SJn ^ r ftgt Ftaftfu THE McHENRY PLAfflBfcAIjeS Thursday, Hay 9, V;S?5V", • NEWS By tiaura Belford Welcome We wish to extend a hearty community welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Halle and family. The Halles came to this area the first of theycar with their children, Joanne, 2, Mark, 5, and Tom, Who is 8. Charles Halle is from Waukegan originally and his wife, Jacqueline gives Durand, as her hometown. The Halles purchased and now operate the store which is on the west side of Fritsches Estates ahd the south side of Lilymoor. Son, Tom, has joined the local Cub scouts. Kindergarten Registration Registration of pre-school children for kindergarten will be held on May 10, in the North kindergarten room at Edgebrook school. Time will be from 9 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. in the morning and from 1 p.m. until 3 p.m. in the afternoon. Mothers are advised not to bring their children but to bring a legal birth certificate"of th^/ch}ld they wish to enroll. To be eligible for kindergarten of the '57-'58 year, a child must be five years of age on or before December 1, 1957. This means, of course, the child must have been born on or before December 1, 1952. The four kindergarten teachers include Mrs. Carl Buckner, Mrs. Clarence Pearson, Miss Mary Harvey, and Mrs. Earl Marshall. and the teachers. The organization holds a national charter with the congress of parents and teachers and is an active participant of the McHenry council. The P.T.A. will sponsor an outing for the children of the Lily Lake School on May 24, on which they will go to Deer Haven. P.T.A. The Lily Lake Parent Teachers association held its last meeting of the year on Thursday, May 2, at 8 p.m. Unfortunately less than a quorum of the membership was present and it was not possible to proceed with election of officers. However, it is hoped that this matter can be taken care of at one of the first fall meetings. Your reporter feels that a sincere expression of appreciation should go to Mr. and Mrs. Buchwalter of Lakemoor who, with other loyal officers and members, have worked hard this year in the best interests of the school, the parents Music Award David Fantus, high junior, is the lucky recipient of a summer music scholarship which will entitle him to attend the Du Quoin music camp for a week this summer. The camp begins on June 17. The award is presented annually by the Rotary club. « Hospitalized Garrison Lattimer entered Columbus hospital on Lake View avenue in Chicago early last week. We last reported that Mr. Lattimer was recovering satisfactorily from a previous illness. We are sorry to hear that he may be confined for sometime in the hospital and then in his home. Go. . ison's wife, Elvina has recovered from a severe cold and has resumed her duties in Evanston. Mrs. William Zahn visited the fire department in McHenfy on Thursday, May 2. The visit was a special project in lieu of their regular after school meeting. At the firehouse the boys were give an interesting talk and demonstration on fire prevention and control by the chief and local volunteer members. Also, they were able to get up on the big engines and see what all the shiny gadgets do. This, I'm sure, is a dream in every boy's heart. All the local cubs have a big treat in store for them on May 25, when the pack will visit the Great Lakes naval training station and really get to see what military life in the barracks is^like, perhaps even have 'chow' with the boys in0 blue. (We arg trusting to our cubmaster and den mothers that they will beware of any navy recruiters, and will return with all the boys). Birthdays and Anniversaries Happy birthday to Sharon Marie Oversen on May 6. Sharon lives in Fritsche's Estate. Robert Hiland, Jr. son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hiland celebrated his birthday on May 1. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Belford celebrated their wedding anniversary on May 8. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rogers also celebrated a wedding anniversary on May 8.' Mr. and Mrs. John Behrendt will celebrate their forty-first weddin ganniversary on May 15. John and Marie have a son, Harold and two grandsons. Best wishes on your fine record. Cub Scouts Cub dens 3 and 6 of Lilymoor under the supervision of den mothers, Mrs. Fred Karmel and Honey Moon in Mexico Mr. and Mrs. Louie Schueler and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Schueler attended the wedding of the latter Mrs. Schueler's sister held in Bloomington on Saturday, April 27. At the double ring ceremony. Pearl Parents was wed to James Mangan. The bride was attired in a ballerina length, pale blue, chiffon dress. The young couple later held a reception in the American Legion hall in Chicago. They are presently spending a month's honeymoon in Mexico. Soon To Be Wed Mr. and Mrs. Francis Weiler announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Frances Ann, to Mr. Robert Mertin of Wauconda. The wedding will take place at 9 o'clock. Saturday, May 11, at St. Patrick's Catholic chapel in McHenry, and the reception is to be held at 7 p.m. at Club Lilymoor., Bible Study Class Recessed The Bible study class which has been meeting at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday morning at the Lily Lake schoolhouse has announced a recess. The group will continue its meetings next fall. THE Population Increase Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Halcom are proud to announce the birth of their first child, a boy, born at 12:51 a.m. on Wednesday, May 1, at Memorial hospital in Wood* stock. Leroy, Jr. . weighed 6 pounds, 11 ounces at birth and he has blue eyes and bl&ck hair: The paternal grandparents are' Mr, and Mrs. Silas Halcom of Lilymoor, and the maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Smith of St. Louis, Mo. Congratulations to Leroy, Sr. and Harriet. Personals .