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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Mar 1958, p. 17

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TV'/y; /• ay, March 13, 1958 ^ "® h •' <*•> *> **4 f ^ "Vv ,4 * r| * ^r f ™ f£ ^ Vs%>^ "V**1 w" /"J'jt ^ 1| '"S^/ A r ^ T1 ^ „._ . SUPPLEMENT TO THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER ~ '! - ; , «--» . • Eastwood Maj|ior ST. PATRICK'S PARTY PUNHH) FQR COMMUMTY ®y Peggy Garrelts ^ St. Patrick's day party was planned for March 15 at the special Property Owners' meeti ing held a week ago Friday. T^ie party will be held in the | community house and all Eastwood Manor residents and : their guests are welcome. The coimiittee, Which is composed ^of^R^ois McCormack, Larri Moore, Helen and Tom Birmingham, Lois Krebs, Pat Cis- , ewski and Peggy Garrelts met W at the Birmingham home last Friday to make final plans for the event. Refreshments will be served and the committee is Planning a program of games and dancing. We expect everyone will have a good time and liojte there is a good turn-out forwie party. •. Spring Cleaning! - Spring is finally showing signs of getting here. The snow is mostly gone and the muddy fpotprints are ftitich in evidence in every house! 'r Some folks have discovered qrocuses, hyacinths, daffodils and tulips starting to poke trough the soil. The buds on lilsQp and other early springflowering bushes are swollen-- getting ready to burst into flower with the help of a few nice warm days. ( . All these sigjfe ihake us feel good, even though the weather itself stays cold and damp. One thing the "melting snow has revealed is a kind of mystery. Where and how did all the debris get ir* the yard??? Thwfe are boards, bottles, assorted papers, odd socks, scarves, mittens (none matching), toys, cans, and actually just about anything you can name can be found emerging from the snow banks. 'Looks like as soon as the ground is a little firmer we will all have quite a job picking up our yards and getting rid^f all the junk. ,{wrai, spring is the, clean-up season, and you can sure tell why. Everything needs to be tijiied and brightened up after the dreary, dirty winter. ;'So, fellas -- get out your shovels, rakes, brooms and paint brushes and let's see you Jive your winter-soft muscles «• workout getting thfc old hpmestead all spic and span fgypring. 1S0E know without any urging tfie; little woman will get bitten by the house-cleaning bug any day now--and then watch the dust fly! Urban, Larri Moore, Helen Mathis and Lena Qampbell making up the membership. The girls meet every two weeks at each home for a few hours of relaxation The second meeting "was held the fifth of March,, at Dolores Woolfine's home. Sick List Another casualty among the kiddies was Martha Simpson when she got into her mother's cologne and decided it smelled good enojigh to drink. Drink it she did, with the results that she ended up in West Suburban hospital in Oak Park to have her stomach pumped. Donald Bever is recuperating at home from operations on both his feet. He was operated on at Highland Park hospital and 'came home March 1. Since then he has been taking it easy at home and literally "trying to get -back on his feet." At this writing he is feeling much improved and expects "to go back to work next Monday. Walt Garrelts was laid up for two days this past week <with the flu. However, he is now back at work and feeling more like himself. Mr. "and Mrs. Leo Pomerantz from San Francisbo, were dinner guests at the home of Dolores and Frank Woolwine a week ago Sunday. --Lois and WarrenKrebs„entertained Lois' folks, Mr. and Mrs. Wiesenthal, for dinner last Sunday in honor of Lois' mother's birthday. Happy Birthday The twenty-sixth of February, Dolores Woolwine was surprised at Helen Mathis' home when the neighbors dropped in to help her celebrate her birthday. Dotty Messer, Lena Campbell, Charlotte Urban and Larri Moore all contributed cake and coffee to make It a happy surprise. The same group were in a partying mood, again on the fourth of March when they all sneaked into Dotty Messers' kitchen with all the makings for another celebration. Dotty was really surprised when she walked into the kitchen and found the girls pnd refreshments waiting for her. The Kellog family will be busy this month as Laura will be 3 years on the fourteenth and Lynn will be 1 year old the thirteenth. Seems as though they like to have their birthdays in bunches. Best wishes to