^ULpPE^IJpi Thursday,. September .£ ' - y * I * web frrf Y-SIX YEARS THE MATH J. RAUENS Mr. and Mrs. Math J. Rauen of 410 Riverside Driye, McHenry, received congratulations on Wednesday, Sept. 4, on the oceasion of their fifty-sixth wedding anniversary. - IDIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlillllllilllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllflllllllll J'son of Mr. and' Mrs., John D. Mil- News About Our Servicemen fnnmimiiiiiHiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiifiiffnimiiiiiimii inac of Lilynioor, is serving with Marine Air Base Squadron 37, a unit of the Third Marine Aircraft wing at the El Toro Marine Corps air station, Santa Ana, Calif. A letter from Pvt. Jerry A Cristy in Fort Knox, Ky., carries this message: "I enjoyed getting the Plainr dealer very much when I was stationed at. Fort Carson, So I look forward to receiving it here at Fort Knox and keeping up on ; all of the home town news. I "Here at Fort Knox, I am attending the automotive specialist training school, which I have |f I found very interesting. I will be ' here for about seven more weeks before I receive a permanent assignment." HARVEY L SCHAEFER Sp/3 Harvey L. Schaefer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe M. Schaefer, Jr., of McHenry, was discharged recently from the Army upon completing his two-year enlistment. Schaefer, a 1954 graduate of M.C.H.S., entered the service in August of 1955. He took his basic training at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., after which fce attended a nineteen-week fire control course at the U.S. Air Defense center, Fort Bliss, Texas. Upon completion of his course, he was stationed with a light 75mm (mobile) anti-aircraft battalion in Texas for the remainder of his enlistment. GOVERNOR STRATTON PROCLAIMS NATIONAL CIVIL DEFENSE WEEK Gen. Robert M. Woodward, State civil defense director, in a bulletin issued today urged observance of national civil defense week beginning Sept. 15. A proclamation signed by Gov. William G. Stratton officially established this commemoration in Illinois. The State CD director suggested that Illinois communities use this week to rehearse their disaster roles and assure readiness for an emergency. An efficient civil defense corps will minimize effects of disaster, Gen. Woodward said. He added, "This was most effectively demonstrated in our recent flood and tornado areas." CfefttlfICATION FOR BRUCELLOSIS UNDER WAY IN COUNTY FORMER SUNNYSIDE RESIDENT LAID TO REST IN CHICAGO Jacob P. Pepping, a resident of Sunnyside for fourteen years, died Aug. 28 at the Radtke rest home in Blue Island, where he had beer, confined for three years. He was 78 years old. Survivors include a son. Anton, and a brother, Albert Pepping, both of Johnsburg, three daughters, two other sons, another brother, two sisters and nineteen grandchildren. Services were held Saturday from St. Williborod's church in Chicago at 11:30, with burial in Mt. Olivet cemetery. i « GLEN E. MARUNDE A first solo flight was made recently by Navy Ensign Glen E. Marunde, son of Mr. and Mrs. GWn F. Marunde of 301 Millstream drive. In addition to solo flights, he is being instructed in communications, navigation, engineering, athletics, aerology and civil air regulations during basic flight training at Pensacola, Fla. Marine Sgt. Carl J. Milinac, JEN'S Beauty Shop Free Parking For Appointment Call McHenry 481-R 1% Blocks East of Old Bridge on Pistakee Bay Road I r New Construction or Remodeling Masonry and ^ Frame Homes J. R. LEVESQUE & CO. General Contractors FRAME or BRICK HOMES McCULLOM LAKE, rf.T. Phone McHenry 2171 Satisfaction Guaranteed Call For Free Estimates FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI KOENEMANN • COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES • DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS • LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON • 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES • TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Route 120 • lost East of Route 12 Volo, m. Phone McHenry 667-W-l The Department of Agriculture has declared McHenry county as an area for brucellosis certification in that th£ infection is less than 3 percent as of the thirtieth day of July, 1957. As of this date, said county is declared to be an area for certification, which puts into effect the test and slaughter plan for the elimination of bovine brucellosis, as provided for in Section 3B of the Illinois Brucellosis Control Law, as amended. What does this mean? In an area such as McHenry county