• Mrs. Pearl Cohen and children. David and Linda from jfchicago, spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Karmel. Joseph " Volk of Waukegan was a dinner guest on last Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Belford. Mrs. Lillian Fantus of Petachima, Calif., is visiting at the home of hl&r son and daughter-inlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Fantus and family.. Warren Rose of Chapel Hill, N. C.. visited on Saturday last at the home ef Mr. and Mrs. E, M. Belford. Mr. Rose was formerly a "high school teacher at Wauconda and is presently studying for his doctorate at the University of North Carolina. Mrs. Charles Porter and daughter of Wauconda were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Piesen of Lilymoor. Mrs. Porter is the mother of Mrs. Piesen. House guest for a week in Lilymoor is Mrs. Orrilla Sammons from Edwardville. Mrs. Sammons is a former resident and returned for a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Haines. month. The Cutlers are presently neighborhood ladies had planned living in Nevfburgh, New York, where Don is employed. Don has a two week's vacation beginning May 18, and they plan to come west during that time. Sister of Resident Passes The community was saddened to learn of the death of the sister of Mrs. Thoma6 Legge. Mrs. Legge's sister, Mrs. Minnie Myer was a resident of Forest Park. She succumbed to a heart attack at April 29, at 1:30. p.m. Services were held in Forest Park. Old Friends To Return Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Goldbeck and family of Mission, Kans., plan to vjsit in Chicago and Lilymoor over the Memorial Day weekend. Pat and Jerry are former residents and their local residence was occupied until recently by Mr. and Mrs. Moyse Cary and family who have moved to Eastwood Manor. The Goldbeck last intended visit to Illinois was postponed due to the hospitalization of Mrs. Goldbeck. We hope that everything works out as planned this time. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cutler and two children, Dennis and Rebecca, also plan to visit in Lilymoor this McHenry Savings And Loan Association wishes to thank th£ people of McHenry and the surrounding area for th@or gratifying reception to oiir Grand Opening. With Special Thanks to . . . 206 W. # Monsif nor Charles Nix For His Blessing * George Freund Our Illustrious Mayor • EARL D. SiSINHOWIR For His Kind Service # The MteHerary Pfalndedfeir for tfeiii5 splendid £@operdfion ana adverfisng ccnpiifjn REMEMBER WE WILL ALWAYS SfilWI PC SETTER MEANS TO SilVE YOU iiST. Ph@ne McHenry 2 -rr~ i < an all afternoon coffee break plus some business, to make it legal, at the home of Mrs. LaiVerne Schueler. Arriving after lunch" were Ethel Crook, Elaine Schueler, and Elaine Gray. As spring is in^the air and coming out of the ground, the ladies admired the new blooming flowers and shrubs in the yard and gardens of their hostess before retiring to the house for coffee and cake:). About then the phone rang! It was long distance her residence whiie she was^do from Kansas. Pat Goldbeck was ing household work on Monday^ -calling to chat and say that she was looking forward to coming up to Lilymoor for a visit with friends and relatives. About this Far and Near time your reporter broke in on It isn't unusual to walk into a \ the group and had an opportunity Lilymoor home and find visitors to visit with friends next door, from across the lake, but such was not recently the case in this incident which is reported in hopes you may enjoy the story in addition to those individuals involved. Husbands in Lilymoor, as well as elsewhere, are wondering how wives can spend so much time at neighborhood coffee breaks, and still have the housework undone when hubby arrives home. On Tuesday, April 29, several of the friends across the lake and a friend far away in Kansas. Such are the values of coffee breaks. REMH 00T MIIES n MtUIONS ****** *•***•*•»***•• *»!' * fr » » » j> * 'I' >£•»* 'I'»'1' -I' * DONT DELAY IN "FREEZING" SOCIAL SECURITY RECORD . Are you disabled? If so, don't put Off contacting your social security office since a dplay until after July 1, 1957, may cause yon to lose benefits, or may greatly reduce your social security beneiits when you are eligible. Workers who are totally disabled and their disability is expected to be of continued long duration should^ file to "freeze" their social secur-| ity record to protect their bene4 fit. Monthly payments can be made to you if you are between the ages of 50 and 65 and'you meefcg, the disability and work require-? ments of the law. Contact your social security office at Waukegan, 111. , If you paddle your own canoe there's no one to rock the boat. ' \ ii Shop At' Ny • • 129 No. Riverside Dr. "Your Walgreen Agency Drug Store" Lowest Prices . . . Always Phone 26 McHenry, 111. McHenry, 111. l SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS FREE ESTIMATES EXPERT WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED WORK When you need Sewing Machine repair work, phone the number below. SINGER* prides itself on excellent sen/lee. 9 •A Trmd# Mark Of THB SIN01* Mrs. to. For tlii convenient* of oor customers to McHENRY, ILL. we suggest you call our AUTHORIZED SALES REPRESENTATIVE P. J. NEUST ADT at SINGER SEWING CENTER Listed in your telephone book only under BINCBB SEWING MACHINE CO. GLADSTONE'S DEPT. STORE PHONE McHENRY 2562 FITZGERALD REALTY IS PROUD TO ANNOUNCE THEIR NEW MODEL HOME IS NOW OPEN FOR YOUR INSPECTION At The Country Club Estates LOOK AT THESE FEATtJIES COLORED BATHROOM FIXTURES CERAMIC WALL & FLOOR IN BATH BUILT-IN RANGE & OVEN OAK FLOORS . BIRCH KITCHEN CABINETS MAHOGANY DOORS ALUMINUM COMBINATION DOORS & WINDOWS I CAR GARAGE - OVER 1100 SQUARE FEET OF LIVING AREA ONLY *17,995°° With Lot FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE McHENRY 1128 2)0 So. Green St. ^ McHenry *