** ' , fc ^ r } Thursday, October 3. 1957 v - -- " T * • ; ^ - ~- * y ± \ \ - m :• 1 • *•"> J " = v • •. t • • v " y - * '.._ • . ; ; ' r ' , • ' ' - / . . " . ' v ^ •AtOttv ••• ••- " v.-' -.*»»*&«>- .' •* ., . . .• .<*. ~ "•(• .«•-.• -•ii.ta-e.j4. i^i»».,«-jj£lr.rt!t^ tfft'&f-.;.-. ?•'. ^-V s * ** «• s. v ' ^ • ' \ i, / * - 1 „ - <&. * 1 ; vy McCullom Lake News Eve Levecqoe Cjhi« ra|y, Village Board Note* At the last meeting of the village board, Monday, Sept. 23, Gene Piotrowski, police commissioner informed the trustees that all the police officers including lief Dave Hansen, Larry Mur- Paul Nitz, Greg and Jerry Burg, Tony Hocin and Mr. Piotrowski will attend the FBI school in Crystal Lake, sometime in October. _ w • The course which covers an eight week period will be held two evenings a week in° hourly sessions. Anyone, male or female, interested in police .work may attend. There is no cost for the instruction. v For further details, contact- Mr. Piotrowski. X. ; The next meeting of the council will be held Monday, Oct. 14 in -,the beachhouse. The public is "invited and urged to attend. too close for comfort Little Bruce Thacker is holding up very well considering the disability with which he has to live. The young fella was keeping mama Barbara company the other Saturday. as she was doing her housecleaning. In most cases, curiosity is a virtue, but in this ^ase it was almost Bruce's' undoing. He decided to investigate the merits (and taste) of the vaeuurq cleaner cord. Upon releasing the plug from the machine, he stuck same in his mouth, while the cord was still plugged into the socket in the wall! His mother who was dusting the floor behind the TV set, was alarmed when the set started jerking and an electric gklarm clock crashed to the floor. By this time, her four year old was getting a terrific amount°of electricity through his body. When she touched the youngster, she, too, received a shock. Frantically Mrs. Thacker extricted the plug from the wee lad's mouth, thereby shutting off the flow of current. Police officer Murray was summoned to the ^>cene and rushed mother and son *o McHenry hospital where he was treated and sent home. For several days Bruce had to be treated daily but now the visits have been cut down to two or three times a week. He has not been completely released yet. The medics are waiting to see if the little mouth will heal by itself or if some plastic surgery is necessary. The metal portion of the f.^kig burned into the tongue and "the plastic part melted on " his lower lip. His lower lip is just hanging now, but the prognosis is that this area will draw back up to the normal position. One theory is that his life was saved because the boy was wearing rubber soled shoes. Whatever the reason, everyone is grateful Jhat Bruce is still alive! ~ During the tragic mishap, father Charles was far away in Atlanta, Georgia , visiting his parents. Glad we are to report that Chuck is home again and available to help during Bruce's'convalescence. "Perfection Consists of Doing Ordinary Things Extraordinarily Well" * (Author's Name Below) There is really nothing that can be considered ordinary about a drug store because everything we offer helps your better health or adds to your comfort. Therere, we try our best to achieve perfection as much as is humanly possible. Our knowledge^ and training qualifies us to answer any ethical questions about medicines and vitamins. Always remember that Pharmacy's Code of Ethics directs us to consider your health more important than greater profits. YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE McHenry 26 WHEN YOU NEED A MEDICINE Pick up your prescription if shopping near us, or let us deliver promptly without extra charge. A great many people entrust us with the responsibility of filling their prescriptions. May we compound yqurs? NYE DRUGS t/a/ftmm Afmetf" PHONE M 129 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry. 111. PRESCRIPTION .. CHEMISTS •Quotation by A. Arnauld (1624-1684) Perhaps the most unperturbed about the entire episode is Bruce himself. Gifts GrfioK! 