1* ' ftj ,#*a|K|JW|j / THE McHENHJr SLAIMDEALEH Johnsburg News By Mn. Betty Hetterraan* ; Triple Threat A.; special congratulations to SS* Laura Schiriitt who had the esteem honor of becoming the aunt of triplets last Thursday iftorning. The triplets, two girls ind a boy made their formal debut into this wide, wide world m St. Therese's hospital. The triplets hit the Chicago newsf" iper with a bang over last eekend. The proud parents, the Cermaks of Antioch have three /other children. "Newcomer.. ^ Also headlining in the diaper set is the brand new daughter of Pat and Sam Tomassello. The young Miss put in a recent appearance at the Woodstock hospital. Our congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. TomaSello upon their " Jiew addition. In the Mood , Christmas mood that is! The -^#6resters are really carrying through with their holiday spirit • in • planning their forthcoming parties. Next Tuesday, Dec. 17 a i 6:30 p.m. the lady Foresters will gather at the community club hall for their annual Christmas party. It will be a pot luck supper so each member attending is asked to bring a dish to pass. Also a gift exchange of a fifty cent «'ft will take place on this eveng. Santa Claus will be present to distribute in person. A reminder once again , that a kitchen shower for our good Sisters will also be on the agenda next Tuesday evening. The juvenile girl Foresters are planning their Christmas" party ' for Sunday afternoon, Dec. 22 at I 1:30. A twenty-five cent exchange i »ift for up to and including sev- . wifth grade and a fifty cent gift for eighth grade and over is to be brought by each girl attending. More details will be printed in next week's paper. SPECIAL NOTICE The checks for payment issued by the Community club are now available up at the local bank any time now. Be sure to bring jffjur notes along when you go to collect. A special reminder to all interested persons to please pick up your checks as soon as . possible: "The sooner, the, better". Mrs. Joe E. Freund took a plane trip to College Park, Georgia where they visited the Don Hettermann family. Joanne spent the week visiting at the Tony Freund home while her parents were gone. The George Lassers or Chicago visited his parents, the Rudy Lassers over last weekend. Brownie News • Kathleen Senkerich and Sandra Frye were hostesses for the past two Brownie meetings. The young girls have been swinging into the Christmas . spirit by stringing pop corn which had been tinted with red and green food coloring. There will be no meeting this week and next week. Their Christmas party, will be held on Thursday, Dec. 19 instead of Tuesday, Dec. 17. * ; Pink-Blue Shower A pink and bluesurprise shower given by Angela Smith and Beverly Brefeld on Wednesday, Dec. 4. honored Betsy (Mrs. Paul) Smith Coffee and cake were served, after which the guest of honor opened her many gifts. Nine friends and relatives attended, including Mrs. Laura GeMer of Richmond, mother of Mrs. Smith. CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM -'Gov. William G. Stratton's highway construction program reached a record breaking high of more than $100,000,000 for the year when the state Division of Highway recently received bids on projects in 34 counties with an estimated value of $17,400,000. Around The Town Mr. and Mrs. John Carter and their three children and her mother, all of Woodstock were visitors at the Althoff home recently. 