&«rs,i1$/i fh> k> ~ \' '-i Lake News by Jane Ducey (Continued from page 11) mond Watkins welcomed Jack Falkenthal and swore him in at the meeting of the Harrison .school board Tuesday night. Mr. •Falkenthal is filling the unexpired term of Wallace Sinclair who resigned his post. * The investment of $40,000 in treasury bills will make $329 irf interest this quarter, it was reported. This is the money received in taxes, which the board invests until needed. > Merl Thomas, principal, reported the * mejical opinion is that there-will be a possible recurrence pf flu in January and February and that immunizing shots plus observance of general health care are recommended to forestall more absenteeism in students. " He stated that the. parent-teachef conferences were very successful this year, with the parents of all but thirteen students accepting the invitation to confer. It was announced that the Harrison chorus has been invited to sing at the McHenry- county education association meeting at Woodstock, March 14. The school district has had an unexpected grant of $1,484. This money is part of the loanable fund over which the school trustees hard supervision, at one time. When the State legislature terminated the loanable fund the money was held at interest until they decided to return it to the* school districts. Since this money was not in the budget for the year. Mr. Thomas tusked the board to consider using it for some of the items the budget had not allowed. The possible purchase of tape recorders fofr class room use, gym mats, warm-up suits for the team, uniforms, radios, chorus robes and a microphone with stand were considered. The board decided to purchase gym mats, basketball uniforms and cheer leader shirts and the microphone. It was decided to price and test tape recorders and radios and continue discussion at the next meeting. ^ There will be an elementary school principal's conference June 23-27, conducted by the Uhiversity of Colorado to which Mr. Thomas as been invited. The conference is limited to thirty-five men over the entire country. The board voted to subsidize Thomas to the extent of conference registration fee, transportation, room and board. It was voted to skip the Dec. 31 meeting date, that being New Year's Eve. i Etevidspn, wfip is in S(3iw)( Valparaiso, Ind^ spent tne Thanksgiving weekend at Lake-ofthe- Qzarks in Missouri for a change of scene. A 6 lb. 8V*, oz: girl was bo;hi to the Eugene Higgins of Highland Shores at the Memorial hospital for McHenry county Dec. 1. The baby has been named Gloriane and she has an 8 year old sister, Susan, and brother Charles age 5. Mr. and Mrs. John Lorenz, Mrl and Mrs. Arthur Meyers and Mrs. Leonard Rose were among the guests at the golden wedding anniversary celebration of the William Haerles of Wonderview, which was held in Algonquin Dec. 1 at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Orville Gullang. We are sorry to learn that Stanley Fittr© is a medical patient at the Woodstock hospital where tests are being made to aid in diagnosis of his illness. Kay Clark, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clark of . White Oaks Bay, came home from school in Milwaukee for the Thanksgiving holidays. / Carol Maleski, daughter of Mr: and Mrs. Sellinger of. Wonder Woods, was also home for Thanksgiving from Illinois.. college at Jacksonville.. Mrs. Carl Halstrom is recuperating nicely following surgery performed at the Lutheran Deaconess hospital in Chicago Nov. 26. She hopes to come home Sunday or Monday, meanwhile her address is 1138 N. Leavitt St. Room 308. George Janssen of White Oaks Bay reports the best pheasant hunting he has had at the lake in 6 years. He and his son. John, both got their limit on opening day, and several days later they shot 3 birds between them. Mrv Janssen expects next year to be a good season as , a result of the quantity of standing corn this season which provided cover. The Russel Spuehr family went home for Thanksgiving day to have dinner with Elaine's parents Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Larson of Chicago. Kimberly Street, daughter of Bud and Amy Street of Wonder Center celebrated her third birthday with a party at her home Nov. 30 from 3 to 4:30 p.m. Attending were guests from the lake and out of town. Women's Club Meets The Wonder Woods Women's Club met at the home of Mary Sandgren last Monday. The evening was spent filling the stockings which Santa will distribute News Briefs The F. O. Marion family of