>rr'- Wed In October PERSONALS m i n i u m u i i m i i H Tell Engagement Of Janice Mikota At a r e c e n t dinner at the McHenry Country club, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mikota announced sspifll S)aa^AterA ^tlewb by lillliaa Bossier JANICE MIKOTA the engagement of their daughter, Janice Margaret, to Robert O. Bauspies, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bauspies. No date has been set for the wedding. Christen Daughter Of Herbert Hurtts The infant daughter of A 2-C and Mrs. Herbert J. Hurtt waS christened recently at the Holy Name chapel. West Palm Beach Air Force base, Fla., with Fr. Phanning officiating at the ceremony. The infant was named Deborah Leigh. Acting as sponsors for the baby Were George W. Burker and Laura Burker, with Miss Eileen Stilling pf McHenry acting as proxy sponsor. The infant wore a lovely white silk dress, trimmed in hand-made insertions and tatting edged, the same dress worn by Mrs. Hurtt at her baptism. Mrs. Hurtt is the former Betty Ann Stilling of Johnsburg and the grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stilling. , Wed In Champaign Good! Our Hallowe'en party Oct. 26 was a huge success. The girls and their escorts had a wonderful time. There was dancing, games were played, singing was enjoyed and some tasty refreshments which I'm sure were enjoyed by all. Prizes were given for the best and funniest costumes for both boys, and girls. The winners of these prizes were Sherry Evans for the best girl's costume and Gail Johnson for the funniest, Arthur Sternickle for the best boy's costume. The winner of the funniest I don't know as I haven't been able to obtain his name. This I do know, they all had a wonderful time. On Monday, Oct. 28, .Bethel 98 held its regular meeting. They had a grand showing. Two new candidates were initiated into the order, Caroline Bruce and Constance Crambeer. Nancy Buckner. our librarian, read a poem on "Friends." Now daughters, don't forget our next meeting Nov. 11 at 7:30 p.m. Worwick Studio Photo MRS. RAYMOND DESKIS Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Deskis have returned from a two-week honeymoon trip and are now residing in McHenry. They were Among the McHenry folks who attended the evening services held for Rev. Ronald Schuler at St. Nicholas church, Aurora, Monday evening of last week were: Mayor and Mrs. George P. Freund, Mr. and Mrs. George J. Freurid, Edward Thennes, John Herdrieh, Charles Herdrkrh, Fred Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Steffan, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Pitzen, Mrs. Joseph B. Stilling, Mr. and Mrs, Vincent Adams, William Tonyan and sons, Mrs. George Gilpin and Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson. Mrs. Hattie Craig and Mrs. Edna Heimer of Chicago, were guests in the A. P. Moritr home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Duke Adams visited their brother-in-law, Kepneth Murray of Mundelein, at St. Theresa hospital, WaukegaivWednesday evening, where he is recovering from surgery. V Mr. and Mrs. Nick B. Freund were guests in the Ted Kaeiin home in Aurora Tuesday of last married in St Patrick's chUrch week and attend the funeral of last month. Wed Recently OSRITAL THE RALPH PATZKES Miss Andrea Hansen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hansen of Chicago, became the bride of Mr. Ralph Patzke, son of Mrs. Pearl Patzke of McHenry, in a pretty wedding ceremony solemnized in University Lutheran church in Champaign, 111., Saturday, Oct. 26. Both attended the University of Illinois and are now working in Champaign. They are residing at 1204% West Williams street in that city. HARD TIME PARTY The Friendship Guild of the Zion Lutheran church enjoyed a hard time party at the Polish national bam on Nov. 2. Members and guests enjoyed the evening playing games and dancing. About eighteen couples attended. RESIDENCE CHANGES The McClarey family (she is the McHenry Hospital Patients at the McHenry hospital during the past week were Ingeborg Kegley and Peggy Rae Sutton of