McHENRY YOUTH IN SEMI-FINALS, NATIONAL' EXAM (Continued From Page 1) PROMINENT COUNTY MINISTER SPEAKS TO P.T.A. GROUP McHENRY PARKING PROBLEM BRINGS NUMEROUS VIEWS LETTERS TO SANTA - i test, a nation-wide college Aptitude examination given in 14,000 high schools last October. The only other previous winner i at Vp"nTta""the" school from the local school was David j Mr. Urch, who will speak on Knox, a 1957 graduate, who placed ; the subject, "Our Children Look among the top 16,000 nationally j To Us For Guidance," served for last year. > I four years as chaplain in the The semi-finalists named this' week outscored 300,000 fellow seniors and thus moved a step closer to the $4,000,000 in merit scholarships to be awarded in the 1958 program. Merit scholarships are sponsored by over sixty business and industrial firms, as well as' by professional societies, foundations, and even individuals. The semi-finalists now face a rigorous, three-hoyr college board examination to be given in testing centers throughout the country on Jan. 11. Students whose high scores substantiate their earlier test performance will become finalists in the competition. About. 7.000 of the semifinal ists are expected to survive this Second hurdle. "The finalists' group will be made up of some of the most able youngsters that America has ever j U. S. Army, attaining the rank produced, declares John M. Stal- of captain. He saw service in the naker, president of the National Hawaiian Islands, the Gilberts, Merit Scholarship corporation, | the Marshalls and the Philippines, which conducts the annual, compe- | The speaker also has distintinn. We evoect to have over ! guished himself in the fields of 800 scolarships available for writing and teaching. His newsthem-- about one for every nine paper, columns have been widely of these superb young people." j syndicated. He has also served In the final phase of the compe- as principal of the T.W.P. contition, the high school grades, ex- solidated high school in Elk countra- curricular attainments and j ty. Pa. Upon completion of his leadership and character of the j graduate work at the University competitors will be evaluated. | °f Chicago, he taught English and About May 1, a fortunate 800 will : public speaking at the Berlitz become the merit Scholars of 1958. j School of Languages. The other finalists will receive Since becoming minister of the certificates of merit, attesting to j Woodstock church, Mr. Urch has their hteh abi'ity. and all col- iDeen a prominent member uf the lefes and universities will be no- Freeport-Presbytery serving as tified, enabling these students to its moderator during 1954 and be considered for thousands of 1955 and as chairman of the cornother awards and prizes. j mittee on ministerial relations in The program is now in its third *9156., He is also a painter of meryear. It was established in 1955 151 ... As a hobb>'< he paints porthrough grants of $90,500,000 j traits of Christ. from the Ford Foundation and 1 -- the Carnegie corporation of New York. „ . (Continued From Page 1) ^ Rev. Cecil C. Urch, minister of I .. the First Presbyterian church of opportunity for three types;' of Woodstock, will be guests speak- : parking, one-hour in the busier at the annual fathers' night of ness areas, two hour on' nearby th^ Johnsburg P.T.A.- on Dec. 17 | Elm street and free parking within a block. On the other hand, some arguments indicate that the one-hour limit would prove an inconvenience during busy seasons for people who found they were unable to complete their shopping in sixty minutes. Since the change to one-hour parking was included with Friday night parking in the vote of the Council, it failed to pass also. The arguments are many on the parking situation and those presented above are just a few of a number exDressed. One alderman this week recalled that only the views of the business men had been obtained and he suggested that th? opinions of the, driving public might bie of value. We are sure that both the Chamber of Commerce and City Council are interested in learning the feelings of the public. Therefore, the