SBURG NEWS Due to the holiday than thus it is quite short. Be to call next week and share news items with others. I'm each one would have some tidbit to report so this can maintain a few colof print each week. Your calls keep this column go- Strike!!! Was heard quite often last Wednesday afternoon when some of our lady Foresters congregated at 'the Bowlirig Resort. These ladies have been having a real good time oh these particular afternoons and wish to share them with other members of the court. They intend to bowl again on Wednesday, afternoon,. Dec. 4 at 1:30 sharp so if you are interested, come on down to the bowling alley.' Freund, Michael son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyydd F reiind and Craig, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Freund all turn six this month. Congratulations to Betty Howie Freund upon their anniversary, which they brated oh Nov. 22. Be«t wishes to all. EASTWOOD MANOR Mrs. Bill Herdrich and family of Chicago visited with her sisterin- law and family, the Ed Hefcter- Nlght Off While on the subject of bowjing the 7 o'clock ladies league, which bowls on Thursday evenings will have a night off on Nov. 28, due to the Thanksgiving holiday. I'm sure most of the ladies were aware of this fact but this is just a reminder in case you were not informed. Touchy Subject Once again I have been asked to warn dog owners to keep their "canine cuties" in their own yards. Some dogs are running loose through town and the various subdivisions disrupting garbage cans, ruining shrubbery and scaring the (Smaller children. It would be so much easier to keep ydur dog at home than to run into trouble with your neighbors. So dog owners please heed this advise. Mean Mr. JHompa TTie bug which swells the young ones faces has been striking in groups recently. Terry Kruger Was well on her way with the mumps when she shared them With her younger brother Mark, Karen Hettermann was not to be outdone by her sister Joy, so, fhe contracted the mumps the day •fter her sister and kept each other company. Seems both jchools have their share of absentees due to this particular illness. Mrs. Joe Freund of McHenry and Mrs. Helen Hettermann visited Carol Ann Stilling at St. Coletta's schopl in Jefferson,' Wis. last Thursday. On Tuesday of last week, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pitzen. attended the confirmation rite of their daughter, Susan, at St. Coletta's school. Bill and Dolly Schmitt of Elmwood Park joined many of their friends for dinner at Hettermann's last Tuesday evening. SUNNYSIDE ESTATES HOME OWNERS BUILD NEW BUS SHELTER The regular monthly meeting of the Sunnyside Estates Home Owners' association was held* recently at the home of the president, Harold Palmer. Coffee and cake were served by hostesses Polly Stevens, Carol Kennebeck and Olsen Kimbro. Polly was appointed chairman of the refreshments which will be served at every meeting. Future meetings will be held in the basement of the Kennebeck home every first Thursday of the month at 8 p.m. One of the first accomplishments of the association was the construction of the bus shelter and street signs. The children will appreciate the sheflter on these cold mornings. Some volunteers are needed again to put the roofing on the shelter and also give it another coat of paint. Please contact Harold Palmer if you can spare a few minutes. Some try hard and fail to achieve recognition, and others seem to c o m m a n d r e c o g n i t i o n w i t h o u t making the least effort We think you would be interested in knowing that Miss Karen Olson who has been working locally has accepted a position teaching first grade at St. Mary's We wish her lots of success in he Garages seem to be popping up like mushrooms around our subdivision and I guess it is something we all need to keep the old bus running all winter. Latest to get a nice two-car job put up is the Dick Reid family. Happy Birthday Well, it seems like November was the. month to be born' in because we have quite a few celebrating their natal day this month. Ward Hansen and Nancy Shaw are celebrating their birthdays