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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Mar 1958, p. 18

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MMBBtS OF SCHOOL MSTfBCTS W COUNTY IHVITfD TO ATTHB by Jane Dncejr-X *731 "What We Must Do For Today's Children" is the theme of & meeting to be -held March 20, at 7:30 pm. in the Woodstock Community high school. Invited to attend from each school district are the superintendent, the members o£ the school board, the teachers and the officers of the PTA or CTO, in particular. Representatives of all service organizations are also urged to be present, as well as the general public The meeting is ip be broad In scope in order to enable citizens to discuss school problems with which they are con- fed. The program will conof a presentation of the lems of school finance, legislation needed, the cits responsibility in regard to school problems, and public relations and the school. Coffee and doughnuts will be served following the program, after which the group will reconvene for a question and answer period, directed by the panelists. A workshop on school problems as a follow-up to this meeting is being planned for September 1958. .Nativity Lutheran Church News The sermon title for Sunday. March 16, is. "Bread For Two Worlds." All are welcome to these worship services, especially during the Lenten season when in light of the cross we better see our own lives. The Brotherhood of the church will meet on Monday evening, March 17, at 8. At this meeting plans for the new church that are thus far completed, will be shown. All men are welcome to attend. Tuesday evening, March 18, the last session of the pastor's class will meet at 7:30. New Member Sunday will be March 23, and the members of this class that so desire will be received into church membership by cohfirmation on this day. New members will also be received by transfer and renewal. A reception will be held in the afternoon from three to five. ------Christ tbe Kinc Church News Mass is at 8 a.m. each morrjexcept Tuesday-when it Is said at 11:30 pim. With the hope that many toothers in the parish will be able to attend at tfcis more convenient time. A holy hour "at the church preceded the regular meeting of the Altar and Rosary sodality, March 6. It was decided that the members would receive Holy Communion as a group on Holy Trinity, April 3, ajt the 8 p.m. evening Mass. This would take the place of the Holy Communion Sunday for the month of April as it would fall on Easter. Sunday. Plans were made for the card party to be held at Mathew's Hall on Thursday evening, April .17, at 8 pjn. It was announced that there will be a McHenry Deanery meeting at St. Thomas parish, "Crystal Lake, on Sunday, April 27, at 2 p.m. Rev. James Vanderpool will be the guest speaker. Mrs. Edward Slaney, organization and development chairman of the Rockford diocese NCCW presented a most interesting explanation of the place of the parish organizations in delation to the deanery, diocese and national organization of the NCCW, following the business meeting of the Altar and Rosary sodality March 6. She presented several charts and a bulletin board with literature pertaining to spiritual development. Mrs. Slaney came from Elgin accompanied by Mrs. Edward DeSmith, Mrs. Marion Frieberg, and Mrs. Thelma .Lindt of Elgin also. Also on the program was the presentation' of colored slides of the activities of the classroom for the physically handicapped, which is held in the Greenwood school. The slides were shown by Bill Whiteside, instructor, of the class, and narrated by Mrs. Julia Covert, chairman of the board of the McHenry County CP organization. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Vincent Clinton, Mrs. Anthony Corrado, and Mrs. Ray Pipowski, hostesses for the evening. *fhe £&d$es Missionary guild Mill meet Thursday, March 13, Ittye morning guild at 10, a.iji. jand the evening guild at 7:30 •"'J./'*•' Canasta Party Mrs* Pat Gallas and Mrs. Lenore, Jaeschke held high scores at the Wonder Center canasta party at the home of Mrs. Grace Markel in Shore Hills Thursday, March 6. The ladies donated six dollars to the buildihg fund of the Memorial hospital. Others attending were the mesdames June Kiddell, Marie Milbrandt Judy Rasmussen, Neva Fuhrer, and Rosa Fuhrer. Bible Church News Sunday, March 23, has