"T'r"1 PISTAKEE HIGHLANDS by Wanda Dobecld UHalloween Is Here \ or just around the corner and soon all kinds of little ghosts and goblins will be calling at your t door. Halloween night should find most of the little goblins mighty tired after their very busy day. After school they will have their annual Halloween party at the center complete with costumes and all the trimmings and then after supper will 6e busy knocking op doors and trick or treating. They will meet at the big bonfire ^ to be held at 8 pjn. behind the v center to countjtheir loot and to say farewell to that exciting, spooky, fun filled day for another year. We liope they all have a good time for that is what Halloween is for and not for marring others property. So remember that kids, and happy haunting! GownUpGhosts 'Will have their own Halloween party on Saturday, Sept. 26 just t<i> prove they are not too old for ghosts, goblins and good times. This will be a costume affair and should prove fun for all who attend. Don't forget your membership cards for this is for members only and refreshments will be on the house. i Johnsburg PTA The special guest at last week's PTA meeting was Frank Burrows who gave a very entertaining and interesting speech on traffic safety. His speech was highlighted by many little tricks and feats of magic that helped put across the very vital subject of safety on our roads and highways. Mr. "Burrows spoke from long experience as dir. ^ rector of the safety council for w metropolitan Chicago and showed a special cartoon movie showing tne faults of many drivers. Everyone was very impressed with the facts he gave but I think one of the most outstanding of the evening that we should all remember was the answer to the question "How far does a car going 30 miles an hour travel after danger is sighted and the brakes applied?" . The answer is 88 feet, ™ and that distance triples when the car is traveling 60. The program was followed by cake and coffee servd by the room mothers. Please if you , are the owner of a dog as many of. us are won't you keep your dog chained or inside when you are not with him? We all % love dops but we ajso take great pride in our lawnS and gardens. Lawns and shrubs take much care and money to keep up and with all the dogs running loose this is practically impossible. So if you love your dog and respect others property as well as your own, won't you please keep than at home where they belong. Many residents have complained and threatened drastic action if the 3 , are not kept tied and I'm stire hone of us want to see any Okie's pet injured. ed around trying .to start a Sunday school here at the center for all of the local children. A meeting of prospective teachers and helpers Was held last Thursday at the home of Muriel Peterson. With the help and cooperation .,of many we may someday soon have a Sunday school here for all interested in attending. Congratulations Corner Double birthday and anniversary greetings go to Mr. Ristow this week who celebrated his birthday on Oct. 11 and celebrates his anniversary of forty-six happy years with Mrs. Ristow this Friday. Happy birthday to you and a very happy anniversary to you both and may the. next forty-six years be as happy as the last. Happy birthday to Angie Nielson who just turned 20 oh Oct. 23, , . * Mark Pfingston. was a very happy and excited little"%oy last week at his birthday party with all of his local friends. He was as happy as a'1 three year old should be at his first party and was very impressed with all the presents and with blowing out the candles (which he did, three times). All of his little guests enjoyed the usual, ice cream and cake. Jtheir porch and it looks very nice, doetfn't it? George Van Zevern planted five trees in his back yard and is always busy puttering around keeping the little homestead looking uf> to snuff. We hear he has several beautiful .pumpkins in his back yard. Now we know where we can get some Jack-O-Lanterns next week: - Hazel Jiorley fe doing a grand Job as councilman in her section as usual. My thanks to Kay Sielisch who Keeps me posted. each week on what's new down Meadow Lane way. Without helpers like her this column would be mighty short. Down Meadow Lane Lou and Dorothy Tomao celebrated their tenth wedding anniversary on Oct. 11 by going out on the town with Dot's brother and wife, Phil and Loretta Romani. The two couples were married in is double wedding celemony ten years ago so this was really quite' a celebration. They enjoyed their evening out to dinner with all the trimmings and had a day they will all long remember.; The Paul Lewis , family have their two nieces from Indiana Visiting for a couple of ^eeks. Happy birthday to Victor Fick who celebrated his birthday on Oct. 6. Kay and Wally Sielisch spent Sunday in Grayslake visiting with friends and having dinner. They were much impressed with their home and came back with many ideas for fixing up their own home. Roy Rzechula was home three days from school with a stomach upset and we are glat/to hear he is better again. Tom Warczak and brother-inlaw, Bob Minton are very busy working around the house while Betty •. is visiting % in California.