where blood and ring test are combined, no area will be certified on ring test alone. An area may be declared modified certified brucell'otis-free by, application of two milk tests not less than §ix months apart, together with a blood test of all milk-reacting herds and such other herds as are not included in milk test. The number of reactors (exclusive of officially calf-vaccinated animals under 30 months of age) must hot exceed 1 per cent of the cattle and the herd infection must not exceed 5 percent. Infected herds shall be quarantined until they have passed at least two consecutive blood tests not less than 60 days apart. Non-vaccinated suspects must be tagged, branded and shipped for slaughter when they appear as suspects on three consecutive tests and no idemnity is provided for such animals unless they have aborted. All beef breeding herds must be tested within the next few months. Family cows, nurse cows and all beef animals mixed with the dairy cattle must submit to the test. Calves that missed calfhood vaccination and heifers that were not calfhood vaccinated must be tested with the herd. Animals that were calfhood vaccinated are not. required to be tested until they are 30 months of age. GOVERNOR SPEAKS In a speech at the Governor's fire conference in Springfield. Gov. William G. Stratton said that "it is too early now to say that a reduction in the death toll is a result of the new speed law, but I earnestly pray and believe that the slower traffic will improve our record in Illinois." He said that the "figures for July are not yet complete, and it is too early to assess them in any case, but indications are that July 1957 will show about a 10 per cent decline in traffic fatalities." Mnsin' and Meanderin' (Continued from Page 1) like he might have the most to say if lie could talk was a little ^voolly monkey from some far off place. He eyed the general pub* lie with the same woeful look no matter how often one passed. One of tliose puffy, cartoon1 thought clouds above his head; could only \have carried the words, "What fools these mortals be," with his own postscript on the great number of them who seemed to make their way in his direction. We note in old issues of the Plaindealer that just forty years ago McHenry, even then a popular resort area, said farewell for the season to 1,000 visitors Labor Day evening. Those were the days of unfortunate street conditions locally, and the big mechanical engine seemed favored over the comparatively new 'invention of the car, which was not always known for its power. You may not have seen a thousand folks boarding the train last Monday night but we're sufe that figure was doubled many times as visitors took leave in many ways--some until spring and others 'just until another weekend. September--the month mothers have been looking forward to since last June 1 and teachers have been dreading since the same date. URGE CHECK FOR PIPE LOCATIONS WHEN BUILDING A stepped-up program urging contractors and others engaged in construction work to call Northern Illinois Gas company for pipe locations before excavating has been announced by the utility. "We are seriously concerned," E. D. Sheehan, vice-president in charge of operations said, "by the sharply increased number of cases nvolving damage to gas pipes that could result in accidents and have lirected our personnel to go alliut to get the cooperation of con-' tractors working in the area. * "Our records show that during 'he past six months there have been more than 500 cases throughout our service area where gas lipes were pulled from the ground, broken, or otherwise damaged, thus creating a potential hazard, "We stand ready at all times," Sheehan emphasized, "to furnish (he location of our gas mains without charge." QUEEN ON INSPECTION TOUR WATEH PUMPS add WELLS are our only BUSINESS and eftafiiJiayton Water System* W» Repair and Same* All Makpi of Pump* Authorized: R«d J«ck«t Do ton Pump Agancj Wells Drilled or Driven Pumps ft Repairs MCHENRY COUNTY WELL A PUMP COMPANY Fred H. Mattheslus Phone 711 G Who Said Taxis Are A Luxury? Add the cost of cleaning this man's rain-s o a k e d clothes and you'll agree door-to-door taxi actually saves money. A cab can help In a hundred different ways. When yon need one. CALL 723 McHENRY CAB ARE YOU LUCKY? No purchase necessary! No registering to do. To win, just watch for and read our ad each Thursday you could be the lucky winner. A new winner each week. Is this your telephone numberf If so, stop in this week-end before 6 P.M. Saturday. McHENRY 688-W-2 You will receive 10 gallons