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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Aug 1957, p. 2

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THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday* August 1,1957 , j r y Community Club To Meet Next Monday The next meeting of the Johnsburg Community club wilf be held Monday evening, Aug. 5, at 8:30 p.m. At this meeting, the financial report of the carnival will be presented. Refreshments wHl be served by the following committee: Frank Sqhaefer, Louis Schmitt, Henry Schmitt, Ben Schmitt, Leo Schaefer, Charles Smith, Larry Stilling and Richard Marshal. Surprise Benefit Bazaar August 8 A surprise benefit bazaar will be held at St. Patrick's church hall on Thursday, Aug. 8, from 2 to 8 p.m. Donations of bakery goods, canned goods, preserves and jellies, candy, novelties, gift articles and homemade linens and aprons will be welcomed. Free coffee will be served. For further information or pickups, call 261 or 131-M. Proceeds will help furnish the convent. Personal Shower For Arlene Jost Arlene Jost was guest of honor at a personal shower held at the Jacob Thiel home last Sunday afternoon. Hostesses were Joan Matuszak and Joyce Thiel. About twenty-five guests were present from Dundee, Woodstock, Lake Geneva, McHenry, Sunnyside Estates and Chicago to enjoy a social afternoon and luncheon. Linda Lent Observes Tenth Anniversary Linda Lent, . daughter of the Robert Lents of Riverside Drive, observed her tenth birthday anniversary July 24 at a 12:30 o'clock luncheon. Guests included Joyce Adams, Patty Bolton, Judy Freund, Sally Justen, Penny Miller, Joanne Reid, Paulette Rizzo, Bonita Sasso, Kay, Cindy and Craig Lent, all of McHenry; and Barbara, Susan, Rosie and Mary May of Woodstock. Richmond Couple Wed Twenty-Five Years Mr. and Mrs. J. G. (Curly) Stevens will celebrate their silver wedding anniversary next Thursday, Aug. 8, at the Hunter Country jclub, with open house from 7 fo 9 p^fn. Relatives and friends pre cordially invited to attend, hhw H4(t. Tell Engagement Of Ann Paluch Mi1, and Mrs. A. G. Paluch of Riverside., Drive,. McHenry, announce the engagement of their daughter, Ann Marie, to Thomas PERSONALS E .fr.}' iM' 'E •< J. Pickett, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Glazer of Philadelphia Pa. The couple will be married Sept. 28. KATHLEEN GREANEY MARRIED SATURDAY TO RONALD GODINA Style Show Proceeds Benefit New School St. Joseph's Altar and Rosary society of Richmond is sponsoring a dessert luncheon and fall fashion revue on Monday, Aug. 12, at 1 p.m. at the Hunter Country club. Proceeds will be used for St. Joseph's new school. Chairman of the event is Mrs. Alfred Pretzman and Mrs. James Mclntee is co-chairman. Tickets will be av^lable at the door. Bridal Shower Honors Miss Patricia Henn A lovely bridal shower was giv A beautiful marriage ceremony was solemnized last Saturday, July 27, at St. Patrick's church. The pretty bride. Miss Kathleen Greaney of McCullom. Lake, became the wife of Mr. Ronald Godina of Lakemoor at 11 o'clock Mass, with Rev. Fr. E. C. Coakley officiating. Attending' the bride were her sister, Mrs. Eileen Klapperich, as matron of honor, and Kathleen Klapperich as flower girl. Attending the groom were Dennis Godina, brother of the groom, as best man, and brother, Terry Godina, as ring bearer. Miss Greaney was given in marriage by her uncle John Greaney of Canada. Attending the groom as usher was John Klapperich. The bride chose a lace over satin dress with a full tiered skirt, fingertip veil, and a closely pearl and rhinestone tiara. She carried a bouquet of white mums, spider mums and stephanotis., Mrs. Walter Petersen and children of Hastings, Minn., are visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Miller. Mrs. A. J. Woll and daughter Cynthia of Washington, D. C. visited relatives here the past week. Rev. and Mrs. J. Elliott Corbetb and children have been vacationing with relatives in the east. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Conway, son MiHe and Gary Meehan have returned from a two week's vacation at Minocqua. Wis. Mrs. Henry Lange of Quincy, Mich.; visited her mother Mrs. Zena Bacon the past week. Craig Stotts of Carmi is spending the week with his great aunt Mrs. Herbert Engdahl. Mrs. Sophie Kosti has returned to her home on Main street after spending six months in Europe. Five months were spent with relatives in Germany and one month sightseeing in Switzerland. Miss Joyce Adams Spent the past week in the home of her aunt. Mrs. Kenneth Murray in Mundelein. Mrs. Marion C. Newman of New York City spent a few days last week in the Robert Thompson home. Miss Ann Frisby accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence of Chicago, spent a few days last week at the Dells of Wisconsin. Mrs. Earl Geer of Crystal Lake, was a Sunday guest in the George H. Johnson home. Lt. Norman Neiss of Minneapolis, Minn., visited relatives here la^t week. Master Billy Walsh of Fox Lake, spent the past two weeks with* his great aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Alfons Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Blake and family visited in the John Wolowic home at Druce Lake Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bickler, Bonnie Bickler and Art Bickler of Chicago visited SfcHenry relatives Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Young and daughter Mary Dolores of Waukegan, visited McHenry relatives Sunday. The latter is leaving soon to make her home in San Francisco, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Johnson were recent guests in the George E. Johnson home in Skokie where they attended a gathering honoring Mrs. George E. Johnson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. G. him to the Lake County fair \vhere the latter had a swine exhibit. • '• *' Misses Helen Flynn ahd Florence Butler of Chicago, spent a few days last week a& guests of Miss Marion McOmber. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hollander and son, Teddy, returned recently from a vacation trip to Cjqnoyer.v Wis., where they enjoyed'visiting at the resojrt owned by Mrs. Hoi-' lander's aunt and uncle,'Mr. and Mrs. Gus Struss. They also visited, in the home of Mrs. Maude Draheim at Conover, where John Hollander, Sr., has been vacationing. Mr. and Mrs. Wally Schlueter of Chicago visited last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Edstrom. CMiss Rita Wolbert of Milwaukee, Wis., visited McHenry friends last weekend. ' ><• Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ensign of Antioch are spending some time in the home of Mr- and Mrs:. Rolland Ensign here while the latter and their youngest son are vacationing with relatives in Nebraska. Among folks who attended the Alvan Rothermel funeral at Albany, Wis., were Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rothermel, X^r. and Mrs. William Glossori, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Michels, Mrs. Elizabeth Michels arid Jake Miller all of McHenry, and Miss Frances Michels of Chicago. Visitors in the Leslie Olsen home the past week were the Misses Myra and Edna Speaker of Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fuchs and Mrs. Carol Kline of Woodstock. Mrs. Betty Michels and Mrs. Christine Miller visited Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Clark of Wtmkegan last weekend. WED JULY 20 . , , , _ , The bride's mother chose a last week honoring Miss Pa-»brown int dress with ink ^e"n„ W TrW1^ ^e°0me. accessories and wore a corsage of bride of William E. Miller on Aug. u t roses and llow mums 17. Hostess was Mrs. Gerald J. ' , ,, . " . * ' rhA rrr'fvnm e xi/of A nnam. Mannix, Sr., of Chicago. Guests included Mesdames A. J. Henn, Charles J. Miller. Leonard Ammond, Doris Bender, James Delaney, Albert C. Frett, Howard Graham, Anton Henn, Robert Henn, William Henn, Jr., William Henn, Sr., Raymond Loffey, Gerald J. Mannix, Jr., William Mannix, Richard Nardini, John C. Newell, Jr., Edward J. Riley, Rollo E. Smith and Charles Schulz and the Misses Betty Bender, ' Betty Henn, Eileen Henn, Marianne Henn, Marie Henn, Alyce Shay, Maureen and Kathleen Henn. The groom's mother wore cham pagne tones of beige with brown accessories and a corsage of assorted pink flowers. The young couple will be home in Ringwood. at Juvenile Foresters Planning For Outing The Juvenile Foresters of'iSt. Clara's Court, No. 659, McHenry, will have an outing on ,, Wednesday, Aug. 7, at