been named dedication Sunday for the newly remodeled Wonder Lake Bible church. The dedication services will be held at 3:30 p.m. and three guest speakers have been invited to take part in the ceremony. They are the Rev. T. M. Wright, Rev. Franklin Anderson, former pastor of the Bible church, and Dr. J. C. Macaulay who is professor of Theology at the Moody Bible institute. Morning worship service will be held at 11 a.m. and there will also be an evening bible service at 7:30 pjn. A buffet so that those attending the so that those attending the dedication service in the afternoon can plan to stay and attend the evening service also. In order to encourage the presence of the many out-oftown friends of the church, a banquet and fellowship time is planned for Saturday night, March 22. beginning at 5:30 p.m. A full course meal will be served in the church basement. After the banquet, a social time is planned, at which a gospel film will be shown. Summer residents are encouraged to come Saturday night and stay over to attend all three of the Sunday services. ' Red Cross Kick-Off Hie Red Cross fund drive in Wonder Lake got underway Sunday with a luncheon meeting at Harrison school. Guest speakers were Mrs. Marion Phinney, executive secretary of the McHenry county chapter, and Robert Becker of Marengo, who is fund drive chairman in the county. Co-chairmen William T. Born and Elmer Raske also spoke to the drive captains and workers assembled giving the facts and figures of the Red Cross operation in Wonder Lake. In 1957, fifty-three water safety certificates were issued at the Wonder Center beach; sixty home services cases were served, thirty - three for servicemen, twenty-one for veterans, and six civilians; to'mention a few. Other Wonder Lakers in Red Cross are Mrs. George Weeks, secretary, Mrs. James Selsdorf, treasurer, and Mrs. George Weisenberger. Mr. Born also expressed his appreciation to the Girl Scouts who served the lunch and to the ladies who prepared it. They were Mrs. Weisenberger, Mrs. Lincoln, and Mrs. Leah Cormier. Hobby Twelve Meeting The Hobby Twelve met at the home of Mrs. John Neuharth recently with everyone busily working on their projects. The ladies were making hats and dresses, and pieces of crochet and knitting. The club takes a luncheon break at noon and then resumes their handicraft fo^ the afternoon. Preserit were the Mesdames Lester Bacon, Lisle Basset, Howard Maxwell, Eva Eppel, Arthur Hoppe, Victor Milbrandt, Ralph White and Leon Switzer. TTie occasion marked the get-together of three of the ladies newly made grandmothers "in the last several weeks. They were the Mrs. Bacon, Maxwell and Switzer. Brownies Win Award Five Brownie Scouts were awarded a Girl Scout handkerchief for perfect attendance for the first half of the year at their meeting-^last week. Pastor and Mrs. Wright are j They were Roberta Mae Burns, looking with great anticipation to the return of Mrs. Wright's sister and her family next weekend, March 16. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Cothron have Judy Jurgensohn, Judy Knackstedt, Kathie, and Peggy Wrede. Fourteen Brownies enjoyed a swim in the pool at the served for 6% years in Brazil Woodstock high school again, as missionaries -to the Indians in their weekly splash held on (Political Advertisement) FOR SHERIFF of McHENRY COUNTY there, and the entire congre gation is looking forward to meeting them and their three little girls. Thursday. News Briefs Robert Wohnrade, son of Mr. BB EVERETT (Andy) ANDERSON REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE primary April ft, lttlte Born and Raised In Woodstock Overseas Veteran •2 Tears State Prison Work iVt ?eii» Mth, tlie Illinois . State Police -fi Years in business as own er and operator of v Andy's Mkt. and Grocery, Woodttbck. DON A. WICKS Republican Candidate for County Judge OFFERS YOU EXPERIENCE - 27 years in the active practice of law in McHenry County with the past twelve years as State's Attorney of McHenry County. AND PLEDGES to devote full time and attention to the business of the County Court. A probation system, where probation is warranted, that will provide close supervision' and aid in rehabilitation. A distribution of^Estates to the heirs at the earliest opportunity provided by law. An administration of justice based upon the facts and the law. Primary, Tuesday, April 8,1958 