* They are very efficient at keeping the home fires burning. The Krumwiedes have enclosed Snnday School The second Sunday evening worship service was held .at the center on Oct. 13 and Harland Shaw was the speaker for the evening again. The discussion was center- 'Tor Shoes /That Please See Peter Gies" •.. • Baby Shoe^ • Boys' & Girls' Shoea Ladies' Shoes • Men's Shoes • Work Shoes • Rubber Footwear Peter Gies Shoes 8c Shoe Repairs Phone 441-M 107 N. .Riverside Dr. McHenry, HL If Convenience Accounts may be opened at anytime for $5.00 or more ...IN PERSON or BY MAIL MVIN6S Office open . . . every week-day 9 a.m. to 12:00 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. OUR CURRENT RATE START. AN ACCOUNT TODAY Marengo federal Savings AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 102 North State St. Rhone JOrdan 8-7258 :? Jpm MARENGO, ILLINOIS TOTAL ASSETS OVER $7£00,00&00 __ Here In The Highlands Last Sunday was rather a big day at the Peterson household and mother, Muriel, and the three youngsters were sporting mighty proud faces. They each received their pins from the Ingleside Methodist church for attendance. Muriel received her twenty year Pin, Sharon her four year pin. Sybil her third year pin, and Corky his first year pin. Mr. Taylor had a birthday on Oct. 11 which escaped our column and now he is out of town in Vancouver on business;. So we hope that mama Taylor will save this and wish him a happy birthday for all of us. Mr. Gardener, who had a recent heart attack, is feeling a little better now and was seen out admiring the flowers last week. We are glad to hear he is up and around and hope he is feeling spry again. We were sorry to hear that Joe Chutka had to be rushed to the hospital in Waukegan for an emergency appendectomy. He hopes to be home soon and we hope he is feeling better and has a very speedy recovery. their lawn and itl^&Very definite ,spot of beauty ttfethe neighborhood. * The flu bug is istiU making his rounds and so ar^t the murtips. Three of the Htirdbss'hoys liaVe come down with *he mumps so far and one, to go. all three afk up and betterM^rrow. - ^ " • ' . . A Farewell Party ,.. was held last week for Denny litwin who will be leaving' fpr the service. All of his local chums and neighbors gathered, to say good bye and wish him luck..There was loads of food and meiiry making available. Attending were the Bentzes, the Bill Johnsons, the Schlicks. the^Erdmanns, (and who was that unknown astronomer that we Viftard attended the Litwin party?). " The Rogdes were very hapoy to welcome their son, Roger, home from the service. He has been discharged now and is working in Chicago but makes his weekend visits out to see his- folks. The Rogdes have had lots of guests besides their son lately as usual. Dee Gregg is>ery glad to have her grandfather visiting with them for awhile. We hope he likes it here in the Highlands. The Eides also have guests from Minnesota this week and are enjoying their visit very much. If you have been down Rand drive lately you couldn't help but notice the new landscaping around the Gregg homestead. They have added several beautiful shrubs to --Another Farewell /; was had in honor oV departing sea scoutleader George . Mitchell. George and his wife and sons will soon be leaving our community and we are all very sad to see them go. The farewell, party was held at the home of Ed Pfioigston who is the new sea scout leader. There was a short ceremony given by the sea scouts and Mr. Mitchell was presented with a small gift from the ship members. Good luck to George and Joyce in their hew home. here and There y Vi Johnson had" a' little coffee party at her home last Week with a bunch of the neighborhood gals. Three of our local men became members of the Moose Stmday when they werQ initiated at a •special ceremony in Woodstock. They were Ray Novotny, Don Dobecki and Bob Hurckes. Their wives, along with other local members of the Moose, joined them for dinner and entertainment later in the evening. Those who joined the three couples were the Floyd Johnsons, the Steve -.Vrbiks, the Howard Wilsons antf%he Sp$nkuchs. ^ P.T.A. Fun Fair Be sure to mark Nov. 16 on vour calendar as the day you plan to spend the afternobn or evening at the Johnsburg school fun fkir. There will be all kinds of fun, games and entertainment. Many wares will be on sale at the various booths. There will be'refreshments too so plan to come and stay and have your supper. Now is the time to stock up on those presents for Christmas and birthdays and to help the P.T.A. along too. Remember