'Father Raymond Hetterfnariri of Apple River, Wis., and Mr. and NEW KINO? While corn is still the king of Illinois crops, the newest member of the royal family, the soybean, is coming on with a rush. A recent bulletin issued by the Sta^- Federal Crop Reporting Service discloses that Illinois soybean acreage topped the* five million mark this year for the first time. Illinois leads the nation in production and sales -- with 30 per cent of the national soybean market. The report reveals that the state's soybean acreage has more than doubled since 1941, ^compared to only an 11 per cent upswing in corn acreage. Corn, of course, still maintains a big lead. It is grown on 85 per cent of Illinois farms, accounting for some 8% million acres valued at more than $800 million in 1956. Join the iMtcHenry State Bank Christmas Club. 29-tf Wise Shop At Nye's i "Your Walgreen Agency Drug Store" Lowest Prices Always --Free Delivery I 129 No. Riverside Dr. Phone 26 McHenry, HI Walter B. Jankowski Auction WILLIAM H. RUSSEL Auctioneers DAN POWERS The undersigned, having decided to quit farming on account of his health, will sell all his personal property on John Gausdik Farm No. 1, located 3 miles Northwest of Huntley, 2 miles West of Route 47, and 1 mile North of Huntley and Marengo Blacktop, on TUESDAY -- DECEMBER 17. 1957 Commencing at 12:00 yThe following described personal property, to-wit: LIVESTOCK 46 Head of Livestock, consisting of 26 Holstein cows; 3 Guernsey cows; 2 Holstein heifers, bred; 8 Holstein heifers 16 months old. open; 5 Holstein heifers 8 months old; 2 Holstein heifers 3 months old. All of the above Heifers are vaccinated. HAY and GRAIN Quantity of Alfalfa Hay; 600 bu. Oats; 200 bu. old Ear Corn; 50 acres standing Corn; 40 ft Silage in 14 ft Silo. MACHINERY • Oliver Super 55 tractor, 1955; Oliver power hay mower; Case silage blower & 60 ft. pipe; International side delivery rake; wheel barrow; Oliver 3 bot. mounted tractor plow, 14 in.; Case field chopper, corn head & hay pickup attach.; broadcast seeder; 2 wheel trailer; 2 rubber tire wagons & chopper boxes; Oliver 77 tractor & cultivator; Burch 2 row rotary hoe; New Idea manure spreader; International hammer mill; Case 2 bot. 16 in. tractor plow; unloading jack: Decker 40 ft gr. elevator; International 7 ft. tractor disc; 4 sec. wooden drag, steel draw box; 1 rubber tire wagon with feed bunk. And many articles too numerous to mention. ^ ' MILKHOUSE EQUIPMENT a. Surge seamless units; 2 milk pails; Hangers; 1 stainless steel * strainer; 1 Cloronater; pump & motor arid pipeline'for 28 cows. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS LUNCH WAGON ON GROUNDS TERMS -- USUAL BANK TERMS WALTER B. JANKOWSKI. Owner FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WOODSTOCK, Clerking Member Federal Reserve Syvtem Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ^ J illf5 IpffP m * 1 _ IT'S FUN! IT'S FREE! NotMng To Bay! INSTRUCTIONS: To enter this contest, color each picture, sign your name at the bottom, cut them r * out and take them to the store whose name appears at the bottom of the picture. You have seven chances to win, as each store has its own contest and will give a prize for the winning entry. So HURRY and do your best. CONTEST ENDS AT THE CLOSE OF THE BUSINESS DAY ON SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28th. Winners will be published in the January 2nd edition of the McHenry Plaindealer. 1. Contest is for boys and girls between the ages of 6 and 12 only. 2. All entries must be received by the store on or before Saturday, December 28th. I 3. Prizes are awarded on the basis of neatness and accuracy. 4. The decision of the judges in each store will be final. 5. In case of ties, duplicate prizes will be awarded. 6. Families of Plaindealer employees and of the participating advertisers will not be eligible to win. MAIN PAINT CENTER PHONE 1115 418 Main St. MeHenry, m. Name SCHRAMM'S TOYS INC. McHENRY SAVINGS and Loan Association S01 W. Elm St. PHONE 25S5 McHenry. Ill* 522 w. Midn st. PHONE 2 McHenry, Hi. NYE DRUG STORE PHONE 28 S> Name 129 ,N. Riverside Drive Name McHenry, Dl J> RAINBOW CLEANERS JPHONE 627 N. Front Street .around corner from National Tea Store n ALTHOFF'S HARDWARE PHONE 283-4 Name 501 Main St. Name MeHenry, DL McHENRY STATE BANK Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Elm & Green Sts. PHONfc 1010 McHenry, DL m V\ £ c I Name