Wauconda; Helen Farrell, Amanda Lobitz, Mark Patience, Ronald Rash. Christine Williams, Lavergne Aehlert, John Joseph McMahon and Lina Kilday of McHenry; Mary Booker and William- R. Deckard of Wonder Lake; Marion McCommer of Fox Lake; Hattie Schwabawer of Eastwood Manor; Vernon Thompson and Ludora Winne of Ingleside; Stacy Lindskoog of Fox River Grove; Albert Stowel of Carpenterfeville; Helen Posmer and Paul Uteg of Crystal Lake. Woodstock Memorial Hospital Patients at Memorial hospital, Woodstock, this past week included DeWayne Monte and Frank Meckman of McHenry and Thomas Williams, Frieda Overgard, Gerald Palko, Jr., and Lorene Sorenson of Wonder Lake. Mrs. Paula Barbier is a patient at the Augustana hospital in Chicago, where she underwent surgery. CARD OF THANKS We would like to take this means of expressing our sincere thanks for cards, prayers and visits during the time Mr. Miller was confined to the hospital. We are very grateful to Rev. Fr. Coakley and Rev. Fr. Collins for their kind words spoken at Mass on our fifty-sixth anniversary; also for the thoughtfulness of oUr friends and relatives on this occasion. •27 Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miller.' CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend a sincere thank you to all our friends, neighbors and relatives for their cards, gifts and best wishes extended to us on our twenty-fifth weddfng anniversary. A special thank-you to all those who helped in any way to make our day such a happy one. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Klein Fox Lake Photo by Medlar THE CARL OHLRICHS Miss Marilyn Smith of Johnsburg became the bride of Mr. Carl Ohlrich of .Woodstock in a beautiful wedding ceremony at St. John's church, Johnsburg, on Oct. 19. They will make their home in Woodstock. McHENRY GIRLS ATTEND FUTURE TEACHERS' MEETING Five McHenry girls, Lois May, Mary Etheridge, Kathy Mclnerney, Shirley Lewis and Mary Ann Swenski, all members of the local chapter of the Future Teachers of America, attended the Glenbrook conference at Northbrook last Saturday, sponsored by the Student Illinois Education association. The theme of the conference was "Fall Tales For Action." Group discussions were centered around readiness for college, a blueprint fof meetings, orientation for new clubs, cadet teaching and qualities and selection of members. Rev. Fr. Donald Schuler at St. Nicholas church. Martin Cooney spent the past week at Wayne City, HI. Mrs. Annabel Aicher was a guest in the Van Campen home in Williams Bay Thursday. , Mrs. Myrtle Symonds of Marengo spent a few days the past week as the guest of Mrs. Elizabeth Michels and other McHenry friends. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Damm of Kenosha, Wis., were Sunday guests of her mother, Mrs. Zena Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phaltn and daughter, Diane of Waukegan, were Sunday guests of McHenry relatives. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Goll of Harvard were dinner gueSJts in the Elmer Winkelman home Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bacon vlbited in the home of their daughter, Mrs. James Ballotti and family fit Sycamore Saturday evening^ Harvey* Nye and A1 Jurs of Crystal Lake, spent^ Saturday as guests of their daughters, Mary Nye and Marge Jurs at Dekalb, where they attended the football game and Father's Day banquet. Sunday guests in the Robert Thompson home were Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Godar and family, MrS. Floyd Thompson of Naperville, and William Van Natta of Crystal Lake. Mrs. Tony Babnick and son of Waukegan, were callers on Monday. Mrs. Arnold Reinert of Elgin, called on her mother Mrs. Catherine Young Sunday. Mrs. Irene Guffey and * granddaughter Patty Guffey of Richmond were Chicago visitors Saturday. Mrs. John Reinert, Mrs. Elmer Layden and twin daughters, Karen and Kimberly, of Elgin, visited McHenry relatives Wednesday. Mrs. Walter Haufe of Neenah, Wis., spent a fewdays last week in the home of her sister, Mrs. A. J. Grever. Mrs. Leslie Olsen is visiting her sister Mrs. Harold Steel of Grand Rapids, Mich.; in the home of her other sisters. Misses Myra and Edna Speaker, in Richmond today (Thursday). r-'yx'Kzi yi-:•*v-4x'?: PJJLINBEALER I » » J H to Tailiampa , \w.