" TWkUy. s«ptemb»r 12. 1957 ' ; ' T" ' a 'T. J, ^^ McHENHY PLAINDEALER " , -«r • v fT':"l>:'A:>C' LAKEMOOR NEWS Kathryn Scanlan ,0 * Autwmnal Meandering* Well Folks, Labor Day has come and gone, the kids are back in school, the leaves are falling and blowing about, the flowers are $lowly dying, and life in the village is once more Returning to it's usual autumnal pace. Bonfires lite being lighted ^ almost daily fending those beautiful (*) leaves jip in smoke; dad is making what life hopes are his last rounds with ate lawn mower; the kids are pusy with their home work, and tinom is settling down with the CObk book looking up good cool ' weather recipes. And the avid gardeners ai'e going through the catalogs planning their next year's gardens. So.we all know it won't be too long before all the pre-Hallowe'en^. festivities start, and those' of you who are planning parties, won't you please call,and let met ®ve them a plug? Welcome Folks « Several months ago Mr. and Mrs. Les Lague became new property owners in the Fritzsche Estates. We just now heard about it, but welcome folks, and much luck and happiness and we hope you stay with us for a long time, flash . . . Just' heard that beside fijfcpiHg a new home, the Logues Just had a new bundle from heaven dropped into their midst on Aug. 2B. Upon unwrapping, it was discovered that the bundle contained 6 giggling, pink bundle of masculinity, who had been delivered first to .the Woodstock Memorial hospital, and had tipped the scales at a bouncing 6 lbs. 7 oz. This new addition was fondly welcomed'by Mom Dad, sisters, Carla. and .^fcauralee, and brother, Jay. After Is family consultation, it was'detided to give this little man the name of: Eugene Scott. Congratulations to all, including baby. Itj was nice of him to wait for his arrival and not enroute from the former Logue home in Las Vegas, Nev. rection and nine feet in the other. And that is not all, while I was looking at this giant freek, one of the Cynowa children brought out a cucumber that Was a foot long and weighed over a pound. Then, Dad Cynowa took me over to another side of the yard where he has a tomatoN plant that has large beefsteak tomatoes growing off of one of the stalks, And little plum tomatoes on the other, all part or the same plant. We sure have fertile ground around these parts. Scouts News Intermediate Girl Scout Troop 309 will hold it's first meeting of the season Monday, Sept. 9 at the village community house from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Anyone having Girl Scout hand books or uniforms they are willing to sell,, please contact Pat Morrison. She will be very happy to hear from you. Night Shift Party Henry Hqppert, Jr. played sponsor at a party at the village fire house, last Saturday. Present | were the entire night shift of his i co-workers accompanied by their spouses. A grand party ensued, and all present thanked their host. Shut-In News Neighbor Walter Biehl was rei& ntly released from McHenry hospital with a very bad back injury and will be laid up for sometime. We feel sure that here again would be a grand time to use these nice "get well" cards, or do drop in for a visit. You may be sure your thoughtfulness will be appreciated - > Jack and the Beanstalk Believe me, Jack had nothing on cne Cynowa family- whepk&veenwB to raising BIG plants. The Cynowas are -the proud owners of One of the largest tomato plants t have ever heard of, let alone seen. I saw this with my own eyes; this is one tomato' plant and It measures ten feet, in, one di- Small Fry News Lennie Szarek, spent a weekend at Hampshire. He had a wonderful ^tjime, but came home in time to go back to school. Daniel David Jinks was five years old on Sept. 6, and was surprised by a party and still more surprised by the nice gifts. Attending this gala event were Ruth, Jimmy Joe' and Terry Schmit, Maina Jinks, Aunties Flo O'Rourke and Annette Schmit. All enjoyed cake, icecream, and-hot chocolate. And it is rumored that Danny doesn't mind birthdays one bit. with their friend, Jerilyn Ugaste of vMyers Bay, entertained their two cousins, Corky and. Jerry Kuderna of Chicago at a tasty barbecue at the Brady home. A good time, with good food, was enjoyed by all. Secret Service It has been learned (on the sly) that Othele (MriLv Harry) Brady recently