tthiursday, October 24 1957 • wpj^M*'"* THE McHENRY m-s.. Jane Dnoey ,*N i;.3; - ' PTA County Council. "Mrs. Justin Hood, Mrs. Ray Rochowicz and Mrs. Allen Schimke attended the meeting of the McHenry county PTA council at HewjoiC. Thursday, Oct. 17. The pngjninjwas informal and from thf^mair, in that the representatiV^ i|o£ «ach school organization to^ q^ijjie programs which they hag tjfefduled for the season, as well as fund raising methods for ^arryipg out their programs. Mrs.; James Duffie of Cai _ council president, urged all PTA members to attend the district .^meeting in Belvidere, Oct. 29. Mi% Hood must make reservations tor those attending from our unit . 'by Oct. 25; you can reach her at W.I,. 4294 if you would like to go. Tha next county council meet- . ing . will be In Cary In January; the March meeting will be held Wonder Lake and the May meeting l will be at Burton's Bridge. . Plans for Church Unveiled at Dinner Today, Oct. 24, the first anniversary of the building fund drive, will be a day of double celebration for the Nativity Evangelical Lutheran church. Plans for the new church will be unveiled at a ' 4>ot luck dinner to be served at the Masonic Hall in McHenry at 7:15. Sewage Issue Grover Wickline was fined $100 Saturday for failing to comply with the order of George F. Jedlicka, building and zoning officer, to install a septic tank on his • property in Wooded Shores where raw sewage has been turned into a drainage ditch. V Then the fine was suspended for one week (until Oct. 26) in which time Wickline is to install the tank on the property. «$ Men's Friday Night League C Cristy & Stendebach won 3. S"k's Sporting Goods won 0; Cristy Sr. 252, 224, 659. W L. Bldrs. won 2, Rolaine Grill won 1; Gustavson 200, 530. J. Aheams 26; B.* Ditweiler 200, 504. Mill ton won 1, George's Firemen won 2; H. Hill 545; A. Meeker 222, 543; Kruger's Oil won 2, Van's Wonder Lounge won 1; Krueger 213, 513. Lake Dry Cleaners won 2, Paul's Hardware won 1; B. Chudik 509, W.L. Oil won 1, Lake View1 iim won 2; Paul Marke 211, 541; Ray Pipowski 512; j. Svitanek 202, 581. I School Board Meeting. There will ,be ajoneettng of the board of Harrison school Tuesday, Oct. ^29, at 7:45 p.m. The public is welcome to attend. Wonder Woods Group Meets Hie Wonder Woods Women's association will meet at 8 p.m. Oct 28, in the recreation room of the Sandgren home. An interesting program is planned and all -^omen from Wonder Woods are urged to attend. Silent Auction The Greenwood school C.T.O. will hold its silent auction and cake walk Nov. 7. This is the big fund raising affair of the organization for the year, and everyone in the community is invited to attend. According to reports the auction affords the opportunity to fill your freezer and have an ehjoyable social exchange. At the last business meeting of the executive*board the meeting date was changed this year to the first Thursday of each month, since Friday has proven a poor night for organizations to hold meetings. Monday Night Ladles League Standings after Oct. 21 games are Violas in first place with 14 won, 7 lost; Lake Cleaners and Handy Pantry tie for second with 13 won and 8 lost; Cardinal store won 12, lost 9; Fredricksens 11 won and 10 lost; Reuters 10 won, 11 lost; Gutzman 6 won and 15 lost; Mayers 5won and 16 lost Ardele Brand had the high series with 494. Canasta Players Meet The Wonder Lake canasta group met at the home of Mrs. Olga Grasser in Woodstock Oct 16. The $6.00 collected was donated to the building fund of the Memorial hospital for McHenry county. Mrs. Grasser and Mrs. Loretta Behler were the winners. Other ladies present were Mrs. Dolores Wines, Mrsi Betty Bland, Mrs. Prudence Grobovy, Mrs. Eloise McCafferty, Mrs. Ann Weretka, and Mrs. Delores Petersen. The next card party will be held Nov. 20 at the Wooded Shores home of Mrs. Bland. Sybaquay Council Meeting There will be a meeting of the Sybaquay council of Girl Scouts at the Junior high school, South 7th street, in DeKalb at 8 p.m. Oct. 24. Mrs. Wallace Sinclair will be the Wonder Lake delegate attending from neighborhood 7. The delegates from all neighborhoods will vote on organizational policies at this meeting. Anyone interested in Girl Scouts is invited to attend and observe the voting. Hallowe'en Danee There will be a 'teen-age Hallowe'en party Saturday, Oct. 26, at Mathews Hall. There will be no admission charge for this dance, the hall will be decorated in keeping with the occasion. The girls who are baking cakes for the affair are Mary Alice O'Connor Beth