I Thursday. December 26/1957 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER What's Your Safely Quotient^ •iuD j'> ' ; 1 ^ * s _ fror safe driving, make it a family rule that children are not permitted to distract the driver. Here's a checklist of driving do's and don'ts for harrassedand harried mothers who have to make so many extra "last minute" . shopping trips during the holidays. Remember, while such devices as nylon safety belts, dashboards cushioned with urethane foam, and laminated §afety glass windows j minimize injuries when accidents occur, they do not prevent col- • ijisions from taking place. It is also important to keep windshieldwipers in good operating condition at all times, and glass areas clean of snow, sleet, and dirt Observe these 14 rules prepared by the National Safety Council, and your SQ* will put you at the head of the class: 1. Never leave children alone in the car, regardless of whether or not the motor is left running. 2. Have youngsters ride in back seat whenever possible. 3. Allow no eating of lollipops or ice cream on sticks in moving car. 4. Permit no rough-housing, friendly or otherwise. 5. Have family rule that children are not permitted to distract driver (remember, always pull over to the curb and stop car if it ^becomes necessary to admonish children). 6. All riders must be seated while auto is moving. 7. Hands, heads, and possessions must remain inside lite car at all times. ^ 8. All doors locked when vehicle is in motion. • 9. No sharp-edged, hard or heavy toys permitted wnich might become lethal flying missiles in case of sudden stops. 10. No objects stowed at any time on window deck behind rear seat. 11. Infants firmly strapped in car bed or halter type safety seat belt at all times. 12. Driver should be physically fit. Don't drive when tired or high-strung. Car should be mechanically safe also. 13. Children in back should not be sitting in drafts. Crack side f Vents to provide necessary ventilation, prevent exposures leading to colds or infections. 14. Always remember to be alert to the actions of difvexs of other cars. They may not be as careful about their driving fcjhjta as you are. McHenry Plaindealer Egg Producers Phone 170 - 171 Favorable Spot Published every Thursday at tcHenry, 111., by the McHenrv *ublishing Company, Inc. NATIONAL E D I T O R I A L A sTo C5-A T I~<3 N ^ vJ / JEHZSEIEEEiroQJ .V. BURFEINDT, (Jen'i. Manager VDELE FROEHLICH, Editor SUBSCRIPTION HATE In McHenry County I Year, $3.00 p "Mon ths $1.75 3. Months $1.00 Outside McHenry County I Year $3.50 6 Months $2.00 ^ Months , $1.25 m; y/jLLineis'0 its? \ flSSBCIHTlOB I Entered as second-class mat ter at the post otfice at McHenry. Illinois. under the act of May 8. 1879 TWO FIRES Firemen were called to Edgebrook subdivision about 1 o'clock- Monday afternoon to extinguish a grass fire. On Friday night they were summoned to a home in Lakemoor when a stove became overheated. No damage was reported in either case. I Egg producers are in a more | favorable situation than they have I been .for some time. Prices of henfruit were 5 to 10 cents a (Jozen higher this fall than they were last fall. Feed costs were a little lower. Esjr pricos dipped sharply during late November 'and early December. But since a similar de? cline had occurred a year before, prices are still well above 1956 Vvels. There was also a similar decline two years ago. ' The higher egg prices this fall were caused by a moderate decline in supply. Ee? productions was estimated-to bp about 5 percent losls than in the fall of 1956. The USDA forecasts that egg production in 1958 wil^be 2 percent below T957. The decrease will be. greater during the first half of the year and less or none at all in the last half. The egg-feed price ratio was 13.6 in November compared'with only 10.5 a year before. (This figure is the number of pounds of feed that is equal in value to a dozen eggs.) This five-year 1951-55 November average eggfeed ratio was 12.4. The favorable egg prices, if maintained, will bring about a -substantial increase in the number of chickens raised for laying flock replacements!. This need not necessarily lead to disaster, since some increase in number of chickens raised wilj be needed to replace the