k\ P»g« 'X •.? THE McHENBY PLAINDEALEH .• LILYMOOR NEWS by Alma Hueckstaedt The Holiday Season Due to the lack of snow, it's hard to get into the spirit of the holidays. At the time of this writing the only thing that helps is to look around the neighborhood after dark. Doorways and evergreen trees are gaily decorated with colored lights. When you read this, Christmas' will be over and most of us will be looking forward to New Year's Eve and the start of a brand new year. " This is the time of year that One statement is-used very often ; and probably not paid much attention to but at this point '.I would lik their children were also . there; Don's birthday was Dec. 20. - i, Thursday,December26rl957 V.F.W. AUXILIARY NEWS (by Florence Svoboda) Garison Latimer celebrated his birthday on Sunday Dec. 22. Mrs. Latimer served a very good dinner and had as guests Mr. and Mrs. Rolla and daughter, Sylvia to help Gary celebrate. A very happy bi(thday. to those celebrating this week whether or not they are listed in the column. to it once Sympathy 'Was extended to Mrs. John Fulhor on the passing of her mother, Mrs. Helen Lucas. She passed away at the age of 80 repeat years, and she lived in Germany. agai|i; that is "If you drive; .don't -drink, and . if you <irink don't drive". Many New Years Eve tragedies can be avoided if the above statement is heeded. ; .. , , ... • ... j . • I after spending several weeks with N<',w B_aVb,ie As I Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Haines • . ' iwhu.i,l e und, ergoing t. reatment. „ on This week we ha\e another neu ; her* eves. We would all like to comer in our rpidst. A daughter General News Mrs. Orrilla Sammons returned to her homie in Edwardsville, 111. was born to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stratton. Her name is Pamela see Mrs. Scmmons back in Lilymoor, not because of a recurrence of the eye trouble but because Lee and she made her appearance, she's nice to have around, at Woodstock hospital Wednesday. John Milinac was able to come Dec. 18 around 4:30 p.m. She, home for a couple of days to weighed in at a little over 8 lt>s. ! Spencj Christmas with his family. Her mother is the former Nanc\ | jjope you had a nice holiday John. Kurbyn. I Clyde Fryer entered the hos- ~ pital last week for surgery on Baby Shower hiS elbow. He will be coming Master Gary Leske, three weeks j home on Saturday, Dec. 21 and old was the tiny recipient of iwe hope feeling well enough to many beautiful gifts as the re suits of a shower given for his mother Marion on Monday, Dec. 16 at Club. Lilymoor. Attending the shower were Messrs. * Wijas, Malecki, Karmel, Schueler, Belford, Fantus, Behrendts, Ehredt. Tobey, Rogers, Legge. Novak, Haines, Kolla, her daughter Sylvia, Latimer, Crawley, Root, Hollen.back, Milanac, Huecksteadt, her daughter Laurel and Miss Anna Mary Erisman. Sending gifts but unable to attend were Mrs. Schiavone, Mrs. Bartlett and Mrs. Bassi. The menu consisted of sandwiches, pickels, molded fruit salad jelio fluff, cakes and coffee topped off with home made candies. The co-hostesses for the shower were Mrs. Helen Haines antjl Mrs. Leona Fantus, assisted by several close neighbors. Birthdays Mrs. Mary Schiavone served a birthday dinner in honor of her son Donald's birthday. Joining in the celebration were Don's wife, Lois and their two daughters, Valerie and Donna. Don's brother. Vincent, his wife, Delores and really enjoy Christmas. To bring the column to a close this week I hope all of you had a very merry Christmas and want to wish you a happy and prosperous New Year. If you have any news you would like in the column give me a call. Phone McHenry 578-R-l. So far as I know next week's column will be my last one. Mrs. Belford will be taking over again in January. Seventy-five members and guests gathered 5jt the V.F.W. club house Monday, Dec. 9 at 7:30 p.m. to enjoy a delicious turkey dinner and Christmas party. The club house was really festive looking with a beautifully decorated Christmas tree and holiday table arrangements and little tree place cards and with the soft lights and Christmas music it certainly put everyone in a real holiday mood. The committee planned some interesting games and then the Christmas