Look Out Point went to Des MoineS, Iowa for the Thanksgiving holiday, to the home of Mr. Marion's parents. to the children of the subdivision on that day. The next meeting will be the Christmas party Dec. 16, at which a gift exchange is planned. •/unvih or Si ANTHEM! fug •srka&toisiED etaNfeft' ituiSMTitkvbi HAVE BEEN PUBLISHED HAD IT NOT BEEH «5R A IN YEAR OLD PRINTER'S DEVIL, THE ONLY EMPLOYEE REMANING IN THE NEWSMPSt OPrtce WHERE FfWNQ6 SCOTT KEY'S VERSE WAS SUBMITTED. AU. OTHER ABLE BODIED EMPLOYEES WERfe BUSV D£FENOIN« BALTtAMMC ASAMST TUB BRITISH/ BRAVE BIRO HE FAMOUS LOST BATTALION' OF WBRL9 WAR I WA6 SAVED PROM DESTRUCTION) WHEN "CHER AMI A HEROIC PI6E0N, BROUGHT A MESSAGE FROM THE ISOLATED AMERICANS TO THEIR OWN ARTILLERY TO STOP FIRING AT THEIR POSITION. CHERA^I DELIVERED, DESPITE A LOST EYE, BROKEN BREASTBONE AND MISSING LES/ THERE'S NO SURE WAY, BUT "VOU SET A HEADSTART ON HAPPINESS WHEN V0U START BUYING U.S. SCMES C SAVINGS SOMPS--THEY RAY 3ftVo INTEREST WHEN HELD TO MATURITY--AND MATURE 01 8 YEARS II MONTHS. .-*r T«-~ r •, J- f j « <• * rJr The Wonder Lakers who were invited Were Quentin Moeller, Betty Hill, Carl Ann Zapel, Janet Wright, Jackie Specht, and Bebe Liedtke. Jeck Satorius^of Woodstock, recently returned from a trip to Russia was the guest speaker. Attention Barents It has been called to our attention that a number of youngsters have been rushing the season and using the ice on the lake. The freezing is by no means complete and the ice is very unsafe as yet. Public notice will be given when the conditions are safe for skating. School of Fox Lake, and Channel •Lake school of Antioch. Ten cheerleaders will be giving the team their support this year. They are Lynn Gustavson, Susan i Watkins, Jackie Ann Cannon, Judy Wenck, Janet Schimke, Joanne Kline, Nancy Voldness, Cheryl Vacula, Lorell Vacula, and Darlene Basile. Come on out Mom and 'Dad mid add your voice to the din. Lakes League Basketball Conference Harrison schools will be playing basketball this winter with Avon school of La&e Villa, Big Hallow Land Reclassification Hearing . At the hearing before the Mo- Henry county zoning board of appeals in the McHenry city hall last week, ten Wonder Lake residents came to object and to hear the proposal that 183 acres of land adjacent to Wonderview subdi- PUBLIC AUCTION SUNDAY. DEC. 8ih at 12 Noon LAKEMOOR HARDWARE 3ion Be resumed from fapjifn^to Residential. , • ! David R.• Joslyp, i wbp'ipwns the property; 909th;; ond i southeast of Wopderviewv pointed j out on .a plasma®, tlje. areaunder1 question, 'interest and objection lightened when it became apparent that eighty of the 113 acres in the petition frpjit ^n Wonder Jrfike. Harold Bacon, chairman of the board, stated that the question of lake rights was not the concern of the zoning board. The question ,i? purely '"is it a logical development for the area involved." There are five bases for objection to a pe-1 tition for rezoning. They are the ^azard caused by, an . increase in traffic, the hazard from fire, obstruction of light or air, interference with the comfort and well being of people. Overcrowding of schools is not a clear-cut issue, the feeling being'that they must accept the increase that . comes with the development of the- area, Mr. Bacon asserted. Gerson F. Widoff, who owns the 70 acres plot east of Wonderview and between that subdivisibn and the Wonder Lake blacktop, swore under oath to uphold the building and zoning code in effect, should the petition for rezoning be approved. Mr: Joslyn stated that he did not himself intend to develop a subdivision at this time., The zoning board will make its recommendation to the county board of supervisors for its meeting Dec. 10 at 10 a.m. tMi" ko bun of aRiieql, t£; b^ye, the ,Qase brpug^tto Mle qirq^it <»urt and kskthat it ne re<^ewe^.. However, th^ review . would bp . Qt the', evidence' already presented .at tile hearing before .the zoj^rig.'?)