Smith, Lorraine Sorensen, Sue Spuehr and Sharon La- Greca. Parents are encouraged to stop in for a few minutes and say hello during the evening. European Tour Mrs. Pearson of White Oaks Bay has returned from a summer long vacation in Europe. She left Chicago June 13 by plane for Copenhagen and proceeded to Sweden where she spent three weeks in her old home town, which she bad not seen for 30 years. She found many people she had known still there .and the:-town looking much the same. From Sweden she flew to Heidelberg and visited her grandson, who is stationed there in the U.S. Armed Forces. After a visit of several weeks she went to Zurich, Switzerland for a stop-over and on to Berlin to visit her daughter who is in the U.S. civil service. She found Berlin different as a result of the Soviet influence there. From Berlin she went to Hamburg, to Copenhagen and came home on the new Gripsholm by way of varying her travel. Mrs. Pearson spent several days in New York, and after all the old world scenery, could still comment on the beauty of the autumnal landscape through Pennsylvania. has been 'planned for theyoung people for Nov. 2, and will be sponsored by the Highland Shores property owners association. A dance will be given by the subdivision Saturday night, Nov. 23 at the Johnsburg Community Hall. Music, dancing, refreshments, and, a good time is assured to all who attend. ' Home Bureau . District Meet The district meeting of the Home Bureau will be held at the Ringwood church hall Nov. 8. The Ringwood Home Bureau group will be hostess to the Greenwood and Solon-Richmond afternoon units. The lesson for that day will be "Making the Most of your Storage Space" and will be given by the home advisor. Homemakers who are interested are invited to attend. Post Office Report The Wonder Lake post office announces that it is now back on schedule after the re-organization, which incorporated the lake area under one post office. Tt\e two rural route delivery men are now returning to the post office, after running their routes at the time that they had been starting out on their routes a few weeks ago. That refreshed look on Mrs. Wilson's face is the result of a week's vacation from duty the past week. Wondervtew Special Meeting A special board meeting of the Wonderview improvement association was held at the home of Mrs. Arthur Meyers Sunday, Oct. 20, for the purpose of discussing a bid for road repairs which had been submitted. The ballots were also prepared to be mailed to all members in good standing, since so many members are summer dwellers. The return ballots must bear a postmark no later than Oct. 28. The new officers will take up their duties Nov. 3. Candidates for president are John Lorenz, Lucian La?alde, and Joe Sperandio. Vice-presidential candidates are John Lorenz and Lucian Lazalde, and Trustee candidates are Carl Bruno, Joseph Cisco and Joseph Sperandio. Present at the meeting were Charles Burke to explain the road bid, Mr. Lissy, president, Jerry Luciano, trustee, Mrs. Mayers, treasurer, Mrs. Leonard Rose, secretary, Carl Bruno, trustee, John Lorenz and Joe Sperandio. Klwanls The McHenry township Kiwanis will have a Ladies night Saturday, Nov. 9, at 7:30 at LaGreccas Lake View Inn. A fine evening of music and entertainment is planned, so circle the ninth on your calendar. Highland Shores News The Highland Shores property owners association will meet Friday, Nov. 8 at 8:30 p.m. at the Greenwood Methodist church. The business of the evening will be the election of officers for the coming year and a discussion of) the dance being planned for Nov. 23. A hay-rack weiner roast party Home Bureau Meeting The. regular meeting of the Ringwood Home Bureau unit will be at Mrs. Donald Swanson's home on Tuesday, Nov. 5. News Briefs Happy birthday to Donna Dean who was 9 years old Oct. 16. She celebrated with a party for several of her little friends last Thursday. A 9 lb. 8 Mi oz. girl was born to the Peter Brenners of Deep Spring Woods No. 2 at the Memorial hospital for McHenry county on Thursday Oct. 17. The baby has been named Dianne Lynn, and she has a brother Danny, who will be 4 in January, and sisters Sharon who is 5%, Barbara, who will be 3 in December, and Theresa who is 13 months old. Florence Dean, Wanda McCafferty and Harold Wohnrade reported for Jury duty in Woodstock last Monday. The community was shocked to learn of the death of Mrs. Ethel Carbon of Melrose Park Oct. 16 at the Oak Park hospital as a result of accidently drinking latmdry bleach; The funeral and