gifts from the grab-bag were given. This Christmas party is an annual affair and each year it gets bigger and better and the committee^ really worked hai'd to insure a good time for all. Marion Schoenholts was chairman of the party and thanks all who male it such a successful event-. . h ; More than two b>}s full of can red food were ree'eived for the Christmas baskels Hid the committee is working hard to make s-ure every family in need will be weli promised for. Members were asked to help the Downev party Dec. 19, and 20 and many volunteered. Jan. 6 19o8 vviil be the date for our next meeting as the Dec. 23 meeting has been cancelled. I wish to take this opportunity to again thank all the members for their loyalty and help and extend to all the season's best wishes for a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. A Low-Calorie Holiday Treat ALIEN REGISTRATION District Director Robert H. Robinson of the Immigration and Naturalization Service s t a t e,d that the annual alien address report program usually causes a sharp rise in the number of ap locations for naturalization. The law requires all aliens in the United States, with few exceptions. to report their address ,each January. Forms for making the report will be available to aliens at all post offices of the Immigration and Naturalization Service during the month of January. Join the McHenry State Bank Christmas Club. 29-tf SAVE 100 LIVES IN ILLINOIS IN 1958 for better homes for lowest prices SEE us ROBERT HAY CONSTRUCTION Co. THIS PUBLICATION IS BACKING THE AIM OP THE ILLINOIS EDITORS# PUBLISHER HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY SEMINAR. PEORIA, JANUARY 9-11,1958 rmmrn You can walk in style and Comfort in KNAPP £e*e/Vud SHOES FO* MEN AND WOMEN with velvety-soft, air-cushioned innersoies and buoyant support to the arches ... For substantial savings and Expert Factory Fitting Service, consult 'YOUR LOCAL SHOE COUNSELLOR DONALD G. LIBERTY Rt. 4 -- Box 556 McHENRY, ILL. Phone McFENRY 554-M-2 Raisins and spice--and something extra nice: a sweet treat that's low in calories. Your holiday guests will enjoy these tasty cookies, and be grateful for the fact that they are sweetened with saccharin to guard grown-ups' waistlines and youngsters' mealtime appetites. Saccharin is more than 400 times sweeter jtjjan sugar, but it doesn't contain a single calorie. And it's the calbiijgs in snacks, you know, that do such a good job" of adding butaesTito the oldsters while making the kiddies balk at their vege£ Here s another tip: if your Santa's getting ptytafe&fet these cookies out with non-fat milk for his Christmas Eve way, only the stockings will feel stuffed! 7 Raisin Spice Cookies Turn on oven; set at moderately slow (350°).' Dissolve 1 saccharin tablet (Vf grain), in 2 Tbsp. water Boil for 3 minutes in a quart saucepan.. % eup Crater Vi cup shortening 1 cup seedless raisins Vi tap. nutmeg . 1 tap. cinnamon Let cool until your hand can be held comfortably on the bottom of the pan. Add dissolved saccharin and Vi tap. salt _ Vi tap. baking soda Beat in 1 egg Sift together 1 cup sifted, « all-purpose flour Vi tsp. baking powder Stir into egg mixture. Drop by tablespoons 2 inches apart onto well-greased cookie pan. Bake on oven shelf slightly above center for 8 minutes or until glossy snd just barely soft to the touch. Remove from pan at once. 2 dozen. (Calories in one cookie: 56) Read The Classified Want Ads ear Greetings To everyone we wish a New Year filled with happiness and good health. SCHROEDER ' IRON WORKS PHONE McHENRY 950 Route 31 -- McHenry, 111. | Twice Told Talcs FORTY YEARS AGO From issue of Dec. 27, 1917 John E. Ecksirom and Miss Anna Pierson were united in marriage by Rey. F. G .Kuehnert Dec. 22. The ceremony took place in the Eugene Matthews farm home in Barreville, where they plan to make their horn.'