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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Aug 1957, p. 15

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ursday. gust 15, 1957 LILYMOOR By Lanrt Belford by Laura Belford •Director's Meeting The officers and directors of the Lilymoor association met on Wednesday, August 7, at the home of Charles Roberts. Those present included the president, Mr. Rogers, Mrs. MJarion Leske, secretary; iMrs. Val Fradinardo, treasurer; Jand vice-president, Earel Belford. Directors present were William ||9assey, Donald Leske, Maurice iiaines and Vernon Erhardt. Main business of the" evening included San agenda for the forthcoming general meeting which was held at the school house oh Tuesday, Aug. 13. Considerable time-Was given to a discussion of a plan for piling all roads in the subdivision and ways and means by which this could be accomplished. {$• • Correction Joanne Halle was incorrectly reported as as Joanne Dalle in last week's issue of the Plaindealer Joanne is the two year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Halle Who operate a grocery on Lily Lake road near Fritsche's Estates. The small girl was run over by. an auto while playing near her home. Examination fortunately revealnobroken bones or ptj^er inries although a girl reported that the car ran over her legs. gardeners more ^eern& as to how soon the 'love- fruit' will be ready for sandwiches plentiful enough to preserve. Mesdames Helen Haines, Laura: Belford, Mtary Hoolenback, Elvina Latimer, Laverne Sfhueler and Edna Crawley accompanied by their hostess. joined in the sun porch> for coffee, a slice Of devilish sponge cake, and fruit cocktail widi whipped creant The : guests enjoyed their lunch; in1 the sunporch ! overlooking Mrs. i Leake's, patio and the Haines' gardens. Items of discussion included planning for a future tour. Arrangements to enter the Crystal-Lake garden show, plans ,for future gardens, and the characteristics of everblooming strawberries. Before adjournment it was decided to meet , at the home of Mrs. Elvina Latimer on Monday, Aug. 12, to conclude discussion and planning on some of the above topics. < , Birthday greeting to Lawrence Blake on August 14, Miss Kathy Ossler on August 19, and Mrs. Marion Leske on August 20. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ossler will celebrate a wedding anniversary on Aug. 20. Lilymoor Garden Club * The Lilymoor Garden club was held in the home of Mn£ Donald Leske at 2 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 5. Mrs. Leske's home was attractively and appropriately decorated With blooming bbuquets from her garden. . In line of business, ea«h member reported on her garden. Mrs. Victor Bassi informed the membership that completely white gar- t?ns are the trend according to a ading garden magazine. (Considering the riot of color seen .throughout the neighborhood, the membership agreed to change to this trend around Christmas) This month in Lilymoor finds Safety It is hoped that the recent accident will serve as a warning to all youth. Stay out of the paths of automobiles and don't flirt with danger. People in cars must watch all sides, front and back. Drivers have been cautioned to be especially careful on the blacktop (Center Avenue) in Lilymoor. It has been mentioned to your reporter several times that children are playing, and riding tricycles and bicycles in the road next to the schoolhouse. We are fortunate to have the use of the school playground. Let's use it! Autos turning into Center avenue from .Route 120 are not always oh the lookout for children in the road. Family News Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Haines had as their guests during the week, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Jutzi and daughter, Susan, from Evergreen Park. : Tuesday, Aug. 5, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trees .and children Judy and Jeffrey of ShebyvJUe, arrived to spend a few day$ with the Haineses. Mr. Trees is the nephew of Mr. Haines: •• Mr. and Mrs. Garrison Latimer had as their guest. Mrs. Latimer's brother Stanley Aielante, of Kiel, Wis. Mr. Zielanis was staying with the Latimers while attending a conference for school jidmini- DICK ANDERSON AUCTION • r 1 -r • •$. V ED VOGEL and WILLIAM H. RUSSELL, Auctioned Having decided to discontinue dairying, I *will. $elL following described property at public auction on the farm known as the old Glosson farm, located 2% miles West of McHenry on, Highway 120, on 28 HEAD LIVESTOCK Commencing at 1:00 F.M. Sharp SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 1957 20 Holstein