kept a dark secret from the rest of us, "or rather several secrets . .. first of all she recently had a birthday, and secondly, on the great day she was surprised by a long distance phone call from "Doc" and Mrs. Krieger who were vacationing in Las Vegas, and the place they called her from had an entertainer called George Gobel. The biggest surprise was .when "Silent George" himself got on the phone and wished a happy birthday1 to Othele. At this time it is unknown what else he said -to her. But at any rate, Ta belated happy birthday to rou. Othele, and don't keep them secret, they don't si at all. This and "that Marge and, Larry Ehrhardt became grandparents for the first time, on Friday, Sept. 6, when their daughter Mrs. Marlehe Roberts presented them with a darling little granddaughter, weight 5 lbs. 8 oz. At last word, everyone was so delighted and excited they still hadn't decided on her name. But they sure are one proud Gram and Gramp in the village these days. So Congratulations folks to all and especially to baby Roberts and her Mom and Dad. t Socials A social evening is planned every Thursday evening at Wally's commencing at 8:30 for the. purpose of obtaining recreational facilities and improving and providing quarters for community projects. fpgiNbif born to their daughter Diane Fiftkelmann of Chicago.. ^mgratulations to all. 4 Travelers The Farr family spent the labor day weekend at the home of Mrs. Farr's sister in Kansas City. Wally and the'kids went to the Sox game while there and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. • Accident New John and Julia Krause had company from California a week ago and all had a wonderful time. But it seems that on the Way home these folks met up with an automobile accident somewhere in Iowa. All were hospitalized. The injured, John's nieces and nephews, were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cotton, Stanley and Elvira McConnel and their-son, Allen. All were from Rodendo Beach. We all hope that by now everything is OK., with all of them. This pot a sad note on what had been such an hog | enjoyable visit. Teen Age Birthday, Cherie Shappert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter' Shappert, passed her fifteenth milestone on the road of life last Saturday, Sept. 7. Best wishes for many, many more, Che$e. And, speaking of the Shappert; . . . Dad better post a "No Hunting" sign % on the premises, or come duck hunting season, his garage will get shot full of holes. Those wooden ducks look too life-like,- Wslly, take care. Neighborhood Picnic Sunday, Sept. 1, saw quite a gathering at a neighborhood picnic at which Albert Brossman and Arlene Wade were co-hostesses and planners. Among those present and, enjoying a wonderful time were 'Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Gustafson; Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wade daughters, Sharon and Debbie; Mr. and Mrs. John Sulak; Mrs. F. H. Campbell of Milwaukee, Wis.; Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Hoppert, -r. and their son, Mike; and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ayres and sons, Larry, Jr., and Freddie; Mr. and Mrs. John Hose and daughters, Christine and Janet, as welj as Frfiu Hose frorhGermany; Elizabeth Schaefer and Mr. and Mrs. •Herb Bro&main and children, Nancy, Duane and Melody. A rollicking good time was enjoyed by young and old alike. A grand end-, ing to the summer season. Bar-B-Q Party Terry and Jim Brady, along TOMATOES BY THE BUSHEL APPLES SQUASH - GOURDS Open Every Day Til 8:30 P.M. MARTIN'S FARM ROUTE 81 -- S'/i Miles North of McHenry -- RINGWOOD Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cunny and family, formerly of our village, were seen locally recently. It has been learned that they have sold their home in Florida and intend to settle in the McHenry vicinity again. Drop in on your old neighbors, Ken and Ruth, we'd all like to see you. More Baby News Mr. and Mrs. Frank Berger of our village were presented another grandson on Aug. 25. The baby was More Visitors Mr. and Airs. Roy Erickson had weekend, guests over the Labor Day holiday. Visiting the Erickson home were Mrs. Charles Fellows (mother of Mrs. Erickson), and her brother Charles Fellows and his wife and family. They enjoy visiting here. The Mix Doings Dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Mix on Sunday, Aug. 25, were their ^youngest daughter and son-in-law, Janet and Tom Groff and Tom's mother Mrs. Marie Groff. On Aug. 30 Mr. and Mrs. Willard Mix celebrated their thirty-third wedding anniversary, by having a new roof put on the house. Mrs. Mix say hooray no more drip pans" alt over the house when it rains. We say heartiest congratulations folks on the happy occasion. I&st Sunday found the Mixes In Hdbafrt, Ind. at the home of Mrs. MiX'S sister and Open Daily 10 A.M. to 1 AJU. FrL A Sat Until 8:00 A.M. Oa St. 1*0 ta U#e»oor Phone HcBenry 161 FINEST FOOD ANYWHERE Large Parking Area ANNOUNCEMENT Our spacious new dining room is now open for your comfort and dining pleasure. Plan to visit the Tower Grill this weekend and enjoy our excellent food at moderate family prices. , , CHICKEN -- BAR-B-Q RIBS -- SHRIMPS Snacks, Sodas, Sundaes, Pies, Sleaks, Chops Packaged Ice Cream I AIR-CONDITIONED I Carry Out Service -- Phone: McHenry 161 Place yourfc order and in 20 minutes your food will be cooked to order, packaged to go. Piping hot and ready to serve. 9 WALL TO WALL Carpeting . • • Hard finish and durable - 4 most popular shades . . . For solution dyed carpet, 40 oz. Wafl Pad and labor in average 12 x 15 living room; complete-- only *119.00 Nothing Down $10.00 Per Month Draperies • CUSTOM MADE Heavy * Bark Cloth 13 Lovely Colors 110 in. x 84 in. long' only $29.95 • SEMI-CUSTOM Heavy Fiberglass 8 Pastel Colors 104 in. x 84 4n. long only $18.50 in ion READY-MADE 50 in. x 90 in. long ® .. . - as low as $3.98 Havemeyer's on Highway 120 - 4 Miles East of McHenry Open 9:80 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. -- Sunday 10 to S PHONE McHENRY 2295 SPRING GROVE By Mrs. Charles Frnund luiiiiiiiiiniiitiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii Mrs. L. L. Kagan, Leigh Pat and Mary Lou enjoyed a White Sox game at Comiskey Park in Chicago on Thursday, Aug. 29. The high light of the day was that they had a talk with Minnie Minosa and Jack Brickhouse and took some snap shots of some of the players. Guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George W. May on Monday were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sutton and children and Mr. and Mrs. Paul May of Richmond. Labor day visitors in the Math Nimsgern home were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Nimsgern and family of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Nimsgern and family. A lc Peter May and a friend, A 2c Robert, Allen from air base in Peru. Ind./spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred May. Miss Marie Deinlein of Chicago, sister of- Mrs. May also spent the weekend with the Mays. A 2c James May. who is stationed in England, told in a letter home how much he enjoyed a trip and three day visit in Amsterdam, England. The committee with Mrs. Yyvonne Arnold as chairman in charge of the luncheon and card ! party to be held in St. Peter's parish hall- on Sept. 17 are busy making arrangements. A luncheon will be served at noon and games of bunco, 500 and pinochle will be piayed in the afternoon* Many prizes are being offered. Mr. and Mrs. James May and family of Plainfield, Ind. are visiting his parents, Mr. "and Mrs. Charles May. brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Passage for a family reuni<?n of about Sixty people. A grand time was had by all. Well, folks, that's all for another week, and I hope I'll be hearing from you as I^fcnow the club activities should be starting up now, and if I don't get your club news, I can't print it. Quotable Quote • A wise man once said: "A home without children is like a garden without flowers." Drive carefully--the life you save may be your own. Clubs Meet Members of her club met at the home of Mrs. Edward May on Thursday night. A lunch was served followed by cards. Prize winners were Mrs. Charles Freund, Mrs. Ray May and Mrs. Edward May. The club will meet next with Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer of Round Lake. Mrs. Ben May entertained the afternoon club on Thursday. Names of%five^iuhdred were played and prizes went to Mrs. Math Nimsgern, Mrs. Frank Tinney, Mrs. Frank Sanders, Mrs. William Engels and Mrs. E, May; A lovely lunch was served after cards. , Mothers' club of Richmond-Burton High School held their first meeting of the season at the high school on Monday night. A program followed the meeting and refreshments were served.