YOU# VOTE, AND YOUR STTPPORT WILL BE GREATLY APPRECIATED ... (POIJTICAL ADVERTISEMENT) and Mti1 HaroldWohn'rade of Deep Spring tWoods was uated from Valpariso university's engineering school in -Indiana. Bob will be working as a consulting engineer' in Chicago. Mrs. T. P. Mathews of Deep Spring Country Club is, convalescing follpwing an. appendectomy performed March 1 kt Memorial hospital. > Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ber£- dahl returned . Friday from Florida where they have been vacationing for three weeks in and around Venice. Charlie reports the fishing poor because of the cold weather. Wallace Carder of Hickory Falls is home again from St. Luke's hospital in Chicago-as a post operative patient and is improving nicely, ac^ordihg to his wife. . - Happy anniversary to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Brenner who Celebrated their seventh •. by going'out to dinner Feb. 28i, School Board Election ; Prospective school board candidates must circulate and file petitions for a place on the ballot in the April 12 election before March 21. Up to now, no petitions have been filed, at Harrison, according to Mrs. Gladys Gustavson, school secretary. There will be two three year vacancies on the Harrison board, those of Norman Specht and Jack Falkenthal, who was appointed to fill the unexpired term of Wallace Sinclair, who resigned his post in September. day, Mi^h 2|;the -rtctyool auditorium. "Sft of the Ozarks" a hill-billy comedy, and "A Date for' fiobby-Sox", a 'teen-age fairce will be presented, directed'by Randall Josserand, seventh. grade teacher at Harrison. CUfttfln time is 8 p.m. Ticket s&lfe? started Monday and they may be ,obtained from any eighty grade student, of by icalling:n tfi6 school, Wi 5742, and having them delivered. ' - ' Proceeds; frotfx the pl^iys v^ill be used tor the yearly e<|uicational trip to ^pringfield which the class take# in May. Legion, Auxiliary News , Mrs. Mafjon Cannon and Mrs. Dorothy. Michels.. attended the county meeting of the Legion auxiliary held . at the Legion home in Algonquin Friday, Marc^i ,7, Howard Nehlig,' superintendent;' of the county home at Hartiand, showed colored slides of the home and explained the. need for /remodelling to mieet the standards of tlie Department of Public Safety and the Dejpartment of Pubr lic Heallh.. - Harry Kinne, president of the McHenry county chapter of the Illinois association for the Crippled showed a color movie- of tlie - rehabilitative treatments being given at the physical therapy center in Woodstock^, and of the activinife belddur^t|re^ text vtriee?£tij( ttf i^iocaS auxiliary will be. had - 'ifift-• „ tfie home of Mrs, • Marion Ruzit&a Mitrch 20. This is & change of plan,' as the meeting was originally scheduled: at the -Jiome of Nancy and Jerre Elbersen, Legion Calendar Robert Vanderstraeten. .Post No. 1169 will have a birthday supper at the Legion home March 23 at 5 p.rn. All mem-*, bersr of the post and of the auxr* iliary - and 'their families are. invited to attend. It will be a pot-luck affair with the post furnishing the main course, coffee and milk for the 'children. All member? attending are. tasked to bring a dish to; California Trip Mr. and Mrs. Victor Milbrandt of Wooded Shores saw many old friends and former Wonder Lakers on their two weeks vacation in Califairnia. Accompanied by* Vic's brother Arthur and his wife of Winona, Minn., they went to JJarstow to see son, . Ronnie and Mary Ann. In Arcadia they visited Libby and A1 Repan, former owners of the Rolaine Grill, at La Puerita they saw Mr. and Mrs. Leo Petersen, formerly of Indian Ridge, and in Palm Springs they visited Mr. and Mrsp Joe Regal, also formerly of Indian Ridge. They visited Millie Howorka who now lives in Los Angeles and visited by telephone with Virginia HaTseth who is living in Riverside. In Tombstone, Arizona they stopped over to call on Mr. and Mrs. William Martin, former Indian Ridge residents. They saw snow in New Mexico at, Cloud Croft which has an elevation of 9,000 feet and stopped at Boulder, Colo, to see Arthur's son who is iij school at Boulder university.