Eighteen !£Bp z 4 _ t* v*»H * • I K:'- ^ vr^fMr 5r; ^ t** »„* */-i «>, * 1-^ F > ^ l! ^ - * x : * * *" ^ V- „> U _* * J-Vi. * « \ (IrT*^ ^.v **?£*- THE McHENHY PLAIHDEALER ^ ^vn^T_^ r 1 'pr^-f/- vi w r7^! Thursday, October 17, 1957 m PISTAKEE HIGHLANDS by Wands Dobeckl CoRtmne Party The big Halloween costume par- ( ty will be held for the adults on ^Saturday, Oct. 26, at 8:30 at the jcenter. The drinks and refresh- V jnents will be free for all association members and admittance ; will be by membership card only. rf|l hope you all have your costumes dreamed up by now for the time is growing short. There will be • some entertainment included on the program so mark it as a must oh your social calendar for the Halloween season. Small Fry Parties Will be held on Halloween day after school. All ages should meet at the center immediately after school is out and costumes . will be in order. Games and fun for all will be included for all; grade school age children with refreshments and prizes for the best costumes. So come on kids and get seme good ideas for those outfits. Help Wanted Work is starting on the interior of the center and anyone that would like to lend a helping hand is urged to come to the center every or any Thursday evening. There is lots' to be done if we want ours to be a community center we can all be proud to show to our friends. It will be a lot of work but well worth the effort so come on fellas and show the chairman, Ed Thoren, next Thursday what can be done with a big bunch like ours working together. Let's make this a community affair and not just the same three or four that show up for every job. Brownies A tea was given on Tuesday, Oct. 8, by the brownies for the mothers of brownies. This was an Informal little get Acquainted party and there was a very good turnout of proud motliexf- " There was fly up ceremony for brownies, Karen Lowery and Cheri Janquart, and they were presented their wings by their leader, Mrs. Janquart. Assistant leader Mrs. Montalbano and Mrs. Conway were present and helped serve cake and coffee. The brownies were given the honor of presenting their mothers with their cake and coffee. The proud mothers and little brothers and sisters enjoyed the songs and program put op by the scouts and had a' nice time and friendly chatter after the coffee. We were very impressed with the fine job that the leaders have done with the brownies and scouts and they are all to be commended. Scribe Maureen Schuble for the scouts has done a wonderful job in reporting the scout news and any scout news in this column is usually due to her fine work. Down Meadow Lane Frank and Judy Krumweide and kiddies, Kenny and Karen, left Friday for a week end in Ann Arbor to visit Judys grandmother. They said the visit was very nice and they enjoyed taking the new toll road. - The Barons of Ann street have finished painting their new home and are going to have the yard landscaped. It it a credit to-the neighborhood since some of the houses in the vicinity have yet to be painted. Betty Warczak left. Friday night on the train all equipped with bottles etc. for Tommy Jr. She will be spending three weeks in Pasadena and is looking forward to taking in a lot of. the TV shows while she is gone. The bowling team was sad to lose Jim and Ruth Lemmbns as bowling partners. It was too much for them with all her added work. The Peloquins lost some good team mates. The Paul Lewis family looks good sporting that new two tone ca£. Pretty nice. -Cake Cutters Happy birthday to Joe Sihicih who added another year on last Tuesday. Best wishes and many more. Sorry we forgot to mention that Ron Jacksog had a birthday on Oct. 7. Our apologies Ron. And I recently ^stated in the column that Billy Jackson was eight when really he was just seven. Forgive my addition Billy. So happy birthday to both of you any way. It must have been your dad who was eight. Shirley Spankucli became twelve last week and had a party to celebrate the occasion. The affair was a big success and was enjoyed by her local pals. Pistakee Patter The Schlicks enjoyed a wedding party in Chicago last Saturday and were much impressed by the big breakfast and party afterward. The party included just skads of food and pink champagne no less. Meryl Fletcher entertained a group of gals last Wednesday morning for a demonstration in her home. It started at 9:30 and all the early risers that attended enjoyed themselves very much. Dick Rapp is in Australia and likes it very much but will soon leave the sunny shores for Japan. Dick is really seeing the world and is enjoying his service life. It is farewell and good luck to another future service man, Denny Litwin, who left for the service on Monday. His plans for school were changed and he too will soon probably be seeing the world if all goes well. A farewell party was held in his honor last Saturday. The Spankuchs had a very nice trip to Iowa to see Lou's brother last weekend. PHI Dept. The flu bug is still flitting around and it found Barb Schlick and Gary Taylor in bed last week, as well as Angie Nielson and New, Instant RELIEF for TIRED, ACHING BACKS! rm*5" mu»«*££g5[ g^sssn-sa. 2&S5 ESS. Bolgers - TeL 40 Accounts may be opened at anytime for $5.00 or more ... in person or by mail. Office open l . . every week-day 9 a.m. to 12:00 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. OUR CURRENT RATE I "" START AN ACCOUNT TODAY Marengo Federal Savings AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 102 North StatoSt. Phone JOrdan 8-7258 ;:|A4^00, ILUNOIS j ^ OVEA $7,500,000.00 Butch' Ni&son." it seemseverTtlie canine friends can come down with the flue so even they are not spared. Barb was Very Impressed with the note, the puz2le and the dime for an ice cream cone sent to her by a Seven year old admirer. Sorry to