>ojB^4> There were five objectors, each representing himps^if. Mr. Bacon pointed out that the hearing is the placG for a defhohst'ration of ;the objection of the residents of ( Wonder Latye. H6 Stated that ai lui'ge tuf*n-out would be imprfessive. * Squad Car DlscnSsIon To provide a. rough draft of a po^sihle pj^n for a patrol car in the, area, toyr ihjen checked outj a route, circling • throygh all the. subdivisions,. and making . five minute stops at twelve points which w^re intersections and places of business, wher^ the car; could be reached by phone'. The" Oolite covered thirty miles 'and took tWo and a half hours* including- the five-minute lay-overs. Three reasons were giyen for the" lay-overs; to. patrol the stop sign at the intersections, to serve as call stations, and to point up the fact that the' area was patrolled, which a marked police car provide, according to Sheriff Herendeen. In order to get the plan into operation on a trial basis so that the merit and difficulties could be better judged, a 1949 car has been' ! donated to be used for a squad 'car. The men npw deputized>a^ tile L£kd have'.ffcreed to operate* the patrol without pay for rf kik hionth trial period. 1 The capital investntent is also available, ssomfes checks having been donated,, with more pledged should the proposal become an actuality. / •; Pdjama Party 1 i -; , Sharon (Peanuts) ' of( Highland Shores' c^ebrated, her , seventeenth birthday Nov, 29 . with a pajama party for friends. Linda (Ipink} Millet^ Donna (Dimples) Jensen, Valeria (Yaya) Buss,, and Karen (Mac) Viverito went to Johnsburg for dancing and; pizza. The girls in very high spirits went to Peanuts' hou^e in Dimple's -car, singing songs all the way home. GOOD RBSUUS when Mr. Buyer meets Jifr.Se//et rA inthe^ There mother s served cajte, ice;;'* v cr^un and coffee, while ^he girls] : - listened tp; bop music wid told- ? stories. Peanuts related a spook. *• ? stoijy j^itil the -girls' fell! asleep;^ ^ j lliey Were awakened at 8:30 a.mu X: 5 hy dogs Lisa and Penny jumping around the , room and by the -r aro: Tilt ima, of cotfee. bicori -and eggs.'1 gitl^ will always remenil tl)e ! wbhderjtiil time at SharG pf^y. . ' ' , OrandOpeniilg: Jhe Circle Inn, formerly Ror,. laine Qriil, had its grand opening., the four days of, Thanksgivings weekend. Highlight of the .event w^s the' menu of venison, which w<as served. Support The lied Cross If you would be bov every drag item from Prescription Specialist's • What is mole important than the health of your household? Why "take chances" with the -'health items" that assure their wellbeing? It is safer and more satisfactory to buy every drug item in a drug store. Only a pharmacist is fully qualified to dispense such merchandise, and to counsel you in the proper selections. We'll welcome the patronage of your family. Bolger's drug store 108 So. Green Phone 40 McHenry, I1L Lakemoor, 111. 4-H FT A Banquet Six area young people were honored at the annual 4-H. FFA recognition banquet sponsored by the Woodstock Chamber of Commerce Tuesday, Dec. 3. at the Community high school in Woodstock. TTie invitation to the award winners read, in part. "Without a doubt, your successful efforts in 4-H and FFA activities qaulify you for outstanding leadership in the coming year." 16 Rand Rd. (Route 120) HARDWARE & PAINTS Complete lines hand tools, power tools, toys, games, pumps, elec. supplies, pipe and fittings, painter's supplies, garden and const, tools, wire, glass, cookware, elec. appliances, nails, nuts, bolts, furnace parts, lite fixts., hyd. jacks, doors, auto supplies, etc. Also Pittsburgh paints, varnish oils, stains, solvents, brushes, etc. LI FIXTURES & EQUIPMENT H Office machines, add. mach., desks, display counters, P.A. system, stove, wall cases with fluor. lites, etc. Inspection Saturday, Dec. 7th, 11--3. For further information call, write J. MILLER & CO. Auctioneers -- Liquidators -- Appraisers 3823 N. Lincoln Ave. or 2-5852 DIRECT. TO SALE: Route 12 or 41 North to 120. Take 120 West 1% miles of 12. to sale. JUST RECEIVED A TELEGRAM FROM S A N T A NOW, LET'S GET to the POINT! Let's talk advertising In terms of YOUR b u s i n e s s . J u s t r a i ) McHenry 170 or 171. McHENRY PLAINDEALER What's the point of advertising? It's as simple as this. If you have something to sell, the more people who know about it, the more you will sell. Your ad in this paper affords the quickest way, for the leapt money, to get your selling story befpra the mos) people. It it pays to sell* il pays to advertise . . . because advertising IS selling; geared for large-scale, profitable- results! - ' ^IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfjH SANTA'S HEADQUARTERS NORTH POLE DEC. 5, 1957 Have completed your huge order. Will arrive on schedule. Have the most wonderful selection of toys ever and many surprises too! Sure looking forward to seeing all my fine little friends again. SANTA CLAUS REMEMBER NOW! SUNDAY DEC. 8th 1 TO 4 P. M. YOUR CHRISTMAS GFT CENTER ALTHOFF'S HARDWARE FREE GIFTS FOR THE KIDS 501 MAIN ST. Phone 2S4 Mi-: \