^ Business & Service Directory of Wonder Lake CRISTY and STENDEBACH General Contractors NEW homes Phone Wonder Lake 5432 Winter $cene < • - - After sixteen years of vacationing in Door county in summer", the Gait Wredes saw their fayorite camp .site in whiter g&rb last\ weekend when they drove to Fish Creek. They taboggoried on the seventeenth fairway and walked on Green Ejay which is still under three feet of ice. _i ; : ' •*O vi ieant- '. yt' ' : : i Jxi> an>;effort ^ inform .jUie p\U)lic about the special balfot at the; election April. 8, asking the voters to approve a $285,- OQp bond issue to cover the cost of remodelling the county home at Hartland, superintendent Howard Hehlig is' holding open Jiouse for the people > t-p take a go-see trip through the home. Conducted tours' will be made Sunday, March 23,, and 30 and April 6 to demonstrate why the home has been condemned by the .departments of Public health and safety: The. present home was--erected in 1884 and houses fifty-two residents who are infirm, chronically ill o|* in need of medical attention. A taxpayer with property haying an assessed valuation of $1CI,000 would. pay $1.00 a year for this-improvement. If the bond issue should be defeated ,and the hohie closed by the state', the fifty-two residents . would be,: returned to ftheir various townships to be cared for at the local level. • RELIEF FOR TIRED IFEB AND WEAK ARCH PAIN VSchoirs FLEX-FOAM ARCH An extremely lightweight (less than 1 oz.) supportthat comfortably molds to the contours of your foot. Genuine leather top with pillow soft Latex Foam Cushions that relieve tired feet, pain and callouses at ball of foot Worn invisibly. Men's and £ n aa women's sizes... PAIR • aAIw BOLGER'S Drug Store 108 S. Green Si McHenry PHONE 40 County CtttncO at . Gue&ts fro^*^ highlighted-t^eTii^^^n at'^W McHenry c<yui«giil •held at; , 6.. Chaplain ana Mrs. A. W. Robertson threat Lakes; is also president of the Gi^jsn . I Bay School PTA,. Mrs. Le&er } Keeper, immediate past presi- I dent of . the Lake Coupty cour\- cil . and present studiy couft6 coordinator of the Lake Coun^ cil,. and Mrs. Lvan SengCTbiir^ ger, who is.McHenry Distrfc?£:. 26. Director-elect, were tti£ special guests at the meetiA^- Lopence Stout,, legislati(Al chairman of the McHenry council urged the group to wticipate actively in ^ettin^-a ^ • good turnoutfor. the,meeting in regard to school problems,** be held March 20 in Wood- . « stock. Hostesses ftif the social hc^DP following wete Mir& Lois Ha^k, Mrs. . Gordon.. .Larson, imd: Allen Schimke. - -- : -- • • ' • ' • r To Jhandle yourself, use yoiif head; to handle others, (pe your heart " -- ---- SAVE MONEY! AVOID WASTE! READY-MIX CONCRETE RADIO DISPATCHED McHenry Ready Mix Co* Inc. 606 Front St. PHONE 920 McHenry, Illinois Come to the Play J Two one-act plays will be put on by the eighth grade class at Harrison school Frit I I % YOUR FAVORITE of THt MEIOOV Gallon Going to decorate soon? Visit our store and make your color selection ... We are featuring O'Brien's beautiful Colors of th» Year, now available in Sateen, the easy-to-use wall paint. . Kalpful 16 • pag* decoratingbooklet in f«^ll color. Yours for th* asking. Main Paint Center 418 Main St. McHenry Phone 1115 O'B R I E N PAINTS AN a a 'nee in a . . j AS NEW AS TOMORROW • .,• i oCij-etime tjSuulng. Opportunity. ITS HERE ... AMD IT'S WITH TOMORROW'S APPLIANCES LEE & RAY'S 2nd 1 in We are beginning as of March 1st our 2nd one in 20 plan. For those of you who haven't heard of the plan, here Is how it works. Each HOTPOINT appliance that is sold, the purchasers name, address and amount of his purchase is recorded on a card. When we have 20 of these cards, a drawing is held. One card is drawn from the 20. The lucky person who's card has been drawn receives a check from us for full amount of his purchase--IT'S AS SIMPLE AS THAT! OUR PRICES ARE STILL THE LOWEST AND OUR TRADE-IN REMAINS HIGH ANNOUNCING THE FIRST WINNER or OUR 1 IN 20 CONTEST LEO REGNER, Volo, Illinois on Friday^ Evening, Feb. 28th Won a 40 gal. HOTPOINT .Fast Recovery Electric. Water Heater -- Retail Value $129.95. Mr. Regner will be presented^ with our~check for the full amount of his purchase-- "hi >U:i\ Values! 30" Hoipoffit Deluxe Efctfle Ran^e S19&95 CLOTHES DRYERS: We'll, giye.ypu a dollar apiece} for your jjld clothes pins up 'tb 50-^ oiit thl purchttM Of a new Hotpoint ele<itric dryer. Models LB43, 44 or 45. 12. dU. FT., HOT^^NT U|^IGHT F|tEEZER Holds 417 lbs. -- See Us on our Special Prices LEE & RAY ELECTRIC 516 MAIN St. ILL. PHONE McHENHY 882

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