the P.T.A. LILYMOOR NEWS By Latira Belford Lilymoor Association The annual election bf officers for the Lilymoor association wftls held Tuesday, Oct.15, at the Lily Lake schoolhouse. Those elected to offices for the coming year include Vernon Ehredt. president; Maurice Haines, first vice-president: E. M. Belford, second vicepresident; Margaret Polinski, secretary; ^jid Velia Fradinardo, treasurer. New directors include T arry Bartelt, Victor Bassi, Herman Crawley, Charles Rogers, and Fr^ Fradinardo. The new officers will take over at the November meeting. Oth?r business for the evening included final plans for the Hal- ^we'en party, and a report on the mail-in vote on garbage removal. Twenty-six members replied to the inquiry according to vicenrosiflent Fradinardo and the majority decision of those answering was to have weekly removal only String the summer months. A two dollar increase in membership will become effective Jan. 1. This will increase the regular semi-annual membership to seven dollars. Any mmbership which is not paid within sixty days of the due date, Jan. 1. will be removed from the association services. Mason Contractor* B»dL Builders of New ConstrucMoB and Remodeilgig CONSTRUCTION COMPANY PHONE 409 BOB PEPPING, Owner Don't Forget We expect to see you, one and all. at the big Hollowe'en masquerade and dance which gets underway at Club Lilymoor at 8 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 26. Now is a good night to check your cosis here to help you and your children so in helping them you are really helping yourself. Donations arie still needed for many booths. Cakes are needed for the bakery booth, or any baked goods. White .elephants are badly needed and also home canned goods. If you would like to donate for any of these booths just call me, 583-R-l, and I will see that your name is turned in to the proper person. Special for '-r-: THE BOLD LINESOF BUICK'S 1&58 styling are exemplified in the luxury and beauty of the > Buick Special, the big volume seller in the BMck line. Dual headlights and a dazzling new grille add - breadth and lowness to the front end design. The 'Special, which is mounted on a 122-inch wheelbascL ; boasts new and bigger brakes, and exquisite new interiors th&t complement the glamorous exterior .>„?.• colfers. The new miracle air ride and either variable pitch or the revolutionary flight pitch DyaafloW arc optional equipment on. the Special series Which comes in seven models. -- • turtle. Everyone is ihVited. There j will he prizes and refreshments will be available. All proceeds of the evening will go toward establishing a fund for permanent roads In Lilymoor. The entertainment and "decoration committee has worked hard to make this an enjoyable evening for all who attend. Birthday* Happy birthday to Fred Fradinardo on Oct. 27. Diana Lee Belford will blow out five birthday candles on Friday, Oct. 25. Call 596-W-2 for your news, birthdays, anniversaries, etc. When a woman is dieting, best not to argue with her. DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 136 S* Green Street, McHenry ((Heated Thursday Afternoons) ITBS EXAMINED - GLASSES KITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOUl&S: DAILY B TO 12 A.M. and 1 TO 5 PJL FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:30 P.M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE McHENRY 452 It Pays to Advertise In The McHenry Plaindeakt: ; •>: RUPTURE -EASER lakes life Worth living FOR MEN, WOMEN, CHILDREN ^ JSet Sid* $4 PevW* I5.W 1,1, BUF. ibtant,, lift thlntjfn53u atrntun-KiMmr.a S obfit,l t*ru mt aiUntei WnmMti u*ko lldai prutsd*u cwlbitlh*o ut goak- ^ *ssai nb«akp ihno lBfnCa KIa nQd lr«I ni mMcbraapr*i-, BtoMfct uciMtini»d lKoswMt «pra iWt oif A«k- Of Joitili OvrlJOOOjOOQGttiHhlVmi* BOLGER'S PHONE 40 IS HEADING YOUR WAY WATCH FOR THE ALL-ltEW for AT VOlM AUTHORIZED QUALITY OEALER'* LTTTU BILL says SSsS ^ > S-5 i i" i ^ : -- v j . ? :r o- An •lectrlc dryar will dry this nor. men'f T>Bhirts, 8 pillowcaBee, 3 chil- «m»1 8-lb. load for only, dren's dresses, 2 luncheon clotha. :--time only 26 to 30 minutea. mat O-JD. LOAA tor qmy W^UUEII. 3 bath towels, 4 hand 'towels, 2 Nothing's fasfor, nothing's cleaner-- and electric dryers ore completely automatic COST? tltCTRIC DRYERS cost : >30 to 160 less fo bvy 'iHian diiy Other kind. S«o your oloctrk apptkmco Q C«n««Mlth UIM Ctttyttjr A now eiecfric dryer will ^rape oat your wSe^s weather worries on washday (and costs less to boy thahanyt>ther kihtf). And for just 6ff a load, electric dryers give you the cleandst way to dry clothes. Clean, dry, radiant electric heat--like the sun--turns out clothes that are soft, sweet-smelling every time. Fast, too. Today's ele load m 25 to 30 minutes. AU eli mafic, nothing to Hght, no i quire service. We think you'U be dealer tells you how little It electric dryer. <$ Piffle Service 'Company