Wonder Lake News by Jane Ducey -- Phone 27S1 m m i m m m m m m m H^rison Defeats Channel Lake Channel Lake of Antioch lost again to Harrison in the game last Friday night in Wonder Lake, the varsity by a score of 43 to 8, and the junior varsity by a * score of 32 td 9. Wayne Konecny was the game's high scorer with 18 points as well as the outstanding player on the varsity team. Harrison's teams are unbeaten this year in the Lams League conference to date. Channel Lake is at a disadvantage in that they have no gyrn\ in their school and can practice oi^ly once a week in the high school gym at Ahtioch. Legion Auxiliary News, At the January meeting of the Legion auxiliary at the home of Marion Cannon the following dispeifltaents were made: $2 to the auxiliary loan fund, $45 to the 9 point program, $10 to child welfare, $10 to gifts for yanks, $5 to hospitalized „ women veterans, $1 to National Security, $1 to Pan America, $5 to the March of Dimes, and 32 to the Leonard Wood MemoHal in the name of Mrs. Karen Widen, who is the only deceased member of the Legion auxiliary in Wonder Lake. 4) plea has been received from the Elgin State hospital for used playing cards for the men there; Anyone having cards to donate please call Mrs. Nancy Elbersen at Wonder Lake 5272, or Mrs. Dorothy Michels at W. L. 7931. This is the third request for playing cards that the hospital has made. The Wonder Lake auxiliary will host the County Legion auxiliary at^T meeting Feb. 7 at Harrison school at 8 p.m. New Briefs Sharon LaGreca is getting along nicely at home following the operation on her fractured leg at the McHenry hospital. The bone is pinned and she was able to leave the hospital ten days after the accident Jan. 6, in which her lejjpwas broken. She -will be using crutches for .about five months and can not go to school because of the danger of being jostled. Mrs. LaGreca is making arrangements to see what can be done about continuing high school studies for Sharon. Being shutin she enjoys company very much; Mr. and Mrs. William Dicker of Highland Shores have a new baby. A 4 lb. 3 oz. girl was born J&V 22 at Memorial hospital and has been named Cynthia Marie. Mrs. Dicker is at home, but she had to leave'Cynthia in the , hospital, where she is getting along nicely, until she weighs 5 lbs. The Dickers have a son whbse name is William. A nice long letter from Phyllis Whitfield tells of daughter Barbara's equestrian accomplishmMits. Barby has been taking leM)ns in Mission Valley for about four months, and in- a recent show won a red ribbon in the intermediate class. Phyllis is doing fancy stitching on the maichine she got from Santa, and the family is enjoying the varied activities around San Diego. Kevin Druml, 5 year old son of the Ed Drumls of Shore Hills, has been hospitalized in McHenry for pn^imonia. He was admitted FiWay and has been responding well to. treatment. We hope you are up and around soon again, Kevin. Belated birthday greetings to Lynn Wines of Wooded Shores who celebrated her sixth the nineteenth of January. Word from the David Barrios family, who are summer residents of Deep Spring Woods No. 1, related that Hope was in a serious cai^accident around Thanksgiving in Chicago, and spent a month in a hospital there. She came home for Christmas and is well along the road to recover/ She's glad to be alive, the car was a total wreck. Mrs. Pat DeWald and children,. Susie, Mickey and Jackie returned from a trip to visit her brother- in-law in Manassass, Va., early, iHjfhe month. They also took siiddeF trips to Baltimore and Washington, D. C. while there. Joe Smith, son of the John R. Smiths of Indian Ridge, left Friday by plane for San Diego to begin his hitch" in the Navy. Billy Wright is home from Illinois at Navy Pier for the vacation between semesters, however he will be enrolling at Northern Illinois University at DeKalb for the second' semester. Lester Wenkle of Wonder Woods was home for one day only between semesters at Carthage college. Baby girl Tracy was. born to the Charles Tracys of Clearwater subdivision at the Memorial^ hospital Saturday morning, Jan. 25. The four other Tracy children are Tommy, Joann, Penny and Craig. Happy birthday to Susan Stendebach, daughter of the James Stendebach^ of Wonder' Woods, who was 4 years old Monday, Jan. 27.: And happy birthday td Gloria Sandgren, daughter of the Robert Sandgrens of the same subdivision, who was 17 Jan. 28. A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Hansen^at the Memorial hospital Saturday, Jan. 25. Bridal Shower Donna Jensen of Highland Shores and Mary Lee Sabo' of Woodstock were cohostesses, honoring Valeria Buss with a household shower at the Jensen home Sunday afternoon. The girls had prepared a ruffled umbrella and chair for Valeria to open her gifts. Open faced sandwiches, punch, cake and coffee were served afterwards. The guests were friends in the neighborhood since the bad roads made it impossible for anyone to come from very distant places. Valeria will be married to James Bitterman of McHenry at Christ the King Church Saturday, Feb. 8. Roller Skating Party The 4-H Federation will have a roller skating party at the McHenry rink Feb. 13. The event is open to the public, tickets may be obtained from 4-H members. Polio Benefit Card Party The Polio benefit card party at Millie's was highly successful again this year, although the severe weather kept quite a few people away.