*****%«gy.fv Y V; v».'f "«V*hh. . . i _.. I" ,.. v .. REAL ESTATE LOT in Round Lake Beach. Size 40 x 150. Real bargain. Call after 6 p.m. McHenry 597-W-l. 13-4 NEW 3 BEDROOM ranch, home, » full basement, tile , bath, colored t kitchen cabinets. Private beach 5 and lake rights. Full price $14,500. | Worthmore Estates, 1%' mile j West of route 12 on Pistakee Bay 1. Phone McHenry 457. 5-tf- FOR SALE SUNNYSIDE - Sell or trade for ( Chicago home or two flat, north or" northwest, 2 bedroom home, f Fall basement, garage attached, . 3 years old. Price $14,500.00. U.S. 12 - Near 134. 3 Bedroom S \ . home, full ba&menti breezewiay < ' and 2 car garage attached, 1 i . acre of land. Price $20,000.00. McHENRY -122 foot water front, Fox River. % mile South pf Rt. 120, 1st--4 roqms, 2nd-- floor space for two bedrooms, only: 5 years old. LAKE COMO - Year 'round home, 7 rooms, 4 lots. Oil hot air 0 heat, garage. Price only $12,000. Terms, will trade for Chicago property. For information on the above homes, and many others, call at out office in Johnsburg. Phone McHenry. 37. JACOB FRITZ REALTORS In Johnsburg ^-- Phone McHenry 37 10-tf 3 BEDROOM HOME for sale. Living room with fireplace. All large rooms. Attached garage, gas heat. Also 4 room furnished apt attached, provides additional income. Call Wonder Lake 5654. ... ° 44-tf FOR SALE--12 flat apartment building on Front and Main Streets, McHenry. Income over $9000. annually. Howard Wattles. Phone McHenry 320. *15 71 x 132 FT. lot in McHenry. Reasonable. Phone McHenry -- 804-M. *15 > BARGAIN on SUMMER HOME On 2 lots overlooking Fox River 2 Large Bedrooms ; Living Room with natural fireplace > Dining Room kitchen and large screened porch Garage 'JPull Basement & Furnace ^rtiis home can easily be converted to a year round home. /Full price only $10,000. •P" FOXRIVER w North of Johnsburg, ifeU year round home. Three bedroom, living, dining, 1% baths,closed-in porch. Full basement, pier, garage, furnished- PISTAKEE BAY 140 foot water front, on Regner road. All year round home. 4 bedrooms, living & dining, large porch, overlooking the Bay, full basement; • 3 car garage with 4 room gijest house. Lot nicely landscaped. For appointment call at our office in Johnsburg; McHenry 37. JAC0P FRITZ - Realtors Rt. 5, IVJcHenry, Illinois .. 14-tf 6 ROOM, hafAimi gas Beat1 year 'round home. Located on Regner Rd. in f*istakee Modern, built-in kitchen. Knotty, cedar recreation room, 6 stool tferf 2 full baths, 2 car garage, private beach,: Pier rights. Priced for quick side. McHenry 1307. 7-tf Jak-Ana Heights In Johnsburg, 2 and 3 bedroom h^mes, face brick on all four sides. Lots 100 x 170 near school and church. For inspection call at our office in' Johnsburg. Tel. McHenry 37. JACOB FRITZ, Realtors Rt. 5, McHenry, Illinois 4-tf TWO BEDROOM HOME, gas heat, 4 yrs. old. Two blocks in back of St. Patrick's church. Lot 71' x 132'. Priced to sell. Phone 1876-W or 9856. 15-tf McHENRY Tavern, Resturant - Old stand, 6 room apartment. Corner in the City of McHenry. Owner will make reasonable terms.* For appointment call at our office in Johnsburg. Tel, McHenry 37. JACOB FRITZ, Realtors Rt. 5, McHenry, Illinois 4-tf ORCHARD HEIGHTS -- New 3 bedroom home, 2 miles south of McHenry. Modern birch kitchen cabinets, tile bath, oak floors. Reasonable -- call McHenry 2293. 15 Phone 1126 210 So. Green St. 15 BUILDING LOTS, 100' x 125'-- 300' frprin River. Idyll Dell Subdivision, $2,500, $500 down. River rights. Ph. 630-R-l'. 15 "1855 -- 102 Years -- 1957" - "Faithful Service" WANT TO SELL? "16 OTHER OFFICES" To serve you -- as well as your local office t . Ready buyers for every type. Off property in every price range. WANT TO BUY? • :i We Tiave every type of ?' property in every price range. Chas. B. Schultz s BAIRD & WARNER ^ 810 McHenry Ave. • % Woodstock 1972 -4 Barrington 1855 ( 12-tf NEWLY DECORATED 5 room year 'round furnished home on 2 wooded lots, McCullom Lake. Enclosed front porch, garage, lovely cabinet kitchen, oil furnace, hpt water shower, tile floors, storm and screens. Priced to sell. $8,750. Phone 577-Rrl. 15 FOR SALE 2 bdrm. ranch in town River Rights $11,500 3 bdrm. - River Rights $25,500 2 bdrm. log cabin, lge wooded lot $10,500 3 bdrm. in town $11,900 3 bdrm. - River Rights Will sell on contrat 4 bdrm. on large lot $9,80Q 2 bdrm. ranch, river rights $12,000 2 bdrm. ranch -- Best Offer 3 bdrm. ranch • large lot • $1.0,000 For further information phone AIRSPUN BUILDERS McHenry 430 15*f HOMES built <0 order--semifinished or completely finished. Homes built and financed. Call Mcllenry 2203. 