Plaindealer invites' people w'th views pn the subject to express themselves r through the Public Pulse or bv writing directly to either of the above organizations. The answers will doubtless influence future action. SIX FROM McHFNRY ADMINISTERED OATH IN NAVAL RESERVE DISCFSS INSURANCE Insuran c e p o l i c y h o l d e r s w i l l have the opportunity of learning ; how the state protects their in- I terests by listening to Joseph S. Gerber, director of the state De- FORMER LOCAL RCOITT ADVANCED TO EAGLE RANK Clause, which will appear from now through Dec. 19, just as received. This first letter contain-, ed a colored picture of the youngsters on Santa's. kn£e, making their requests: "Dear Santa Claus:. "My name is Gary Blake and 1 am 8 years old. And I would iike a cub print shop and a little country doctor kit. And mj^ brothers name is Kurt and he is 3 years old. And he wants .a gun and a pay loader. Mom would like a stainless steel framed wallboard. "Your friend. "Gary and Kurt Blake" "Tower of bells, rhythm band, guitar, korn. cargo ship, gum ball machine, cash register, wrist watch, viewmaster, jet plane, tnisle launcher, fire engine', pistol set. rifle, steam shovel, robot, lantern. "Kurt Knaack" . "Dear Santa: "I like you very much and I like your program too. For Christmas I would like a 2 wheeled bike, a te^ldy bear and an iron. Thank you very much. "Joan Sullivan" (Continued from Page 1) God and Country award at the Methodist church, • which was the first presented to a McHenry scout in teij, years. While a member of Troop 161 J he took the Blackhawk trail, served as a den chief for Pack 361, was elected to the Order of the* Arrow, qualified for the Brotherhood honor in the Order of the Arrow, qualified for the Brotherhood honor in the Order of the Arrow, and achieved rank of Life Scout. He continued his scouting activities after moving to Crystal Lake and became a charter member of Air Squadron 658 of Crystal Lake. Rev. J. Elliott Corbett of the Community Methodist church McHenry. took part in the presentation of the Eagle cenemony. District Commissioner Ben G. Phelps of Woodstock, presented the Eaple badge and chareed Wal- "D^ar Santa: "Please can I have a 2 gun holster set with bullets in . and a horse head and horse saddl^ for mv bike, a steam shovel truck with a ladder and a tractor. I'm trying to he eood for mommy. I'm 3 \-> years old. "I will leave you some cookies and milk. "Love, "Scotty Wilhelm" "D^a*- Santa. "I'm trving hard to be a good girl and'I hope you're feeling fine. "This Christmas I would like vou to bring me a nlay pen for my Tiny Tears, if white tov poodle dog. a saddle to put on my bike and a horse head to put on my bike and a suitcase with doll clothes fir my tiny tears. "I'll leave vou some cookies and milk on Christmas eve. I'm 5 years old. "Love. "fori Wilhelm" The Navy oath of enlistment , was administered to six McHenry high school seniors last week by Lt. Cdr. L. R. Overbv. officer of ' Waukegan'<; Naval Reserve Electronics Division 9-10. They were part of a ten-man group of new ; enlistees, thp largest in the di-. vision's ten-vear history. | Tho snormn rpcyits are DALE j E. HTNSPATER of '55 Orchard : Beach. JOHN M. MASCART of ' Huemann's subdiv'sion DON AT.T> E. RUSH of Ringwood. RICH- . ARD B. SANFORD of 4 Mourine Lane: JOHN L. SCARBROTXJH of Rt. 4: and KENNETH L. SES- i KO of Route 4. i Having enlisted for six years, ! these "part time sailors" will 1 spend a minimum of two years on active duty after their graduation j from McHenry high school. i Division 9-10 is the only Naval j Reserve organization serving the McHenry-Lake county area. ' It ; specializes in training electronic j technicians, radiomen, radarmen, telemen and sonarmen, but accepts men in practically all other surface division rates. partment of Insurance, on the .SrJ!!' u°.iSLra.dL° ^ !tPr with t h«T responsibilities' of gram which w'll be aired by Illian Enele Scout. As the reprenois stations this month. Gerber will discuss the enforcement and execution of insurance laws regulating life. fire, accident, automobile. health