. . . j Christen Son Of ®he Paul Hiller* !/ Sunday, March 2, the little if ton of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hiller was christened Patrick Charles at St. Patrick's church, v With his aunt, Mrs. Norma :vV Knox, and bis uncle, John Rogf* eN, acting as sponsors, f ^.Later in the day, dinner and Supper were served at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Qolbeck at Edgebrook Heights. Guests included the maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rogers; the paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. : Leo Hiller; Mr. and Mrs. Syl- ' vester Wirfs and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knox and family, John and Gilbert Rogers, LeRoy and Grace Hiller arid the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hiller. Republican Women's CVub To Meet March 18 v The McHenry Township publican Women's club will hold its next meeting at 8 p m. on March 18 at the Legion home in McHenry. All Republican candidates in the April primary will be invited to attend. The public is also welcome. MCHENRY SCOUTS PARTICIPATED IN MARCH 8 RALLY Couple Surprised At New Residence Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Meddings of Cooney Heights were enjoying the comforts of their new home last Thursday evening wheri a host of friends decided to furnish them with material to fill many pages in their book of pleasant memories. ^ -- When Wayne and Ina Jean finally managed to emeree flrom the avalanche of gifts showered upon them, they found that the problem of providing nourishment and refreshments for their company was also solved by their guests. -Among the many wrappings was a hamper filled with tasty sandwiches and other tidbits, including a huge cake, an exact replica of the Meddings' new home. The evening was spent in inerrymaking, with a record of the activities taken on movie film to bp viewed at future leir home Among the many guests were Mr. and Mrs. Eugene De- Vries, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ' Prouty, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Tibbitts. all of Hebron, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Struck of Richmond. All Girl Scouts are reminded of the rally at the Crystal Lake "Tieldhouse on Saturday, March 8. ^11 Scouts taking part in the program should be at the fieldhouse by 12:30 sharp and all others, attending the rally at 2 p.m. Valley View members will find their seats on the© south side. Troop 89 from McHenry is participating in the program by presenting a skit; also six intermediate Scouts from Johnsburg and twelve Brownie Scouts from Wonder Lake will represent the neighborhood by taking part in the program. The March meeting of the neighborhood Will be held in M^iHenry at the American Legion home on Wednesday. March 12, from noon until 2 p.m. All those attending will bring a nosebag" lunch. Coffee will be served. The district chairman for the cookie sale will be John Ducey from Wonder Lake. Girl Scout Week, March 9 to 15. will be celebrated by more than three million girls and adults, the largest membership in Girl Scout history. The Girl Scouts of the county make up one of the handful of organizations which operate under charters issued by the Congress of the United States. It was granted its congressional charter in 1950. PERSONALS A daughter was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Horenberger, Jr., on March 1 at Memorial hospital, Woodstock. The little girl, weighing 7 lbs. 2% oz. was named Susan. She has a 2%- year-old brother, Mark. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ray Horenberger, Sr., of Cherry Valley. Mr: and Mrs. John Baldwin Mrs. Allan Frennd Honored At Shower Mrs. Allan Freund was guest of' honor at a post-nuptial shower for thirty guests, held Sunday at the church hall in Ringwood. Hostesses for the party were Mrs. John B. Klapperich of Ringwood, Mrs. Wilfred Justen of Waukegan and Mrs. ^Edward Justen of McHenry. Honored At Baby Shower Mrs. Robert Fepping was guest of honor at a baby shower held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Pepping last Sun3av^A^||Bpi»on.# Hostesses were MrsrChester Watkins and Mi^vaigjaJvin Nelson of Crystal , Guests w|jjS^enjoyed a social afternoon and a tasty lunch were Mrs. ^Ibert Pepping of Johns/brtrrg, Mrs. Clarence Aman of Mundelein, Mrs. Allan Freund and Mrs". Merton Lockwood of Crystal Lake and Mesdames Elmer Winkelman, Herbert Engdahl, Robert Low, Andrew Steinsdoerfer and Eugene LaFontaine of McHenry. of Spring Grove are "the parents of a son, born Feb. 25 at Memorial hospital. A son was born March 1 at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth O'Holleran. Mr. and Mrs. George Burns of Wonder Lake are the parents of a son, born March 1 at Memorial hospital. A boy was welcomed into the Joseph Zahn family on Feb. 2jo at Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crabtree of Wonder Lake are the parents of a daughter, born Feb. 26 at Memorial hospital. A son was born Feb. 28 at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rouscher. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Nyden are the parents of a daughter, born March 3 at Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest C. Johnson of Sunset View subdivision are the parents of a daughter, born Feb. 22. The little miss, who weighed 6 lbs. 14 oz. at birth, has been named Kimberly Ann. She has a sister, 2 years old. SHOP IN MCHENRY . Mrs. A. P. Freund Mrs. Peter A. Freund and Mrs. Nick Weingart returned last week from a bus tour of* Florida where overnight stops were made at Orlando, Miami and Tampa', and several other places of interest visited. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Murray of Mundelein called on relatives here last week. Mrs. David Powers accompanied the Joseph Powers family of Crystal Lake to the Sibre Whiting home in Johnsburg Sunday, where they celebrated Mrs. Whiting's and Mr. Power's birthday. Fred Ulrich of Oak Park called on McHenry friends Saturday. Mrs. Everett Clark of Chicago visited her daughter-inlaw, Mrs. Richard Cldrk. and children in the home of Mrs- Elizabeth Thompson Friday. Mrs. Emma Franien spent the weekend with her daughter, Mrs. Max Doering and helped she and her husband celebrate their twentieth weddine anniversary Sunday. Dick Wissel was home from Champaign to spend the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Wissell. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wirtz have returned from a week's visit with their son. Jack and wife at Fort Chaffee, Ark. Rev. Father Raymond Hettermann of Apple River visited re'atives in this vicinity Sunday. The Robert Waj*man family of Arlington Heights visited -oiat'vHs here Sunday, where Mr. Wavman acted as sponsor for little Thomas Herbert Thompson. Mrs Peter Brown has returned from a two-week visit in the home of her son. Louis, qnd family in Tuscon. Ariz. Mesdames John R e i n e r t. T.loyd Reinert and Elmer Leyden of Elgin, were McHenry callers Sunday and attended a shower for Mrs. Allan Freund nt the church hall in Ringwood. Richard Clark of Omaha, Nebr.; spent the weekend here. He was accompanied home by his wife and children, who had been spending the past three wppks with her mother. $Trs. Elizabeth Thompson, and other relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Boardman and children and Dale Dawes of Rockf^rd were McHenry visitors Sunday, where they nttended the Nofthern IF lyini Bowmen shoot. Miss Virginia Williams, accompanied by Joanne Knapp of Aurora. Iowa, and Marion Early of Largo, Fla.. returned recently from a 10,000-mile auto trip through Europe,, where they visited many different countries. They were gone four montHs. Mrs. LeRoy Conway and sister". Miss Lucy Howden, of Richmond visited the former's sister-in-law. Sister Marie Gratia (Marion ? Conway) at Mercy Hospital. Chirago, Saturday, where she has been a patient the past few weeks. Mrs. M. J. Brown has returned from a visit with relatives in Florida. Miss Marion Early or Largp, Fla., has been spending several days in the Joseph Williams home. Mr. and Mrs. William Sutton and Mrs. Laura Minteer of Maywood were recent guests in the Edward Sutton home. The Carl Hiatt family of Waukegan, were dinner guests in the home of her mother, Mrs. Zena Bacon, Sunday. Mrs. Emil Patzke and Miss Florence Antholz visited Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Patzke in Champaign Saturday. Mrs. Betty Eversole, Who has been making her home in McHenry the past two and one half years, moved to Chicago Monday, where she will be employed. Mr. and Mrs. Hilmer Hfeike and sons of Libertyville, were Sunday guests in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Wissell. Clarence Whiting of Elgin called on McHenry relatives Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. : Ben Millfer visited Mrs. Katherine McDaniel at Victory Memorial hospital, Waukegan, Tuesday. Ken Kirk and Patti Miller, students at Champaign, spent the weekend at their respective homes here. ' . llie Robert Tennent family returned last weekend from Wooster, Ohio, where they <vere called by the death W his father. Among those who attended the wake of Mrs. Katherine Althoff in Kehosha this week were Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Doherty and son, Phillip, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Miller, Mrs. Mayme Miller, Mrs. A. P. Mority and Miss ^lara Miller. Miss Souellyn Mears of Elgin spent the weekend with her aunt Mrs. Frances Thorne. Edward Dwyer of Chicago visited his sister. Mrs. Walter Walsh, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Walter/Wollak and daughter, Dolores, Jand Mr. and Mrs. Ray Deskis attending a gathering in Chicago Sunday. FIRST PRE-CANA CONFERENCE WILL BE HELD IN COUNTY Much discussed these days is the Pre-Cana conference for couples to be married. It is a