--Mrs. Jasper Indelicato, chairman, reports that contributions amounted to $120 above expenses. The merchants of Wonder Lake, McHenry, Woodstock, Ringwood and Hebron who donated so many wonderful gifts made this sum possible. There were seventy-one . persons who attend the party., After an evening of fun, cake and coffee were served. The delicious homemade cakes were the donation of the ladies in the neighborhood. Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. Joanne Kenkel, Mrs. Grace Wenkel, Mrs. Helen Stitch and Mrs. Mildred Indelicato. Book Review Programmed Van Sells was a guest at the Wcnder Woods Women's association meeting Monday night to review the book "Please Don't Eat the Dasies" by Jean Kerr. This hilariously funny accounting by the author of the zany incidents in her household of four boys plus a husband, in the normal course of the day was delightfully presented by Mrs. Sells. From the audience reaction we would guess that Mrs. Kerr's household does not differ greatly from many at Wonder Lake. A social period followed the review with the serving of refreshments in the recreation room of the Sandgren home. Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. Ruth Woodward, Mrs. Jo Pryor and Mrs. Helen Cope. McHenry Choral Club Rehearsals are underway for the McHenry Choral Club's Spring concert. Anyone interested in joining the group can contact Mrs. James Bell at W. L. 4234. Mrs. Bell will be driving to rehearsals in the band room cf the high school and will share the ride' with any new members. TOPICS McHENRY Glenn Paulsen CARS AND TV A lady phoned at McHENRY TV and said. "My TV picture has wavy lines all over. What's wrong with it and how much will it cost to fix it? If an automobile motor missed fire, most folks would under- #gd that anyone of several •ts could be in need of replacement or repair. It would be necessary for a mechanic to check different parts of the engine. Allan McKim In television the idea is the same. The failure of any one of several electronic devices can result in the same apparent trouble. When you phone 2233 for electronic services, you'll find an organization with the latest type equipment to find and correct trouble in the least time and lowest cost. Most of our servicing is done right in your living room. McHENRY TV ,522 W. Main St. Phone 22SS Parties Highlight Weekend Patricia Grabovy, daughter' of Mr. and Mrs. Clemence Grabovy of Wooded- Shores, gave a farewell party for. Bobby Kennedy who. moved from the Lake to Indiana. After the basketball game at Harrison Friday night, sixteen youngsters of the 6th grade class gathered at Patricia's house where they enjoyed refreshments and dancing. Mrs. John Noble of Wonder Woods had a surprise birthday party for ner daughter, Kathy, Friday night. In honor of Kathy's 11 years, eleven girls were invited Attending were Carol Sandgren, Sharon Moore, Donna Mack and Linda Mills of Wonder Woods,. Lois Detwiler and Linda Leschman, of Highland Shores, Jackie Hill of White Oaks Bay, Judy Harrison and Sandra Spitzbart of Greenwood and - cousin. Cindy Stanger of Woodstock, as well as Kathy's grandmother. Mrs. George Noble and an aunt and' uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Stanger of Woodstock. Linda Schwitzer ofs Crystal Lake was unable to come to the party. TtTie. girls enjoyed dancing and games in the basement which was decorated for the occasion. Kathy received many lovely things .for her birthday. Roberta Noble celebrated her sixth birthday Monday afternoon with a party for her little friends. It was Roberta's first party and the. guests were the members of the Kindergarten car pool for Greenwood school. Attending were Vicki Rankin of White Oaks Bay, Cathy Seeman, Mark Misiak, Terry O'Connor. Ernie Schultz, and Dianne Mack of Wonder Woods. Nancy Wallace was unable to come due to illness. The children played games and enjoyed the traditional refreshments; There's one more birthday in the Noble family in January, that of Alice who was one year old the eleventh. Express Gratitude