* I ^ \ A RUMMAGE SALE The Greenwood W.S.C.S. will O.E.S. News by Lillian Bossier Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bienapfl and Mr. ahd Mrs; . Dale Dixon and children were guests in the Brug^ ger home in Kenosha, Wis., Sunday1" where Brugger birthday. . _ Th Arnold May family osf Spring Grove were guests in the Bernard Jung home Sunday where thejr helped Peter Blake celebrate h|j% eighty-second birthday. Mrs. Robert Conway visited in the Norman Calbow home in Cry* tal Lake Sunday. Mrs. Elaine Horstman, daughter Karen and Bob Bigelow, of Ft. Jennings, Ohid, were weekend guests in the Leo Blake home; Sunday visitors were Mr. and Mrs;, John Wolowic and spns, of Druce Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. William Wetland and Mrs. Robert Conway, Judy and Robbie attended a reception at K of C. ,hali Elgin, Oct. 26, honoring Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson. Mrs. Wilson wak the forncier Judith Whalen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Whalen (Mary, Celinfe Adams). ' Dr. and Mrs. Edgar Peaslee were called to Long Island, N. Y., Sunday by the critical illness of his father. Mr/ and Mrs. Anton Stark of Zenda, Wis., and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rosing tof Libertyville were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Art Smith and sons of Chicago visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Liertz of Racine, Wis., ,were guests of Mrs. Frances Thorne this week. Mrs. Eldred Johnson, John F. Knox, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Latires, and Mrs. Elsie Wolf, the latter of Lake Forest, left Monday for Florida, where they will spend the winter. CARD OF THANKS On behalf of the McHenry Community P.T.A., we want to thank the entire cofhmunity for their splendid cooperation and generous donation of'time and money which made our One'fund raising project of the year so successful as well as providing an evening of fun for the entire family. We are most grateful to all who helped in any way. • Mr. and. Mrs. 'Charles Peterson, Co-Presidents, McHenry, P.T.A. 27 CARD OF THANKS This is but a small way to show my deep appreciation to the many people who hftd so much to do in •my recuperation from recent surgery. Their prayers, cards and visits meant so much to me as did the wonderful. qare from the doctors, nurses and aides of McHenry hospital. Thank you all so much. "ZJtl,' Mrs. Ralph Smith CARD OF THANKS We want to tafte thi> opportunity to express our appreciation for cards, and other thoughtful gestures by our friends and neighbors in McCullom Lake during our recent bereavement. Mrs. Pearl Padelford and 27 Mr. and Mrs. Victor Howe IN MEMORIAM In memory of Peter C. Simon, Who passed away Nov. 5, 1951. 27 . Wife, Mae Simon . Qldsmobile for 1958 offers a completely rcaijritd body, featuring the new "mobile look." This distinctive and tasteful styling in the "38" Holiday coupe harmoniously employs horizontal trim to emphasize its long, flow.n* lines and low silhouette. lite ultra-modern thin line rcof sweeps rearwards to the,top of the enlarged single-piece rear window. The redesigned front end is distinguished by new four-beam headlamps, recessed style grille with narrow aluminum loavero, tnl lower sleek hood'line. Dominant in Oldsmobile'a 19&8: styjing: are striking twin blades that sweep down the Tear fender crown. Choice of three Rocket engines .with improved economy, is offered in the. 1958 Oldsmobile, which has a smoother Jetaway Hydra-Matic transmission and New* Matie Ride, a new concept of air suspension, available as a desirable-option. REPUBLICAN CLUB SPONSORS TALK BY H. T. EVERINGHAM The McHenry County Women's Republican club will sponsor a talk by Harry T. Everingham, founder of executive vice-president of the new anti-welfare state organization, "WE, THE