Benedictine abbey at Benet Lake, near Antioch. Lunch and refreshments will be furnished. Reservations must be made by Monday, Aug. 5, by calling Mar* tha Freund, phone 91-R, or Catherine Worts, phone 50-M. ^ Mothers wishing to drive are asked to call either of those numbers as early as possible.. The group will leave St. Mary's'school grounds at 10 a.m. CARD OF THANKS To all of our relatives and friends we would like to express sincere thanks for cards, masses and flowers, and we are especially grateful to Father William Schuster of Brodhead, Wis., who was so very kind and helpful during the wake and funeral of our dear brother, Alvan Rothermel. Mr. and Mrs. Leo G. Rothermel Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cunningham 13 Eder of Evanston on their fortieth Photo by Kotalik wedding anniversary. w. 4 . Bob Bigelow of Ft. Jennings, fTThls Pret^ bride was Mis^ Jan- Ohio was a weekend guest" ih^he ; 'ce Schmitt of McHenry before Leo Blake home 1 her marriage Saturday, July 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dowe and : Donald Manning. The newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Kraus on-' are residing on Parkstreet. joyed a vacation in Wisconsin last ! week. „ Mrs. LeRoy Smith and family Miss Joan Nimsgern, !$., N., ATTEND WEDDING _ Miss Joan Nimsgern, !$., andMrs^Anna Miller visited the sPent the weekend in Aurorfc On latter's grandsons Charles, David Saturday, she was a bridesmaid and Allan Miller at the North- for the Diane Frenier-William western Military Academy in Lake ; Vinehart, Jr., wedding in Holy Geneva, Wis., Sunday. Angels church. The former Miss Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Reinert of Frenier and Miss Nimsgern were Elgin, visited McHenry relatives classmates in the school of nurs- Anna Mae Aissen, AREA ARTISTS * N .• , , D W. '.!EXHIBIT WORK AT Konaia KG we wea COUNTRY ART FAIR The Ringwpod Methodist Church was the scene <jf a beautiful wedding last Saturday, Jujy 27, at 3:30 o'clock $ejty|n Miss Anna Mae Aissen, daugp$£^of Mr. and Mrs. Henry ' Aissen, "became the bride qf Mr.. Ronald' Rpwe, spn of Mr. aind Mrs. Charleg^Rowe of Wood- Stock. The do^jp; ring ceremony was performed by the Rev. James Reid of Chicago. . Given in marriage by her father, the radiant frftde^as attired in a nylon organdy dfessi with pearls and rhinestS^s.'ifand a silk illusion veil held|n plefce with a pearl queen's ...-or<0$ She carried a white Bible"^d white orchid. Miss Karen Corso of McHenry, a close friend, was mai£l of honor and bridesiftcfidS ' were Jackie Skidmore, Loretta Feezel and' Mary Jane Bell. All were attired similarly in green nylon organdy dresses, ballerina length, with hats of nylon tj$le trimmed witli rhintstones. They carried bouquets of colored chrysanthemums. Warren Rowe; brother of the bridegroom, was best man and the groomsmen were Robert Rowe, Lester Lilja and Douglas Sherman. * Mrs. Aissen was attired in a light print silk dress with white accessories, and Mrs. Rowe chose a light fetue lace dress with pink accessories. Following the service, lunch was served at the home of the bride's parents and a reception for 150 guests was held in the K. of C. hall in Woodstock. After a honeymoon in southern Illinois, the couple will reside in Woodstock,' where both are employed. Newlyweds Now At Home In Crystal Lake Settling down recently in their home at 44 SI Williams street, Crystal Lake, are newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Glenn Brooks. The bride is tjhe former Miss Doris Anne^ Olsojri, daughter of Mrs. Lillian Olson of , Island Lafce, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mi's: Frank Brooks of Crystal Lake! They exchanged ,vows at St. John's Lutheran church, Island Lake, on Saturday, June 29. 