Mrs. Dorothy Michels wants the community to know that George Gut^nan and John Merit el volunteered their truck ajid time to collect the generous contributions of the Legion auxiliary and their friends and neighbors to come. to the aid of the John Russell family which was burned out last week. Extension Course Finale There was a dinner at the Clarence Olson school in Woodstock Monday night to mark the finish of the Northern Illinois University Extension course in Physical Education whjch has been meeting ^ekly?1uLi^^ Wonder Lake who have finished the course are Mrs. George Goetchel, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Wenck, and Mrs. Henry Setzler. Kiwanis Installation About 125 Kiwanians and their guests were audience to a very impressive installation ceremony at the American Legion home in McHenry Saturday night. Orville Church of Crystal Lake who is Lt. Governor of the division conducted the installation of officers. In the Wonder Lake club George Pederson was installed as president, Leonard Freund as vicepresident, Frank Schrieder as seo ond vice-president, Horace Wagn& r as treasurer, Sam Yokely as secretary, and A1 Schimke, Joe Lundborg, and Fred Zandier make up the board of directors. A clever skit written and produced by members of the McHenry club and titled "If Men Played Cards as Women Do" made use of personalities around McHenry, and was tremendously enjoyed by the audience. All-Subdivision Meeting A new property owner's organization was formed at a meeting at Harrison school Thursday night, Jan. 23. 1 The Wonder Lake Property Owner's advisory board is the name which has been chosen by the group. The board will be composed of one member from each subdivision. The directors of each of the present subdivisions will appoint one delegate and one alternate to serve. The previous plan to form an all-subdivision commission to consider a police protection district was abandoned when the sheriff's committee voted not-to accept a squad car from Wottder Lake if it were manned by volunteer deputies. ' The purpose of this new allsubdivision board is to adiieve closer cooperation between the subdivisions in mattehs which involve the whole area; and to exchange know-how aiid information about the solution of mutual problems, from which all can profit. The lake re-stocking program, the squad car, and by-laws came up for discussion et the meeting Thursday night. The question of subdivision liability on roads and beaches "arose, and the group voted to obtain legal advice. They also decided to take action to get driequate RR warnings at the unprotected grade crossings of the C&NW and the McCullom Lake road and at Ringwopd. The election of ofticers is slated f6r the next meeting which will be attended by official delegates. In order to initiate the organization of the board, the presidents of all the subdivisions met to consider the need for an advisory board. They then carried the proposition back to their individual subdivision directors, who approved the plan. The next meeting will take place at Harrison school Thursday, Feb. 27, at 7:30 p.m. Vision Screening at Harrison The yearly eye examination of all the students" 4t Harrison school was conducted last week under the sponsorship of the P.T.A. This is a general screen' ing method designeB to pick out the students who need the care of an eye doctor.i 'Tfhe Massachusetts vision screening machines which are used are^so set-up that the layman can operate them and detect the student who lacks normal vision. One .inachine vtras purchased by the Kiwanis organization and the other by the McHenry P.T.A., and Harrison school borrows them yearly for their testing program. Letters are sent H^the parents of , the children found lacking nor- RUPTURE -EASER lokts Uf« Worth Living IQt MB^ WOMBt CRIMEN I htlkHIMI Required ' «r Ml sifterjfc 95 •w in* **g*T MM MMMI Mft •*- BOLGER'S PHONE 40 inal vision, suggesting that an eye dbctor be consulted. Part of the form letter consists of a return envelope from the' doctor to the school indicating that some action has been taken. The P.T.A. reports much coopeartion on the part of the parents of the students referred in the past. The program was started in 1952 at Harrison, and an instructor from the" company which manufactures the machines gave a course of instruction in the operation of them. Mrs. Gordon Larson is health and safety chairman of the PTA executive committee .and she and her co-workers conducted the testing the past week. Assisting Mr$. Larson were Mrs. Roy Swanson, Mrs. Stanley Wilson, Mrs. Kenneth^G^ble, Mrs. George Weisenberger, Mrs. George Gergits, Mrs. Allen Schimke, and Mrs. Austin Hood. Mrs. Swanson was one of those who initiated the program in 1952 and has