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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Mar 1958, p. 12

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T*U Candidates Far School Board **» :' , %TSe election v for officer?" of tihte Johnsbiirg public school tjoard. WiUbe held on April 12 ajt ,the school. Those running fi&r office are R. Hurckes, E. Tfrpreh,, J., Weingart and S. M. • Sywrftt.? . AnrtVes Home You may remember jthe birth announcement of a month ago of Peter John Mischke, who was too tiny at the time to come home with Lillian.. from the hospital. He only weighed 3 pounds 12 ounces at birth so he had quite a bit of catching up to do. It didn't take him too long though, a^ he is now at home after only three weeks, much to the joy of his pifeud dad' and mom. Congratulation? again to the whole M&chke family. Church Neiws Among those, from Sunnysid& E&fetes who attended the op&n house, to greet the new pastor of the recently organized Presbyterian church in Eastwood Manor were Mr. and Mrs. George Spindler and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reece. If anyone would like more .information they can call Mrs. Spindler at McHenry 373. Future plans Include Sunday School classes to begin on^ Easter Sunifty. Meeting The, association meeting^ Jast week was well attended. It is impossible to'report everything that is brought up at a meeting but some of the highlights were the appointment of a nominating .committee for the election of officers in June* a beach committee and the mail bo* situation. The nominating committee consists of Matt Bott, chairman; Dottie Hoyle, Adeline Zeiger, Lois Anderson, Kelly Noah, George Kropf and Bob Lakowske as co-workers. These people will call on you within the next month, to discuss nominations. Your cooperation in giving them a few minutes of your time will be appreciated." Those on the beach committee are Larry Leakey, chairman; Dale Maule and John Wischke, who volunteered their services for this forthcoming project. We were informed not to --move the mail boxes until the post office gives us the green light. This shouldn't be too long since the .layout of the; address is just about ready for approval. The cakes this month were furnished by Dottie Hoyle, Lillian Jensen, LaVern Jost, Florence Kanter and Carol Kennebeck. Also in. th% refreshment t department we now have a beautiful new coffee urn for the jneetings. A vote of thanks to all who purchased the vanilla to make this possible and a sincere "thank you" to Polly Stevens for her efforts. COMPUETE NU€LEAfc P©WER? KbNMtf nois The huge steel sphere and the turbine building for the Commonwealth. Edison-Public Service company! Dresden Nuclear Powfer station are nearing completion.' Located on the Illinois waterway, 50 miles southwest of Chicago, the 180,000 kilowatt station wiiji have the largest nuclear power reactor under construction in the counjtry. It is -scheduled . for. operation in 1960. The next step will be to remove the construction derrick from the center of the 190-foot sphere. Then the top and bottom will, be capped and the airtight sphere tested ; to -insure it will withstand the sptfafled pressure, of 29% pounds per squdre inch. Later an opening will be cut in the; sphere to j permit entty and installation of the boiling water reactor assembly. ^Dresden is being -built by General Electric company for a contract price of $45,000,000. X . • v ) SS. County of McHenry) In JThf Circuit Cpurt of McH&iry Cbunty Illinois HERBERT FREUND, d/b/a S. Hi lUEtjND & SON, Plaintiff, 'VSp STANLEY ETrfAN CRYSTAL LAKE SAYINOp^nd LOAN ASSOCIAT^|| v and "UNKNOWN OWNER^ Defendants. IN CHAN^gtY)Np. 35538 . . •NOTiqPip;: PUBLICATION Affidavit showing that the defendants*, "Unknown Owners",^ haye gone, out of,. this State, and on due inquiry cannot be,.fdund, so that prqcess c^fflftbt be served upon said defendants, having been filed in the office of'the Clerk of this court, notice is therefore, hereby , given to „ said . "Unknown Owners" ' defendants that the plaintiff in the above entitled cause filed his complaint in said cause on the 3rd day of September, A.D., 1957, and that said action is now pending and undetermined in said court, and that you, the said "Unknown Owners" defendants must file an answer in this case, or otherwise file your appearance in the office of, the A Clerk , of thisC?urt, or ,be* fQre; Mtocti "29, anC. 