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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Sep 1957, p. 15

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! ^ 1*7^ <vp A ' <u~< 1 ^«w<?egsS8$«5^"'^2^^ ^vT Sg^:W «^yjp»V „l <. A^wy«I, ""! ®5?«r-^3r ".»*«a4®»-»<«(A . 26, 1957 flEWWff ' ~ *';VIV ..\IV 'T"/--£. '"'IRIFEIV ./V, V ; THE HftXEMHY PLAINDEALER ' nfiw*iiaiftga» .%i -• TI.;in-, .I...••- ,,..• __: a-n ^5T • r •' '. -•* r'rtt-W' JW-s#£V. ^ 'tffe* 800 Club * Mtu. Agnes Jencks entertained; the women's five hundred club at |ier home *Wednesday. A 1 o'clock luncheon was served, zes were awarded to Mrs. E. .Whiting, Mrs. Ruby Shepard • 'and Mrs. Louis Hawley. Guests t>ther than the'club members were JMtirs, Lojrra -Bacon of Antioch, ~"if«rs. Lorra Hughes of: Woodstock, $4rs. Lowell of Florida and Miss iLona Brever. SewtagCircle The Women's' Society of Christ- Ian Service sewing circle met at .ths homfc of Mrs. Kenneth Cristy •Thursday. A pot-luck dinner was served at, noon. The afternoon was spent in sowing and embroid- Ronnd-upClub The Round-up club met in the Church basement last Saturday night, with a discussion on the effet of rock and roll music on pur youth, led by Gordon Fossum. Canasta Club Mr. and Mrs. Russel Rasmussen entertained their canasta club at ^teir home Saturday evening. Prizes were awarded to William Cristy and Mrs. Robert Decker, high, and Mrs. Witt. Cristy and Robert Dicker, low. Bitten by Rattlesnake While working with a construction crew on a new subdivision near Deerfield, Dick Corman was bitten by a rattlesnake Wednes- !ay. He was rushed to Highland Jaore hospital, where he received treatment. He. has been very ill, but was released from the hospital on Friday. Rmrnpage Sale The W.S.C.S. will hold a rummage side in the church basement 25 and 26. ""***• * Personals' Mr. and Mrs. Fired Lackey and two grandchildren of Moline spent a few days the past week in the, Pete Sebastian hoin£! ; . . Miss Lona Brever and Dpra Cole wer?. visitors at Burlington Tuesday. - Quite a few frtuiiRingwobd attended th$ reception for oiar pew pastor and his wife at Greenwood Tuesday evening. Mrs. Sue Scheu^of. Waukegan spent Tuesday with her mother, Mrs. Flora Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Sebastian spent Tuesdayx with relatives ait Genoa City. Miss Lona Brever and Pora Cole attended a party at the home of Eunice Tobey at Lilymdor Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Cannon of Bloomington spent /Wednesday night With her parent;?, Mr. and Mrs. Ijen Walkingtoh, In the evening^ they called on Lester Edinger at Woodstock Memorial hospital. Jim Pearson was home for the weekend from DeKalb, where he is attending college. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harrison and son, Loren, spent Friday with relatives at Kenosha. Miss Lona Brever, Miss Nancy Bowman and Mrs. John Hogan, with a group from McHenry, attended Star Recorders Day for the Moose at Rockford Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thomfordha and Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Schroeder of Woodstock spent Saturday evening in. the Henry Aissen home. PUSHING AIR To UNDERSTAND TOE PRLNOPLE OP RockeT TRAVEL, PICTURE YO«fiaii ON A 6LCD RJBN8 A MACHINE SUM. THFI 6 LEO MJ. «OVG AS A RESULT CP THE RECOIL OP THE MACHINE CUN-IME MORE (WO THE FIRS. - tMB GREATER THE KPSEO/ JJTTl£ IN COMMON Tie 06UCATB MNCEUON oemves (IB NAME PROM TMB RESSMBULMCFL Of- m PETALS TO 1NE ISGTH Of*. A (JON. THE WORD OANOCUOM IS FSOM JHB FIUNCH, •DEMT CB T$W,'0B v •botra ww? ^ A STEAD/ AND RE6ULAR HABIT OP SUVMS Uf. C MEAN THE ACCRUAL OH BENEFITS THAT WILL MAKE' PLEASANT W THE YEARS TO Cone. BBSMAHT- .. •awsowi EASIER AND mot _ • mmm bomos mom/ r* THE BUNGALOW Always A Friendly Welcome GLENN'S GOOD FOOD STEAKS -- SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN Fish Fr^ Every Friday ENTERTAINMENT FRIDAY & SATURDAY ROUTE 120 -- LILY LAKE Bruno Kelclf, Prop. Tsr OE?