worked with the students every year since. morial hospital, met at the home of Mrs. Donald Swanson last week. They turned the completed cobblers aprons over to Mrs. Victor Milbrandt, who is chairman of the Wonder Lake sewing group for the shop. They then considered the making of several things among them clowns and small dolls and fancy aprons made of tie ends. Mrs. Harold Wohnrade brought a guest, Mrs. Leonard ' Kratz. Others present were Mrs. Harry Davidson, MrsL William Fiala, and Mrs. Anthony Weretka. The next meeting will be Feb. 20 at the home of Mrs. Weretka in Wooded Shores. Sew-N-Sews Meet The Sew-N-Sews, one of the groups around the county which constitute the backbone of the Gift and Thrift Shop of the Me- Business & Service Directory of Wonder Lake CRISTY STENDEBACH General Contractors NEW HOMES PhOM Wonder Lake 5432 Period Costumes Shown Clothing from the period 1900 to 1930 will be modelled in a style show "to be presented at ,,the Feb. 14 meeting of the Harrison P.T.A. ' il who attended the show last rear remember the lovely collection of 1860 to 1900 fashions displayed. One feature will, be the sacque, vintage 1928 and 1958. The title of the meeting is "Appreciation of Our Leaders" in connection with Founders Day, and the past presidents of the Harris6n association-will be honored. Home Bureau News There was no meeting of the Ringwood unit of Home Bureau in January. The next meeting will be Feb. 4, at the home of Mrs. A. Weretka. Anyone interested in the Home Bureau organization is welcome to come as a guest. The special event will be a talk on "Low Calorie Food Preparation" presented by the Home Advisor. day, Feb. 2. The serinon topic at both the 8 and 10:45 a.m. services will be "Our Test of God." The Rev. .femes Scherer, first Dean of the new Lutheran school of missions, will be the speaker at" the "Women of the Church" meeting on Monday evening, Feb. 3, at 8. Rev. Scherer* (Continued on page 14) Nativity Evangelical Lutheran Church The Junior Choir will sing at the 8 a,m. worship service Sun- JOHN McNISH AUCTION ED VOGEL & WILLIAM RUSSEL, Auctioneers Having decided to quit dairying on account of my health, I will sell ori the old Rehorst Farm (now owned by John McNish) situated one mile south of Route 173; two miles southeast of Richmond on the Solon Mills and Twin Lakes Road; and two miles north of Solon Mills and Route 12, on TUESDAY FEBRUARY 4, 1958 at 12:80 P.M. Sharp 70 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK 38 Milch cows, (20 of these will be fresh or close springers); 7 Holstein heifers, 2 years old (Bred); 1 Holstein bull, 2 years old (Registered); 15 Holstein Yearling heifers; 6 six month old Holstein heifers. All these heifers are TB tested and Bangs vaccinated. 3 four month old heifers, not vaccinated. This'is an exceptionally good herd. Prospective buyers will be welcome to inspect this herd before day of safle. MACHINERY International 8 ft. T. Disc; International power take-off Corn Binder.. FEED \ 50 ton of Mixed Hay; 25 ft. of Silage; 1000 bu. of C<4n. Not Responsible for Accidents TERMS: All sums of $25.00 and under cash. Over this amount onefourth down and the balance in six monthly payments Make arrangements for credit with clerk before sale. JOHN McNISH AUCTION McHENRY STATE BANK. Clerking WINTER "SEASON SANITONE Dry Cleaning SPECIAL OFF For CASH-N CARRY . ' . at RAINBOW CLEANERS STORE ONLY! > t 100 N. Front St. Around Corner from National's Parking Lot Open Fri. Eve to 9 Daily 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. For Pick-up Service at Regular Prices Phone 927 Ask About Our Free Dry Cleaning Hampers. ADD Real Beaut TO YOUR HOME £ conomica AN IDEAL WINTERTIME PROJECT COOL IN THE SUMMER PROTECTS IN THE WINTER ADDS VALUE TO YOUR HOME JETS AND WMTIK Submersible jwrars Pumps ON DISPLAY SEE THEM WORK OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK EASY TERMS McHenry County Well & Pump Co. WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Service ALL MAKES of PUMPS! Located in the Village of McCullom Lake One mile from McHenry on the McCullom and Wonder Lake Road PHONE 713 ( ) (ICMMON* Keep Cool and have good ventilation as low as per window Includes All Materials TERMS TO FIT YOUR BUDGET BRING YOUR HOME UP TO DATE It's easy to modernize your present home. Increase the value and. livability of your home be remodeling. WE CAN HELP YOU WITH THE PLANNING - MATERIALS - FINANCING NO MONEY DOWN I OUR COMPETENT STAFF IS EQUIPPED TO ASSIST YOU WITH ANY BUILDING PROBLEM ALWAYS PLENTY OF FREE PARKING V* ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" * On Highway 31 - South of Main Street - McHenry, PHONE 1424 "ALWAYS FIRST . .«. SERVICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS"