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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Dec 1957, p. 25

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iPW; t- /* * ~w ^ McHENRY PLAINDEALEB \ Richmond Community News J! y+y PhylUx .OktImo Wedding - Miss Pat Elclredge became the bride of Mr. Loyola Fitzmauriee on Saturday, Nov. 23 at a jjUptial Good -fellowship Group This afternoon ' the Good Fellowship Group of t^e Community church met at the htane of Isabel Mass in. Holy Name Cathedral, Winget. Mrs. Cora Stewart was Chicago. "Hie bride. i& the daugh- the co-hostess. Instead of bringter of Mr. and Mrsv Charles Eld- ing grab-bag giftstj the ladies redge of Richmond and the groom brought gifts for children. is the son of Mr£. Laura Fitzmauriee of Berwyn. The bride's parents had a reception at their home in Richmond after the wedding. The bride wore a blue lace street length dress, blue hat and N Veil. Her sister, Marjorie, was her bridesmaid and wore . a toast- Christmas Party The women of Grace church held their Christmas party Monday -evening. Cub Pack Meeting The Cub Pack will meet Moh- , , .„ , ... ,. day evening at the high school for polored^ silk^ dress with matching I its December meeting. Den 3 will hat and veil. have the skit and Den 5 will fur- The bride is a graduate of Richmond- Burton high school and Lawrence college. The groom graduated from Fenwick high school and from Loyola university. After a short honeymoon, the newlyweds will live in Cicero. Mr. Fitzmauriee is employed at the Tampco employment agency in Chicago. Rotary Last week the Richmond Rotary had the district governor, Ralph Morgan as its guest speaker. He was well received for he is a good story teller. This ' week was rural-urban night and each member was to nish refreshments. Next Thursday the. Cub Scout round table will be held in Hebron at the high school. Home for Thanksgiving Many 6f the college students of our community were home for Thanksgiving. Some of them were Steinke, home from St. Olaf college in Northfield, Minn., Cheri Lee Kruse. home from Washington university in St. Louis, Mo., Jim Harris home from the University of Illinois at Champaign, Terry Gunderson, home from the University of Iowa at Iowa City, Karen Prouty and Janet Vierke, home from Northern 111. University at DeKalb, Bob Christensen wMh to.!!ear and SS the county conservation officer I speak. Don Rawlins was in charge of the program. The dinner was served in the Eastern Star hall. Next week the male members of the school staff will be invited to Rotary. On Dec. 17 there will be a Christmas party with the Rotary Anns invited. The dinner will be held at the Community church. water college at Whitewater, Wis. and Jack Hora, home from Macomb. Pag* Twentyfto near Spring Grove. YTe hope both families Will senjoy living ifi town. New Teachers Last week Mrs. Eggers started teaching the fifth grade at the Richmond school. She lives on the horse farm near Spring Grove. She has substituted ir, several of the grades in the past few weeks. , Sympathy Our sympathy to Mft and Mrs. Alan Lackey of Twin Lakes on the loss of the prematurely born son last Friday. Mrs. Lackey is the former Virgene Schultz of Richmond. il!i?lililir.l!l!l:l!ril:liHKl!l3iL:lll!i>llllliil>lilttiLil1l,i!l!III!liUillLliK1!M | ers are certainly with Mrs. He- McCullom Lake News i """•for"spMdy rec°veiy- Eve Levesque Week's Vacation In 18 Hours i|iFllflII!l!ISIiiil!ill!l;l!Illili|ll!l!Ii)!l!l.'lililiijMil:l.t!lil1l!ltt!Kltl!IEIH!tll 1 j Jake Levesque and five of his ! naval cohorts left Glenview, Sat( Continued from page 24) urday morning, Nov. 23 for Den- „ T-. „ .. ver, Colon in a four engine trans- S"* wLS Pc wa rf s i? port Plane. It was a training idea, .When the rink closed, we - - Here and There. Vivian Gargara came home Jr ™nK ™ flight. While in Denver, they tour drove back to McDonald s where, ed th^ surroundi countryside hot beef sandwiches potato salad, and visited Cent^ City/saw cole slaw, and pickles were wait- vvorkin Jd mi Lookout ing. The girls all brought a pot , Mountain, pike'S Peak, and even to pass.' Twas good sport! j Buffalo Bill>s grave cram. med a lot of vacation in eighteen Surgical Patients hours. They returned home on The day after the arrival of Sunday. Sharon Gaye, Evie Harrison was ' 1 whipped into surgery at Memorial Party Girl hospital,Woodstock, and had her ; Arrayed in her prettiest frock, frv^m • • append!^ removed. She is "on i Miss Louise Matthesius greeted from the hospital on Thanksgiving ^ m/nd- ^ow. j her guests with day. Helen Klemstein is also home from the hospital. ; Mrs. Ralph Thomas of Solon Mills is a patient in St. Joseph's hospital, Elgin, where she has had surgery on her eye. She will probably. have more e^e surgery and will still be hospitalized for awhile. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Baker of Morris, were Saturday dinner guests at the home of Myra and Edna Speaker. The Bakers had attended a wedding in Delavan, Wis., and called on the Misses Speaker. The Vernon Harris family spent Thanksgiving in Chicago. The H. Carlsons also spent Thanksgiving day in Chicago. Our sympathy to Mrs. Hage, a winning smile Bruce Thacker, the little lad ; for her eighty birthday which was who had his naoUth burned during celebrated on Sunday, Nov. 24. In the vacuum cleaner episode, was attendance were. Barbara. Mike scheduled for plastic surgery on and Frank Lorch; Mark, Janet Tuesday morning. We'll report and Guy Hansen; Bonnie Burg; the outcome next week. ^ Kathy arid'Mike Schmitt; Sandy As of this writing, 'Mrs. Marge . ^ Olsen was due to undergo surgery " ' lot te and Diane Tofor a re-occurring ailment on ° < Karen McKim; and Nancy Wednesday. She was to be hos- and John Matthesius. pitalized on Tuesday. [ The "romp and frolic set" was How about a cherry message loaded with cake, root beer, ice for the patients? You know how creami and catldy and then iTans. much good they do! .Here's hoping for a speedy recovery for all. e cmema- A nughty , I busy day for mother Annie. Another Victim | Formert resident, Mrs.1 Ginger i „Ppo*°Mng Question Hewitt was involved in a tragic ! ^*ie QMery uppermost in Ole Olaccident which wity, lay her up sen's mind is the number of mosuntil April. The details appear qui toes required to make a pound. first grade teacher, on the loss of elsewhere in the Pl&indealer. She To anyone who can supply the anher mother. Next Wednesday night the The First Maybe it isn't really the first step for before thisfgtip, many preliminary steps taken, however they are not do easy to see. Saturday excavation was | game, started for the addition to the Community church -in' Richmond. It will house the Sijjada^ school when it is complete&'Vlt 'is exciting to see the pro^t -begin and ..will be even more gifting to see it progress. :- B Basketball Richmond lost two games last week, one to Rockton and one t<J Antioch. The latter was very close though and was only two points lost. There must be a better way to say that. The team will play again tomorrow and Saturday. The grade school team will play Poplar Grove at the high school tonight. The kids really work hard practicing for the grade school P.T.A. will meet at the school. The friendly service group of the Community church met yesterday to continue working on its many projects. Youth Fellowship Sunday evening the %mior Youth Fellowship group met at the Community church to heaifjPr. Bertha Shafer speak. '" The Senior Group went to see the "Te^; Commandments." After the show the 'teenagers returned to Grace church for a potluck supper. Everyone was well fed for the food had variety and culinary interest. The .group will see a movie at its netft'iheeting and on Dec. 22 will go Christinas r1e Brownies e Thursday Brownie troop will have a dinner for their parents tonight at Grace church. The troop will celebrate its second birthday. Mrs. Arnold May is the leader, and Mrs. Kenneth Granger is the co-leader. The girls will soon be ready to Work on their fly-ups which will prepare them for girl scouting. Change of Address Mr. and Mrs. Frank Valentine and their three Children, Kay, Linda and "Barry are living in town now in Margaret Johnson's house. They moved in from the farm a little more than a month ago. *1 Mr. and Mrs. Edmonds and carolling. After singing the kids I their three children are living in will go to Sue Johonott's for a I the McConnell house. They have Christmas party. I moved from one of the Pirie farms Join the McHenry- State Bank Christmas Club. 29-tf too, would love to tear from her ; „ ... , , , , friends and neighbors. Address, ' e most grateful. your cards and letters to Great Lakes Naval Training hospital, Ward D, Great Lakes, 111. Talk about a friend in need! Mrs. Ruth McGinley, Ginger's close associate, has been taking care of the three Hewitt youngsters, and will assume cafe of the wee one after it is born. It has been many years since Ruth has cared for a new born baby and the thought of it is a little frightening. Can't you just see "he-man" Walt walking the floor and warming the 2 a.m. bottle! Seriously, Mrs. McGinley is eternally grateful to all the neighbors who offered assistance when they learned of the tragic accident. Our pray- Over The River, Apd Thru The Woods To Grandmother's house, we go. And that was the destination of Lillian Ringelstetter and her two lads, for Thanksgiving. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walasek own a farm in Columbus, Wis., which is a wonderful place for the boys to romp. Especially chasing the chickens. Lil came home over the weekend and brought her mother along for a short visit. Iowa Journey Mr. and Mrs. Willard Schultz and daughter, Lynne, drove to Ol- He. Iowa on Saturday to attend the funeral of Will's great uncle, Bill Norris, age 71. He passed away after a lingering illness. He was buried in Ames, I6wa. Mr. and Mrs. Norris would have celebrated their fortieth wedding anniversary, Wednesday, Dec. 4. The rest of the family included the widow, Mrs. Lillian Norris, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Tamburino and son, Jim, and Mr. Fred Wohler. • Natal Days Best wishes to Mrs. Dorie Brennan whose birthday is today, Thursday, Dec. 5. Betty Houck will mark her natal day. Monday, Dec. 9. Ole Olsen admits he's a "39er". His birthday is Tuesday, Dec. 10. Two weekends, loaded with news. Do hope you stayed with us until the end. Bye, bye for now. See you next week? CLAIRE BEAUTY SHOPPE Now is the Time to Treat the Ladies for the Holidays Try our permanents and styling done by experienced operators WE ALSO HANDLE PATRICIA STEVENS COSMETICS Which are used by leading models 200 S. Green St. PHONE McHENRY 10 McHenry LEGAL PUBLICATION NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROSE MUSKA FOR A VARIATION OF ZONING CLASSIFICATION. Notice is hereby given in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance of the City of McHenry that a public hearing will be had before the. Board of Zotiing Appeals of the City of McHenry at which time the applicant vvili seek a variation of th^, zoning ordinance as it pertains to the following described real estate so that the same may be re-zoned from its present classification of "R-l" to "R-2" to allow the erection of a duolex ranch style residence: |pt 31 of Edgebrook Heights Addition to McHenry, being a subdivision of a part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 35. Township 45 North, Range 8, East of the 3rd Principal Meridan, McHenry County, Illinois (which lot is located on the corner of Green and Anne Streets in Edgebrook Heights). Said hearing will be held at YOU CAN WIN A PUREBRED REGISTERED HEIFER AND GET A FREE SYRINGE OR TUBE OF $ AUREOMYCIN* Chlort*tracycllii« MASTITIS PRODUCT Wim EACH 5 PURCHASED BOLGER'S PHONE <0 * |S. Green St. McHenry^ [ 7 DAYS O P E N 'TILXMAS GIFTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS FINEST SELECTION* DISCOUNT PRICES 7 KITES McHENRY GIFT ENTERPRISES 3:00 p.m. on Monday, December 23rd, 1957, at the City Hall it*, the City of McHenry, Illinois at which time and place any person or persons desiring to object to such petition will be entitled to be heard. CITY OF McHENRY ZONINC* BOARD OF APPEALS By: FLOYD COVALT Chairman Board of Appeals (Pub. Dec. 5, 1957) •! . r '/r AMAZING NEW WAY TO MAKE COOKIES Triqaer-Quick *9 Exciting ' Shape* • 3 Doeofotinq •Tip# ' Dtal THdnap iDvsirtd * Lead tfr Easy te Um it Easy to Clean • Change Shape* While Gun b Loaded WEAR'EVER QX&EGUTT and Pastry Decorator ££ $475 ioeludtdl VYCITAL'S Hardware Sheet Metal Shop Phone 98 182 S. Green St. McHenry, OL 523 MAIN ST. McHENRY PHONE 2828 B Y . . , The new Nomad--the last word in station wagon style and distinction . . . 4-door thpassenger. 2 CHEVROLET SETS A NEW STYLE IN STATION WAGONS! Two hew Brookwoods--4-door 6-passenger and 4-door 9-pass$^ger models. Luxuriously appointed. •£ for the GIFTS THAT REALLY DELIGHT SEE WHITE ... DRESS SHIRTS Imported White Jacquard Dress Shirts White on White Dress Shirts. Collar attached with French Cuffs. Sizes 14 V6 to 17 Vi *5.95 i O Fancy Colored Dress Shirts Figured Patterns in Blue, Maroon & Brown on White backgrounds with French cuffs. *3.95 Neai Striped Patterns in Assorted colors - collar attached & single button cuffs. *3.95 ^ !• y Meet the year's smartest station wagon set! Chevrolet brings you five new wagons for '58--all long, low and loaded with news. They're more than nine inches longer, dramatical Jower. They set a new style with boldly sculptured lines. And these new Chevrolets are the most practical wagons that ever took to the road. The liftgate is hinged into the roof and raises completely out of the way for easier loading. There's a new easy-opening tailgate, too, and room for longer loads. No station wagon built ever carried loads with more ease or passengers with more comfort! Chevrolet's new standard Full Coil suspension cradles you on deep coil springs at every wheel. And you can have a real air ride as an extra-cost option. Stop by your Chevrolet dealer's and look over the smartest, smoothest going station wagons of them alL totwAto MOM mr Only frartchistd Chevrolet dealendisplay this famous trademark o See Your Local Authorized Chevrolet Dealer SPORT SHIRTS Sport Shirts in a *wide variety of styles, patterns and colors that can be had in sizes Small, Medium, Large and Extra Large and sleeve lengths 32 to 35. priced from *3.95 to *7.50 the Delightful - Practical Gifts Exclusively by MARKTWAIN KING KORN STAMPS FREE with Every Purchase WHITE'S MEN'S SHOP "DISTINCTIVE MENSWEAR" 208 So. Green Si. "McHenry. DL Phone McHenry 19 I0E301 I0E3O1 30001 SOBOI I0E30X IOSOJ IQE3QI

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