. - ; ^ THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, September 12,(1957 itv News By Phyllis OwlM Freshman Party i. Last Friday night the freshman of R.B.C.H.S. were the guests honor at a party at the high School. "Hiere were skits,, stunts and refreshments and everyone had a good time. Farewell Party Last Friday night another party was held, this time a surprise party fpr Rich Jacobsoh, of rural Richmond, 'who will he going into service this week. The party was held at his. parents'; home. Girl Scout News This afternoon the Girl Scout troop meets at the Community church after school. . Tlie two Brownie troops planned to meet at Grace church this Week for their first time this fall. Cub Scout News ..Hie Cub Scout fun fair last Sunday afternoon was very successful. The kids had a good time, and the adults seemed to enjoy themselves too. There were all sorts of games to play, dart games, bingo, fishing etc. , There were rides of all sorts too--rides for the little kids in covered wagons, a hay ride, rides in a little car, property of John Pierce, horse rides and donkey rides. The first act was a cowboy and Indian act put on by Dens 1, 3, 4 and 5. Then came Den 2 as supermen, tightrope walker, straight shooter, two headed lady and weightlifter. In the guessing game-- how many popcorn were in the jar-- the number was i287, and Greta Johnson a second grader at Richmond School won the globe bank which was the prize. There was a fun house in which were housed two little pigs, in a playpen, a ferocious kitty in a washboiler and a little black panther, kitty cat, in a bird cage. Wedding Bells Miss Clarene Steadman of the class of *56 of R.B.C.H.S. became the bride of Mr. Donald Hoch of Woodstock Saturday afternoon at 2 p.m. The couple wfcs married at Grace Lutheran church in Woodstock with Pastor Carlson of Richmond officiating. The bride was lovely in her wedding gown. She had as matron of honor, her sister-in-law, Mrs. Ronald Steadman, and two bridesmaids, Mrs. Geo. Schultz and Miss .Marjorie Steadman sisters of the bride, and a flower girl, Wendy Qsterling, who was once in the bride's Sunday School class. •Rie attendants wore gowns of yellow crystallette, the matron of honor's dress was trimmed in Shrimp colored material with matching gloves, the other two girls had moss green and brown, With the flower girl matching the matron of honor in color. The men in the wedding payty Were a brother of the groom, a brother of the bride and a friend of the groom. Mrs. V. Oesterling sang, "O Perfect Love" and 'The Lord's Prayer." Friends of the bride helped at the reception. Marie Johnson had charge of the guest book, Mrs. Alan Lackey served the wedding cake, with the help of Mrs. Charles Steadman, aunt of the bride, Carol Steinke and Vera Ahrens poured coffee and served punch. , The reception, served by the women of Grace church, Richmond was held immediately following the wedding in the basement of the church. After a honeymoon the couple will reside in Woodstock. Rome from School ; Miss Mary Wittmayer is home for the first time since Christmas vacation from Bryn MaWr college where she has completed work on her master's degree in history. She has been working at the library of Yale Divinity school this past summer and will return to Bryn Mawr for further study after a vacation of a few weeks. Off To School Severial members of the graduating class of '57 are off to college. This week Cheri Lee Kruse left for Washington University at St. Louis, Mo., Chuck Steinke left for St. Olaf college in Northfield, Minn., where he received a partial scholarship, Bob Christiansen is going to Whitewater college at Whitewater, Wis. As we hear of more of the alumni we will let you know what they are doing. Into Service A couple of weeks ago Bob Reinicke went into service. He is stationed at Fort Carver, Colo. Church News ' Last Sunday the Community church resumed its Sunday school with classes for pre-school through high school. The teachers are Miss Myra Speaker, Mrs. Harry Buchert, Mrs. William Osborn, Mrs. Earl Townsend, Mrs. Ed Waspi, Miss Edna Speaker, Mrs. Ben Winn, Mrs. Walter Pretzman and Mrs. Edwin Wittmayer. Each ^Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 the prayer group meets at the Community church. Yesterday a junior choir was formed at Grace church with Mrs. Osterling as director. Children from the third grade are eligible for the choir. Monday evening the women of Grace church met at the church. The church council met at the parsonage Monday evening. Tonight the board of trustees of the Community church meets at the home of Don Rawlins. A week ago Sunday