with a combined party. Approximately twentyrseven of. the neighborhood kids to attend. Nancy was 3 the twenty-third and Ward was 3 the twenty-fourth. Gary Stoll will be 4 years^old the twenty-seventh and Cheryl Fenner was 1 year old the twenty- fifth. Dolores Pickett was 6 years old Nov. 26. We couldn't find out how old Connie Dethlefson will be the twenty-sixth--but that's the day she's celebrating. Best wishes and many happy returns to everyone. Bunco Club The Octets had their regular meeting this past week. Vern Bauer won first prize; Lillian Zgorski, second prize; aand Erike Haldeman placed third. Next meeting will be at Ann Riiter's home. Outing Did you see a familiar face on one of the noontime kiddie TV shows this week? If so, it was Carey Fenner. who was very thrilled at his outing. Godparents Betty and Dick Lahman were happy to be sponsors for little Cheryl Hudg. the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hudg, at St. Pet- Lutheran church InMilwau- Betty and Dick plan to spend Thanksgiving at pick's mother's home in Chicago for a family party with relatives from California, who will be there for the holiday. Congratulations to Tim and Lois McCormack on their seventeen years of wedded bliss. They are celebrating this important event Nov. 30. Vacationer Well, Ken Noonan is at it again --he's got another week's vacation and hopes to get in a little hunting. Pheasant for Thanksgiving, Ken? Sick List We are happy that the flu seems to be pretty well on the wane at last, as Billy Urban is the only one we know of laid up this week. Hope he is up and at 'em again soon. . . For anyone who wishes ihe paper delivered, Mike Noonan is the paper carrier and will be happy to serve you. His phone is 2628-W. With the holidays, there should be plenty of parties and entertaining-- so jot down your news items and call them in please. GOOD RABBIT YEAR Prospects for a banner year' for rabbit hunters in Illinois are Indicated by a report released by the state Department of Conservation. Information received as a result cof surveys made by the division through conservation officers and farmers show that in all hut a few instances the rabbit population is larger than that of last year. Rabbits may be hunted with gun and dog, gun dr dog, or bow and arrow between Nov. 23 and Jan. 20. Shooting is permit ed from sunrise to sunset. Daily limit is five. After openings day it is legal to have 10 rabbits in possession. Council Compares Safety Thanksgiving To Grandma's Day Members of Plymouth colony had good reason in December ,1621, for looking forward to the •forthcoming festival of thanksgiving-- a difficult year had ended and a successful harvest Was completed. Now 33^.. years later, homemakers have'equally good reason for looking Jfcrward to Thanksgiving. They know that with a little caution in the some advance preparation--chances are pretty good that; they ahd their families will survive the national holiday unscathed. Of course-there still are hazards connected with the event, even though they're not quite the same as those the settlers faced. Today, fixing the feast is as easy as -- weD, as opening a package (make that several packages) of frozen food, according to Miss .Martha Kohl, home economist of the National Safety Council. The 20th . century homemaker can, by planning ahead, keep lastminute- . • preparations . to d Minimum. With the help of a freezer she can prepare the fruit cocktail, cranberries, turkey and pies days ahead of time/ Miss Kohl Or, if she wants, she cart buy most of the Thanksgiving meal in prepared mixes that require little work or time. Well,, just what- hazards does Mrs. Homemaker of' 1957 face, then? "As usual, everyone will want to get into the act in- the kitchen," Miss Kohl said. "Not only do too many cooks spoil the broth, but too many cooks clutter up the kitchen, and may cause the' homemaker to get flustered, perhaps trip or slip, or spill things. , What can homemakers do to make Thanksgiving a day of lei-, sure---one to spend, with friends i and relatives--rather than. a day of danger? 