iit^ DeKalb . ip. hwor of northern kllinbis corn growing chaiir^jions. His yield bf 1361.5^ biishels per aci?e was/the top yield in MdHenry coUh'ty in a 1956 hatidnai selected five-acre corn growing contest. M , tjn^ibie t;o attend , was v George "M. Whiting, also of McHenry, * who produced a yield of 1^(5.05 bushels ^ler acre. Fred Zimmermann, right, of Woodstbek, was third plade winner alnd Lowell Maushak of Marengo was fourth. ' ' --* VH.LA NURSING HOME MottENRv 4' • . • '• Home for the Aqed PATIENTS PHONE McltENBY let ybu can Withdraw your savings with no delay and no formal application, explanation or extra cost. Our financial statement shows why there's tio substitute for "Mdney in the Bank". Ca£h and high grade marketable securities of $7,500,000 offset ovfcr 60% of our deposits. in a you establish a credit reference second to none. in a you can obtain a vast arrety of services available nowhere else under <me roof savings accoraftts, checidng accounts, personal loans, commercial loans, real estate loans, safe deposit boxes, fifcft&al 6Ssfetahce and guidance, ^and many olihers. ma as McHenry State Bank yonr depdsits are insured up ^ by the Federal Beposit &tirance Corporation which instijNSs av&lability as well as safety. ih the Bank" is a quality investment ih secttrity-unequalby other thrift devices sudi as share accounts, corporate stocks bonds, arid mortgages. It's esish where you want it --avail- ^ble when y6u need it. there's no substitute for ^Mortey m the Bank" Mftfitwr Ihiurtince Cori> MteifiyFr f^ral System t 'Interest j^aid on S^aViiHSs -Oaposits BANK Hi i)

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