* Mothers' club meetings are every first Monday at 8 p.m. All mothers and any ladies interested in the welfare of the high school are urged to attend these meetings. They are always welcome. Did you notice some of the girls limping as they walked .toward the high school bus on Friday morning. Nothing to be alarmed about. They were the Freshies wearing one high heel and one flat and other outlandish paraphernalia such as men's overalls and shirts. Taking a second look we noticed the boys in nylons and girls blouses. You've guessed it-- it was initiation day at the high school. The Firemen treated on Monday night by inviting all those who helped work at their carnival to the fire house for a party. A social evening at cards was spent and there was a lunch served. * NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Department of Public Works and Buildings has been authorized, pursuiant to the provisions of Section 11 of Senate Bill No. 712, Seventieth General Assembly, approved July 11, 1957, to: "Construction a lock for the passage of recreational navigation around the McHenry Dam in the Fox River, McHenry County, Illinois." In view of the interest shown, in connection with the proposed construction of a lock in the Fox River, McHenry Dam, as an aid to recreational navigation, the Department of Public Works and Buildings, through its Division of Waterways, will hold a Public Hearing at McHenry, Illinois, in the V.F.W. Post No. 4600, Lodge Building, on Route 120 (2 blocks east of McHenry bridge), Tuesday, September 24, 1957, at 7:30 p.m., C.D.T. The purpose of the hearing is to secure the' views and opinions of all interested persons or agencies relative to the type of structure -which will most adequately serve recreational navigation. All interested persons or agervcies are invited to be present'or represented at the above time and place. All present will be afforded full opportunity to express their views and present such data as they may desire. Oral statements will be heard, but for ao-; curacy of the record, all important facts, data or arguments should be ^presented in writing. Such documents may be present-; ed at the hearing or may be mailed. to the Chief Waterway Engineer, Division of Waterways, 201 West Monroe Street, Spring- : field, Illinois. You are requested to Communicate the foregoing to any person or persons known to be interested in this matter, and who, not being khown to this office, might not be properly informed. THOMAS B. CASEY, Chief Waterway Engineer August 28, 1957 ( Pub. Sept. 12, 1957) - Rats, and mice destroy by contamination about ten times more food than they eat. One rat will eat 52 worth of grsiiri or other farm-stored food in a year but will destroy or contaminate $20 worth* Buy your rubber stamps At tbs McHenry Platndealer. v: REMEMBER, J. B., WE NEED THAT FAST" "In this office we've got to get things done in a hurry. If ^ we need something, we look in the Yellow Pages." find H faff In ffce Yellow P«fM Best fabric...best fit... best value in workwear! - ' V\O - ? OsiiKssB Super Twill MATCHED SUITS Soft,strong, Sanfomed,c©lorfast}in choiceof jserfect match work and leisure colors. Tailored for trim fit, exceptionally long, rugged wear. The more you wear - It, the better you 11 like it. Shirt has dress collar and cuffs, twin flap pockets. Pants have heavy duty zipper, reinforced strain points, Sanforized waistband anda tpx ockets. SHIRTS... Sizes 14% to 17% >3.49 PANTS... Sizes 30 to 46 WHITE'S MEN'S PHONE 19 208 SO. GREEN ST. McHENRY, ILL. Weekdays 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. -- Fri. to 9 P.M. -- Sunday 9 to 12 w This is the Golden Moment * •r •: •; v to put an end to compromise! Never has there been a better time to discover the pride and satisfaction of Cadillac ownership. Because of the current demand for ufiftd cars, your dealer is prepared to make a most generous allowance on your present car and is able to offer you immediate delivery on the model of your choice. Stop in today and make all the arrangements. The whole motoring world will approve your choice. VISIT YOUR AUTHORIZED CADILLAC DEALER , «;iis . * ^ j s - V