interment Saturday in Chicago. The Carbons were early residents of Shore Hills where they live on Pheasant road. Surviyipg are her husband, Ralph, and two Sons, Ralph Jr. and Donald Ray. Veronica and Marguerite Sullivan of Wonder Woods entertained twelve guests at a house party last weekend. The guests came from Chicago and Milwaukee. Happy birthday to Brian McCafferty who was 6 years old yesterday, Oct. 23, and to Vernon O'Connor who celebrated his birthday Oct. 20, Both of these gentlemen live in Deep Spring Woods. Jacqui Sue Burr celebrated her eighth birthday, last Saturday afternoon, with a party in her home in Lookout Point few eleven little guests. Her birthday was Oct. 17 and she was honored with a family birthday dinner at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Leon Switzer, on that day. Cal Kolar got his limit of. four mallards in the vicinity of Hebron Sunday. James Kinzie shot six teal on opening day in the lagoon at the south end of Wonder Lake and Jimmy LaGreca brought down two green wings and a pin tail Saturday on Wonder Lake. Mrs. Margaret Rose was called to her mother's bedside in Chicago Saturday night. Mrs. Farrow was suffering with complications following a serious case of flu, bu{ is now on the mend. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Etheridge returned from a ten day trip to Texas and old Mexico. They left the lake Oct. 15 and flew to Houston and after some side trips in Texas they joined friends in {larlington and drove to Mexico^ Robert Mattes of 'Chicago, a summer resident of Shore Hills, was knocked out of a tree Sunday by the butt of a limb he had just sawed off. He fell 30 feet to the ground and is in Memorial hospital, the extent of his injuries unknown at this time. . A group of young people had a surprise party at the hoitie of Richard Hoffman Sunday evening, in honor of Danny Lundborg who is going into the Marines. Danny left the lake today: Harvey and Estelle Biggers are back from their eleven day vacation. They drove to El Paso where they spent four days with son, Bob, a Pfc. in the Engineer Corps stationed at Red Canyon. Bob was given a four day pass to visit in . El Paso. They then crossed the border to Jaurez where they saw a bull fight. Business & Service Directory of Wonder Lake OPEN ON SUNDAY 9 A.M. to 1 P.M. WONDER LAKE BUILDERS SUPPLY Free Estimates and Delivery Phone Wonder Lake 3231 CRISTY STENDEBACH General OontrMtois NEW HOMES Photos Wonder late 5432 ESTATE OF ® JOHN WAYNE SLAVIN AUCTION EDWlN VOGEL Auctioneers WILLIAM H. RUSSEL Due to the death of my husband, it is necessary for me to sell all the personal property on the farm known as the William Slavin Homestead Farm in Hebron Township, 3% miles South and West of Hebron, 7% miles North and West of Woodstock, 2V& ihiles West and North from Palmer's Corners, on SATURDAY. OCTOBER 26. 1957 Commencing at 11:80 THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PERSONAL PROPERTY. TO-WIT: 4 52 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK Consisting of 31 choice Holstein cows; 7 Holstein heifers, springing; 6 Holstein heifers, open; 3 Holstein heifer calves. This is a good dairy of cows, and we would appreciate anyone desiring cows to come in advance of the Sale and make inspection. 3 FEEDER PIGS TEAM OF GRAY HORSES FEED 700 bu. Oats; 200 bales 2nd cutting Alfalfa hay; quantity of loose Hay; 40 acres of good standing Corn; 400 bales Straw; 200 bales 1st cutting Alfalfa hay; 45' Silage in 16' silo. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT McCormick Deering "M" tractor & cultivator, 1952; Tractor disc; W McCormick Deering mower; McCormick Deering corn planter; 2 single row cultivators; % ton Ford truck; Corn binder; 4 section steel drag; 75' drive belt; Hog feeders; Fanning Mill; Hay rope and trip rope; Steel tanks, hay rope, oil barrels & oil; 3 bottom tractor plow; New Idea spreader; Side delivery rake; Disc harrow; Rubber tired wagon and rack; Grain blower; Hay Ix>ader; 4 roll corn husker; Silage cart; Hog troughs; Scales; Walking plow; Chick brooders with Chicken equipment, feeders, etc. AND MANY ARTICLES TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION MILKING EQUIPMENT 2 Surge Units; Milk cans, pails, strainers, wash tanks, hot water *1-4 heater, etc. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS LUNCH WAGONS ON GROUNDS TERMS: USUAL BANK TERMS MRS. JOHN W. SLAVIN, ADMINISTRATOR OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN WAYNE SLAVIN FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Woodstock Member Federal Reserve System Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation . NEALIN AUCTION WILLIAM H. RUSSEL Auctioneers EDWIN VOGEL The undersigned, having rented the farm, will sell at Public Auction on the farm 1% miles West of Boal's Corners, % mile West of the Alden Blacktop, 1 miles from Hartland, and 5 miles North and West of Woodstock, on THURSDAY. OCTOBER 31. 1957 Commencing at 12:00 The following described personal property, to-wit: 72 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK Consisting of 25 choice Holstein cows, 7 of which will be springing, several cows freshened in August and September. This is a good producing dairy. 3 Holstein heifers 2M years old, bred; 3 yearling Heifers; 1 pure-bred Holstein bull. HOGS 16 Landrace pigs, average weight 150 pounds; 3 brood Sows; 21 Landrace pigs, average weight, 85 pounds. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT Case D.C. tractor; Case 2-row tr. cultivator; 4 section steel drag; Cultipacker; New Idea 40' Elevator; 7' New Idea power mower: 7' McCormick Deering grain binder; Rubber tired wagon and rack; Wagon and box; Steel hog feeder; 200' of hay rope; Electric brooder stove; Bob sleigh; Grain blower; small tools; Elevator equipped with -3 h.p. motor; Case 2-bot. 16-in. tr. plow witn lift; Kewanee 10* tractor disc, new; 2 Section wood drag; McCormick Deering corn binder: Dump rake; McCormick Deering S.D. rake; New Idea spreader on rubber; Wagon and rack; 5 rolls snow fence; steel hog waterer; 1,000 lb. scales; Corn sheller with motor; 36' ext. ladder; 300 gal. gas tank on standard; oil barrels; Single harness, fly nets, etc. FEED 3,000 bales 1st cut. Alfala; 200 bales Straw; 150 bu. Oats; 40 acres standing corn; 600 bales 2nd' cut. Alfalfa; 400 bu. Nemaha Oats; 900 bu. Rodney oats; 500 bu. Ear Corn in crib. • MILKING EQUIPMENT 2 DeLaval 2-unit milking machines; Wash tanks; 14 milk cans; Pails &ncl strainers AND MANY ARTICLES TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION 3 Swarms Bees -- Bee Equipment. SOME HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE TERMS: USUAL BANK TERMS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS LUNCH WAGON ON GROUNDS THOMAS NEALIN FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WOODSTOCK, Administrator of the Estate of Frank Nealin, Deceased Member Federal Reserve System Federal Deposit Iusnr&nee Corporation Christ the King Church News Monday, Oct. 28, the parishioners are invited to attend the special October devotions in honor of Our Blessed Mother at 8 p.m. in church. All will join the Altar and Rosary sodality in the recitation of the Rosary and Benediction. In honor of the feast of Christ the King, Oct. 27, the patronal feast of the parish, all the parishioners are urged to receive Holy Communion that day. For this reason confessions will be heard both in the afternoon and evening, from 4 to 5 p.m. and from 7 to 8 p.m. All the children of the parish will meet after the 9 a.m. Mass at Mathews Hall where transportation will be provided to the new grounds for the ground breaking ceremonies. The adults-of the parish are invited to attend the pontifical low Mass at 10 a.m. which will be said by His Excellency the Most Reverend Loras T. Lane, bishop of the Rockford diocese. Immediately following, all will proceed to the new church grounds for the ground breaking conducted- by the bishop. Friday evening at 7:15 p.m. Altar Boy meeting at the church. Nov. 2 -- dance sponsored by the Holy Name society at the American Legion Hall in McHenry. 9 to 1. Nativity Evangelical Lutheran Church News Pastor Schroeder invites all members and friends of the church to the pot luck dinner Oct. 24, at 7:15 at the Masonic Hall in McHenry,. at which time the plans for the new church will be unveiled. Sunday, Oct. 27, is reformation day throughout the Protestant world, and special emphasis will be placed upon Luther's contribution to a free world, and a free mind. The sermon topic for the day will be, j "The God of All Time." The Luther League will have a hayride In the evening and all young people wanting to go are to meet at the church at 7. Th£ hayride will be on the Ted Wickman farm in Bull Valley. Refreshments will be served out-of-doors at the farm. Missionary Conference The Bible church extends a hearty invitation to everyone in the vicinity of Wonder Lake to attend the missionary conference being held at tha church this week. It started Oct. 23 with the fine sound film in color, titled, "Martyred Men". Tonight, at 