dairy cows, 7 of which are registered ?2 fresh, 4 due in September and 2 ih October. (D.H.I.A. recbfds, heM averages , 11,500 lbs. of milk and 433 lbs. of fat. 3 cows have oyer 14,000 lbs. of milk, and 2 cows have records over 575 lbs. Of fat.) 6 Head of Springing N.I.B. Co. Heifers; 1 registered; 2 due in Sept., and 4 in October (2 are Ideal daughters.) HOGS 16-mos. old registered Landrace boar, and one crossbred sow With pigs. DAIRY EQUIPMENT 200 gallon Mojonnier bulk tank, 2 yrs. old; 2 Surge seamless milk machines; 2 Stainless steel milk pails; 1 Stainless steel Sffrairter; 1 Surge vacuum pump and pipeline for 2k) pow$. ; „ ; - *5*100 chick electric brooder; several chicken feeders; Electidc barn fogger. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS Terms: All sums of $25.00 and under cash. Over this amount, onefourth down and the balance in six monthly payments. Make arrangements for credit with clerk before sale. DICK ANDERSON AUCTION McHENRY STATE BANK, Clerk » YOU CAN SAVE MORE MONEY-- IF YOU CAN SAVE IT REGULARLY •-' .r-r J* • Get the "savings" habit. You'll never miss the small amount you lay aside each payday, but it will add up fast and earn dividends. Take advantage of our friendly service; come in and open your savings account here. mSAilF luTTv.nOifc c INSURED AND LOAN ASSOCIATION MARENGO, ILLINOIS 102 N. State St. Pbooe JOrdan S-72SS TOTAL' ASSETS OVER $7,500,000.00 SAVE BY MAIL! Alio visitlggovferth*. in the Latimer home \\yere Mrs. Esther Latimer and h^r sister, Hiss Adeline Lindberg, and Mrs. Mated Sauers, arid on Tuesday, Miss Ora McDonald of ]Evanst<tti. Mir., and Mrs. Herbert Partus, David, Jimmy, Judy, 'Steven,' and Billy enjoyed ari\all-3ay famil^ outing in Starved Jtbjsk state park last week: Mr. Fantus' has just finished enjoyihg a two week vacation. , Miss Sherry: Berg has returned to her home in Chicago after enjoying a two weeks visit with Miss Janice Schueler at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schueler. -^ of Atofriit i6 throUghAugust 22 iwth the'<J«icHThe tttflfig the latter date. We know she would. especially appreciate any news items you may have if you will phone her residence, 515-J-le., Planning Commission Rejected interested Lilymo^i*; i-esidehts were among those attending a re-, cent meeting of the village board in Lakemoor held in special ^ siort to consider enacting the establishment of a planning commission for the Laketnobr-Lil^o moor area. Local residents were interested in this meeting becauitfc a pl&nning commissioir set up under , existing State legislation would • have certain control and authority for an area Extending one and one^half miles beyond the village limits. Such an area would include most of Lilymoor. The proposal was rejected by the board after detailed consideration The Lakemoor village board met August 8, at the Firehouse for its regular monthly session. Mr. McDermott, village presldfent, recently extended an invitation via your reporter, for interested Lilymoor residents to attend' a board meeting; We found this a goo4 opportunity to find oiit som* of the work and time that goes into local government. Returns Front Hospital We Were glad to learn: that Phillip Zahn, son of Mr. ahd Mrs. William Zahn has returned to his home in Lilymoor; after, a brief confinement in McHenry hospital, ^b-Cujfe Miss <^roriSchue{^r WiQ handle the-: news tepprtmg; fot- the week PROF F <> icnni D I R E C T O R Y "011, JOHN -;C,' 'OOETSCHEL Chiropractic Physician Nsprsgethtc lipjtiatioit U Orchard Beach BOad McHenry, m. • Honrs; . • Moa^ Soes., ft' FrL •, 10 an. t« ^ |hk • 1*80 ».»; to AtSO pan. • to;' toot* McHenry 743 \; DR. a iL 6WANSON Dentist Office Bmtxit MylQxeept tliwM tm It, l:Bd: M:t$0' Hon* Wed. Sttd Fri, Erssrinfs ^ByAliMMtimMtOnljr MoHettry i«0 v' ' VE*N THELEN Hbtcavatiag -- OfiWi Blaiak Dill DMdgtag tk McHenry 188# St 0, Box iifto Vtmmrj, INStJRANCB rtre, AnU, Farm ft tife tnauraaor ... -. Bog pajsi^. are almost here / so keep your animals wdf in hand. Sorry to hear of the intended resignation of Annette Schmidt; who has been ably handling the Lakemoor reporting. This journalism situation^ is getting critical. We would be pleased to find a substitute for the week, of Aug. 23. It doesn't i>ay much, but it sure gives experience as yotj ean tell by reading this column. (We're not saying what kind of experience). Remember that ' second . installment on property tax is due in two weeks and only 18 more days untirschooist&rts. DUTCH ELM DISEASE Reports this week disclosed the first case of Dutch Elm disease at Wondef Lake. Hie State Natural History Survey division analyzed a sample sent