< Open Dally 10 AJML to 1 AJH. FrL * Sat. Until 3:00 AM. fin Rt ISO to J#ta|ioor Phone McQe&ry l€jl FINEST FOQg ANYWHERE Large Parking Area i i D i ANNOUNCEMENT-' Our spacious new dining room is now open for your comfort and dining pleasure. Plan to visit, the Tower Grill this weekend and enjoy our ex9elient food at moderate family prices. . ^ CHICKEN -- BAR-B-Q RIBS -- SHRIMPS Snacks, Sodas. Sundays, Pies, Steaks, Chops Packaged Ice Cream | AIR-CONDITIONED j Carry Out Service --Phone: McHenry 161 Place your order and in 20 minutes your food will be cooked to order, packaged to go. Piping hot -ready to serve* (QE301 SOI • • ,' ' JIVuU--Qr • ^^HQK&ZSB0D «ftCluKuJl Circle at $>e »h<Mne of Sher* man Brown at Wqodrtock Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Powers, Alfred Pause, William Claxton and John Dreymiller of McHenry and Mrs. Ella Wajkup of Greenwood were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Ruby Shfepard. Afternoon callers were Mr. ami Mrs. William Heine of Chicago. Mrs. Ella Walkup. was a weekend guest. M*. and Mrs. R. E. Frtmk and Mrs. Laura Smith of Crystal J Lake and Mr. and Mrs. William Glaive of Woodstock were dinner guests in the Roy Harrison home Tuesday , evening. ; Mr. and Mrs. John l|lum$ of] Libertyville were supper guests in the William Cruicksftank. home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. William Sebastian and Robert Sebastian and twoj children of Chicago were Sunday dinner guests in the Pete tian home. " '• , Mrs. Roy Harrison attended the' Greenwood circle at thes.horne' of Mr. and Mre. Clarence Harrison Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Low of" McHenry" and Mr. ahd Mrs. Walter Low and' family were Sunday dinner guests in the Beatty Low home. Mr. and Mrs. Renieke and son, Johnnie of McHenry were callers in the Pete Sebastian home Sunday evening. Mr. cuid Mrs. Johnson of Des Plaines were callers in the Dr. Hepburn home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. James Wegener,- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brennan, Kenneth Rudolph, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bunnan and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brennan and family and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leonard and family spent Sunday in the Phelps Saunders home at Sycamore and helped Georgia Mary celebrate her birthday. SPRING GROVE Sin. Chiiifee Freund Card Party A 8aceem There was a large attendance, at the card party sponsored by the Christian Mothers sodaUty of St. Peter's hurch, held at the pari^ h ball on Tuesday afternoon. The serving of barbecues and a salad bar oocured at noon' aivd the afternoon was spent at cards and bunco.. An autumn theme was carried out in the decorations. Many lovely prizes were given away. The affair was Very' successful and the committee in charge wishes to thank ajl who helped make this possible. County Firemen The firemen entertained members of the McHenry County Firemen's association at the fire house on Monday night. Quite" a number of firemen attended this meeting. They also greatly enjoyed it as a social gathering, as well as the buffet supper that* was served. EDDIE the EDUCATOR says fl Tti* public cannot wccMcfwIty •vckk its rvapontlbility for good schools. Good schools moan better dtlxons. Poor schools moon poortr cfNgpm. Illinois Edveaftoe Associotioo Youth Club The Catholic YoutH club had a treasure himt scheduled for Pirate's Cove, St. Peter's Island, on Monday night. It had to be transferred to the town hall as the ladies were making preperations for their Tuesday card party at the parish hall. The town hall was buzzing with excitement as groups of young folks left equipped with flash lights to scour the town with clues supposedly leading to treasures. Those who were successful received prizes. There was also a punch bowl and sandwiches. Holy Name Society Members of the Holy Name society held their regular meetmg at St. Peter's hall on Tuesday night. Services \yere held in church preceding the meeting Refreshments were served. Card Club Mrs. Peter May was hostess to the members of her dub- at her home on Thursday afternoon. Games of five-hundred were played and prizes went to Mrs. Frank Sanders, Mrs. Ben May,. Mrs. Frank Tinney, Mrs. Math Nlms* gern and Mrs. John Smith. A delicious lunch was served after cards. Christian Mother Sodality The sodality of Christian Moth; ers met for their meeting at St. Peter's hall on Thursday night. A letter was read from the Bishop, encouraging all the ladies to