both you young ladies. Walt Garrelts will celebrate his birthday March 13th. Neil Shaw will be 2 years old the fourteenth of March. Many happy returns to all of you. 33 Canasta Club '-A Canasta culb has been fOThned with Dorothy Messer, Dolores Woolwine, Charlotte Happy Anniversary Best wishes to Dotty and Glenn Messer. who were married five years the seventh of March. This and That Winnie Hansen and Dolores Lawrence went into Chicago to visit Winnie's mother on her birthday last Thursday. They are going to be keeping Route 12 busy, as they are going into Chicago again Sunday, together with their families, to help celebrate the birthday of Mr. Lawrence, Winnie and Len's dad. *"S * DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS ® HOURSyDAELY 9 TO 12 A.M. and 1 TO 5 P.M. FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:30 P.M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE McHENRY 452 GEORGE WASPI AUCTION EDXy^GEL and WILLIAM H. RUSSELL, Auctioneers Having decided to' discontinue farming I will sell my personal prc^rty on the old Waspi farm located one mile Northwest of Spring Grove; 3 miles East of Richmond on Route 173, then South 2 miles; one mile North of Route 12, on i SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 1958 at Public Auction, commencing at 11:30 A.M. sharp 35 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK 21- Holstein milk cows, 4 fresh, 3 springers, balance milking "" good and bred to freshen in the Fall; 1 Holstein bull, 2 yrs. old; 5 Holstein heifers, bred & vaccinated; 4 Holstein Jieifers, 6 to 8 mos. old, vaccinated; 4 Holstein heifers, 4 "Mo 6 mos. old, vaccinated. MACHINERY MeC.D F-20 tractor & cultivator; Allis Chalmers W.C. tractor; ~ New Idea 12-A manure spreader; New Holland 77 baler; - McC.D. No. 8 windrower like new; McC.D. 5 ft. combine with pickup attach.; McC.D. hay mower; 28 ft. Bradley ~ elevator; M. & M. corn planter with tractor hitch; Forge; - Cement mixer; 2 McC.D. corn binders; John Deere 3-bot- * torn 14" tractor plow; Rowell silo filler with pipe; Fanning Z mill; McD. 22-36 tractor on steel; Allis Chalmers two-row - mounted corn picked; Manure carrier and cable; Case 4- 10>ar (side rake; Case hammer mill; G.I. 7 ft. disc; 4-section - spring tooth drag; 4-section wood drag with folding draw ~~ bar; 2 rubber-tired wagons with racks; large grindstone; 1 Stewart cow clipper; Several tons of old iron: Allis - Chalmers 2-14 tractor plow; 1000 lb. platform scale; Pony saddle; seeder; cultipacker; tractor chaihs. (T FEED lETtons of Alfalfa & Brome Hay; 8 ft. of Silage ih 16 ft. silo; Z 200 bu. Ear Corn; 120 shocks of Corn. DAIRY EQUIPMENT 3 2>urge milkers; Pails and Strainers; Universal pump and , -jriotor. -y 60 Hens - Some Household Furniture. LUNCH WAGON ON GROUNDS Z NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS Terms: All sums of $25.00 and under, cash. Over this amount, one-fourth down and the balance in six monthly payments, with interest at 6%. Make arrangements for credit with clerk before sale. , GEORGE WASPI AUCTION McHENRY STATE BANK, Clerk Family of the Week Let's get Acquainted with Donald and Elva Bever who live at 132 Country Lane. This young couple do1 not as yet have any children. DOn works as a truck driver and Elva works in an office in Deerfield. They moved into their home on Jan. 1, 1957. Don's main interest is baseball and Elva, we understand, is quite a bowler, ' as she has won several .• trophies. She bowls on a team in Highland Park., Don't forget to put on your green and come to the St. Pat's party. Please phone in the news to 2101. Page Seventeen Our Schools Calling All Parents! During the fall and spring of the ^chool yeari days-are^Tset manifold- way3 aside for teacher-parent conferences at Edgebrook. It is the hope t of each teacher to present hoi only the many good qualities in Johnny but also to find a workable solution for the .unfavorable ones. ^ 1,. __ In a sense, this get-together is a means of stimulating cooperation and understanding between teacher, patents and child. We are "swaping notes" as to his mental ant)'emotional behavior at home, and at school. In the past, both teacher and parents have agreed ' that this alloted time is profitable and enlightening toward the child's future progress. - ^ him with knowledge to. enable him to live a happy, useful and successful life and to grow up Both are attending classes at DeKalb. • Last semester, Mr; Raasch, the music instructor, to be a credit to his