W .Ajwilft, I9!fr '* ^ ^ . ' ' '" T^K/rj* & & *. » tmm&sm* 4.>jx '. >'X> LILYMOOR NEWS By Laura Belford • 1 °P.T.A1 Reminder TTie y^iy Lake Parent-Teachers ^sociatfon will hold its regular meeting: on Thursday, May 2, at 8 pjn. Everyone is invited to join thie group at the Lily Lake 'schoolhouse, especially parent? of school children or those who will have children in school or kindergarten in the fall. ! Lilymoor Association The Lilymoor association will hold its regular monthly meeting ,^n Tuesday, May 7«. beginning promptly at 8 p.m. at Club Lilym^^. Jpoffee and cake wUl be se^vedFlkllowing the business session^ * Garden Club Tr_ nlxt regular meeting of the LiljgBlfljftr Garden club will be held at • the home of Mrs. Maurice Haines on South avenufc at 2 p.m. jpn Monday, May 6. An invitation ,v*to join the club is extended to those interested in flowers and gardening. Scouts and Brownies Lilymoor needs leaders for Girl Scouts and Brownie troops who will give of their time and talent to young hands who want to be taught. At the present, Lilymoor has two dens of Cub Scouts but „BO organization for girls which "meets in Lilymoor. More information maybe obtained by phoning 596-W-2. Bed Cross Chairman of the Red Cross drive in Lilymoor, Mrs. Glerni Paulsen, is grateful to all those who cooperated in** the recent canvass. Mrs. Paulsen, Mrs. Ben Segertaiark, Mrs. Lawrence Scheur and ^Mrs. Frgnk Sickafoose collected iifty dollars in the area, including Fritzche's Estates. Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Steven Standfel of Center street celebrate their wedding anniversary this month. Some of you old timers will remember ^the April 16 when Steven Standfel and Doris Fuhler were married in Spring Grove. Steven and Doris have a daughter, Debbie Lee. Illnesses Ronaldo Rollo has returned to work after his illness. \ His neighbor, Garrison Latimer, has been at home ill. We hope that Mr. Latimer will soon be able to return to work. We are glad to learn that Pete Haines, son of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Haines, South avenue, is much improved after suffering from an abscessed tooth, which caused him much pain over the weekend. Moved ' Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Cavitt and" family have moved to California from their previous residence on South avenue in Lilymoor. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Halcom have moved to the residence previously occupied by the Cavitts. The Halcoms have two sons, Leroy and Gene, and three daughters, Glenda, Janet and Sue. Welcome to Lilymoor! Help us make our community a better place to live and raise our families. Family Dinner Mr. and Mrs. John Fuhler, Sr., had a happy family group with them on Sunday, April 14. Coming for the family dinner from Crystal Lake were Mr. and Mfs. John Fuhler, Jr., Dick and Pat Fuhler of DeKalb from Lilymoor were Robert and Diane Fuhler and their children, Scotty and Debbie Lynn; Mr. and Mrs. Steven Stanfel and Debbie Lee, and Chriss Wijas. Confirmed Several young people in the community were confirmed at a special ritual on Thursday evening by Bishop Lane at St. Mary's church. Those confirmed included Lawrence Schuerr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Schuerr, Sr., Sylvia Rollo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Rollo of Route 120, and Edward Wagner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wagner. Edward was confirmed as Michael. Also confirmed was Edward's brother, Ronald, who took the name James. The boys were sponsored by Robert Seibert and James Vandenboom. Also present for the brother's confirmation were their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wagner of Round Lake. Ronald Fuhler, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Fuhler, Sr., was confirmed as John, and sponsored by his oldest brother, John Jr. Religious Holidays / During this Easter