become members of the National Council of Catholic Women. It was announced that a meeting New Construction or Remodeling Masonry and Frame Hones J. R. LEVESQUE & CO. General Contractors FRAME or BRICK HOMES MeOCLLOy LAKE, ILL. Phone McHenry 2171 Satisfaction Guaranteed Call For Free Estimates ELKS SALUTE National Newspaper Week October 1 to 8 In Recognition bf The Service Rendered To Our DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY, The Benevolent and « Protective Order of Elks Pay Special Tribute To The Newspaper; of McHenry County The Officers and Members Elks ipdge No. 1043 A# Woodstock would be held at St. Patrick's in McHenry on Sept. 30. Also that the convention would be in Rockford on Oct. 6 ahd 7. Mrs. Charles May and Mrs. Tom McNaliy were selected as delegates to attend this convention. Reports were given on .the success of the bake sale of Sept. 1 and the card party of Sept. 17. Coming events are a food shower for the nuns on Oct. 17 and a card party in early November. Cards and bunco were played after the meeting and the prize winners were Mrs. Martha Miller, Mrs. Emma kattner, Mrs. Berniece Wipper, Mrs. Mary Smith, Mr$. Katherine Engels and Mrs. Emma Jung. A luhcb was served to complete the party. Visitors. ; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schmitt called at the home of his father, Joseph Schmitt, on Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund visited Miss Betty Weber at her home in McHenry Wednesday night. Betty has just recently been released from the hospital. Those who visited Mr. and Mrs. Bob Misick in Clarksville, Tenn., last week were Mrs. Shirley Bereiter, Mrs. Marie Lewis, Mrs. Mayme Hank and Mrs. Ben Britz. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Freund of McHenry spent an evening with the George Waspis last week. Mrs. Arthur Klein of Fox Lake was here with her mother, Mrs. William Britz, for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Kyron McGrath and baby of Washington, D.C. aire visiting friends here this week. The Walter Browns entertained guests from Whitewater on Monday. •HHX CUFTIXY T-HEKES SOMEONE •N THE TOARK STOREROOM JKYIN'TO GET AWAY »/VT« SUPPLIES. I SOCKED HIM ONE.-- fHEREs-nre "Boss-LETS -TELL-HlM.' Mrs. William Britssiow has her eighth great-grandchild. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Prosser of Ingleside have a 5 lb. 5 oz. girl, Patricia Anil, born Sept 16. Wedding Miss Mary Ellen Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williams of Chicago, became the bride of Mr. Robert Maxon, son of Mrs. Betty Maxon of McHenry, at an 8 o'clock ceremony in St. Peter's church Saturday morning. Attendants were Mrs. Joanne Hurley and Glen Maxon. 'Tor Shoes That Please See Peter Gies" ... • Baby Shoes • Boys' & Girls' Shoes • Ladles' Shoes • Men's Shoes • Work Shoes • Rubber Footwear Peter Gies Shoes & Shoe Repairs Phone 441-M 107 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, DL VILLA NURSING HOME ON PISTAKEE BA;, NEAR McHENRH Home for the Aged SENILE . . . . BED PATIENTS PHONE McHENRY 461 BOAT STORAGE PIER SPACE * WINTER STORAGE • COMPLETE LAYUP & REFINISHING SERVICE ~ PISTAKEE LAKE MARIANA Chain O'Lakes Newest & Finest Boat Facilities Rt. 12 - 1 Mile South of Fox Lake PHONE McHENRY 1838 • '! LEGAL mmnniuiuimtBiiiiaBiBiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiWMi SPECIAL ELECTION NOTICE Notice is hereby given, that on ; Thursday, the 10th day of October A.D. 1957 at Buss Motor Sales, 531 Main Street, in the City of McHenry, County of McHenry and State of Hlinois, an Election will be held for the Election of ; one alderman to fill unexpired term of vacancy. The polls of ; said. Election will be opened at; Six o'clock in the morning, and will close at Six O'clock in the evening of that day, Dated at McHenry this 20th day of September, in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and fifty-seven. EARL R. WALSH, City Clerk (Pub. Sept. 26, 1957) BETTER SCHOOLS Mfll» BITTER COMMUNITIES Take It Easy- Take A Cab! Wfcea the msthn'a ted . Wkm JWB wart to reach your leattaatias in • harry . . What JOB have luggage er heavy packages with yea, tfs time to eaB as tor s eaSk^ Be- McHENRY CAB PHONE 723

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