1 Miss Kohl advises that they: 1. Get ready for the meal ahead ot time by much of the food. 2. Get a good night's sleep (that goes for the whole family), then Start the day off right with a good breakfast to keep fatigue at 3. Keep children -- V hazard greater than sharp knives or hot pans--out of the kitchen. 4. Be cautious when cooking the meal. 'Just because you're using an electric or gas stove instead of an old-fashioned woodburner doesn't mean you're safe from burns," Miss Kohl said. Through all the holiday hubbub, one member of the family keeps pretty well out of the --the man of comparison, he soft •••'. His time comes, though, the turkey must be carved, his forefathers, he'll be himself to danger from a carving knife. - Miss Kohl, however, has a couple of tips for him, too: "Be sure the knife's sKarp. And cut away from you." she said. Like|| Join the Christmas Club. 29-tf SANTA WILL BE AT Watch for next weeks advertisement. : Congratulations Corner A Happy Birthday to Dick Marshall who admits being a "lit* tie over 21" as of Nov. 19. The Freunds seem to have November in Common as far as their netal day is concerned. Joanne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Mason Contractors and L Builders of New GonstracMoa and Remodellnf CONSTRUCTION COMPANY PHONE 409 BOB FEPFENG, Owner OPENING SAT., NOV. 30th Under New Management P I Z Z A - LARGE CHEESE $ & SAUSAGE THE VERY FINEST OTHERS FROM *1.00 & UP 1.85 PROFEJJIOriRL DIRECT0RV DR. JOHN C. GOETSCHEL Chiropractic Physician Naprapathic Manipulation Steam Baths and Massage 804 East Elm Street McHenry, I1L Honrs: Mon., Toes., Wed. ft Frl. 10 sjn, to 12 p.m. 1:80 p.m. to S:30 pjn. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m. to I p.m. Phone McHenry 748 ITALIAN BEEF & SAUSAGE SANDWICHES -- FRIDAYS SPECIAL FISH FRY DINNER INCLUDES FRIES -- SLAW -- BREAD 85e CHILDRENS PLATE - 50* ALSO SERVING DELICIOUS Jumbo Shrimp - Steak and Chicken ' WE ARE NOW FEATURING Mrs. Steven's Candies COME ON OUT - LET'S GET ACQUAINTED WATCH FOR OUR GRAND OPENINING TOWER GRILL & PIZZA Black Dirt Dredging Tel. McHenry 1SSQ Kt 5, Box 1070 McHenry, 111. EARL R. WALSH INSURANCE (Hn, Auto, Farm & Life Insurance Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When Ton Need Insurance of Any Kind PHONE 48 or 958 treeo A Elm . McHenry, 111 SCHROEDFTR IRON WORKS Ornamental M Structural Steel Visit Onr Showrooms 8 Miles South on Rt. 81 PHONE 950 H. F. HARRISON CO. Realtors Insurance • Real Estate Appraisals Phone 1910 405 W. Ebn Street JOHN SHARK FOR PROFESSIONAL attention to your LIFE INSURANCE needs call on Larry Booster -- Virgil Pollock The New England Mutual Life Insurance Company <04 E. Elm St. Phone 2500 Exp«rt PIANO TUNING and Repairing A. O. SKA LA c/o Steffan's Jewelry Store 514 W. Main Street PHONE Its -J WARD BEAM AN RT. 120 LAKEMOOR % MILES WEST OF McHENRY lYi MILES WEST OF ROUTE 12 DR. M. D. SAVAGE Veterinarian Richmond, Bl. Daily Hours: 1 to 2 p-m. except Thursday. Evenings-' Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 7 to 8 p.m- Phone Richmond 8921 luuiinimniiHiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiuiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuifuiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiuuiiiiiiiiiiiuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiioiitiiniiiiiiiiuuiiiiiiiiiiiSii^ Other hours by appointment. „ • I* firestoiu . W l \h GUARANTEED TO 60... RU ICE, MUD or SNOW ALL SIZES ON SALE 20^0FF SAVE TO t/2 Of New Tire Price With FIRESTONE TOWN & COUNTRY WINTER TREADS applied on sound tire bodies or on your tires Same tread quality, width, depth and design as new Town & Country tires! ots. -f «•••• • " .. WINDSHIELD KE and SNOW SCRAPER No cost or obligation! 16 99 6.70-15 Black •Plus tax and recappable tire All Sizes on Salel ' 'x * r - r ^ ^ \ /A V SAM SAV \ % * ' * , S. S N VU, rf Check That Battery Now! FIRESTONES FAMOUS Dry Charge Batteries From $3:00 to $6.00 TRADE-IN for your old BATTERY .X, If SPECIAL ^PERMANENT $160 ANTI FREEZE Z * PASSENGER • TRUCK TRACTOR TIRES ALL SIZES ON SALE McHENRY TIRE MART 526 W. Main Street Walt Freund* Prop. OPEN SUNDAY 111 it NOON PHONE 294 k . McHenry, Illinois