season when the Christian world turns its eyes to the Cross of Calvary, several Jewish families in the community are celebrating the Passover and the ceremony of Seder. Marlene and Dennis Karmpl, daughter and son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Karmel recently had the opportunity to enact roles in the religious drama of the Seder observed in Crystal Lake. We also found in Lilymoor a high school junior, Miss Carol Schueler, preparing a term paper on the Jewish faith in which she presented the story of Seder. Miss Margaret Rogers was dinner guest with hsr sister, Sue Wirfs, on Sunday, April 14. At 6:30 p.m., a surprise uridal shower was given in her honor at the American Legion hall in McHenry. The hostesses were Grace Idler, Ruth Schaefer and Ella Jean Buss, and some 60 eruests gathered for the, occasion. Miss Rogers, daughter of Charles Rogers, will be wed on May 4. Happy Birthday Greetings to Frank Sickafoose of Fritszche's Estates. He celebrated his birthday on April 3. Personals Mrs. Victor Bassi enjoyed luncheon and canasta with her card club on Wednesday. Mrs. Katherine Belford welcomed friends from Galva on Sunday, April 7. Spending the day at the Belford residence were Mr. and Mrs. William Collister, Miss Mary Collister, Jimmy and Don Collister and Mrs. Mary Eckley, all of palva. Personals Dawson Trifle was a supper guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Belford oh Friday evening. Dawson was formerly a mathematics teacher at McHenry high school. This past year, the Tqines and their family moved to Dodgeville, Wis., where they, are presently residing while Mr. Trine is studying at the University of Wisconsin on a science scholarship. Friday evening, Mrs. Doris Stanfel - entertained some- of her pld high school classmates 4n her home. Her guests included Helen Scherd of Wonder Lakfe, Mrs. Arline Wingate of Woodstock and Mrs. Martene Malo of Wonder Lake. All of these girls, including Mrs. Stanfel; were members of the McHenry high school graduating class of 1953. They all try to get together once a year. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Leske have as house guests Jhis week, Mrs. E. H. Erisman, J& juid her children Lee, Dawn and Edward, III. Mrs. Erisman is' Mis. Leske's sister- in-law and resides witty her children in Baltiiggce, Mtfcr. The family arrived bj^^^b §tftlirday afternoon, just irl 'tittle to celebrate the Easter holidays with the Leskes. The children's grandmother Mrs. E. H. Erisman, Sr., also resides with tjje Leskes at Mason tractor* Band L Bollders off New ConsSrootiffiEi* and Remodeling CH «-'r •<* PHOMB 409 BOB PEPPING, Owner - • I I-- • I I M H -- -- -- I --I w yu -- u«»u--« I Z E P H Y R ALL-SEASON VENTILATED ALUMINUM AWNINGS & DOOR HOODS COLOR AND STYLE FOR EVERY HOME fsCUjle-PicJt&i Aluminum Combination Windows 8c Doors LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD DOORS & WINDOWS 'ARTHUR SOGER l 807 E. Waukegan JUL ^ Phone 1180 McHenry, fUbiol» MRS. WHITE: "Electrieity cost (ess but hm cm® my bill's hightrl" LITTLE BILL: "Because nowadays you're using nearly 4 times as much electricity, Ma'am!" Look what pennies do today when you live the modern electric way t&A ----""j Just 1* cooks breakfast eggB for a week (for a family of 4) in an electric frypan. A penny brings you over two hours 9f wonderful television entertainment. Your ste®m ®r dry ®t'on Brew IS cups of cofmakes quick work of fee in your automatic ironing for just Dii an hour. electric coffeemakejr for only a penny. .Bectricity «Ks ^ ^ ^ it did 25 year, ago!' (J Public Sendee Company i Commonwealth Edinon Compaiqpr CEREBRAL PALSY DIRECTOR GRATEFUL TO VFW, AUXILIARY The following letter of appreciation was sent to Mrs. Gertrude Barbian of the V.F.W. auxiliary from the state Cerebral Palsy association, thanking the post and auxiliary for room provided to conduct their school. "Dear Mrs. Barbian: As a representative