1 The 'bHde. is a graduate of McHenry high school and is employed -at the McHenry Medical Group. The grooni, a graduate of Crystal Lake high school, served with the Air Force and is presently employed at Colby Motors in Crystal Lake. Buy- U.1£- Savings Bonds today. A number of artists from the McHenry area arfe participating in the Country Art Fair. Here is a little of their background: Mrs. A. Stuhlfeier is a selftaught artist; exhibiting for the first time at the Country Art Fair. SBe has painted oils in subjects ranging roughly from flowers4 to the New York Harbor. Mrs. Andrew Thompson of Wonder L^ke jjs an art _ graduate of Ohio !5tat6 university." She has taught art? in public schools, likes to do portraits. . - Wally Rasmussen lives in Gooney Heights and is employed as art director of the Council of. Profit Sharing Industries. Works with pen or brush in ink. Mrs. Irene Manka of Richmond is a graduate of Art Institute. Teaches and lectures on art. She is a member of several art leagues and associations. Does both , oils and water cplors. Mrs- Frank Kittell, aJso of Richmond, studied at Ripon and at University of' Wisconsin; Received honorable mention at show in Urbaria during Farm and Home W e e k . - V ; ' Mrs. Liedtke of Wonder Lake prefers to work in oils. Takes private art instructions. Mrs. Joyce Specht of Wonder Lake has studied painting and has photography as a hobby. One of her entries is a Dorr county, Wis., countryside scene. Mrs. Glen Paulsen, a resident of Lilymoor, does photography, capper enameling and, works in pastels. Mrs. William Bacon of Ringwood' studied at. Art institute, Academy of Fine Arts and Academy of Applied Arts in Chicago. Was a commercial artist. She has some paintings hanging in the McHenry country club. Mrs. C. W. Klontz, of McHenry, studied painting and ceramics at the Art Institute. Has long been K&P rOUK SEPTIC TANK WOtKWG SMOOTHLY Inexpensive-- Easy to apply • Stimulates Bacterial action Helps prevent Sluggish or clogged septic systems SOYEt BAC-TIVAT0R Ace Hardware ISO Riverside Dr, McHenry PHONE 722 Sunday. ! Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Jung and family spent a few days this week at Chetek, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stenger and daughter of Redwood City, j Calif., are visiting her mother, ; Mrs. William Spencer and other , relatives here. ! Mrs. Ida Quinlan of Park Ridge, . was a McHenry visitor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Tim Sullivan of Chicago, were weekend guests in the A. P. Moritz home. Sunday 1 visitors weFe Mr. and Mrs. Ray ! Carney, Mr. and Mrs. James Car- • ney and Miss Martha Althoff of ! Kenosha, Wis. J R i c h a r d P h a n n e n s t i l l s p e n t 1 Saturday with his cousin Tommy | Wiser, in Volo, and accompanied ing of St. Joseph Mercy hospital Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nimsgern also attended the wedding. VILLA NURSING HOME ON PISTAKEE BAif, ^TEAR McHENRY Home for the Aged SENILE BED PATIENTS PHONE McHENRY 461 Open Tues., Thurs. and Fri. Evenings 'til 9 IT'S YOU... WE HAVE IN MIND Why not stop in soon and let our expert hair stylist suggest a hair style to best flatter and accent your individual beauty. "•» AIR-CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT YOUR LOVELINESS IS OUR BUSINESS iversi 126 N. Riverside Drive de ^E^Cairshylliinngg oft I McHenry, III. to Phone 141 "The Cheap Buyer Takes Bad Meat" •(Author's Name Below) Over two hundred years ago this warning was written, and it is "as true today as it was then. There are no secrets about how to be successful business. A fair profit must be made, or one does not last long. To sell cheaper means that either quality or service must be cut -- usually both. Medicines or health-aids must always be of the best quality, and prescription service should be the. best possible. We wouldn't like to be called the cheapest or the dearest pharmacist. We just want folks to always say that our prices are fair, and our service is good. YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE McHenry 26 WHEN YOU NI2ED A MEDICINE Pick up your prescription if shopping near us, or let us deliver promptly without extra charge. A great many people entrust us "with the responsibility of filing their prescriptions. May we compound yourS? NYE DRUGS PHONE 26 129 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, 111. PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS •Quotation by Thomas Fuller (1068-1719) Sliding Scale SALE! A FUN SALE * A GOING - GOING GONE SALE 00 A clearance of Summer Fashions, with a new twist. Every week a greater reduction in price takes place. Come in, make your selection, if someone else doesn't buy them first they are yours, for