commun- and Mr. Armstrong attended ity. This is accomplished in DeKalb also. 3)aucji%terb by Lillian Bossier The regular and stated meeting of the International Order of Job's Daughters, Bethel 98, of McHenry was held on Feb. 24 at the Masonic hall. Three new members were welcomed into the bethel at this time. They were Hanna Mae Morris, Phyllis Smith and Nancy Lokay. Welcome, girls, I hope your journey through the years will be happy and enjoyable ones. Congratulations are due the officers for their wonderful work. Joan, you did a swell job. A poem on the life of Job was read by our librarian and very well dene. Refreshments were served after the meeting in the basement of the temple. I know they were appreciated by all who attended. The next meeting of Job's Daughters will be held March 10 at 7:30 p.m. at the temple on Court street., This is the first Of a series of reports which will endeavor to keep you informed or activities of Edgebrook and the Junior high school. These reports will inform you on the activities in various classes from the first through the eighth grade. Education Is a topic discussed and read about by practically everyone these days. What about the education of McHenry's children? After reading these reports each we6k, you should have a better understanding of what teachers and children do five, days a week over on Park avenue and Green street. Remember that the schools are for the benefit of the children in this community. The school personnel is tfying to develop each child into a wellrounded individual, to equip In any spare time you may have, why not visit the schools and sit in on a class or two, discuss with the teacher the aim of the lesson or the class? Since you are only a visitor, they won't assign you homework, so don't let that stop you. The teacher, first, must prepare himself in order to meet thirty smiling youngsters each morning. With the acute shortage of teachers, McHienry is fortunate in employing teachers who have a qualified Illinois certificate. Besides this, many teachers, to improve their teaching techniques, to gain further knowledge in a specific Subject, to work for a higher degree, attend summer school or night school. In this way, they are not only enriching themselves but contributing to greater • teaching ability which your child enjoys. Evefy school board encourages faculty members to continue to increase their professional standard while on the job. Teachers in the Junior high school who became students in the evening are Miss Soghigan and Mr. Armstrong. Miss Soghigan teachers physical education and Mr. Armstrong teaches social studies. --Mtss--Kinney, - science teach er, took a course in science from the National College Extension at Crystal Lake. Those from Edgebrook also attending this course last semester were Misg Edith Vogel, Mrs. Mary Connelly, Mrs. Helen Jurack and Mrs. Stella Rortvet. Miss Caroline Bauer received her course work at National College in Evanston, while Mrs. Esta Stelzfiede went to DeKalb. Mrs. Vera Ward and Miss Genevieve Knox have honored the Woodstock extension with their presence. For the second semester. SI POST by Mary Einspar The junior auxiliary of McHenry Post 491 held its regular monthly meeting Feb. 22. Election of officers was held and the following members were elected: Mary Pat Mrachek, president; -vice -president, Karen Nerstad; secretary, Debra Kuhlman; treasurer, Geraldine Keller; chaplain Linda Adams; sergeantat- arms, Darcy Watson; and assistant sergeant - at - arms, Janet Homo. ^ Bonnie Wirfs gave a report on the life of George Washingwhich began in January, the | ton and a rep0rt on the life of trio taking courses at DeKalb are Mrs. Dorothy Pytho, Miss Carol Ruddon and Mrs. Esta Stelzriede. Mrs. Pauline Pries, school nurse, is now taking an evening sociology course in Waukegan, given by the University of Illinois. Thus, you can easily see that a teacher has little opportunity to forget the problems that face a student. by Myrtle Proctor and Rose Parsley Abraham Lincoln was given by Janet and Eileen Homo. All three girls are to be congratulated, oh their splendid work in preparing these reports. TTie; project for the afternoon was making Mother's Day gifts. The members also made seventy-six tray favors for Downey hospital. The Juniors will hold their next meeting March 22 and all members are asked to please attend. Everyone's help is needed in the tray favor con- Let every- dawn of morning i test. be to you as the beginning