'ln' the eyerit yotf: fail to do so, default may* be' taken against you for the relief prayed'for in the complsunt." i J^tEjR EDINGER, Cleric . of said Court iCdiirf' Seal).' LQOZE & KINNE . : Attorneys for Plaintiff 112 E. Elm S t r e e t $ . . ' • ? v", < McHenry, Illinois - v * * h, - ' (Pub. Feb. 27 - Mar«rfi:6-m plumbing, heating and roofing. Planet and • specifications can be secured from the Mctlenry Mciose Lodge 691, State Route 120 East, McHe&ry, IllinMs; at any': time after date of this notice. Bids • will be received at the residence of Hilary Rodenkirch, 107 S. Park street, McHenry, Illinois, until the 27th day 'of March; 1958, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M. C.S.T. at which time bids will be1 opened and publicly read at the Moose Lodge of McHeni-yi ~ Illinois: Proposals shall be accomp* anied by Bidders Bond or Certified check, payable to McHenry- Moose Lodge No. 691, in the amount of 10% of t^»e bid. Checks or bonds, will be returned 'to all except the low bidders, immediately after awards of contract; is made. McHenry Moose Hodge No. 691 res^cve^the right, to. reiepta}!, bids', to waWe ittlnor Infprroafc ities in. any bid,. - arid to matce] award in fhe,best interest of McHenry Moose Lodge; No. 691. V.': By order of the officers, of the McHenry Moose Lodge Nb. 691, McHenry, lit , ., Dated , at McHenry, Illinois, this 4th day . of March, 1958, - HILAR* RODENKIRCH, Secretary (Pub; Mar. 6-13,1958) At Home POLICE TIPS '= " By Chief Grobel A violation which frequently occui$ 1? leaving' keys in the ignition of an Unattended vehicle Thii is in' violatMi of the ^ uniform, act regulating traffic, Article 14, Section 92, add a summons can be issued. This is als6 ah invitation for a stranger in need of transportation to help himself to your car, which involves a network of police departments. Then when, and if, yottr car is finally recovered, it is so badly damaged it do6sn'^pay to1 fix" it. ' At this time*our thoughts turft to insurance. But wheh are we going to stop the neediest rise in insurance rates due to accidents, etc.? by Chief Josepli Grobel 3 Specialize. In . . ; Equipped to Cement; Work: . ' IT Ir'" ' Do Any Siie Qfaly .. •' R0•. M*^ 9oh CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CEMENT CONTRACTOBS ' W»oiW;;4(^vi£:. BOB FGPPING, Owner1 sky, from Pennsylvania. The reunion began over the weekend at • the home of another sister,* Mrs. Lyons, who lives in Berwyn, 111. Poor George, what q. hen party this -must be! ceHJ O.E.S. News by Lillian Bossier The meeting of Feb. 25 of the Order of the Easter Star was not only a stated meeting but one that made quite a few of us feel real thrilled to have the pleasure of initiating into our order the husband of one of our officers, Edward Heyward. Our wish is Jthat his entrance into the order will give him the pleasure and fellowship we all feel. Visitors from Nunda chapter paid us "the honor of attending our meeting. Come back soon, girls, we enjoy having you. The committee served delicious refreshments afterward. Thanks so much. Our next regular meeting will be held March 11 at the Masonic hall. Hope to see quite few of you there. ^lilllllllllllllllllllllllillilllllllllllilllllllllllllllllUIIIIHIIIIiinilHIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIillilllllllllHIIIIIiHIIHIIIIIlIE Sick list Reports from the Noah family are favorable this week now thkt Laverne is back home after having to spend a few days in Chicago due Jo an injury to her back. Kathy Palmer has