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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Feb 1958, p. 2

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$'V:. ' """" "' Page Two A:, fry. . ---Si , ,r'" /VS THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, February 27* 1958 k 'faf' tftred C. Svoboda To ^ed Kewanee Girl {y.W Mr. and Mrs. Gunnard V. Johnson of LaFayette, 111., an- • nounce the engagement of . their daughter, Joan E. Krin- .'iiear, of 128 W. Kelloge avenue, ' fcewanee, to Mr. Fred C. Svoboda of 519 Whitney avenue, Kewanee, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Svoboda. The b r i d e - e l e c t o p e r a t e s "Joan's Studio Stylists" in KejWanee. The bridegroom, graduate of the local high school, . is manager of the Montgomery Ward store in Kewanee. No date has been set for the wedding. Tell Winners In Card Tournament The fourth party in the current card tournament of the .Catholic Daughters of America was held last Thursday. . Winners were Ann Rodenkirchr Helen Heuser, Lena Blake. Rose Freund and Rose Staines in pinochle; Clara Miller and Ella Buss in bridge; Rose Kennebeck, Joyce Weber and Clara Adams in canasta. A business meeting will be held March 6. Community Club Will Meet March S The next regular meeting of the Johnsburg Community club ---will be held Monday, March 3, at 8:15 p.m. Since there are [ important matters to be dis- I cussed, all members are urged to be present. The committee for this meeting will be notified by mail. Members atfe also reminded jjHiat March 1 is the deadline for annual dues for 1958. After this date, a penalty of two dollars will be added, so everyone is asked to please complete jthejf obligation at the meet- Tell Engagement Of Carol Ann Engh v Mr. and Mrs. Stuart M. Engh of Country Club subdivifpon announce the engagement of their daughter, Carol Ann, Si Ben J.. Stove, Jr., son of Mr. id Mrs. Ben J. Slove, Sr., of esPlaines. No date has been set for the weeding. Kathy Doran 9 Years Old Feb. 21 Kathy Doran of Park avenue observed her ninth birthday on Friday, Feb. 21. To help her celebrate this occasion were the following guests: Ann Steinbach, Sandy Bensen, Dee Dee Thorn, Arlet'te Johnston, Louise Matthesius, Susan Thompson and Janie Walsh. Tell Engagement Of Muriel Green Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Green of Omaha, Nebr., ^announce the engagement of their daughter, Muriel, to Stuart Lee Sex, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leon S. Sex ofx Lakemoor. The wedding will take place next summer. ter at the Mooay Memorial Church of Chicago. In Evangelistic meetihgs arourid the World as music director and soloist. He has teamed .• with such Evangelists as Jack Shuler, Torrey Johnson, Billy Graham, Vance Havner, Jesse Hendley and Fred Brown. All are invited to see and hear Dr.. Huffman and Mrs. Shufelt, and their film at the McHenry high school auditorium at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, March 6. No tickets will be of Elgin, visited Mrs. Walter1 Walsh Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Meyers of Woodstock were visitors in the Paul Gerasch home Saturday evening. Messrs. and Mesdames Charles Weingart, Sibre Whiting, Charles Diedrich, Kenneth Peteison and Edward Condon attended a Farm Bureau kickoff dinner held at the Grace I.uther&n church in Woodstock Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs.t Alfons Adams MR. LEE COONEY, EASTERN BRIDE TO RESIDE IN CITY/ . i wllU wllo1' AUSllla needed. A free will offering j attended the Waukegan Bowwill be taken. - - -- PERSONALS Pan-Hellenic Group At Bernier Residence - The county "PaJi-Hellenic society met at the nome of Mrs. Royal Bernier on Idyll Dell road, south of McHenry, Monday evening of this week. Those attending were delighted with the inspiring presentation bytMrs. Harry Stinespring, Jr., who *'did several excerpts from various plays, poems and articles, all designed to make today's woman appreciate life as she lives it. Plans were discussed during the evening for a spring dinner dance in March. Mrs. Bernier was assisted in the serving of refreshments by Mrs. Stinespring, Mrs. Carole Jepsen and Miss Eva Unti. Lakemoor Couple Wed 