PEOPLE," on Wednesday evening, Nov. 20,,at 8 o'clock in the county court house, Woodstock. * Residents of the county are cordially invited to hear Mr. Everingham speak on "Our Heritage, For a Mass of. Socialism,," ap inspiring talk designed to help everyone gain a clearer understanding of the. workings of our government. Mr. Ever Ingham's talk will point out his view that it is not our government any more --it's a government of the ignorant taxpayers, by the entrenphc bureaucrats and for the gre pressure group leaders. There will be no admission Charge to this open meeting, and refreshments will be served. BANK former Harriet Boger) have moved sponsor a rummage sale at the ooTn i^WWaaunkireogoafn0 stre^et, f?oormgeerr lPy *oacce- Mq eth_od ist c„hu .r,ch fr-om 9 a.m. to T . cupied by Mr. and Mrs. Harold 9 pm" °" Fnday' Nov" 15* ^ Frett and children. The latter are one havine donations is asked to now residing on north Park ave- bring them to the church by Nov. 12. My apologies to Harry Hansen and Mrs. Bailey for not mentioning their names as new members of the Eastern Star. My apologies are extended to all of the rest of you who became members throughout the year and whose names I failed to mention. We welcome all of you into our order. Our next regular meeting will be Nov. 12, which also happens to be election night. Let's see all of you out on this night if possible. BENEFIT SALE , Sister Andreella, who is in charge of music at St. Mary's parochial school, will assist in the annual benefit sale of gifts §^St. Joseph convent, 1501 S. Layton Blvd., Milwaukee, Wis., next weekend. The' sale begins Nov. 9 and continues through Nov, 17 from 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. A wide assortment of gifts is available. A PICTURE of BEAUTY Be a picture of beauty by letting one of our trained hair stylists style your hair especially for you. We have all full time operators. We take great pleasure in introducing our latest member. MR. WALTER Also on hand to Serve You are Mr. George Miss Donna Mrs. Adeline Mrs. Leverne YOUR LOVELINESS IS OUR BUSINESS £R.iverstJe 9"fairslyltiinngg okzf/l utuJaii o McHenry, 11L Phone 147 OyM Xnea* Shun, and FrL Evenings *tH 9 tU 9. Riverside Drive Open Tue*, Than, and WrL Evening* ta • winter's just around the corner Time to mqlce winter clothes look their best again I Depend upon our Sonitone Dry Cleaning It get^out All the dirt I You'll be delighted to see how drab, dim colors and patterns snap back to life .. . how the soft luxurious feel of the fabrics is restored. The meanest spots vanish like magic, too .. . and never a trace of dry cleaning odor. Try us today and see the difference Sanitone can make in your family's winter wardrobe. RAINBOW CLEANERS PHONE 927 Around Corner North of National Tea N. FRONT ST. McHENRY, ILL. Open Dally g A.M. To 6 P.M. Open Friday Em Til 9 in a you can withdraw your savings with no aeiay and no lot mal application, explanation or extra cost. Our financial statement shows why there's no substitute for "Money in the Bank". Cash and high grade marketable securities of $7,500,000 offset over 60% of our deposits. in a bank you establish a credit reference second to none, in a bank you can obtain a vast array of services available nowhere else under one roof -- savings accounts, checking accounts, personal loans, commercial loans, real estate loans, safe deposit boxes, financial assistance and guidance, and many others. in a bank such as McHenry State Bank your deposits are insured up to $10,000.00 by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation which insures availability as well as safety. "Money in the Bank" is a quality investment in security-unequaled by other thrift devices such as share accounts, corporate stocks and bonds, and mortgages. It's cash where you want it -- available when you need it. - * There's no substitute for "Money in the Bank" McHENRY STATE BANK >' PHONE 1040 Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Member Federal Reseive. System Interest Paid on Savings Deposits