15-tf OPEN HOUSE Sunday Aug 18 1:30 to 5:30 p.m. 120 ft. Waterfront 5 year old summer .home. Insulated, natural fireplaee, wooded level lot. Choice of area suitable for expansion into year round home. Pistakee Bay Rd., East toward Rt. 12. Turn North at "Open House" signs, or call June or Howard McDowell, McHenry 1169-M representatives for H. D. Olson Realtors, Waukegan." "r" 15 HEAL ESTATE '•! ,T . , McCULLOM LAKE; first time offered; 5-rin, Cape Cod ranch type house; expandable, attic; 100 x 125 ft. lot; deep w.ell; evergreens and fritft trees; very clean; some furniture. and refxigerator. Could be made into winter home. Call Mchenry 1811-W or Te. 4^215^. Bqst offer. *15 safes Wonted INSURED SAVINGS INCOME PROPERTY for sale. apt. frame house. Newly' painted 2 car garage. Large lot front and] rear enc. porches. Oil heat, hardwood floors. T. J. Ehorn, Box 307. Phone 5311 Richmond, Illinois. ' 14-2 Savings Invested .kt Crystal Lake Savings and Loan Association are insured by the Fed* oral Saving* and Loan Insuiv ice Corp., and earn 2^k% j_traii plus extra. 33-tf FOR SALE 3, bedroom house, 70 ft. lot, garage, gas hot wat^r heat. Ideal location in McHenry--$11,700. N6w 2 bedroom home, attached garage, oil forced air heat, on one acre, outskirts of McHenry. Four year old house, large lot, big garage, 2 bedrooms, gas heat $9,700. H. BELL Box 46, Ringwood, 111. Phone Wonder Lake 3548 15 2 STORE bldg. and 6 room ranch on Highway 120. Phone McHenry 430. FOR QUICK SALE, list your home with Airspun. Phone McHenry 430. 15-tf TtEAR ROUND 6. room house completely furnished--$9000. Will sell on contract. Two bedrooms up, two down, large living room, modern kitchen with cabinets. Tiled bath and hot water, floor furnace, refrigerator, TV, large enclosed sun porch, two blocks from private beach in McCullom Lake. West on Orchard Rd. and Ssrest View. Windmill in front house. 15-tf BUSINESS LOT, 132 ft square, faces east Route 31 in McHenry amidst McHenry County's 3 largest businesses, none over a block away. Howard' Wattles, phone 320. *15 5 ROOM home in Lakemoor. 2 bedrooms. Furnished - 4 lots on high ground. Phone 681-M-l. 15 SITUATION WANTED WANTED -- Painting, yard work, home maintenance or what have you? Phone 797-R. 15-4 LOVING CARE for baby or proschool child in my home. Excellent references. Phone McHenry 692-W-2. 15 WANTED TOP PRICE PAID for iron, metals and junk cars. Ed Marsh, phone Woodstock 1610M-2. 43-tf LISTINGS NEEDED Phone 1126; 210 So. Green Street 15 GROOMS--Scrap iron and metal, top prices paid for any kind of iron, metal and old cars. Phone McHenry 2521. , 51tf "LISTINGS WANTED" 1^ HANK 1 I P I 1^ EE Bhj ' REAL FSTATE Pine Tii^ - Tower Rt. 120 end Johnsburg Rd. McHenry Office^, Phone 1655 Resident 1216 v K?H i 49-tf LIST YOUR FARMS WITH USK'in -- or Contact us if yoir wish to buy. L, B. ANDERSON & CO., Inc. WHEELING, ILL. Phone Wheeling 53 or GLENN H. WILL, Salesman Rt. l, Alden, 111. Phone Hebron 3114 49-tf WANTED TO BUY IRON STOVE garbarge burner. Top 12 x 22, height 34". In good condition. Write G. Terwilliger. Rt. 4, Box 645., McHenry. 15 WANTED TO RENT WANT TO RENT 2 or 3 bedroom home with option to buy--rJohnsburg area. Phone Fillmore -- 3-5597. ' 1 *15 LOST AND FOUND FRONT WHEEL to a Gator boat •iler--between Bill's Outboard Motors and East Waukegan Rd., Saturday. Reward. Call Dan Creamer, 478. 15 KEEPSAKE, g r a n d m o t h e r ' s bracelet. 7 silver hearts. Call McHenry 706. *15 MISCELLANEOUS MOOSE DANCE EVERT SATURDAY NIGHT 9 P.M. MEMBERS & GUESTS ONLY at the McHENRY MOOSE LODGE On Route 120 McHenry, 111. 