15 Years Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rogers of Lakemoor celebrated their fifteenth wedding anniversary at a quiet family celebration in their home on Feb. 26. R.N.A. Camp To Meet On March 4 Fox River Valley Camp. No. 3251. R.N.A., will meet on Tuesday, March 4. at the home of Mrs. Clarence Niesen on Riverside Drive. TWO THEOLOGICAL LEADERS WILL APPEAR IN CITY Dr. John A. Huffman, president of the Winona Lake School of Theology, and J. Stratton Shufelt, dean of the school of music at the same school, have accepted the invitation of the McHenry Bible Church to come to McHenry March 6. They will bring a new film entitled. "The Crescent and The Cross." Dr. Huffman has had pastoral experience at the Park Street Congregational church in Boston and the Cornerstone Baptist church of Cambridge. He is an author and radio broadcaster. His messages are heard on the programs. "Wings of The Morning." "Las Alas De Alba," and "The Evangelical Hour." Broadcast over a powerful combination of radio stations. Dr. Huffman is founder of "The Flying Seminar To Bible Lands," which has been an annual pilgrimage to the Holy Lond. The film. "The Crescent and The Cross." was produced under his supervision. Mr. Shufelt has been Minister of Music for Dr. A. W. Tozer, who pastors the South Sjde Alliance Church of Chicago. He ;vas for nine years choir mas- Sunday visitors in the William Staines home were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Whiting, the George Pattison and Mervin Staines families, of Woodstock, j Mr. and Mrs. William Hefim- ! er, Mrs. Annabel Aicher and J Leo Heimer were in Chicago ' Monday to visit Mrs. George Steilen who is ill. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Peterkort of Round Lake were recent visitors in the Albert Purvey home. Mr. and Mrs. George Glosson, daughter Janet and Miss Carol Glosson were visitors in the George Rauen home in Kenosha, -Wis., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Kuna have returned from a several weeks stay in Florida. Paul Barbian has returned from an extended visit in Mexico City. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Glosson and daughter Patsy, were visitors in the Arthur Staines home in Powers Lake Sunday. Mrs. George Miller, son Robert, Mrs. James Doherty and son, James, visited Rev. Father Walter Conway at Notre Dame, Ind., recently. Enroute home they called on Sister Marie Gratia at St. Denis convent, Chicago. Sp. 3/c Robert Weber of Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., spent a short furlough with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Weber recently. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bassi, Sr., have been visiting their daughter in New Orleans, La. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hansen of Racine, Wis., Mr. and Mrs S. E. Earl of Beloit, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. James Costello of Elgin, Mrs. Emmerson Beverly and Mrs.- George Westerman of South Elgin were among the out-of-town folks called here by the death of Richard Walsh last week. Dan Creamer attended the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. Rose Nicholas in Milwaukee Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Young of Waukegan, were recent guests of McHenry relatives. They had .Hist returned from a visit with their daughters, Mrs. Frederick Sandeen yand family in San Francisco and Miss Mary Dolores Young in Los Angeles, Calif. Among the McHenry folks who attended the funeral of Arthur Thompson in Chicago, last week were Messrs. and Mesdames Ralph Justen, Albert Barbian. Walter Hopkins, Robert Scholz, George Kleinhans, Harry Eklund, Emil Hdinspater and Mrs. Irving Cook and Mrs. Harry Stinespring. Miss Margery Freund, of Madison, Ind., spent the weekend with McHenry relatives. Miss Mary Nye who will graduate from DeKalb this year is now doing student teaching in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Kimmel men's award dinner at the V F.W. hall in Waukegan Saturday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Petty of Lake Villa. Mike Daley is spending the winter with relatives in California. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bienapfl and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Dixon and family visited in the William Riggs home in Salem, Wis., Sunday. Mrs; Robert Conway, daughter Judy and Mrs. Stella Calbow of, Crystal Lake« visited in the home of their patents Mr. and Mrs. Carl Blanner and their brother, Donald Blanner in RockfOrd Sunday. Mesdames Herman Berkley, Carl Lobitz, Julius Roeder, Glenn Dixon and Fred Bienapfl attended a tea sponsored by the Lutheran Child Welfare auxiliary at Island Lake last week. Miss Clara Miller has returned from a several weeks visit with friends in East Orange, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Mendel and sons, Gerald and Charles, of Westchester visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Smith Sunday., Mrs. Erie Geer of Crystal Lake was a Sunday visitor in the George H. Johnson home. Mr. and Mrs. Burt Bienapfl have returned from a visit in the home of her parents in Tampa, Fla. Messrs. and Mesdames Kenneth Peterson, Robert Smith. Edward Tonyan, Sr. and Harry Snell attended the wedding of Elaine Krich and Melvin Passfield in Harvard Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Alfons Adams accompanied by Jack Perry and Bob Alderton of Lake Vilia attended the Field Archers Invitational Shoot at Shirland, 111., Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Miller of Joliet visited McHenry relatives Sunday. - Mr. _and Mrs, \Yil1iam Glosson and family and Mrs. Velma Douglas visited in the A1 AmO home in Kenosha Sunday. ° Mr. and Mrs. Edward Freund of Chicago werie McHenry vis-< itors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Engdahl returned Monday from Grand Rapids, Minn., where Mrs. Engdahl had spent the past week with Lieut, and Mrs. Jack Pepping. Mr. Engdahl. who spent the past week in Washington, D.C., flew there to join her on Friday. When Mrs. Engdahl arrived in Grand Rapids the thermometer which had registered 35 the night before, stood at 20 below and when they left it was 60 above. Mrs. Delia Matthews is spending several days with her son, Edward and wife, in Evanston. Well-built wire fences can last 20 to 25 years. A wedding of interest local* ly was solemnized in St. Edward the Confessor church, Westminster, Mass., on Feb. 16 when Miss Carol Ann Marrone became the bride of Mr. Lee Joseph Cooney. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William B. Mac Aloney, Sr., of Academy Hill road, Westminster, and Mr. Codney is the son of Martin Cooney of 113 Richmond road, McHenry, and th»* late Callista Cooney. The lovely, blonde bride chose a peau-de-soi and chantilly lace dress. Her French illusion, fingertip veil, pearl trimmed, fell from a pillbox hat and she carried a cascade bouquet of white ifcses and stephanotis, centered with an orchid. Sandra Mae Marrone, sister of the bride, acted as her maid of honor and Miss Dorothy Beach and Mrs. James Bolger were bridesmaids. Patricia Ann Mac Aloney, a niece, was the pretty flower girl. Hie maid of honor was in a floor length gown of orchid net over taffeta, with match* ing headpiece, and carried a colonial bouuuet of violets and carnatipns. The flower girl also wore orchid net over taffeta. Arthur ^Trainque served as best man and Roger Brackett and James Sparkman ushered. Brenton Mac Aloney, nephew of the brldet served as ring bearer. A reception followed the wedding for 140 guests at the Westminster Country club, after which the couple left by car for a trip through the Southwest. Upon their return thev will reside at 113 Richmond road. The bride is a graduate of Gardner high school and has been employed by the New England Telephone and Telegraph company at Fitchburg, Mass. The groom graduated from McHenry high school and received his B.S. degree from Bradley university. The young couple exchanged vows on the fortieth wedding anniversary of her parents. CARD OF THANKS I would like to take this way of expressing my sincere thanks to friends, neighbors and relatives for the many kindnesses extended during my illness; especially for. cards, flowers anqi prayers. They were all appreciated "so vejy much. 43 Mrs. Rhode DeBray Support The Boy Scouts' For your convenience we now have money orders available at our drive-In window. The McHenry State Bank. 39-4 'Tor Shoes that Please See Peter Gies" . • Baby Shoes • Boys' & Girls' Shoes • Ladies Shoes • Men's Shoes • Work Shoes • Rubber Footwear Peter Gies Shoes & Shoe Repairs Phone 441-M 107 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry . 111. Peter WJ. ^uiten & on OXYGEN EQUIPPED AMBULANCE service Phone McHenry 63 "7sr om.c 1L//c yy opic Vapor Just ask the I ladies who have tried this New Miracle Process / and be pleasantly , convinced. YOUR LOVELINESS IS OUR BUSINESS • vers ule ^fifuirslyling cj'i udio lie N. Riverside Drive Phone 147 McHenry, 111. for better homes for lowest prices see us ROBERT HAY CONSTRUCTION Co. F.H.A. & V.A. FINANCING • Masonery • Concrete • Carpentry PHONE: 1907 Bus. 1S77 Home 305 E. Elm St. McHenry Wise Open Toes., Thurs., and FrL Evenings »ta o. SHOP AT NYE'S "Your Walgreen Agency Drug Store" Lowast Prices Always -- Free Delivery i fLEDGES FRATERNITY Richard /Voss of Orchard Beach was among the 113 students at the University of Wisconsin who were recently pledged to the Wisconsin chapters of twenty-six different fraternities on the ' Wisconsin cajnpus. Richard was pledged to Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity. SHOP IN McHENRY 129 No. Riverside Dr. r-ndne » Mcrienry, HE McHenry Hospital Patients at McHenry hospital this past week included Helen Hartman of Trevor, Wis.; Karen Jean Kellner, Dorian Wilkinson, Florence Spielman, Emil Magnuson, Margaret Tapineau, Anna Kaeuffl, Henry G. Weber and James Taylor of McHenry; Marie Kern and Kathryn Mason of Pistakee Bay; David Dickinson of. Fox Lake; Lillian Wilkinson and Mary VandenBranden of Wonder Lake; Eleanor Sakaloskas of Chicago; Marcella Wakitsch of Jak Ana Heights; Betty Baker of Pistakee Highlands; Lou vie Mor» tonsen of Crystal Lake; Harry Dyke of Huemann's subdivision; Walter Szarek of Lakejnoor and Emma Olson of Sunnyside Estates. Patients at Memorial Hospital for McHenry County at Woodstock this pa^t week have included "Richard Menzel of Wonder Lake, Paul Bastie of Spring Grove and Frances Nyden of McHenry. Marilyn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Anderson, underwent surgery last week at St. Francis hospital, Evanston. READ THE WANT ADS row smic nHK W0MIH6 SMOOTHLY. Inexpensive-- Easy to apply • Stimulates Bacterial action a Helps prevent Sluggish or dogged septic systems B0YER BAC-TIVAT0R ACE HARDWARE ISO Riverside Dr. McHenry, IU. PHONE 72!! V" / S? - v ^ , \ ' ; Li.' ;-l .v >'x AT THE START: A 7'A-MILE HANDICAP! In a recent test, a typical housewife discovered that she travels that distance each day in the ^ house «£ alone. Small wonder that American women wel- ^ come aids which eliminate additional steps; that so many of them have checking accounts, by ^ means of which, at bill-paying time each month, » ^ they can pay by mail, rather than trudge about ... The convenient checking service that saves tC Americans, male and female alike, countless extra steps, is provided by America's banks. CHECKS SAFELY TRANSFER SOME TWO TRILLION ^ DOLLARS YEARLY. PAY BY CHECK, WITH US I McHENRY STATE BANK Interest Paid On Savings Deposits Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation v Member Federal Reserve System . PHONE 1040 Monday - Tuesday Wednesday -Thursday - Friday - Saturday If we don't m'ake good on our special mm lil! m- T & i <) CLOTHES BROUGHT IN BY 10 AM CLEANED AND WAITING BY 5 PM What's more, it's thm one and only SANIT0NE Dry Cleaning That gets out ALL the DIRT I Caught short? Need a particular suit, dresS or wrap for some special occasion and it has to be cleaned and pressed? Just get it to us by the time specified above and we'll keep our part of the schedule to the second! If we make you wait--be it ever so little, then you don't pay us a dime. But you won't wait-- that's for sure and you will be happy as a lark- with the iob we do for you. Try us and see. SAVE 10% Cash 'n Carry RAINBOW CLEANERS 100 N. FRONT STREET -- McHENRY PHONE 927 for Pickup Service Just North of National's Parking Lot Always Plenty of Free Parking at Rainbow Drive-In OPEN DAILY -- 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. -- Fridays to 9 P.M. #

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