highly developed program of planned preparation for marriage. and is said to give those about to be married a better insight to the various aspects of married life. The first Pre-Cana confer^ ence ever to be held in -this area is to start on Sunday, March 23, at St. Thomas Catholic church in Crystal Lak$, All couples contemplating-marriage are invited to attend.,. Father Andrew J. Plesa will be in charge of the meeting lyjiich starts at 1 p.m. On Monday evening Francis d Marge Murphy of Rockford will present the -married couples' viewpoint on Cana. Wednesday evening the session is to be conducted br Dr. Joseph B. Perez and Dr. John McHugh. They will di§cuss^ the physiological factors in marriage. The fourth and final conference will be directed by Father H. L. Weckerle on Friday. The above sessions will begin at 8 p.m. ^ Couples who desire to attend are asked to phone Crystal Lake 462 or 1571 for reservations. Tt Pays to Advertise CARD OF THANKS ' I wish to thank 'everyone for their visits, cards, flowers and many kind deeds during my recent illness. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. 44 Evelyn Carey SiuiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiHiimiiiiiiimiiiiiin^ VILLA NURSING HOME 1 ON PISTAKEE BAY NEAR McHENRY Home for the Aged SENILE . . BED PATIENTS | PHONE McHENRY 461 iiiiuiiHiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Everyone J leaving, ^About *$t! The New Miracle Machine TROPIC VAPOR is Really Making a Fine Reputation Among the Ladies ... TRY IT -- YOU'LL SEE WHY YOUR LOVELINESS IS OUR BUSINESS iverstde ^f^airstyling d^fludi • 126 N. Riverside Drive Phone 147 McHen^y^ to 111. Open TIMS., Thors., and Frl. Evenings til 9 HOLD OPEN HOUSE RECEPTION FOR REV. McINTYRE v An ope#*htftf£e reception was held in honor pt Rev. and Mi*. Jack Mclntjrre and their daughters, Priscilla and Marissa on March "2 in the Johnsburg Community house. Rev. Mclntyre is new pastor of the Presbyterian Church. Approximately 100 gUeilts welcomed the family. ^ Out-of-tOyrti guerts included Rev. and Mi's. Walter Heyl of Ridgefield, Rev,. and Mrs. Lester Reemstma of Caladonia, William Berrick and family (the legal representative for the Freeport Presbytery from Rockford, Mr.rand Mrs. W. H. Motz from Elmwood Park and Mr. LaFeber from Wisconsin. Guests from the McHenry area were Rev. and Mrs. Jack Corbet and Jamily, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh ^Locker and the present congregation Of the Presbyterian church, plus visitors from many other protestant churches in this area sonnet, of whom were, Mr. and Mrs. Elynn Etternick and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Charbioneer and family and Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Fisher and family. All m the guests were presented to the Mclntyre family by the official host and hostess. Mr. ind Mrs. Lynn Stuart. The special committee in charge of the reception consisted of Mrs. George Spindler, chairman; Mrs. Dan Mathes, co-chairman, Mr. and Mrs. Burt Reece and Mrs. C. D. Cios. Mrs. Warren Krebs served at the punch table and Mrs. Frank Seebach poured at the tea table. The table was beautifully decorated with a centerpiece of mixed mums. Pictures of the reception were taken by C. D. Cios of the village of Sunnyside. The guest book was circulated by little Miss Lynnda Stuart. It was presented to Rev. Mclntyre by Mrs." Spindler and Mrs. Frank Seebach. March 6 'Teen-Agers Dance -- Moose Lodge March 10 Job's Daughters -- Regular Meeting -r- 7:30 p.m. -- Masonic Hall. March 11 ,'O.E.S. Stated Meetingt- 8 p.m. -- Masonic Hall. St. Patrick's School Mothers' Club Regular Meeting -- 2:45 p.m. -- Church Hall. March 14 Woman's Club -- Legion Home -- 1:30 p.m. s March 16 Annual St. Patrick's Day Dinner--Sponsored by St. Patrick's Altar and Rosary Sodality. March 18 Card Party and Luncheon-- St. Peter^s Parish Hall, Spring Grove--12:30 p.m.--Sponsofed by Christian Mothers Sodality. j '•'j r Memorial Hospital Patients at Memorial hospital, Woodstock, this past week included Mrs. Edith Moore, Andrew Fossum and Adolph Vandandtiyt of Ringwood;' Harold Lottchea and Ardella Vofeltz of McHenry; Mrs. Lois Mathews and Richard Madden of Wonder Lake. PROGR€SS REPORT. You ate sMhg in on a meeting of an American family's Board of Directors, convened to consider how its Project Home Ownership is advancing. The progress report, written on the pages of that bankbook, is evidently satisfactory! At other such meetings^ across die land, other families are evaluating their progress toward new cars, vacations, college for the children, retirement... the goals vary widely. But the progress reports axe generally satisfactory -- in homes where it's the habit to "bankscjthethmg regularly.