, * ? , THE MeH^NBY PERSONALS t»i»t>*i"l i"l'<"t iti '!• ^i "t"!' -t' 'S1 <• ••••••< Announce Marriage v Of Jayiie Dean 1 Mi*, and Mrs. Harry Dean announce the marriage of thelr( daughter, Jayne, to Mr. Jerome Kalk, which,, took place Thursday, June 6. The newly wecte are enjoying^ two-week wedding Irip into northern Wisconsin, after which they will reside in McHenry. *- a Mr. Kalk is a teacher and coach ih the local high school. L**-. dride-tp-be Honored At Miscellaneous Showers Miss kathryn .McMahon was guest of honor last week at two miscellaneous bridal showers. One was given Monday by her aunts, Mrs. i2. Graves and Mrs. J. Stepanek, both of Chicago. Another was held Wednesday at the Johnsburg Community club, given by friends, Dorothy Schaeter and Mrs. Janice Tonyan. Vycital Daughter Wed In Washington Mr. and Mrs. John R. Vycital of Washington announce the mar* i;iage of their daughter, Winifred Anne, to Lt. Edward Lewis Dofid, JLJSMC, son of Mrs. Mary D. Lewis, which occurred June 4 in Bethlehem chapel, Washington cathedral. Miss Vycital chose a white chif- ")&fon dress, with short lace veil and cap sent to her from her great aunt in Brussels. Her attendants were attired in frosted pink taffeta dresses. The best man and groomsmen were Navy officers, in white uniforms," with swords at their sides which they used to form an arch for the couple to pass ujrtder. Over 200 relatives and friends attended, the reception after the ceremony. Birthday Party For Lynn HammersteiB Little Lynn Hammerstein was honored guest at a party on her sixth birthday anniversary Friday, June 7, held at the home of her parents in Cooney Heights. Guests present to enjoy games and a birthday lunch were Karen McKim, Sandra Senter, Theresa Ballowe, Judith Buss, Kathleen Corbett, Karen Hay, Dawn Parents, Judy Mars, Bernita Anderson, Detiise Mascari and Delores Diedrich. ael, Jr., Thomas Butler and Rosa lie Hehn;' also Phillip Schutt of Johnsburg, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Skinner and son, Gerald, of Sunnyside Estates, Ronald Garrity and Mr. and Mrs. George Brefeld, Vicky andLaui'y. All enjoyed dinner and a social hour. A beautiful graduation cake was served. Patricia Ann will enter Mc- Henry high school next fall C. D. of A. Held Installation June 6 \>>. Installation ceremonies for the Catholic Daughters of America were held last Thursday evening, with ^Irs. Ethel Ronan of Elgin, district deputy, acting as installing officer., Named to office in .the local court were Madeline Mayfield, grand regent; Theresa Steffen. vice-regent; Heleh Thompson, lecturer; Eleanor Young, prophetess; Marie Larkin, monitor; Rita Martin, financial secretary; Pauline Nimsgern, treasurer; Helen Smith historian; Clare Olson, sentinel; Olga Freund, organist; Irene Guffey and Bertilla Freund, trustees. Fr. Harold Nilges wilT act as chaplain. A social hour followed the installation. Winners in cards were Anna Leonetti, Kathryn L. Freund and Irene Guffey in pinochle; Ella Buss. Rose Kennebeck and Jeanette Driscoll in canasta. Octavia Weyland acted as chairman of the meeting. A social gathering is planned for June 20 and the annual picnic will be held July 7 in the city park. / Honor graduates St. John'# Skhopi Miss.Patricia /Ann- /Tuijker, daughter of Mr.-and Mrs. Henry Eugene Tucker of Sunnyside Estates, has been honored several times recently in honor of her graduation from Johnsburg public school. Attending the graduation exercises were Mrs. Geraldine Skinner and son, Gerald, Mrs; Frieda Christensen and Mr. and Mrs. Florence Linden. On the Sunday following graduation, a dinner was served to the following relatives and friends from Chicago: Mrs. Anna Botulinski, grandmother; Elizabeth Butler, Rose Bialkowski, and Margaret Butler, aunts; Delores Szurowicz, godmother; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Zuro, Miss Lil Marsden, and children, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nocek, Nancy, Bonnie and Mich- Medlar Photo THE SAMUEL BUENZLIS In a pretty wedding solemnized June 1 in St. Peter's church. Spring Grove, Miss Clarice May of Ringwood Became the bride of Samuel Buenzli of McHenry. Mrs. Joseph J. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Becker and Mr. and IVfrs. Albert Purvey attended commencement at Crystal Lake high .. school last Friday evening. John •-j-Purvey was a member of the class' . rThe McHenry folks also attended ! th£ reception afterward in the Purvey home. Mr. and Mi's. Earl Smith ana family of Fort Worth. Texas, hav/c been visiting McHenry relatives? Mr.,and Mrs. Carl Freundjnnd Mr. apd Mrs. Bernard N. Smith i are enjoying a few days' trip to ' Chetek, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Huck and daughter, Terry,' attended 1 commencement exercises at Rosary college, River Forest, June 3. ; Miss Nancy Reuland, sister of Mrs. Huck, was a member 6f the' • class. „• I Miss&Franeis Vycital visited in the home of her brother, John Vycital, and family in Wa'shingtn, j D. C.. the past week, where she i attended the marriage of her | niece, Winifred Ann Vycital, , on | June 4. . Mesdames Kathryn Freund, Mar- | garet Creamer, Alpha Pederson | and Ethel Holly of Riverview camp, R.N.A., and Alice Lindsay, Susan Olsen, Kathryn Pechart and Mabel Johnson of Fox River Valley camp attended the golden anniversary of Huntley camp, R'.N.A. Wednesday evening. Mrs. Emma Franzen of Chicago spent a few days the past week in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Max Doering, and'family and saw her grandson, Max Doehring, graduate from Junior high school Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Holmberg (Mary Jane Laures) and 'daughter, Diane, are spending a few "weeks in the Matht Laures home and with other relatives in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Tpm Bovyer and sons of Hebron called on McHenry friends Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Miller, Mrs. Mayme Miller, Mrs. Elvera- Durland and Miss Clara Millerwere among the folks from here who paid their last respects to .John McMahdn at a funeral home at 5935 W. Belmont avenue, Chicago, Thursday evening. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Klontz spent the weekend at their summer home in Pearson, Wis. Mrs. Magnus Nelson and her guest, Mrs. Ebba Granath of Steger, 111.; visited in the home of her sister, Mrs. Donald Armentrout, in Cedar Lake, Ind., Thursday. Mrs. Robert Ulrich and daughter »Gretchen £>£ San Carlos, Calif.; are spending a few weeks with her mother, Mrs. Nellie Bacon. Mrs. Grace Thompson and son, Freddy, of Waukegari visited relatives here Saturday. Freddy remained for a longer visit in the home of his aunt, I.flss •Martin. _ Mrs. John Bolger, and daughter, Mary Ann,, attended the fortieth wedding anniversary pf their mint and uncle, Mr. anci Mrs. William Kortendick, in Pecatonica, Sunday. . < Mr* and Mrs. Harry . Lawrence of CJjirajgo were weekend ^ests in the Donald Givens home. Sun* dcy visitors were Mr. and Mrs.* Harojd Phalin and daughter Diane of Waukegan. Miss Genevieve. Knox was,1 a guest of Miss Georgianna Donohue in Huntley Sunday^, , , Leo Heimer spent 4 lew dqys the past week in the diaries Steilen.home in Elmhilrst. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Holly visited relatives'in Rockford Sunday. "Mrs. Kathryn Worts, Mrs. Alpha Pederson and Mrs. EtheP Holly attended meeting of the McHenry county Past Oracles club at the home of Mrs. Gertrude • Bryant in Crystal Lake last week. The next meeting will he with Mrs. Minnie Sigmior in Elmhurst Tuesday, July.9. Mrs. Carl Beulpw of Tampa, Fla. is spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Bert Bienapfl. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Koch of Buchanan, Mich.; visited Mrs. Irrtie Guffey Saturday1. Mrs. Pauline Hauch, daughter-. Carol Jean and Mrs. Kate Buxman of Birch Run, Mich.; and Mrs. Bernice Langley of Sagfnaw, Mich, spent the weekend with McHenry relatives and saw Sandra Schmank confirmed at the Itnmanuei Lutheran church ~Sn Crystal Lake Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Joe M, May, daughters, Joan and LoiSj Mrs. Rose Staiiies and Mrs. Jrene Guffey attended a gathering at the Leslie Bungard home in Elmhurst Sunday honoring their daughter, Janis, who graduated from the Immaculate Conception high school, Thursday eveninjg of last week. Miss Andrea Hansen and J^alph Patzke of Champaign were weekend guests of Mrs. Pearl Patzke Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bienapfl and Mr. and Mrs. Burt Bienapfl spent a few days rtecently with relatives in Minneapolis, Minn. Mesdames Bobbie May, Helen Heuser, Irene Guffey, Rose Staines Ann Rodenkirch.s Mildred Miller and Judy Diedrich and Misses Bertilla Freund and Layra Weber entertained the boys at Downey Wednesday eveninjg. i " Mrs. A. J. Grever spent a feiv - days thiscweek in the home of her . jsister in Neeenah, Wis. Mrs. Earl Dowell end children Cathy and Bob, returned to their home in Lafayette, .Ind.; Mon$iy after a few days' visit with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Moritz spent a few days last week in Chicago where they attended the funeral of John McMahon Friday. They were weekend guests of relatives in Milwaukee, Wis. Mrs. Elizabeth "Thompson, Mrs Mr THftEB GARDEN CLUBS TO SPONSOR SHOW JUNE 15-16 v ^ . A . V Garden clubs in-Woodstock;, Bull Valley apd Kishwaukee Valley, all in McHfenry county, will jointly sponsor a flower show. Saturday1 and Supday, June-15 and 16, at Olson schobl in Woodstock. Built around the theme, "Our Town," the show starts at 2 p.m. "on Saturday and continues until 10 p.m. Kathryn Worts, Mr. and MrM^""^ h°urs are noon 8 P-ra- George Worts ^ and daughter, \Representing the Kishwaukee Linda, attended a dinner at the Edward McMahon hpme in Elgin Sunday honoring Dannie McMahon, who, graduated from St. Edward's high School last week. Hek is a grand nephew of Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Worts. Mr. and Sirs. Leslie Bassett, son, Homer, and Mrs. Bassett's mother, Mrs.. Switzer of Houston, Texas, spent a few days at Mount Vernon Iowa where, they attended' commencement exercises on Jyne 10. Miss Ilene Bassett was a member of-the class. , Dr. Henry Freund attended the "Opital Fair" in Chicago last Sunday, June 9. Valley club on the prograrh committee are Mrs. Lloyd Burlihgham, Wonder Lake, and Mrs. Howard Rogers, Harvard. Mrs. Henry Mann and Mrs. Henry S$ndeen of Woodsitpck ,^re representing the WoodstecH club ind from the Bully Valley 61ub, representatives are Mrs. Oiyin Wolf,, McHenry, and Mrs. Charles Hoerger„ Woodstock. The show will be staged outdoors and centered afroundl a town sqpar^. arrangement Flower ar- J' c rangement^ w^H include t^ose for .505 ,^ View road reCenfljr welchurch, hospital and club meet- jcometj a new son to their home, ings, a 2-year-old boy called Michael. ;tiA^KS HIGHEST , St. Mary's school, is proud of the f^cti that Karen Parkhurst, daughter o f , Frank Parkhurst, ranked 'highest in a -. competitive examination held at Mount Mary academy, "^t. Charles," recently. The .^Sisters also express regret that^ti#'tb an oversight, the name of Minahi Gies was omitted from the list of graduates in l^st weekV PaP^.f., - . . 'T" For Your Finest Selection of Summer SPORTSWEAR COORDINATES Also Jewelry & Lingerie 806 W. Elm St. McHenry. 