what you want to pay for them. YOUR OPPORTUNITY FOR REAL SAVINGS Dates Discount Friday, July 26 To Thurs., August 1 20% Fri., August 2 To Thurs., August 8 30% Fri;, August 9 To Thurs., August 15 40% AUGUST 16th ar Day 50% Store H^jgs: Weekdays & Saturday 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Wednesday to 12 Noon -- Friday to 9 P.M. "Town and Country" (Directly across from the A & P) 306 W. ELiM ST. a member of the North Shore Art guild. Prefers to paint landscapes in oils. . „• Mrs. Lee Gladstone, who has lived in McHenry/ $6r eighteen years, studtied at the Art Institute, Likes to work in oil or charcoal. Is interested in ceramics. ^ ! Mrs. William Bolger of McHenry studied art at Art Institute and Wright Junior college. Interested in interior and Now paints in oils. t. Mrs. Jane Weiss of McHenry was art major at University of Minnesota, where she later taught. Likes sculpture and Swedish decoration of furniture and cabinet work. One pf her entries shows the Johnsburg polling place and some Johnsburg people at the polls at presidential election of 1956. ^ Mrs. Edward Frett Studied with Harry Mintz. Paints in oils. Exhibits at school library* Additional information on local and visiting artists will appear in next week's issue. SLOW DOWN, live longer!*! BIRTHS >00 A son was born July 24'at Memorial hospital, Woodstock, to Mr. and, Mrs. Robert Douglas of Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dowe announce the arrival of a daughter at Memorial hospital July 26. A son was born to Mr. and Sirs. Stanley Pankiewicz on July 26 at Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. ;Dennis Cfork are the parents of. au son, born July 07 at Memorial hospital. - 3 Mr. and fctrs. Dan Fry announce the Jbirth. 0f a son at $(eniQi|al hospital July 28. (' A daughter was born July 28 to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lowrey of Ringwood. HARDEST BUSIEST CHEAPEST WORKERS IN TOWN PLAINDEA&ER WANT APS > " v MONEY AND BANKING ' In Everyday Living . TWO HELPRJL HINTS, that can save do-it-yourself decorators extra expense, both involve soap. Experienced home handymen suggest: When painting, coat windowpanes, hardware, and so on, with soapsuds (paint spatters will settle on suds; can be washed away with them) . when papering, add a small amount of soap to the paste bucjcet (the paper will go on easily;will be less apt to peel). • • • CHILDREN FIRST! To all good parents, of course, the safety and well-being of their youngsters is of prime importance. Yet many a loving mother or father often leaves little ones at home by themselves while he or she goes on a short $rrand. "Don't, if you can possibly avoid it," caution safety authorities. Because recent news stories offer so much disturbing evidence that the warning bears repeating, we repeat it hbre, in a spirit of public service. In the same spirit, we sincerely urge that our depositors forego routine trips to our bajRjc that would necessitate Jeayiri^ small children unguarded^ At such times, banking business cQn be conducted with us by mdil. Ask for mailing forms}. WE ARE EQUIPPED to bngg safety, convenience, speed; economy, and system into yoUr financial affairs. Many of out advertisements seek to explaip the "how" -- but they are necessarily limited in scope. Very likely you have questions abbut our bank and its services which our ad?, to date, have not covered. If that's the case, we'll, be glad to answer them, any tiiner Interest Paid On Savings Deposits Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System PHONE 1040 McHENRY MY VACATION SURE MADE A WRECK OUT OF ME! PUT ME IN TIP TOP SHAPE AGAIN! • T.53 Another Example of How Saves Your Clothos • - • Savn Yom Money Your clothes get a pretty tough workout on vacation. Often you wonder if they'll ever look/ their old selves again. Don't, worry! Sanitoqe Dry Cleaning routs out ajil the dirt, spots, and other ravages of play and travel...colors, textures and patterns recapture that like-new look. Give us a xing! . ..»• RAiNBOW CLEANERS PHONE 927 Around Corner North gf National Itea N. FRONT ST. McHENRY, ILL. Open Dally 8 A.$f. To 6 P.M. Open Friday Eves. Til 9 Clean & Store NOW -- Pay Next J^all

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