; :v ^ ^ ^* jt ^ vr. * :;#^f^f;:p- : "vp^?^ * ^ „ "^: *day. Docember i2. 1&57 .' ' "THE McHENBY PIA1NDEALEB Wonder Lake 'by Jane Ducey badges, HmtSk m$£*yio first class scouts Dave Druml, George Erber, Carl Weisenberger, and Brian Powers and second class scout Keith Noble. (Continued from page 12) , the church for a youth rally There will be a social speaker, music and refreshments--after the program.' Saturday night, Dec. 21, the couples club will have a pot luck dinner to be held in the Church basjament. This dinner is for the faifl^Jy and everyone is invited to attend. The Christinas program of the Sunday school will be given at 7:30 p.in. Sunday, Dec. 22, at the churclt Squad Ca* Discussion . The Chamber of Commerce will meet with representatives of all the subdivisions Thursday, Dec. 12, at 8 p.m. to exchange iijfprmation regarding the proposed' police patrol. " T. P. Mathews, who represented the Chamber at the meeting of the board of supervisors last Tuesday, will tell whether the board will accept the donation of our squad car. ilrie proposal made by "Wonder Lake was that the car be donated to the sheriff's office, with written agreement that it stay in the area; the donation to be recinded should the next sheriff not ;ftp» prove of the plan. . >' tifrTsfinas Meeting Wonder Woods women'* association will have a Christmas party at the Sandgren home Monday, Dec. 16 at 8 p.m. All the ladles of the subdivision are invited to attend. erate Condensed Milk Boy Scoot Christmas Activities The annual Christmas party for Box Seout_ troop 145 will be held at Ir-riafrison school Wednesday, Dec. 13, at 7 p.m. Ed Druml, scoutmaster, welcomes all parents who would alsp like to, attend. Refreshments will be served. The life-size Nativity scene, which the Scouts created three years ago, will be put up in the triangle this year. The figures are all hand made, having been sawed out and" painted by the bo>® At the last award meeting, in addition to thirjjy-one tenderfoot * Election of Officers John Lorenz was elected president of the Wonder View subdivision for the coming year, Jerry Luciano was elected vice-president, and Garl Bruno and Joe Sperandio were elected trustees. The board then appointed Joseph Cisko as trustee,_ to fill the place of Jerry Luciano, who moved to the vice-presidency. Other officers of the Board are Mrs. Arthur Mayers, treasurer and Mrs. Leonard Rose, secretary. The ballots were counted at a meeting of the board held at the home of Jerry Luciano, Sunday. The new officers will hold their next meeting Jan. 5, 1958; TURKEY INDUSTRY BOOMS The booming Illinois turkey industry is producing another record year in 1957V the state Department of Agriculture announced. According to the department's Division of Agricultural Statistics, turkeys being raised in the state this year total more than one and one-quarter million, 10 per cent more than,1956. The national increase is only 5 per cent. Despite the Upswing in turkey business, Chief Statistician Jos. Ewing said that about 71 per cent of the goblers that adorn Thanksgiving dinner tables throughout the state were "foreigners," or not home-grown. Ewing said that approximately 55 million pounds of turkey was required to satisfy the tastes of Ttlinoisans this year. The state output was approximately 16 million pounds, fresh dressed in 1956. Every man, "woman and child in the country ate an average of about '5.8 pounds in 1957, he said. Statistics show that the birds were a "food luxury" around 1930, with the average American consuming less than a