19ti HAS YOUR DRINKING become a problem? Men, women, If so wrKe Alcoholics Anonymous, Rt 5, Box 508, McHenry, HI. Meetings every Monday 8:30 pjn. 12-tf Club Lilymoor presents "The Blue Rythym Boys" Saturday, Aug. 17 Boneless Perch Dinners 75c Wall-eyed Pike Dinners $1.25 15 "ON THE STREET WHERE YOU LIVE" there was no photographer so I went to Langdons In Crystal Lake. 15 It sometimes happens that the man who thinks he is a genius can't think of anything else. New Construction or Remodeling Masonry and Frame Homes J. R. LEVESQUE & CO. General Contractors FRAME or BRICK HOMES McCULLOM LAKE, ILL. Phone McHenry 2171 Satisfaction Guaranteed .. • p . <^aU For Fibe 'Estimates Radio Analyzers Wanted tf Free Hospitalization 4 Paid Vacation Paid Holidays Part Time Night Work Available § APPLY ADMIRAL CORPORATION 507 W. Elm St. -- McHenry Hours 8 a.m. to 4:30 pjiv n-tf Doctor, Druggist# that's the team... • ••to geryovr health back on the beaipv! O See your Doctor at the first suggestion of illness--and bring his prescriptions to this professional pharmacy where precise compounding is a specialty. Our ample stocks permit us to compound even complex and unusual'prescriptions without deiay. And you'll find our prices always fair. Bring that next prescription to us. Bolger's drugstore 103 So. Green Phone 40 McHenry, 111. TRAILER HOUSING PROBLEM The question of trailer housing in the county came up before the coiihty board in regular session Tuesday. Members discussed for several hours' the possible temporary housing of toll road workers in two locations. One petition received an okay and a second was sent to the zoning board of appeals for another hearing. < •t"i. •» -H"!• -I v <i LEGAL NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that a hearing before the* Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village, of Lakemoor will be held on the 30th day of August, 1957: Hearing will be in regard to petition of Mr. & Mrs. Frank Massheimer for a zoning^ variation m Block 21, Lo__ 47 & 48 in' the Sampson & Sex Subdivision, Village of Lakemoor, McHenry bounty, Illinois. Hearing will be held in the Lakemoor fire-community house at 8:00 p.m. (DLS Time). . RICHARD J. HYATT, Village Clerk (Pub. Aug. 15, 1957) NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estaf© of frortjert A. HoBonlSieh Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, September 2; 1957> is the claim date in the estate of Norbert A. Hollenbach, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or befose said date without issuance of summons. GLADYS V. HOLLENBACH. Executot HUGH A. DENEEN, Attorney (Pub. Aug. 1-8-15, 1957) NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of CORA HERDRICH Deceased, Notice is hereby given to all persons that September 3, 1957, is the claim date in the estate of CORA HERDRICH, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or .before date without issuance of sum mons. DOROTHY HETTERMANN, Executor LOOZE and KINNE Attorneys at Law 112 E. Elm Street McHenry, Illinois Attorneys for Executor (Pub. Aug. 1-8-15) 4 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given by the Board of Education of School District No. 12 in the County of McHenry, State of Illinois, that a tentative budget for said school district for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1957 will be on file and conveniently available to public inspection at Johnsburg school from and after 8:00 p.m. on the 17th day of August, 1957. Notice is further hereby given that a public hearing on said budget will be held" at 8:00 p.m. on the 17th day of September, 1957 at Johnsburg school in this school district 12. Dated this 15th day of August, 1957. Board of Education of School IT YOURSELF AND T I L E SAVE! Top Quality Wall Tile at LOWEST Prices 28V2* sq. ft. Wholesale Prices to Contractors 8ERGANTS fyaiA.,Q,Jlea PHONE RICHMOND 4198 Located on Johnsburg Rd., 8 Vi miles North of Johnsourg (About Z'/i miles North of Siwnyaide Estates) v13 in' ihet Cta&hty of jaie si.UMi:- r AfcBEftT W. AiiBfcECHT Secretary (Pub. Aug. 15, 1957) TWILIGHT TIME MOST DANGEROUS OF D^Y FOR TRAFFIC "Twilight Time" was immortalized in a once-popular song. " \ But safety^en of^oday wouTd just as soon forget the "twilight time" of 1956--as usual the most dangerous time of day in traffic. More fatal traffic accidents and more auto mishaps of all kinds occurred from 4 to 8 p.m.' than during any other four hours of the day. The just-published 1957 edition of "Accident Facts," the National Safety ^Council's statistical' yearbook, shows that a fourth of all traffic deaths and 29 per cent of all auto accidents occurred from 4 to 8 p.m. SUBDIVISIONS APPROVED Acceptance of