? ^' { 4'^v M0mfMilSS'ii ||f, r'/f*' |f? * ' ' •»" ^ fc lSf ifsit-. - NATIONAL'S ^ X * 1' ~ t * r ^ ' rr:!'-| ?>vji • ^ 1 ...' 1 ""'" J 1 </,c>n '* 'xStl^."\y- ..' \M mmm :« ril!i|ilSSfep Ip ^ Tr Ipff; «&*s$ IIs* as Cream or Milk IP^f/C ,fe?'4"'^ S*" 'V*' i •^'•<W •* - aBESSSS National Siberia Halves Refreshing Tropical Fnrtt Drink Rich-Ripe, Colorfal HAWAIIAN a4I0l 100 FRUIT PUNCH f| cm I COCKTAIL 3It. I'/a 1 CMS I 00 Delicious with Mam. Park or Baked Beans--^MoW'* No* 300 Jan Dromedary WJrft», Yellow t Devil* Food Bordo Sections of GRAPEFRUIT • • 6" r i.oo Helm Delicious Soap CIICKER NOODLE. . 6".™i.00 PAPER TOWELS. . .6 Charm!* flails Homogenized Milk in its Richest Form HHP PET MILK 7 -1 UHpinm BEEF STOCK iliii Heins DHIciows, Tasty Cans Vol Tex 10I/2-0Z. Cans tuners AM' 1" 1|l?1" wifebo* 9xw DICED BEETS Vllatco Whole Kernel or Cream Style GOLDEN CORN . Mateo Red . 8S.~1.00 . 8 "^'1.00 unraou r rcoii ur OHUI|VBUU I GREER BURS . . . 8 '"-"' 1.09 KIMEY BEARS. Garden Fresh or Sampson Her foe Detlcioes PURPLE Notco Refreshing PLUMS I1v" 2£*P 22" 4»'1" 00 , Garden Fresh or Red Dart ' *'§WEET PEAS { Jiwiims 8-1" pi: College Im Bonqeet Freten Beef. Chlckea or CHILI dhe C^oIlOO TURKEY r Mt. 400 CON CARNE 3 cms I PIES 3 "» I Libby's "Twice Rich" TOMATO JUICE 131/2-01. Cans 1 "Assorted Flavors )IMM ftw6* W'. Newport Tender, Meaty SWEET PEAS 10-T ^SX Pkgs. Strong, Soft ^Ac,aitfsw«JH0RTHERN m |M g&Z£S& ' TISSUE 12•* 1" fmtm w K?V mi Virginia Extra Fancy. Double Red, Top Flavor APPLES 2 29 National's Corn Fed Beef---Broiler Reody Notlonal's Corn F«d B»«f--IrollW Rtady (tMki National'* Corn F«d IHI--lit tftra 51k Rib--> llfitioBtl's $• Frtsb-hielf Saootk SpritdlBg MARGARINE '*4 14b. Pkp. Florida Grown--Ruby Red FRESH GRAPEFRUIT 25 Coliforulo Prosh, large Clusters SEEDLESS GRAPES. .2 Lbs. 29e Largo Sise, Smooth, Tasty CICIIMBERS. . '. . .2 fer 15e Florida Fresh. Tasty, Delicioes Flavor CITRUS SALADS. . _ Qt. Ctn. 59c Dawn Fresh Broad--Tender, Tasty MUSHROOMS.. . a Pt. Cta. 25° . A 7" Cut--Standing , PORTERHOUSE «• 98' RIB ROASTS "• 69' Armour'* Star--Roody to tof--5moll DtilraUi 4 to * Lb. Sito*° Smoked Picnics Cryovac Wrapptd to Protect Flavor and Freshness Lb. Swoot Sm-Ow't InspecM--Frvtog CHICKEN '£• BREASTS 2.89 Lk Swoot So.-Oor't l.tpoeltd -Prying CHICKEN LEGS and THIGHS 2.S9 "• Lotus Mexican CRUSHED PINEAPPLE kua STRAWBERRIES 51*. in 100 (III | 0 510-01.100 Pkp. I Iff- ^' • •W.Vt V!" Vs JA, "Hp*- Wj-Sg mmm Orchard Fresh Unpeeled Hartex WHOLE SLICED APRICOTS PINEAPPLE ^*..2'/2 400 "T Cans Jb A No. 2 1 00 "T Cans JL . ^ Notco Whole GRAPE CpNSERVE l00 Solid Pack'--Light Meat price. inrnrttM Hirn Sat., S**l. rt Wi rtitrvt tk« rieM to limit auoaMtiot liSCiS 7^ i!|p Treat, Ail Popalar Flavors TUNA 36 '/j-0i. 1 00 Cans Jb Pt. Ctns. jfeL' • ' &S'i