pount^ and a half annually. If you use sweetened condensed milk, you will want to follow Some suggestions from University of Illinois Poods Specialist Geraldine Acker. Buy only as much as you 'can use in a reasonable length of time. Although this type of milk will keep for a year at 40-50 degrees F., some undesirable changes will take place at higher temperatures. If you don't use all of it at one time, refrigerate the unused portion. Be sure to cover it with metal foil or plastic film. When left unrefrigerated and open, sunlight may change the flavor and reduce the vitamin C and riboflavin content. . Before opening a can of this milk, clean the top with a damp cloth or put it under running water. Because of its thick consistency. remove the lid completely before pouring. And u£e a clean rubber scraper tp' rerAbve the milk that sticks .to the sides of the can: McHENRY STORES will be Open Evenings Starting: Mon., Dec. 16th FOB THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI KOENEMANN COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED BAMS LEAN HICKORY SMOKBD' BACON 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Route 120 - Just East of Route 12 Volo, DL Phone McHenry 667-W-l CHRISTMAS TREES REASONABLE APPLES Snows -- Mcintosh -- Jonathan Bushel or '/i Bushel MARTINS FARM HIGHWAY SI -- RING WOOD, ILL. WINTER JACKETS SNOW SUITS I ONE OF A KIND - DISCONTINUED STYLES CHECK THESE VALUES -- COUNT THESE SAVINGS 1 SNOW SUITS Boys' Jackets Reg. $9.98 - $10.98 BOY'S 1 Size 2 2 Size 3 1 Size 6 1 Size 6X GIRLS' Vl Size 2 2 Size 3 4 Size 4' Reg. $4.98 - $6.98 $000 2 Size 2 2 Size 5 1 Size 4 4 Size 6 Reg, $7.98 NOW $4.00 "V'rf Size 4 Only Girls' Jackets Reg. $5.98 - $6.98 3 Size 5 2 Size. 6 2 Size 6 3 Size 6X LM I 1 i i Ii* ' i I I k 1 i i SUITABLE FOR EITHER BOYS' OR GIRLS' REG. $4.98 NOW $3°° 1 Size 3 1 Size 10 1 Size 4 2 Size 12 REG. $8.98. -- $9.98 NOW $450 3 Size 5 1 Size 7 1 Size 10 2 Size 6 1 Site 8 1 Size 12 REG. $7.98 -- $8.98 NOW $4°° 2 Size 4 1 Size 5 1 Size 5 WOMEN'S CAR COATS Reg. $9.98 2 Size 12 - - 3 Size 14 - - 3 Size 16-- 1 Size 18 BEN FRANKLIN Store IN THE HEART OF THE GREEN STREET SHOPPING CENTER f/msmmim For her, for him, for everyone on your list, jewelry gifts are the perfect answer. A wide selection in all price ranges. OPEN EVENINGS Till 9 P.M. Starting Monday Dec. 16th i • 8 Diamond bridal duo. from $100.00 ^ Pearl-jet cocktail ring nanosgme man s Lovely birthstone ring $12.00 Man's initial ring $20.00 Handsome man's ring. $25.0(1 ™ $22.50 a 8 Ladies' watches Men's dress and sport watches. All Price Ranges in Elgin -- Hamilton -- Bulova Give the fine jewelry gifts they want j most, with no strain on your budget. Use our convenient payment plan. U Lady's dressing table set. frorri Glamorous boudoir clock. 112.95 ^ Schick - Remington - $15.00 Norelco - Sunbeam tJ 6 Cultured pearls. from Men s Jewelry from $2.50 pjn< earrings. 32.00 Rosary, from $1.25 $25.00 to $25.00 Bonbon server. $7.50 Sterling Bracelets from $4.50 Baby Silverware - plated & Sterling from $2.75 Ronson - Zippo - Elgin American Beattie - Smoking Sets Men's - Ladies Jewelry Cases from $4.50 Cake knife and server, .^.. from $10.06 JET k JSGW A Silver Service for 8 International - 1847 Rogers Practical, beautiful, sure to please. In handsome, tarnish-proof chest. Special Xmas Value on 1847 Rogers Bros- HL ALL PRICES PLUS TAX JEWELERS McHenry's Newest Most Modern Jewelry Shop Featuring Quality Reasonably Priced 207 E. Elm St. McHenry PHONE McHENRY 2688 .SOMETHING FINE FOR EVERYONE ON YOUR CHRISTMAS LIST