them from an 61m tree at. the lake and verified the suspicions, of residents who had thought the tree was infected. What you are nai Its influents in makiiig otb-r pe<Hpie,what they are. 1%, PLAINDEALER FREE EDUC EXHIBITS AMONG FEATURES One of the most interesting features of the 1957 Illinois State Fair are the many free educational exhibits. Of the exhibits at the Aug. 9 to 18 exposition, a working model of a nuclear power plant being constructed near Morris in Grundy county will be among the most unusual. Owned by the General Electric company, th^. model is a cut-away of the steel sphere containing the atomic fired boiler of the largest all-nuclear plant now under construction in the nation. The model is part of the Department of Public Safety's display under the .grandstand and will .be guarded by state police. Previews of Progress, worldfamous General Motors stage show that spotlights science in action, also appears atr the fair as a free educational exhibit. Packed with exciting demonstrations of science's dramatic role in industrial progress, the 40- minute show features for the first time the amazing GM Sunmobile, a miniature car that actually runs on the power of the sun. Previews is a non-commercial' show presented by a two-man team and narrated in understandable, non-technical language. Hie show illustrates science at work for better homes fdr lowest prices aily life. l^iKE, the Ariny's sleek bloodhound of the skies which makes rocket warfare of the future a present-day Teality, is being featured in an official U.S. Army exhibit from Washington, D. C. The Army exiubit shows how NIKE, named for the wingeckgoddess jof Victory, operates : against enemy, planes once radar has warned pf; their approach. NIKE can track, out-maneuver and blast aircraft at. great speeds and altitudes. Exact performance records are classified secrets. ATTENDED CONVENTION Gov. Stratton spoke recently at the annual convention of the North Central Association of Cdmmisioners, Secretaries and Directors, of Agriculture at Starved Rcfck State Park. Stillman J. Stanard, director of the Illinois Department of Agriculture, was elected secretary-treasurer. SEE US ROBERT HAY CONSTRUCTION Co. F.HA. & VA. FINANCING • Masonory • Concrete * Carpentry 805 E. Elm St. McHenry PB&flG: lOOt Bik 1877 Home Who Said Taxis Are A Luxury? Add the eost of cleaning this man's raln-s o a k e d clothes and you'll agree door-to-doer taxi actnally saves mM»y« A cab can help In a hundred different ways. When you need CALL 723 McHENRY CAB It Pays to Advertise In The McHenry Plaindeala DOLLAR DAYS Bigger Than Ever PETE CIES SHOES PHONE 441-M 107 Riverside Dr. McHenry, I1L CHILDREN'S SHOES Reg. $3.95 - $4.95 - $5.95 s259 $35? *459 Men's Dress & Casual < Reg. $8.95 - $9.95 - $10.95 • $5M $6°® LADIES WEDGIES Reg. $3.95 - $4.95 $298 $398 LADIES - : "" Sun Sandals Refe. $2.95 - $3.95 J J225 s295 BOYS Dress & Casual Reg. $6.95 - $7.95 $495 $595 LADIES RATS Reg. $4.95 $299 Mens t r 00 WORK SHOES Ladles US KEDETTES M^N'S ' US KEDS 20% OFF LADIES HEELS Dress Shoes Reg. $9.95 - $10.95 56°° . .-IS UNTIL AUG. 31mT_CASH IN ON BIG IVI's i;/-: RBIiIAIIIJIB COMPANIES Need Usanaoe at • Any Ma#'-."'- -\ ?HONS 48 «xr Ml Ones * Elm - - BIcBanry, BL SOBBOEBEB ouMr ftttaw Ornamental A Stractuxal Ited ; v,-. •• ; -4 Visit dor ' t Milns tbat(k <M -' PHONE E DB. M. D, 8AVAGB OB. D • l*ntr - - ' OfftooHodrsr 10 so 1ST MM 1 pk |o S pjn.' Evmtngs By Affotetust ^ob» 8SS1 •BlrliMfiad, PL H. W. HARRISON Ca •< Bealtons iMmwft • Real Estate Appraisals Phone 1910 40ft W. Elm Street FOB PROFESSIONAL . attention tp, you,r LIFE INSURANCE Qeeds jcaU, on ' Carry Booster -- Virgil Pollock The New England Mntnsf Life TasurtuioeVCbqtpany ;M E. ^im si ^ ^none zoOO Expert PIANO TUNING o/o Stettaa's Jewelry Store WADE W fftllADE m if We arrange •verytning! Low down payments--terms to fit your budget. Immediate delivery i$SSs*-v if We're out to double our solas in Augusts rode up two months' tolas In one. if To guarantee record sales; if Now is the time to buy. We're we're offering unheard of trade-in prepared to give thousands aflowancfffw^highest in years. away. August only. Hurry In. STEP OUT OF THE ORDINARY INTO A MERCURY-the car thitt beats competition 8 big ways. It's the widest, lowest, roomiest in its field . . . has the highest standard hp . . . highest standard compression ratio . . . biggest brakes . . most new features ... most; advanced new styling. Come in today! MERCURY' for *57 with DtUAM-CM DESIGN * ' ^ \ „ T & A Mercury Sales 16 Rand Rd.--~ Route 120, Lakemoor PHOlfE 26£9 T McHeniy, DL

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