of the United Cerebral Palsy of Illinois, I want to take this opportunity to acknowledge the fine work of the McHenry post of the V.F.W. and their auxiliary. "We are extremely grateful for the wonderful help these, groups have given to the cerebral\palsied children under care of tne McHenry county United Cerebral Palsy association. For the/p£st school year, the post has permitted the use of their facilities for a daily program of instruction and therapy for a class of cerebral palsied children coming in from the county. Entirely without charge, kitchen facilities and utilities have been provided. "We are also aware of the fact that the auxiliary provided a wonderful Christmas party for these handicapped children and they have often recruited volunteer drivers to take the children to and from school. "I am sure that the unselfish and sacrificial service of the McHenry pdst is in the highest tradition of the organization. Your organization is certainly a credit to the •community. "Leslie D. Park, "Assistant director "United Cerebral Palsy of Illinois. "Bloomington, 111." the present. The children's father and Marion's brother, E. H. Erisman, Jr., fatally injured last fall in an automobile accident. A free press is vital to the liberty of any people and when you see governments surpressing freedom of speech, you witness a government that is getting ready to rule without regard to the wishes of the majority. T I LE IT ¥OI7BSEtJ^ii ./U AND SAVE! - V"* Top Quality Wall Tile al LOWEST Pricw 1 28'/j*sq. ft. ; fit? Wholesale Prices to Coafyactois SERG ANT'S fycUbs&sJlea fyoAm ^;ii"" * PHONE RICHMOND 4193 Located on Johnsburg RdM S'/j miles North of Johnsbafg :-'M (About 2Vi miles North of Sunnyslde Estates) . r , mr YOUR sePTic TANK WORKING SHOOWIY Insxpmtivs-- ioty to apply • Stimulates Bacterial action • Nslps prevent Sluggish or dogged septic systems B0YIR BAC-TIVAT0R ACE HARDWARE PHONE 722 180 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry WISE AND TriRIFTY BUYERS. SHOP LOCALL* ; ; COME ON IN! See our new Rotisserie in action. But the Proof isr in the Eating So . . . Take home a Hot Barbecued Chicken 2 % T' Each order is wrapped in an aluminum lined bag and stays warm for an hour. They can be reheated in the same bag. ' ' Phone Orders Accepted TELEPHONE McHENRY 754 PANTRY DELICACIES McHENRY'S ONLY DELICATESSEN 134 Riverside Drive McHenry (Whs# K w _ tpfc JeaUr foiospoA«n« Sae your But* a*®1*' WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT BUICK WIU BUILD THEM IF YOU'RE ONE who goes for spirited performance, youH find the vivacious 1957 Buick CENTURY speaks a language all your own. Because, this year, we wanted to bring you even finer performance. Engineered a brand-new V8 engine with the "power-pack" built right in, at no extra cost--and teamed it up with a new version of Yariable Pitch Dynaflow* that's instant in response. Get behind the wheel and youll understand why we say this 1957 Buick is the dream car to drive. • You set there with 300 horses at your beck and call, complete control at your finger tips, and the surety of powerful new brakes at your toe touch. You smooth your way over hills that seem to lose their tops. You ride relaxed and composed--in creature comfort and supreme command. But the CENTURY--like all 1957 Buicks--speaks also of fresh, new styling--the look you like, the longer you look. And of new luxury--inside and out. New stretch-out roominess-- new solid torque-tube steadiness of travel. New buoyancy of ride, and a glorious new ease of handling. Come let this magnificent new Buick do its own talking. You'll find it sweet listening--right down to the price-talk. *New Advanced Variable Pitch Dynaflow is the only Dynaflow Buick builds today. It is standard on Roadmaster, Super and CetUury -- optional at modest extra cost on the SpeciaL • SF&CZZAI* - C£ATTC/RV SCWER • ROAOACASrBJl See Your Authorised Buick Healer