hear that Judy Jensen was in bed with a sprained back due to a fall recently. She is better now and back to school again. Farewell A farewell party for George Mitchell was held last Saturday at the home cf Ed Pfingston. Mr. Mitchell .was a leader for the scouts for the past yepr or so and his absence will certainly be felt by all who knew and worked with him. He has done a great job for the scouts and for the community and so has his wife Joyce who has been very active in community affairs. We wish them gftod luck and good health wherever they may go. . Apples Anyone? The boy scouts will be selling apples in the subdivision this Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 19 and 20. They are fresh picked juicy, red apples from a local nearby orchard and the prices are very reasonable. There will be a number of varieties to pick from and the boys will be stationed on the main road near the model home all day Saturday and Sunday. This is a wonderful way for the boy scouts to raise money for their own troops and to supply us with some very delicious fruit. So when you see those big sacks of red apples stop and help yourself and the scouts. * Sea Scouts Hie local Sea Ship 629 was very sad. to lose their former leader, Mr. Mitchell. The ship will now be taken over by Ed Pfingston who will do his best to fill Mitch's shoes. The local Ship 629 was thrilled to have the honor of being the color guard for last week's homecoming game at MeHenry high. They did a grand job and looked sharp and made us all proud they were from Pistakee Highlands. LICENSE GLAMOUR Dear Reader: When you get around to it, take a look at the license plate she is holding. It's a sample of the purple and white 1958 Illinois license plates which the Secretary of State's office will begin distributing December 1. And the charming young lady is Susan Jane Carpentier, 6-year-old granddaughter of Secretary of State and Mrs. Charles F. Carpentier. Every household thinks it needs an extra room, costing about'$20 a month, in which to store empty pop bottles worth 2c each, old magazines, discarded light bulbs, and broken phonograph records. Some try hard and fail to achieve recognition, and others seem to command r e c o g n i t i o n , without making the least effort. SETTER SCHOOIS BUILD (MmMr BETTER COMMUNITIES When you meet stupidity head on, there is nothing to say, so you might as well retreat. Don't Forget WHEN this column seems a trifle short remember that most of the news depends on you. Some of the block captains call with news from their sections and it is much appreciated. But we need some new names in the news once in awhile so please keep calling with those bits of gab. I'm always here Wanda, 583-R-l* A free press is vital to the liberty of any people and when you see governments surpressing freedom of speech, you witness a government that is getting repdy to rule without regard to the wishes of the majority. for bif$£r homes TOP' Ifcwest prices SEE us ROBERT HAY CONSTRUCTION Co. F.H.A. & VA. FINANCING • Mammary • Concreio • Carpentry PHONE: 1807 Bne. 1877 Home 806 E. Elm St. McHenry &M*j Rgu*£ 957 NX C<M Ca THIS IS THE FAMOUS "BURNER-WITH-A-BRAIN* Ist PRIZE $IOOO°° 2*4 PRIZE <50000; 3rd PRIZE $25000 plus BONUS AWARDS!* Here's All You Have to Do! , . . . I t ' s t h e r e a l l y automatic burner ! that adds exciting new delight to • S oil top of the range cooking---to • } more than 80% of your cooking • } duties. All you do is set the diol • ! to the cooking temperature you • S wish, just as you do with your gas • } even. Then the "Burner-with-a- • | Brain" takes over, raises and - • } lowers the flame to maintain that « | temperature precisely, lor as long S 5 os you like. J » • | .. . And this self regulating tap J • burner it fust one of the many J • convenience features of the wen- ; • derful AUTOMATIC-All>THf»WAY • • 1t$7 OAS KANOESI J #-v. 4 \ GAS "Burntr-with-a-Bratti/ Just go to your nearest Northern Illinois Gas Company store or ony gas range dealer located in the areo we serve. There, you'll learn about the marvelous new gas "Burner-with-a-Brain"! You'll discover for yourself how automatic modern GAS cooking can be. Yqu just dial the temperature you want and heat is perfectly maintained by a dependable thermostatically controlled device;, called the "Burner-with-a-Brain". It makes your pots and pans automatic! Foods can't scorch or burn . . . you can relax instead of being chained to the kitchen "watching th* pot". Obtain cm Official Entry Blank! Ask for on official entfy blank at the store where you see the GAS "Burner-with-a-Brain". Complete the statement in 25 words, or less, on why you like the GAS 'Burner-with-o-Brain'V That's all you have to do. Another nice thing' about this contest is that it's limited to you and your neighbors served by Northern Illinois Gos Company . .. so you have a better chance to winl Don't delay • . . contest closes midnight, Saturday. November 30, 1957. * Spatial Bonn Award*, tool Priie winners will be given a speciof bohus award H they have purchased a gas range during the contest from Northern Illinois Gas Company, or a gas appliance dealer located llf; the prea wo serve. This award will bj* 'n a^smovnt equal to the purchase price, of the range bought by the prize-winner. N O R T H E R N I L L I N O I S GelS * C O MPANY fee .3* UK fikfe. 9L.1t • mmm mV- : < SPECIAL 7 : 1 0 X 1 5 - 8 : 0 0 X 1 5 TUBED TYU BLACK WALL 0 0FF ALLOWANCE See Walt Now AND SAVE AS NEVER, BEFORE Credit terms can be arranged FIRESTONE FAMOU8 Dry Chargo •ATOMS „ -'IB00 from $3.00 to $6.00 , % Trade-In Allowance for Ypur Old Battery 25% OFF ON MOST ST7.Bg . TRUCK TIRES A Complete Stock of TRACTOR TIRES McHENRY TIRE MART S26 W. Main Stroot Walt FreundL Prop. SUNDAY TIL 12 NOON PHONE 294 NcHrary, IlllfloU i "?rv- ' v •!.'