?. George Meyers. Jr., employed by the Chicago Telephone company, fell a distance of twenty feet while trimming trees Monday. Both arms were broken above the wrist and his face was badly cut. Mrs, Laura Clarke, daughter of Mr. arid Mrs. S. E. Sayler of Elgin, former McHenry residents, died at Lakeside hospital, Chicago, Dec. 20, following an operation for appendicitis. Alec Anderson and Miss Emma Coates of Ringwood were married at Woodstock, Wednesday of last week, and on Friday Arthur Peet of Ringwood. and Dorothy Hopper of Greenwood were united, in marriage at the home of the bride's parents. Guy Bacon has enlisted his services in the United States army of soldiers and passed a successful examination for aviation service. He will enter Cornell university. Having leased her farm on Ringwood road to her son, George. Mrs. K. Adams has moved to the Wirfs homestead on Waukegan road. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO From Issue of Dec. 29, 1932 George'TCftdeson of Chicago, was home In Griswold Lake, Chrstfatally . injured hi an accident near £%^jfUist Monday night. Two 16cal women were injured in. falls the past wee"k. Mrs, Theresa Culver suffered a° double fracture* of"the hip when she slipped on the Jinoleum in her kitchen Christmas morning .and Mrs. Catheri^ft Jfoung was seriously injured in ^. * fall down a flight of stairs ^t heij heme the same morning. Anton! JTitzek, father of Mrs. Richard Fleming of this city, died at hisibomp in Algonquin Dec. 22. Miss Tfrgj'esa Karls, daughter of Mrs. i Anna Karls of this city, became the bride of Jerome Moeller of Chicago in a service read at St. Mary's church at 4:30 Monday, Rev. Chas. Nix officiating. Misses iLeone Freund, Francis Hughes and- Dorothy Wormley received their c&ps at St. Therese school of Nursing in Waukegan" last week. Forty-five members of the George -Scheid family were present at a reunion held at their mas day. TEN YEARS AGO $ From issue of Dec. 25, 1947 IK Jacob B. Schumacher, a native of Johnsburg. died at his homfj there Dec. 19, after a' few days illness. Robert Justen, son of the George Jus tens, graduated from Worsham College of Mortuary Science in Chicago last Friday. Mrs. Johanna Walsh, 74, widow of the late M. J. Walsh, died at her home on Court street Dec. 24. Mrs. Frances Patzke announces the engagement-of tyer daughter, June, to Carl J. Milinac of Liljtj^ Lake. A spring livedding is bei™ ing planned.. ' x Mrs. Eva Weber^was surprised by a group of^pMatives and friends at her home near Johns-/ burg Dec. 20, the occasion being her eightieth birthday. Funeral servicesvere held in Woodstock Tuesday for. Mrs. Vinton .Thompson, mother "of Mrs. H. Ellen Hunt of Ringwood. ' A ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS TOO FAT? SLENDERIZING TREATMENT 20 for $20.00 3 OR 4 TIMES WEEKLY TEEN'S SPECIAL 1 NO DISROBING -- FREE CALORIE CHART Alice-Marie Beauty Shop 202 N. Riverside Dr. -- McHenry r PHONE 890 Miss Alice Ward of •> Elgin, teacher, of the third grade in the McHenry public school, received injuries and her companion, m for the N£W YEAR Hfcre welcoming 1958 with sincere thanks and warm ? wishes to all our good friends and patrons for a real fP bellringer of a New ' #¥ Year...one filled with all the good things in life. McGEE'S Store for Everyone 117 S. Green St. McHenry, 111. F.H.A. & VA. FINANCING • Masonery PHONE: 1907 Bus. 1377 Home 5^5 sassjagt 30ft E* Elm St McHenrj * J^ere' s wishing New Year in close harmony with your heart ... bringing all to fruition, dreams to fulfillment SllMi mmmm Wmm JL , i' McHENRY LUMBER CO. PHONE 46 611 MAIN STREET McHENRY, ILL. A hearty welcome to 1958! lOe, greet the new arrival with the hope that he'll grow up to be the healthiest, grandest year for everybody. "Go all ovr friends we wish a HAPPY NEW YEAR. McHENRY HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING SALES & SERVICE McHenry, I1L 0 *jjlf at w \sv V Looking forward to the New Year, we wish that it may hold for you 365 days full of happiness. May ; your hopes be realized, and your efforts rewarded with success and / prosperity. And may you and those V ^ dear to you enjoy the most valuable fortune of all . . . the blessing of good health. Do have a great 1958! Sincerely, we thank the people of McHenry for their loyalty and support which has done much toward the progress and growth of our city. CITY COUNCIL Route 120 East Aldermen: WILLIAM J. BOLGER CHARLES D. BROWN WARRkN S. HOLLY GEORGE P. FREUND, Mayor , | • ROBERT NEWKIRK EARL R. WALSH, City Clerk i THEODORE N. PITZEN THOMAS F. BOLGER, Treas. | EDWA&D J. THENNE3 JOHN E. LOOZE, attorney § (saottsj I