*' START MOVING AHEAD TOWARD YOUR GOAL-- BY SAVING SYSTEMATICALLY AT OUR BANK! McHENRY STATE BANK Interest Paid On Savings Deposits Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System » PHQNE 1040, McHenry Hospital •; Patients 'at McHenry hospital this week included Helen Ger&mbo 6f Lakeland Park; Helen Harrington of Woodstock; Lorraine Murphy, Eva Wells, Stephen Lemon and Louis McPherson of Wonder Lake; Jobn Reinboldt, Helen Schmidt, Agnes K. Freund, Dorothy Sanford, Paul Thomas. Andrew Hauptmann. Larry Johnson, Doreen Catherine Miller, R u d-o 1 p h Gamperi, Frank Gore, Annabel Freund. John Sovski, Lois R. Bieszczad and William Lull of McHenry; Victor Sokolowski and Jan Dillon of Crystal Lake; Mary Tomasello of McCullom Lake; Claude B. Spiegelhoff of Richmond and James J. McGOon of Fox Lake. APPRECIATION DINNER. SCOOTERS' MEETING IN APRIL The Kishwaukee d is t r i c t Scouters' annual meeting will be combined with an appreciation banquet this year. This decision was reached when the olanning committee met in Woodstock at the home of Phil LaValle, district Scout executive. Rev. Emerson Colaw of Edisoif Park will be the guest speaker. District vice-chairman Walter Massey of Lake- 'n-the Hills will serve as toastmaster. The dinner will be served at the Woodstock Moose hall by the "Women of the Moose on Monday, April 14, at 7:15 p.m. The program will feature a recognition-count-down of all the Scouters present to show the years of service contributed by each. In the Kishwaukee district, this will run variously from one or two years to over twenty. This ceremony will be quite colorful because the leaders will attend in uniforms rarigjng, from the blue of Cub Scouters through the khaki of regular Scouters to the greens of Explorers. The next meeting of this committee will be held Monday, March 17. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE BOARD OF WORLD PEACE SECRETARY TO SPEAK HERE Herman Will, - Jr., administrative secretary of the Board of World Peace of the Methodist church, will speak at a public meeting at the Community Methodist church, on Thursday, March 20. Everyone is invited to hear his talk and enjoy a noofi luncheon prior to the talk, at which a free will offering will be taken. He was quoted in the Chicago Daily News on Nov. 19, 1957, along with other leaders of church and Industry commenting on a special .Daily News Report, •'Russia's Challenge" three days before. He said thai: "The values which we cherish. in fact the spiritual foundations of civilisation are in the gravest danger. It is high time for our people to demand an end to the hopeless race for ever deadlier weapons." The subject of Russian and American competition in the present day world is one to which every person, gives thought. Mr. Will's, talk in McHenry on "The United Nations in a Troubled World" should be interesting to everyone who wants greater understanding of what possible repairs might b# made on the. road to peace and understanding. PLEDGES SORORITY Anne Lundborg, Northern Illinois University sophomore, was recently Initiated into Sigma Kappa, social sorority. Miss Lundborg is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph' Lundborg of Rt. 1, Wonder Lake. CARD OF THANKS I want to thank friends and r&atftfes for visiting me and remembering me with gifts,\ cards and prayers during the time I was in the hospital and at home after my accident ms> pecially Fr. Collins and The Sisters for prayers. : •• 44 Jackie Ihennes fARDS OF THANKS v - I would like to |ake this/Way of expressing my sincere thanks for prayers, cards gifts while at the hospital recuperating at home. Eveiything was appreciated very much. W *44 Mrs. Bernard Tohyfrn • - mmmmm m m mm mm at it at* voa CM ml A fURIBREO REGISTERED HEIFER AND GET A FKE SYRINGE OR TUB* OF UKEOMYCIHa Chlortvtraeyolin* . MASTITIS PRODUCT WITH EACH 5 PURCHASED BOLGER'S ' PHONE 40 S. Green St. McHeorj TONITE! "The CRESCENT and the CROSS" The Religion of Islam -- filmed in the Middle East in Exotic Color and authentic sound. ^ McHenry High School - 7:30 P.M. presenting * DR. HUFFMAN, who has led annual seminars to ^th Middle East and is Presideht of Winona School 0(A Theology. \ • MR. STRATTON SCHUFELT -- a nationally know; | baritone soloist and accomplished musician. EVERYONE WELCOME! Sponsored by the McHenry Bible Church mmm DRY CLEANED ! CLOTHES NOW COME HOME KITTEH-S0FT \ APPROVED SERVICE RAINBOW'S Special Soft Set® Finish Restores Like-new Texture There's no longer any need for your suits, coats, dresses to lose one bit of their original smartness in dry cleaning. Our Sanitone Dry Cleaning is the answer. First it removes every trace of dirt, spots and even perspiration. SAVE 10% RAINBOW Then comes a special "finishing** process called Soft-Seti® which completely restores like new body and texture to the fabric. Your garments actually look and fed like new again. Call for service today. Cash 'n Carry CLEANERS m 100 N. FRONT STREET -- McHENRY PHONE 927 for Pickup Service Just North of National's Parking Lot Always Plenty of Free Parking at Rainbow Drive-in OPEN DAILY --8 A.M. to 6 P.M. -- Fridays to 9 P.M. .£>