1 The honored guest was' not present but in her (fcan't mention a "he") absence;' Mother Alice Cable opened thb mountain of gifts brought by the ladies to the baby shower which was held at McDonald's on Wednesday, Sept. 25. The little tyke, be it male or female, will be sporting the very latest in four cornered pants, snoozie sets, sweaters, and all the other trappings, including „a car bed in which to nestle. The guest list speaks well of the volume of friend(s which "Liz'.' has made with her sparkling writ and personality. Some of the gals Were from the local scene and others her working cohorts. Those present included Evelyn Nichols, Betty Poledna, Gert Helwig, Betty . Houck, Lil Hansen. Violet Gates, Marge Stackrtick, Virginia Parkhurst Ceil Bell, Lottie Piotrowski, Myrtle Burg, Dorrie Brennan, Nada Costa, Mae Kennenberg, Eva Snell, Barbara Thacker, Edith McCafferty, Marge Egerstaffer Dorothy Aissen, Doris Bluhm, Vera Cieroke, Anne Matthesius, Lee Swanson, Eleanor Brasser, Maybelle Stubbings, Ardell Brand, Helen Kline, Liz Ingersol, Mary Tomasello, Grace West, Rita Nellis, Catherine Chrissman, Etnma Lou Giles, Jean Wahlquist, Sylvia McMahon, Virginia Bruce, Marion Scarbrough, Margaret £hd Jean Reid, Theresa Cunningham, Theresa Huska, Fern Lewis Jand ,Mary Audino. Absent but, represented by a gift were Thelma Hunt, Lil Ringelstetter, Helen Imrnekus, Shirley Jensen, Gladys Geneser, and Ruth Smith. The shower was given by Jean McDonald and your reporter with additional refreshments provided tfcy. "£bttie Piotrowski, Mae Kennenberg, Myrtle Burg, and Betty Poledna. Bud Cable who is eagerly awaiting the arrival of the little bundle of joy had to make a hasty purvey of some of the lopt when the partying was over. Deserves Comment Congratulations to Ruth and Frank Surz whose golden anniversary was noted in Nate Gross' column in the Chicago American. We also learned that Mr. Surz just completed fifty years as ar. engraver. Touring The Southland Pauline and Shorty Sheriff just returned from a two week tour of the beautiful Smoky Mountains and several southern states. They paused a short while in Montgomery. Ala., to visit Shorty's sister, and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Norris Heist. . Then it was on to Shreveport. La., to chin with Shorty's brother, Charles. The Sheriffs covered some 2,600 miles which included eleven states. Needless to say, there was a lot of gorgeous scenery on which they could feast their eyes. Dances iSnded Several reasons/caused the cancellation of the 'teen dances which were to have/ ibeen extended through Octoberi J The extremely cold evenings, lack of interested youngsters, and the inavailability of chaperones made the move necessary. " The young people are making plans to have one more outing, sometime next month. It will probably be a Hallowe'en dance. More on that later. The young folks will have a meeting Tuesday, Oct. 8 in the beachhouse at 7:30 p.m. to set up committees and make the geneMl arrangements. Here's hoping there will be a good crowd. V . , Sounds Like A Good idea Harry Johnson, a summer resident, came up with» what sounds like a brilliant idea. During the Christmas season, Mr. Johnson has always been impressed with the beautiful display of colored lights in front of so many homes. His plan is for the residents to turn on back or front porch lights from dark until 10 or 10:30 pJM. during the fall and winter seasons. This would make the entire community well lighted and cheery looking. It would also serve to discourage anyone planning mischief. We'd like to hear comments one way or the other. Something's Cooking With Martha and Tom Sylthe. They have made two trips to Rhinelander, Wise., looking oyer resort areas, with an eye to the future. The couple is also busily engaged in converting their loqal summer dwelling into, a year 'round home. They moved into the village permanently in May. If they do decide to invest in a summer Camp up North, they would still return to the lake for the fall, winter, and spring. The resort season is quite short. The Sylthes are well checked out in business Having recently sold their rooming h$use in Chicago to move out here- Good To Mrs. Hattie EdmOndg Who was a visitor at the horirie of Grandma Rognstad last week. 'Hie ladies had a wonderful time rehashing T I L E IT TOTTRSELf AND SAVE! Top Quality Wall Tile at LOWEST Meet 28V2* sq. ft. Wholesale Prices to Contractors SERGANT*S fyantn PHONE RICHMOND 419S Located on Jogmsburg ltd., S'/i utiles North of Johnsoorg (About %Vi miles North of Sunnystde Estates) Wahl Jewelers Xmas Club makes Christmas gift buying a pleasure Starts October 5th thru December 7th NOW! ONLY $1.50 A WEEK SEE US FOR DETAILS ON OUR SPECIAL XMAS CLUB OFFER Simply fill out the convenient coupon and bring it in to our store or mail. Wahl Jewelers Christmas Club Name . Address •» Phone WAHL JEWELERS 207 Ei Elm St* McHenry/ 111. PHONE McHENRY 2688 old times And visiting Hattie's many friends. The end of her vacation came much too soon. Maybe she won't stay away so long, this time! tatnt Fair!! Elma, and Earl Nelson had big plans to celebrate their twentieth anniversary by stepping out on the town, Wednesday, Sept. 25. Unfortunately that ol' flu bug made an unwelcome appearance and Elma spent the day (and several others) in bed. For consolation, Earl presented his ever lovin' with four dozen American Beauty roses. Elma is starting to recover minus the six pounds that she lost during her bout with illness. And she didn't have any to spare! Cullom-Knoll The regular monthly meeting of the Cullom-Knoll association will be held, Sunday, Oct. 6 at 2:30 in the beachhouse. Will you com<j? Everyone is welcome and'invited. Doing It Up Right On the occasion of their twentythird anniversary,, Sept. 29, Lil and Lee Sawdo "whooped it up" a^bit at Whitey and Berenice's establishment Saturday night. Their very good friends, Marge and Fred Thomsen trooped out from Park Ridge to help them celebrate. Ronnie Tranberg, looking very pathetic as the lonesome bridegroom because of Marianne being on vacation, and Dick Osterby added their congratulations. Barbara and Joe DeMar who were wed seventeen years, Sept. 28 were due to join the festivities but didn't show up. It was a quiet party but lots of fun for the participants. Clam Bake j Lt. Cmdr. (yep, he received his promotion) Jake Levesque, and three of his buddies from Glenview flew to Boston, Mass. last weekend and returned with a plane load of live, kicking lobsters and bushels o£ clams and oysters. An honest - to - goodness clam bake was served at McDonald's Emporium (ofl knowledge) Sunday night. The clams were prepared in true New England fashion and served with melted butter and broth. Mighty messy eating but -- oh! so delicious!! All the patrons present had to sample the seafood. Lennie Jensen was busily engaged with a pliers, screw driver, and hammer, which he used to open his oysters which he ate on the half sliell, with a hot sauce. Ugh-h-h-h! Some of the diners became ecstatic over the delicate flavor and others decided they would rather stick to the conventional fare like roast beef and potatoes. But all agreed that it was a most amusing time. The fellows, including Gene Piotrowski, Don Lorch, Fred Matthesius, and Jerry Burg, with Jake (the New England authority on eastern cooking) directing and supervising, prepared, served, and cleaned up after the feast. A real treat for the ladies who were evicted from the kitchen.' The many dozens of lobsters were distributed and graced the dining tables in a large number' of homes Monday night. That takes care of the news, views, and comments for this week. If you can stand it we'll be back with more next week. Keep those phone calls coming! Bye, bye. Insured Savings: savings inverted in Crystal l,»«ce Savings and Loan Association are insured by the Federal Snvfn?B and Loan Insnr* ance Corp., and earn 3%. SS-tf Buy U.S. savings Bonds OLD FOLKS HAVEN Private, - Convalescent - Bed Patients * A Real Home All Comforts - Best of Food 24 HOUR NURSING CARE SPACIOUS ' GROUNDS •• REASONABLE RATES PHONE McHENRY 2880 A VISIT TO OUR PAINT DEPARTMENT WILL Satisfy All Your Painting MODERN 7HC HKST CHO/CT OF MIUIM of HOMC omens C* * E I tftftvaaN** ^0*09 L NUN* PROVED AND TESTED IN AU PARTS OF AMERICA IN ALL KINDS OF WEATHER Gallon NEEDS FEATURING The Famous ENDURANCE HOUSE PAINT ...the paint that lives up to its name! IT IS SIX WAYS BETTER >. Mm tiwt borftu to--i 4. THanluai moIm it wltitar. S. OImi h rataiMd I***. * r nSuMngmlifiWI^ >.Cwlwll>< d--wlw» wwwmhwirt * »•-- » -- • --* on I'tiiii< oil it toagtr lifa. USE BASECOAT AS THE IDEAL PRIMER FOR NEW WORK OR EXTREMELY POROUS SURFACESI ) IICNMONI LINE " OUTDOOR PAINT * INDOOR PAINT * WOOD FINISHES * TURPENTINE Courteous Salesmen to aid you In selecting your color schemes and help you sblve your ^ painting problems. OUR NEW LOCAHON IS EASY TO Conveniently Located on Highway SI Matn St. ALWAYS PLENTY^F FREE PARKING SPACE OUR COMPETENT STAFF IS EQUIPPED TO ASSIST YOU WITH ANY BUILDING PROBLEM BRING YOUR HOME UP TO DATE It's easy to modernize your present home. Increase the value and livability of your home by remodeling. s WE CAN HELP YOU WITH THE PLANNING - MATERIALS - FINANCING NO MONEY DOWN ALEXANDER LUMBER (0 "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" On Highway 31 - South ol Main Street - -McHenry, Illinois . PHONE 1424 "ALWAYS FIRST . . . SERVICE TO OUR CO STOMERS"