large number of hens being carried over for the second yesr. J The number oi" hens and pullets on farms is also about 5 percent less than it was a year ago. Rate of lay usually increases a little each year, but this' increase may be checked this year because of the large proportion of hens carried over in laying flocks. There are some reports of consumer resistance to higher prices for eggs this year. If sales decline and stocks pile up, prices will be further reduced. It may be, however, that the reductions so far will provide sufficient sales to hold prices near recent levels for several, weeks. Broilers. Through the first quarter of 1958, market supplies of broilers will continue to be 5 to 10 percent larger than a year ago. This expectation is based on number of chicks placed and, eggs set dining recent weoks. The need to sell larger supplies than last year will tend to hold Pri££&--near_4he low levels of the year before., Turkey#. Large supplies dominate the market. Five dollars spent for a turkey buys a lot of fine food. " A record of nearly 81 million turkeys' was produced in 1957. Production might be somewhat lower in 1958. The number x>f breeders tested early was less than last year. A survey of farmers' intentions to keep breeders j pointed to reductions in numbers i of heavy whites and Beltsville types. L. H. !v?nerl Dept. of Ag. Econ. University Students Enjoy Xmas Holiday Christmas holiday vacation started iast Friday for a "record eighteen McHenry area students attending the University of Illinois. Among those spending-the holidays with home folks are Ralph Bennett, Gail Brefeld. Barbara Cable, James Duggan, Robert Eckland, Arnold Freund, James Healy, Phyllis Howell, Kay Kirk, Patrick Krohn, Vija Liepins, Leonard Liss, Patricia Miller, Robert Schmelzer, Peggy Stamer, Ernest Useman,. Richard Wissell and Mark Zimmerman. Join the McHenry State Bank Christmas Club. ' 29-tf Flying high w- x are our hopes that your New Year will be a prosperous and happy One! SCHRAMM'S TOYS PHONE 2S3S 801 W. ELM ST. McHENRY iisiii iA ZOUSt t0 lfM. friMds and neighbors. Do km • happy New Year, and do accept oar sincero thanks tor four patronage and good will. A CLAIRE BEAUTY SHOPPE Now is the Time to Treat the Ladies for the Holidays Try our permanents and styling done by experienced operators WE ALSO HANDLE PATRICIA STEVENS COSMETICS Wfiich are used by leading models 200 S. Green St. McHenry PHONE McHENRY 10 t ii McHenry County Well & Pump Co. Located in the Village of McCullom Lake PHONE 713 Y f. Our New Year's toast to you...may you and your loved ones enjoy good health, happiness and prosperity all through 1958! DON'S OLD BRIDGE TAVERN (Don Hoenes - Prop.) 140 N. RIVERSIDE DRIVE PHONE 305 (Avv£/... If. time to say. "Happy New Year"... to hope that you'll have a wonderful, healthful 1958... and to thank you warmly for your loyal patronage. F.M. Radio & Television Sales and Service 128 N. RIVERSIDE*DR. PHONE 979 McHENRY, ILL D O N'T MISS OUR PLAN NOW DANCE to the fabulous Fourcounts . . . to attend our GALA PARTY the Music of TUESDAY EVENING DECEMBER 31st ENJOY FINE FOOD FROM OUR FAMOUS RESTAURANT MAKE MANY NEW FRIENDSHIPS While Enjoying The Fine Atmosphere of Our FINE COCKTAIL LOUNGE ii DUE TO THE SUCCESS OF OUR SALE LAST WEEK WE ARE REPEAT! THRU POPULAR DEMAND " THURSDAY. FRIDAY, SATURDAY. SUNDAY. MONDAY and TUESDAY. December 26ih> thru December 31st HOLIDAY SPECIALS A GRAND HOLIDAY SELECTION! DEPARTMENT PRAGER BOHEMIAN BEER 4 quarts for *1.25 6 PACK 90c QUARTS $3.50 Per Case 24-12 oz. $2.90 Per Case 24-7 oz. $1.85 Per Case PLUS DEPOSIT Reg. $3.59 ^ HEUBLEIN'S MILSHIRE Gin $279 . 90 Proof 5th Reg. $4.23 GREEN BRIAR Bourbon *33° 86 Proof 5th Reg. $4.15 BOOTH'S HIGH & DRY GIN sth *369 NAME BRAND KOSHER W!NP 9gC Vf l l l f t . M- M v Reg. $2.55 MARTINI & ROSSI SWEET & DRY VERMOUTH 30-oz. $198 Reg. $3,98 TOVARSCKI Vodka $279 80 Proof 5th Reg. $4.39 STILL BROOK Bourbon *3^ 6 Year Old 5th Reg. $8.35 PLANTATION Rum *298 80 Proof 5th Reg. $5.08 AMBASSADOR DELUXE Scotch $498 ^ 5th Reg. $3.70 GUCKENHEIMER BLENDED $*>98 WHISKEY JL 5th LOG CABIN Bdurbon ^3'^ Bottled in Bond 5th J0HNSBURG BOWLING RESORT (TOMASELLO BROS.) JOHNSBURG, ILLINOIS (Johnsburg Blacktop at Fox River Bridge) Telephone McHenry 1475