7:30, the Rev. J. Jenkins, missionary from India, will be the speaker. , Oct. 25 the Rev. Rolf Egeland will speak about - the needs of Spain and Portugal. There will be no meeting Saturday. Sunday morning^ Oct. 27, the Rev. William Kerr, missionary to Thailand, will be the speaker. Sunday evening Arnold Parker, field worker with the Great Lakes Seamen's mission, wili illustrate his message with colored slides of the work of the mission among the foreign and American ships. Bible Church News You are urged to attend as many of the inspirational meetings of the missionary conference as you possibly can and bring someone with you. The meetings are held at the church and start at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 24, 25 rind 27. Couples Club had a hard-times party at the home of the Tomanos last Saturday, Everyone had a nice time of fellowship and rei tresbment. Dr. Pietch, father of Mercv HOWS YOUR HEALTH? ARE YOU NERVOUS? DO YOU TIRE EASILY? ARE YOU ENJOYING ALL OF LIFE'ft BENEFITS? REMEMBER - - You can eat three well balanced meals every day and still suffer from a deficiency of some of the important vitamins, minerals, proteins. NUMANNA FOOD SUPPLEMENT -- Your diet aid $4.50 -- one month supply $8.80 -- two month supply $16.50 -- four month supply Available at BOLGER'S DRUG STORE McHENRY, ILLINOIS Your personal representative: Florence Engdahl Pietch of the Christian League for the handicapped, was guest speaker at the evening srvice last Sunday. Dr. Pietch is a noted radio Bible teacher in the Waterloo, Iowa area and many have heard him speak over WMBI. His message was a challenge and a blessing to all present. Girl Scouts Top Quota A total of $315 was collected in Wonder Lake for the Girl Scouts during the drive, Oct. 1--7, which topped their quota by $15. This will do much to help establish a Sybaquay council camp for' the scouts in this area. The girls are grateful to the community for their cooperation and support. Those ladies who contributed their time for the canvass were the Mesdames George Rink, George Weisenberger, Ray Mc- Mahon, Henry Setzler, SJanto Ruggero, Robert Decker, Albert Huebner, Ralph Swearingen. LeRcy McCall, Harry Jones, Phyllis Lincoln, James Kinzie, Charles Mansfield, Leonard Rose, Charles Paetow, and Edward Doutlick. Mrs. George Rink and Mrs. Wallace Sinclair have recently, ctjmpleted' an outdoor leaders training course at Hawthorne Hill in Elgin. Mrs. C. Wayland Brooks to Bp--irt At the October meeting of the McHenry township Republican Womah's club it was announced that Mrs. C. Wayland Brooks, wife of the late senator from Illinois, will be the speaker at \ the Nov. 19 meeting at 8 p.m. at the American Legion Hall in McHenry. The meeting will be an open house and the president, Mrs. 1 Wallace Carder, extends an invitation to the men aJid women of the entire county to meet with club and hear Mrs. Brooks. Plans were also made at the October meeting for a card party in January, date and place to be announced later. * COM (A i:v§| ail '•al -m 'TAKE A TIP FROM ME, BUD' "Don't knock yourself out looking for tfie things you want to buy--wise up and look in the Yellow Pages 1" find H fas# In the Yellow Pages Newest editions of the 'Big Wheel" in trucks NEW HUSIU! NEW MUSCLE! NEW STYLE1 New Series 31 Pkk* Mew Series 50 medium-duty l.C.F. model Chevrolet's Task-Force 58 rolls in with new broadshouldered styling:, a revolutionary new V8 engine, new Step-Van delivery models complete with bodies and a wider choice of medium-duty haulers! They're here to speed up schedules and whittle down operating costs with new fast-working efficiency I See them at your Chevrolet dealer's right nowt New Light- Duty Ap &CheS Offering high-capacity pickups and panels, plus Chevrolet's latest, three new Step-Van Forward Control models with 8', 10' and 12' bodies! Famous fuel-saving 6's with increased horsepower are standard. New Medium- Duty Vikill^S Nine new models have been added, all featuring a new cab-torear- axle dimension for better New Series 100 kfovyweiflHt houter load distribution in specialized uses. Compact, short-stroke V8's are standard in all middleweight L.C.F. models. New Heavy-Duty SpJLFt&HS The big news in Series 90 and 100 is Chevrolet's rugged new 348-cu.-in. Workmaster V8. It packs 230 h.p., and its radical new Wedge-Head design assures peak efficiency even with regular grade gasoline. See them at your dealer's now! CHEVROLET Only franchised Chevrolet dealers display this famous trademark See Your Local Authorized Chevrolet Dealer