of Ethyl gasoline Free of Charge! Guettler's Cities Service "SPECIAL DISCOUNTS TO COMMUTERS Washing . Lubrication • Repairs • Complete Car Service PHONE 9831 On Highway SI 2 Blocks South of Main Street Marlene Memler, 1957 Illinois Plowing Princess and official hostess for the state plowing matches and conservation field day Friday, Sept. 6, obviously is enjoying an inspection tour of the Thor research center for better farm living, where the big Illinois farm event" will be held. William Gorman, .research center engineer, is showing Marlene an electric drill, one of the many portable power tools included in the model farm shop of the center, which is part of the unique Colleen's Cote farm, four miles northwest of Huntley. OLD TYPE DRIVER LICENSES VAUD UNTIL EXPIRATION Secretary of State Charles F. Carpentier stated that persons holding valid drivers' licenses of the "old" or photostat negative type need not apply for the "new" type drivers' license until their current permits expire. Some Illinois motorists, Secretary Carpentier pointed out, have permits ofthe- old-type which do not expire until 1960. The new type drivers license, which is printed in two colors from engraved plates, is virtually impossible to counterfeit, Secretary Carpentier said. It was introduced recently In Illinois and each driver license has a permanent driver number which cannot be computed manually without the key to its validity check code, he said. Secretary Carpentier also took the opportunity to point out that persons must apply for a.new driver license thirty days prior to the expiraton of the current permit. Also, the new fee for a driver license is $3 for a three-year period. FINAL SIGN-UP FOR '58 SOILJBANK - PROGRAM NEARS . . -V Eligible farmers who wish to participate in the 1958 winter wheat acreage reserve program may now sign agreements at the county ASC office, Clinton E. Martin of McHenry has announced. Final sign-up date is Oct. 4. Notices of individual farm peracre rates have been mailed out to all farmers who have an "old farm". wheat acreage allotment for 1958. If the farmer is not satisfied with his "per-acre rate", provision is made for an appeal within fifteen days of the date of notice. Farmers interested in a 1958 winter wheat soil bank agreement are urged to come to the county ASC office as soon as possible to furnish their farm's production history, gnce this information will be needed in order ,to establish a "Soil Bank base" for the farm. Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Schlueter and children, new residents of this community, had as their guests this past week Mr. and Mrs. John A. Mueller of San Diego; Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Miller attended a picnic supper at the Clarice Purvey home on Labor Day. Others present were Mr. and Mrs. William Morgan and family of Elkhorn, Wis., Tuesday, the Morgans visited in the Miller home in McHenry. COOKS CORNER By Miule Sdnettgco Vliililllilll.lllllltlllltlllUll.lillllltllllilllllllllimiltll No one' needs recipes for hurry up meals as much as does the average McHenry housewife-clubwoman. Here is something called "Hurry-up Casserole" that may save her day and her family's disposition. 2 cups ^cooked noodles 1 lb. ground beef (browned) % cup celery (cooked first , in salted water) onion to taste, may be jL browned with" meat ™ 1 can chicken noodle soup 1 can cream of mushroom soup % cup sliced or chopped almonds Mix all together. Pour in buttered casserole. Bake 1 hour at 350 degrees. May be prepared early in day and partially cooked for about 30 to 40 minutes, then re-heated at last minute. If glass Casserole is refrigerated; allow tqgt stand at ropm temperature for*^ 15 minutes; to avoid breakage. A salad, some brown and serve rolls and that's it! 4 Insured Savings: savings investeu In Crystal Lwfce Savings And Loan Association »re insured by the Federal Savingrs and Loan Insurance Corp., and earn 8%. SS-tf \ COM* 4? LV THE BUNGALOW Always A Friendly Welcome GOOD FOOD STEAKS--CHICKEN Fish Fry Every Friday ROUTE 120 -- LILY LAKE Kitchen Run by Mary Hall Bruno Kelch, Prop. Shop At Nye's "Your Walgreen Agency Drug Store" Lowest Prices • • . Always 129 No. Riverside Dr. Phone 26 McHenry, 111. 3«'f CHECK! the big-car power... big-car comfort - - - big-car value off Oldsmoblle's "88" at your dealer's now! DOUBLE-CHECK! the surprisingly low price of the "88"... It's the Rocket that's easily within your reach I Comfog Staml THI BIO RECORD", Starring PATH PAOEI I vary Wnk an CBS-TV1 SEE YOUR AUTHORIZED OLDSMOBILE QUALITY DEALER MOW! •a&s&B&i