Joan Lynn Regnier, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Regnier was baptized at the Community church. daughter, Debbie, of Burlington, Wis., were Friday callers at the home of Mrs. Ethel Bell. The first fall meeting of the Grade school P.T.A. was held at the grade school last night F. Reckenthaler is the president. Mr. ahd Mrs. Fred Goos and daughter, Julie, of Carbondale, Miss Dorothy Goos, currently studying at Washington university, and .Miss Nancy Bevier, of Warrenville, stopped at the H. Carlsons last week on their Way to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. *+**+*+*• MOOSE LODGE WOMEN OF THE MOOSE by Hazel Bowman A meeting of the Ladies of the Moose was held Sept. 3 at the Moose home. Before the meeting, the . publicity chairman and her committee fiad a very interesting chapter night program. Adele Froehlich, editor of the McHenry Plaindealer, was guest speaker and her talk was enjoyed very much by the group. The meeting was opened as usual and initiation was. held for Evelyn Steadman. We are very happy to, welcome her as a member of the Women of the Moose. During the meeting, the chapter decided that the meetings start again at 8 o'clock. It was also decided that beginning the first meeting of October, formals will again be worn by officers, escorts and chairmen. After the meeting, sandwiches and coffee were served by the publicity chairman and her committee. For the October meeting, the Mooseheart chairman will be in charge of chapter night. By Mrs. George Shepard 500 Club The women's 500 club was entertained in the home of Mrs. Louis Hawley Wednesday. A one o'clock dessert luncheon was served. High score went to Mrs. Agnes Jencks and low to Mrs. Stanley Jepson. N The B. T. Butlers Entertain Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler entertained their 500 club at their home 'Tuesday evening. High scores went to Mrs. Kenneth' Cristy and Pete Sebastian and low to Mrs. Pete Sebastian and Ben Walkington. Home Bureau The Home Bureau was entertained in the home of Mrs. John Hogan Tuesday with Mrs. Ben Walkington as co-hostess. The lesson was given by the county home advisor Mrs.. Rose. W.S.C.S. The members of the Woman's Society of Christian Service went to Wesley Woods Wednesday evening. A pot luck supper was served and the business meeting was held. Shirley and Clara Cristy were worship and program leaders and Viola Low and Mertie Harrison gave the lesson on Mission Cinerama. Rummage Sale The W.S.C.S will hold a rummage sale in the church basement Oct. 25 and 26. • Personals Mrs. Agnes Jencks spent Tuesfor better homes for lowest prices SEE us ROBERT HAY CONSTRUCTION Co. F.H.A. & V.A. FINANCING • Masonery • Concrete • Carpentry PHONE: 1907 Bus. 1377 Home 805 E. Elm St. McHenry day in the home of her daughter and family at Barrington. Mrs. Vernon Rabe and son Kenneth of Chicago and Mrs. Georgia Thomas and son Loren of Woodstock called on Mrs. Ruby Shepard Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. William Cristy and family^ spent from"Thursday until Mdnday in the" John Gray home at Kansas City, Mo, Hiey were also overnight guests of cousins at Danville, 111., on their way out there. Mr. and Mrs; Ben Walkington spent the weekend with their daughter, Miss Virginia Jepson in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Carr of Kalamazoo, Mfch., spent the weekend in the Lester Carr home. Mrs. Paul Norman and children ' of Skokie spent Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington. ' Mr. and Mrs. Pete Sebastian enjoyed a birthday party picnic at Genoa City Monday. Jack Pearson is spending the week with his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pearspn. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley spent Monday with their daughter and family the Ernest Reinwall ^r. at Cooney Heights. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger and family of Hebron, William Claxton and John Dreymiller of McHenry and Mrs. Julia Evans of Honolulu were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Ruby Shepard. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley visited relatives at Crystal Lake Sunday. JtUPTURE -EASER Idtes Life Worth Living FOR MEN^ WOMEN, CHILDREN FMNhMMMI «<*. .or Uft hold* nduelbl* tn.