two new subdivisions in the Johnsbflrg area was made at the county board meeting on Tuesday of this week. For Better Results -- Shop H> MeHenry, SBKATOfi McCU>l NAMED, TO STATE COMMISSIONS Announcement was majle y^- tefday of the appointment of Senator Robert McClory (R. - Lake^" Bluff), representing the 52nd Sen-;' atorial district comprising Lake,' McHenry arid. Boone counties, tof five legislative commissions to serve until the next session of the^ General Assembly in 1959. Sena-i„ tor McClory was renamed to the; important legislative council whiclr undertakes most of the research^ and planning for future legisla-' tion. Senator McClory was also re-r, named as one of four Senate mem-- bers to the Northeastern Ulinoist Metropolitan Area (Randolph)- commission. Senator McClory was name$. with Senator Marvin Burt of| Freeport to serve on the advisoiy eomicil, a body ;create% to co-ordinate with the Supreme court and the organized bar to improve the administration of justice. Senator McClory was also named «on a commission to codify Illinois highway and bridge laws and as a member of the water pollution control, advisory board. Senator McClory was in Springfield last week with the committee on Committees, of which he is also a member. c.'ft It's a date! AUGUST 15-16-17 Celebrate Kremer's 2nd anniversary by receiving 10% discount on any item from REGULAR* priced merchandise in stock. Take this opportunity to select a fall dress, knitted suit, cashmere sweater, skirt or any accessory item. HiUview Shopping Center on U.S. 12 Richmond, Illinois •Reduced Merchandise Not Included Air Conditioned FrL Eve Til 9 Phone Richmond 2541 ORDINANCE FOR THE HOLDING, OF A SPECIAL ELECTION FOR ALDERMAN- OF THE SECOND WARD OF THE CITY OF McHENRY WHEREAS, Alderman Elmer Antonson, alderman of the Second; Ward of the City of McHenry, Illinois, has tendered his resignation, and the same having been accepted, on the 1st day of July, AJ>. 1957, being at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of McHenry, Illinois; and WHEREAS, the aldermanic term of said Elmer Antonson does not expire until the year 1959 and WHEREAS, it is deemed in the best interests of the City of .McHenry that a special election be held to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of the said Elmer Antonson, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of McHenry, Illinois, that a special election be held in, the Second Ward for the purpose of electing an alderman to complete the unexpired portion of the term of Elmer Antonson, said, term expiring on the 30th day of April, A.D. 1959. IT IS HEREBY ORDAINED that the following election schedule shall prevail: First day to file certificates of nomination, or nomination papers July 16, 1957 Last day for filing certificates of nomination, or nomination papers August 20, 1957 Last day for withdrawal of candidates August 25, 1957 Last day to file objections to certificates of nomination, or nomination papers August 25, 1957 First day for posting or publishing notices of election September 9, 1957 First day for absent voters to apply for ballots September 9, 1957 Last day for posting <br publishing notices of election September 26, 1957 Last day for absent voters to file applications for ballots by mail October 5, 1957 Last day for absent voters to apply for ballots in person October 7, 1957 Deliver ballots to Judges of Election Not less than twelve (12) hours before the time fixed for opening of the polls Last day for publication in newspaper of. list * of nominations and sample ballot October 9, 1957 Posting of at least four (4) cards of instruction around polling place and one in each booth, October 10, 1957 Last day for Judges to deliver returns to Clerk (Within twenty-four (24) hours after election) GEORGE P. FREUND, Mayor ATTEST: EARL R. WALSH, City Clerk Passed, and Approved: July 15, 1957 (Published August 15, 1957) Claremont Hill SUBDIVISION ' _ For Exclusive Country Living 3 BEDROOM HOMES Including Garage on Vi Acre Lot • FULL BASEMENT • CERAMIC TILE BATH • COMPLETELY DECORATED 2 MODEL HOMES OPEN FOR INSPECTION GOOD FINANCING -- ALSO -- Large Hom$sil?s for Sale $£50.00 Down Only 2*A miles north of-,. MeHenry « Route 31 Entrance froip Johqpbqjrf rqad and Route SI PEICTHAMUN PHONE: McHENRY 802