and other kinds of insurance sold in Illinois by comsentative of the National Pun- **'1 of Boy Scouts of America, Scout Executive Phil LaVal'e of Woodstock presented the Eagle Scout citation and a letter of congratulations from Arthur A. panies licensed to do business in j Schuck chiof Proilt CXPrutiw the state. j Upon receiving his Eagle badge, " ; Walter presented a necklace with Drive Slower and Enjoy Life a Silver Eagle to his mother. CLAIRE BEAUTY SHOPPE Now is the Time to Treat the » Ladies for the Holidays Try our permanents and styling done by experienced operators WE ALSO HANDLE PATRICIA STEVENS COSMETICS - Which are used by leading models 200 S. Green St. "Dear Santa: "I am 6 years old. Please bring me doll clothes ballerina doll ice ckates a n'ay k't. I love you. "Marv Beth Thelen" "Santa Clause: ' i' "Sewing machine, cash register, puppy dog. tynewriter, Mickey Mouse club, bride doll, work bench. silver ware, tiny tears with plav pen. toasfer. puppets, iron, doll crib, iron board, hi chair, coca cola cooler, buggy, guitar, disches. "Owen Rainboldt" "Dear Santa: "I would Ilk? you to bring me a bell organ and a basket for my bike and a ballet doll and my brother Kevin a train and a car. Richard E. Pearson Comandie, n Army combat kit, target game, and a viewer. "My little sister Karen wants a baby doll and high' chair. I think she would also like a dancing ra.g doll. We have been good kids all year. "Also don't forget my mommie and daddy they have been good too. o "Mark Behrens Rt. 1, McHenry" "Dear Ssnta Claus: "My name is Kathy Barth and I am 7 'years old. I hratfe 2 brothers whose names are Neal and Billy. Neal is 4. years old^ and he would like a cowboy hat, cowboy suit and boots and 2 big guns . for Xmas. He would also like a barnyard set and some toy soldiers. "My other brother Billy is 3 years old and he wants everything his brother Neal hopes to get. ' I would like a make-up set and a cash register for Xmas. Dear Santa, we have all ben pretty good children so I hope you bring us what we want. Love from all. "Kathy, Neal and Billy Barth "PS. If you can't bring us what we want we will be grateful for whatever you bring us. "Dear Santa: "I want a fire department set. Mv sfster would like a record player with records and a ballerina dolb We will be good. We will leave food on the table for vou nnd hay for your reindeer. Thank you. Love. Billv and D>- .nne Krater. Lakeland Park, 126 Shore Drive, McHenry. "Dear Santa: I want a camera and a sewing doll also some games my brother wants a holster and gun also a fire enging truck. "We want you to come down our new chimney instead of the door. See you Xmas. Love, "Cynthia Freund" "Dear Santa Claus: "We want for Christmas a train, doll, doll bed, doll clothes, buggy, cowboy guit, a dress, slip, •hat, shoes, gloves, purse and a bathrobe. "Carole Jean Hertel (5)" "Our names are Mike, Pat and Paula Mandli and we are 6, 4 and 2. We are all trying to be very "ood and hope you have some toys for us. Rome of the things w<»'d like fire 1. Wyatt Earp guns With holsters, 2. Roy Rogers &liuckwagon set. 3, doli and doll buggy. 4. military set, 5, road building set. "We would also like a crib for Under our Christmas tree. Be seeing you Santa. "Love, "Mike, Pat and "Paula Mandli" "Dear Santa Clauss: "I want a new Edsel car, a Fort "Dear Saint Nicholas: "When I saw you at Marks I just remembered I want a log loader for my train. The skysweeper for mv train and I forgot to say thank you for the candy cane. » "Buddy Roeske "(Age 6)" McHenry PHONE McHENRY 10 OR Y0bR FAVORITE HO ME A A FINE SELECTION OF CHAIRS To Choose From *3450&up SPECIAL XMAS OFFER ARMSTRONG QUAKER LINOLEUM Reg. $1.19 Sq. Yard NOW 99 Sq. Yd DELIVERED & INSTALLED FREE IN JANUARY # LAMPS # MIRRORS Many More Fine Gift Items Special Xmas Hours Dec. 13 & 14 'till 9 p.m Dec. 16 to 21 'till 9 p.m. Dec. 23 'till 9 p.m Xmas Eve Till 6 P.M. 3ke SlauAe a£ S^urniture^ HILL VIEW SHOPPING CENTER RICHMOND 3461 RICHMOND, ILL. Open Daily: 8:30 to 5:30; Fri. & Sat. 