111. -- Phone 2718 CHURCH ANNIVERSARY C . r a c e E v a n g e l i c a l L u t h e r a n church, Woodstock, which, serves residents from almost eyery section of the county, will observe its fiftieth anniversary with a "weeklong program in June. The Woodstock church, which has doubled in membership since 1953 and now has almost 2.800 members, will begin it« golden anniversary program with church services on Sunday, June 16. A banquet for 1,000 guests will be a high point during the week, anc| special services Aii a reception on Sunday, June 23, will dlimax the anniversary. SHOP IN McHENUY be proud Junel6 with a Father's Day Gift McGee's Coining Soon: Vacation Time "C/ » . * * • Open Tues., Thurs., and, Fri. Evenings 'til 9 During your vacation you'll want to know that youy hairstyle will be easy to manage, for there are many precious minutes which would be wasted if it were necessary to continually try t9 keep your hair looking its loveliest. Tb be sure your hair will look its best, whether golfing, swimming, playing tennis, dining or dancing, we suggest a cqol, comfortable, permanent wave, expertly styled in our salon. Call 147 for your appointment now* " AIR-CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT • , ' -rv r _ YOUR LOVELINESS IS OUR BUSINESS & iverside ^J*t?airslyling Gzftudi 126 N. Riverside Drive MeH«niy>ill. lO Phone 147 117 So. Green St. McHenry IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our beloved husband and father, James Orr, who passed away one year ago, June 11, 1956. A precious one from us is gone, j A voice we loved is stilled, i A place is vacant in our home i Which can never be filled. i *6 Lonesome wife and daughters. \ Makes you feel prettier the moment you spray it on Toilet Water with Cock Atomizer Atomizer won t leak. won't spill. avoids evaporation (deaf for travel. Start your vacation looking like % a million! Let us do the hard part of putting your vacation togs in apple-pie order ... / * Those party clothes and sports togs . . . you want to take them along . . . but there's so little time and so much to do! Turn them over to us for a thorough Semitone Dry Cleaning and they'll come home immaculate, perfectly pressed ... all minor repairs made at no extra charge. Call us as soon as you can so we can do our very best for you. Call us for SANITONE service today In your choice of famous GOTY fragrances *.. so refreshing... so zestful... you feel oh so feminine. L'AIMANT • EMERAUDE • L'ORIGAN "PARIS" • A SUMA • MUSE • STYX • CHYPRE S drug store <09 0. St. Phone 40 McHenry, III. Give Yourself MORE Closet Space. Store Winter Woolens Now. You'll live more comfortably this summer if you'll simply empty your closets of all those bulky winter garments and send them to us for storage in our moth-proof fur vault. * Moth damage to just one of your woolen garments can cost you many times more than the cost of storage of ALL your woolens. Phne 927 -i- we'll deliver a* big box and store all you can stuff into it for only $^.95. CLEAN AND STORE NOW! PAY NEXT FALL! RAINBOW CLEANERS N. FRONT STREET AROUND CORNER FROM NATION^iL TEA Phone 927 For Pick-Up Service Qr Save 10% Cash 'N Carry. Open Daily: 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. -- Friday Evenings to 9 P.M. for MONEY IN THE BANK in a bank you can withdraw your savings with no delay and no formal application, explanation or extra cost. Oilr^firmncial statement shows why^^fier^s no substitute for "Money in the Bank". Cash and high grade marketable securities of $7,500,000 offset over 60% of our deposits. in a bank • \ you establish a credit reference second to none. in a bank . you can obtain a vast array of services available nowhere else under one roof -- savings accounts, checking accounts, personal loans, commercial loans, real estate loans, safe deposit boxes, financial assistance and guidance, and many others. in a bank such as McHenry State Bank your deposits are |nsured up to $10,000.00 by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation which insures availability as well as safety. . "Money in the Bank" is a quality investment in security-unequaled by other thrift devices such as share accounts, corporate stocks and bonds, and mortgages. It's cash where you want-it -- available when you need it. ^ There's no substitute for "Money in the Bank" McHENRY . PHONE 1040 Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Member Federal Reserve System Interest. Paid on Savings Deposits