played hostess to the chicken pox and Marge and Harold have their fingers crossed hoping the other children won't, follow suit. After a few days in .the Mc Henry hospital for treatment of nose bleeds, Mr. Gore is confined to his home for awhile. Rickey Mikkelsen is recuperating from an ear infection and Gus Berg was home all last week with a sinus infection. We hope for a speedy recovery for ap. Birthdays A belated wish to Weston Frisby, who celebrated his birthday on March 6. Two birthdays celebrated on the fourteenth of this month are by Teddy Jost and Mary Di Fancisco. Michael Maule will be 3 ;yeajRs old on M^rojh 16. Hftppy birthday to all. X* ' v Reunion All this week Miv and Mrs. George Spindler have been entertaining her sisters, Mrs. Ditchburn and Mrs. Cherne- I OF [ SAVING ACCOUNTS | of any financial institution in McHenry I County, Illinois | Join your friends in profitable saving at Marengo Federal Savings and Loan Association Marengo, Illinois | Total savings accounts over $7,600*000.00 § | Current Dividend Rate 3'/2% | iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiinitiniiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiii SAFETY SAVIN6S LITTLE FARMER ..... •4$:::::: i PLENTY OF ROOM FOR AU. OF US/ WOW, HOW ABOUT rf/ts RUNABOUT/ BILLY. WHAT ARE SKIS DOING AT A BOAT SHOW/ AND LOTS OF PUN GOLLY, AMI GLAD WE CAM E J BOATGOOD IT LETS YOU BERTH YOUR BOATtHYOUR YARD/ THERE $ A BEAUTiFUL MOTOR, JJM SURER/ tTSANEW 'mm -HORSE! Bring the whole fqmily! They 11 all get a kick out of learning what's new on the wonderful world of water. Come for facts . . . or come for fun. We'll look for you! JOrdan 8-7258 Monday Sunday w Wd. •• ON ROUTE AT VOLO PHONE McHENRY By KERN PEDERSON Uncle C I - f l /"MAN; A worm that usually ends up on some woman's hook. • • • Some fellers lead stormy lives on the sea of matrimony that if there'll Grandpa Hedges says he ever gits to heaven be some changes made MR INDUSTRY McHENRY PLAINDEALSft 102 N. Green (Street PHONE 110 € I OFF MAIN STREET By JOE DENNETT 'LOOK AT THAT HAPPvi V0UH6 PAIR i \ PR0BABLV EN6AGED/ WEL.L, 8EIH6 '-AND STAV OUT ETIMES UNTIL I CAN CLEAN \UPTH19 MESS J RICHARD/ YOU TRACKED MUD ALL THROUGH THE HOUSE/ ENGAGED 19 AS GOOC^ AS BEING MARRIED & 1J C+-Sf DEEMS By TOM OKA mm BY ARN1E MOSSLER -- AND MOt?E MONBY WANT TOO' WALK The chap with a really big heart never gits that way in the" head. • • • Some fellers don't MIND women, others are married. • • • Tubby Tyler's wife says that Tubby is a perfect idiot. Tubby says that no one is perfect. You kin always head trouble a tellin* tales. for Junior Hihch don't want to grow up to1 be .'a gentleman;'he wants to be like his dad. •' Sometimes the" only way to dry upv a drjip is by a good soakin'. ::i! To really make a ldi^ story short; forget it. * * • Some gals git a hospital room all to themselves; they're too cute for WARPS.* -- REV. CHARLE1T GZtANT ACROSS 1. Linger 6. Timid 8. Bendl the head 12. A volcano IS. Garden implement 14. Part of the cgrai 15. Measures of •weight 16. Adorn . 18. Sbeak confusedly 20. Thick 21. Organ of sight 22. An expert 24. Succeeded 26. Ireland 28. Locsk 32. Fervant 34. Organ of the body 36. Gaseooa element 37. Comfort > - 8ft, Attempt 4& Trial 42. Miheral spring- 44, Moval^le rua .wtth 47. Gel* SI. Awful £8. Break snddenl*. . 64. Otherwise " 55. Aged 66. Half - prefix O.K. Bill 23. Quality • suffix 24. Pale 25. Mineral rode 27. Followers 29. Kept 30. Ever 31. Some SSI Came in 35. Bothersome person' 38. Coral island* 41. High prieit" 43. Outmoded 44. At what time 45. Pit 46. Gaelic 48. Cots 49. App^lation B0. Twirl \ 62. Lai^ sniake W mm N CODS fOQElQ mm EasQfs B naaB WW dBBEMS OISEiaQSS 130SB mv-mu ESBS m\nm bdb ntuEJSBianH c 0 w EL L Moistens B. Above- S.Sugg«Uon 4. Savory 6. Foot odverlng & Fear 7. Japanese cola, aPertainlngW < number 9. BaUng chambw 19. Between tMbi and twenty -Solution m r* to U y __ & • • .V T T*.

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