of | Lillian Miller, Delia Freund, life. i Stanley Diedrich and Bill Hay RUPTURE-EASE! Ml. Ilu. U.8. Pu. Off. II flptr Brae* TraMi Ajtronc, fonn-ftttkur . port lor nducibl* inguinal BdJutabto. {SuqM Aajustabla leg straj " Ugh) « &S495 _jU» n»• hernia. Back la front flat groin Pitting ••quired men, wmtn, ehUire*. Mail *r«m J Im «trap."lS>ft!P pad. Mo «te«T or Mather baflnadta . grWoi*nt •Maura trtnl lowest nrt it MO. tut* right. left aM«R«Mkte. BOLGER'S DRUG STORE Phone 40 McHenry YOUR SATURDAY CLEANING SPECIAL Men's 2-piece Suits Women's 2-piece Suits $1.50 Value 1 Hour Service Available 99 CASH & CARRY WATCH THE PLAINDEALER FOR THESE WEEKLY SPECIALS LOCAL CLEANERS Pickup & Delivery -206 S. Green St. phone 20 Open FrI. Eve Til 9 P.M. McHenry, I1L YOU'RE OUT OF DATE WITHOUT MERCURY'S CLEAN LINE MODERN STYLING •lilt IIWWWJIIUUUI' I • >% ml aiTl'ii'L'^ L'iwYu 'J'U ' sic VP* Y sew. jy x<z ^ attended the card party held at Elgin hospital on Feb. 26. They took with them thirtysix dozen cookies bake^d by the auxiliary members. The auxiliary will hold a pot luck supper in conjunction vriih the post on March 15 to celebrate the Legion's birthday. Dancing will follow the supper. Come help us celebrate this twenty-ninth birthday of the Legion. Sunday, March 16, from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m., the Parents' association of the Viscdunts Drum -ind Bugle Corps will serve a corned beef and cabbage dinner. Proceeds will go toward the uniform fund. Take mom out for a good St. Patrick's day dinner. Dad, and help a worthy cause at the same time. The Viscounts Drum and Bugle corps wilP perform at our next meeting March 17. Be sure to attend this meeting and see„how well they are progressing. ' m READ THE WANT ADS PROFE^IOnflL DIRECTORS' m ,.v*g .V'# "•% ' DR. JOHN C. GOETSCHEL Chiropratic Physician Naprapathlc Manipulation Steam Baths and Massage S04 East Elm Street McHenry, Hi. Hours: Mon., Tues., Wed. & Fit. 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.~ 1:30 p.m. to 5:S0 pan. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m. to 2 pjm. Phone McHenry 74S DR. C. R. SWANSON, Dentist . Office Hours: Daily Except Thursday 9 to 12 -- 1:30 to 5:S0 Mon., Wed., & Fri. Evenlnfl By Appointment Only Telephone McHenry 180 ROBERT A. CAMERON Complete Insurance Service Since 1923 R.F.D. S -- Box 18 McHenry, I1L / Phone 1872-R EARL R. WALSH INSURANCE Fire, Auto, Farm Ss Life Ii ^ Representing '. RELIABLE COMPANIES When Yon Need Insurance <)( Any Kind PHONE 48 or 953 Green A Btan McHenry, III. ' SCHROEDER IRON WORKS ^ Ornamental A Structural Steel II ' - i-1 Visit Our Showrooms ^ .3 Miles South on Rt. 31 ,,-"y phone 950' ' r II: H. F. HARRISON CO. Realtors Insurance - Real Estate Appraisals ' Phone 1910 405 W. Elm Street The Big M does away with exaggerated styling--it's never garish today or outmoded tomorrow. Here is a big step beyond streamlining--a move to the crisp, fresh lines you'll find in the bold and handsome architecture of modern America. We call it Clean Line Modern Styling. And, beneath this beauty lies a car so new and exciting you can hardly believe it really exists. There are brakes that adjust themselves. There is optional power lubrication that operates1 automatically when you start the engine and new, gas-saving Mercury Marauder engines with up to 360 hp. Wouldn't you like to take the wheel of the Performance Champion for '58? You can! Just visit your Mercury dealer. You can retire on the same dollars you use to protect yoiir family^ Larry Booster -- Virgil Pollock The New England Mutual Life Insurance Company 104 E. Elm St. Phone 2500 Expert PIANO TUNING and Repairing A. G. SKALA 0/0 Steffan's Jewelry Store 514 W. Main Street PHONE 123-J* MERCURY/58 # CLEAN LINE MODERN STYLING Don't miss the big television hit, "THE ED SULLIVAN SHOW", Sunday evening, 7:00 to 8:00. Station WBBM, Channel 2. BRADY-KENNEY MERCURY DR. JOHN T. GRAY Optometrist 126 So. Green Street Office phone McHenry 186 Res. phone McHenry 604-M-l Hours: Dally 9:30 - 5*00 •. Tues. & Fri. Evenings 6:30 • 9:00 Closed all day Wednesdays Eyes examined - Glasses fitted Repair Service 16 RAND ROAD, ROUTE 120 PHONE McHENRY 2669 LAKEMOOR, McHENRY DR. LEONARD L. BOTTARI Optometrist Eyes examined > Glasses fitted Contact lenses 105 Richmond Road Hours Eve.: Wed., Thurs A Fri. 7 to 9 p.m. Saturdays - 3 to 6 Phone McHenry 2263-J Loop office - 10ft N. State CHL; Phone DEarborn 2-3096 M

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