'Til 9 WANTED One Christopher Cringle, afias Santa Claus, for; deliberate and premeditated entry, via chimney, into thousands of American homes. Age . . . about 2,000 years. Weight ... a good load for eight reindeers. Height . . . tall enough to be a short policeman, but he's never caught' flat-footed. Habits . . . decided tendency to break out (or in) around December 25th. Disposition . . . genial, but watch your pocket-book. Features . . red nose, handlebar moustaches, heavy growth of white fuzz on chin. Known to be killer ... of blues, troubles, cares and worries. ' R E W A R D A generous reward will be paid to anyone who locates the old gentleman on or before December 25th. The reward will he doubled if he can be persuaded to visit each one of our good friends "and patrons to express our hearty good wishes for a Merry Christmas. The reward will be tripled if he leaves each of our old friends a giant stocking filled with happiness, peace and prosperity for 1958. NYE DRUG STORE iValtpieen. Aqency 129 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, 111. • g . . j . ^ . . g , . f , News About Ouir Servicemen Pvt. William W. Wallace, 18, son of Mrs. Masel Ashley^ Spring Grove, recently was named "Soldier of the Week" for Company D of the 506th infantry at Fort Campbell, Ky. Wallace, a machine pleted basic training, at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. ' Airman Thomas t>. Cashin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Q. Cashin. Rt. 1,; Wonder Lake, has completed the first phase and has | entered the second phase of basic military training in the 3706th basic military training squadron at - Lackland > Air Force base, Texas. Vilseck, Germany--Pfc. William C. Holly, son of Mr. and Mrs. Warren S. Holly, 400 E. Elm street, McHenry, ' was graduated Dec. 7 from.. the track vehicle mechanics course at the Seventh Army Tank Training Center in Germany. The seven-week course included Classroom and practical training in engine repair, traclc and body maintenance and parts supply. The 21-year-old soldier ; is a 1954 graduate of, McHenry jhigli....." school. - •' • j. '\1 v""; ' • i ' ' V'N -P A? v • > - . VA'AID A Veterans Administration, representative from the Rockford VA office will be on duty at Woo^ stock Tuesday, Dec. 17, to inform and assist veterans, their dependents and the genera! public regarding all benefit programs of the VA. Their representative will be on duty from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the U. S. Post Office building, second floor, in Woodstock. s CARD OF THANKS , We wish to thank,all the.neighbors and friends for the nice preaa ents and birthday cards we re ceived. We will see you irv the spring on the "Hill". Ted and Nellie Olhava 4 •" 32 WILLIAM W. WALLACE gunner, was selected for his soldierly appearance, knowledge of duties and military courtesy.- A former student at Franklin high school, Portland, Ore., he entered the Army last March and com- New, Instdnt RELIEF for TIRE0, ACHING BACKS! BAtY-gASER? uNcertotillmta ce lsaeu plpikoer tlU Dfoers igfniremd . beoj mfwoioUrMld** leading stuclc*l support trtnuFaclureri-- Keiatcpr lbfreodm u; «dsoftc.l orfoi.a mM or ufbitbteinr gb arcekq uipraedd., gently nuiaXM biek miuelea. Encircling Wpualli haibtrlea.p sI nreUxelbrtl e ufinrdme.r lei»gehnt esluoptbplonrgt.. For men. voraen. Stop suffering: order Bolgers - Tel. 40 ENJOY GOOD HEARING ASK ABOUT Special Xmas Offer 'FREE GIFT CERTIFICATE WORTH $125.00 TO '250.00 TOWARDS THE PURCHASE OF OUft HEARING AID ON THE GLASSES MODEL A-235 CALL RENA SCHAIN McHENRY 125-R 207 N. GREEN STREET BATTERIES, CORDS,.REPAIRS U ON ALL MAKES OF HEARING AIDS -# open evenings until Fabulous i Trade-in Allowance for your old Watch SEE US Before You Buy For All Your Jewelry Needs Man's Diamond Ring All Price Ranges Jewel Case Fine Watches from $19.95 up Men's & Women's from $1.95 Man's Onyx Ring from $8.50 Link & Clip Set from $3.50 uV Costume Pin from $1.00 Birth stone Ring from $7.00 Plus F.E.T. McHENRY'S FINEST MOST COMPLETE SELECTION Larger Selection' of Popular & Class. Records Complete Line of Xmas Singles St L.P.'s. STEFFAN'S JEWELRY STORE 514 Main St. McHonry PHONE McHENRY 123-J'