«ni«li«u:l Sid* •AWglRSnS •V MM9 ta frmtl OIn • bum around mat pert of ik- OwwlAMXXeOfeNMOwni > BOLGER'S PovW* $5.95 PHONE 40 A Little Boy Last week, Sept. 5, Larry John was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ritzert of Solon Mills. Larry is the seventh child for the Ritzerts. Here and There Mr. and Mrs. Harry Olsen of Salem, Wis., called on Mrs. Ethel Bell recently. Mr. and Mrs. George Bell and TOTS & TEENS LOCATED IN JOHN8BURG ACROSS FROM THE BOWLING RESORT PHONE McHENRY 1908 SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE STARTING FRIDAY. JULY 12 Featuring Famous Name Brands of Wearing Apparel for Tots thru Teens WALTER E. MCCARTHY AUCTION DAN POWERS, Auctioneer The undersigned, having decided to quit farming, will sell all his personal property at Public Auction on the farm 1*2 miles West of Woodstock - West wood School Road, on SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 15. 1957 Commencing at 12:30 P. M. The following described personal property, to-wit: 80 HEAD Oi LIVESTOCK Including 16 choice native Hereford Heifers, average weight 750 lbs.; 27 Western ewes; 36 Black-faced lambs; Purebred Suffolk buck. HAY and GRAIN 1,400 bales 1st cutting alfalfa hay; 90 bales straw; 800 bales 2nd Cutting alfalfa hay; 25Q bu. oats and wheat, mixed. MACHINERY Case S.C. tractor and cultivator; air compressor; 10' tandem disc; AUis Chalmers field cultivator; Oliver 3 bottom tractor plow, 14"; 4 section steel drag; 40' grain & hay elevator with motor; McCormick Dee ring corn binder; No. 200 McCormick Deering manure Spreader; 2 rubber tired wagons and racks; John Deere 2 row corn planter, hydraulic lift; New Idea T tractor mower; 275 gal. gas tank and stand; 3 electric tank heaters; 2 wheel trailer; bobsled; 5 concrete 18" tile; 100' 2x4 corn crib wire; bench grinder; miscellaneous windows and doors; other power tools; Oliver 3 plow tractor; 8* tandem disc; 2 8* cultipackers; 1950 V-8 Ford pickup truck; John Deere 2 bottom tractor plow, 14"; 3 section steel drag; McCormick Deering silo filler; 10* fertilizer spreader; David Bradley heavy duty wagon & rack; Masey Harris No, 5 front end loader; 12* drag line with motor, New Idea 4 bar side rake; 1,000 gal. steel tank on skids; 2 wheel boat trailer; steel silage cart; feed bunk; 5 rolls barbed wire; 4 12* Creosoted posts; miscellaneous tools; many articles too numerous to mention; Little George garden tractor n<tu attSvhiTivnio, incluariig snow plow. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE . Miscellaneous lwusehofd furniture, including electric automatic lumber and driei?$$ ;«ubie foot deep freeze. ^ T&ftlS: USUAL BANK TERMS. • NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS WALTER E. MCCARTHY, Owner FOtST NATIONAL BANK ot WOODSTOCK. CtoiUn. Member Federal Reserve System Federal Deposit laawraaee Corporation -n v"v -3 UK HE'S SAFE! Franklin Block of Sheboygan. Wis., spent the weekend with his ?andparents Dr. and Mrs. Wilam Hepburn. Mesdames Ella Gratton, Leona Arnold, Betty Dittman and Georgia Thomas of Woodstock called on Mrs., Ruby Shepard Friday afternoon. . Mrs. Curtis spent a few days with her sister at Salem, Wis. Mrs. Julia Evans, William CI axton and Mrs. Ruby Shepard were callers in the Earl Colby home at Crystal Lake Monday afternoon. i no on base... safe place Ball players take chances* but savers don't! Take these safe steps in choosing a savings institution that offers complete safety and the highest earnings consistent with safety: /. 2. 3. look before you leap. Make sure your money always will be worth 100 cents on every dollar-- free from fluctuating riiksl Make your savings secure. Place your money where it's reinvested In carefully-selected, monthly repaid* first mortgages on owner-occupied homes. One of the most stable securities knownl Choose expert .assistance. Your specialized savings association protects your funds with conservative financial policies and strong reserves. It Pays To Advertise DR. HENRY FREUND I OPTOMETRIST ~ "- At 136 S. Green Street't4cH»nry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING --VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS: DAILY 9 TO 12 AJVL and 1 TO 5 PJiL FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:30 P.M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE McHENRY 452 ' Save Swiftly - Surely - Safely at McHENRY SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION A GUARANTY SAVINGS ASSOCIATION 522 Main Street Phone 2 McHenry, I1L OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS TIL 9:00 s*• va* I BUY 3 TIRES GET 1 FREE PRICE INCLUDES INSTALLATION SALE INCLUDES ALL SIZES ON ALL TUBELESS & TUBED TIRES BOTH BLACK & WHITE SIDEWALLS 6.70 x 15 Black $1640 plus tax FIRESTONE FAMOUS Dry Charge BATTERIES as low as 1000 from $3.00 to $6.00 Trade-In Allowance for Your Gld Battery 25% OFF on all TRUCK TIRES A Complete Stock of TRACTOR TIRES TIRE MART * i 526 W. Main Street Walt Freund, Prop. SUNDAY TIL, 12 NOON PHONE 294 McHenry. Illis oil