"^" ^'" "~^ ' ^^fe^/^K^-Ui:-;.^ :-:^ " ". 1 .•TT^:?WMMi*Tlfl V- "* 'AcWM^MM1#" ' *« &'"-;*:;Xiir4:*y ii4j;-v';-/fi^V|!:ftA:;. : '..:»? .J.-li: Ja'-. I • :-•< : /O'.'Siiir . ^•k.- A £^'"0'? • •'-fo"' r' '.i re i 'hm*'-- ':, i RING 4,500 DOOR BELLS FOB $1.00 WITH A PLAINDEALEH WANT ADI '.°^>j -•' ' <'. ",' u' ,* '•" VPlalndealer Want Ads No ad counted less than 20 •rods, $1.00 minimum. '•t;4 Insertion $1.00 > "(Count 4 words per line) 25c service charge on all $Und ads. Cash with order. •v,,pard' of Thanks -- ]*'i $1.00 minimum **Want ads close promptly at 10 a.m. Wednesday. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY: $1.00 CtiL Inch -- 2 Inch Minimum. . Classified Display must include a minimum of one 18 pt. nead and one 18 pt. signature or its equivalent. 3 lines of 8 pt. allowed per inch. BOATS 8c MOTORS (BASH WITH ORDER otr fol- 16wing. claissifications. Wanted To Rent Situations Wanted Business Opportunities AUTOMOTIVE REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR ALL CARS Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTd SUPPLY Route 120 blk East of the river bridge. Open Weekdays: 9 a.m. to 6 Sundays: 9 am to 1 p.m. 44-tf HAVE BOAT must travel. 1956, 14 ft. run-about with 7.5 h.p. motor. Remote steeringcontrols, snap-on cover, running lights, No-Mar anchor, mooring arms, chrome hardware, remote fuel tank, including light weight, heg(vy duty steel trailer with auto hitch. Price $495. Fox Lake. Phone JUstice 7-5759. 45 BUSINESS SERVICE BUSINESS SERVICE INCOME TAX SERVICE LEE J. SPIEGEL TAX CONSULTANT 510 Main St., McHenry, 111. PHONE McHENRY 1749 35-tf HOURLY RATES for jackhammer service. Call us for the hard work. Arnold N. May Bldrs., Inc., Richmond, 111. Ph. Richmond 4381. 26-tf 1950 HARLEY-DAVIDSON mo torcycle. Also side car. Phone C« McHenry 2249-r. 45 bewers Ulocfcfear Complete electric sewer, sink rodding and root cutting equipment. PHONE McHENRY 1950 1954 FORD ranch wagon V-8, 2:tone, radio, heater, washers, white walls. One owner, good running, ideal vacation car. Phone McHenry 1727-J. 45 Fine Used Cars Low Rates -- ' Guaranteed -- Easy Terms Reconditioned ELMER GLOSSON 406 John St l^cHenry, HI. 42-tf '57 Ford 4 dr. wagon $1995. '57 Dodge Cus. Ryl. Lancer $2475. '57 Ford 4 dr. Sedan $1695. *57 Plymimth 4 dr. hardtop $2275. , *56 Dodge Convertible $1695. *55 Dodge Royal Sedan $1295. '55 Ford Fair, club coupe $995 '55 Dodge Cus. RyL Lancer $1345. I *55 Plymouth hardtop $1095. -I 351 Ford dump truck $395. Wide Selection of Others 1 A. S. Blake Motors, Inc. t McHenry Phone 156 V 0bdge -- Plymouth -- Skoda Open Mon.-Wed.-Fri. Til 9 _• . 45 'v1956 FORD 2 door Customline, 2 tone, Fordomatic, radio, heater, washers, white wall tires. Runs like new. Phone McHenry 1727-J. 45 ELECTRIC MOTORS repaired. Industrial, commercial and domestic. Rickert Electric. 480 Center St., Grayslake, I1L Ph. BAldwin 3-8491. 16-tf Sales & Service For FORD TRACTORS NEW AND A-l USED Equipment CALL 1 BILL GRUNEWALD Phones:' - Bus. - Ont. 2-2125 Waukegan Res. El. 6-5401 Lake Villa 41-4 1954 CHEVROLET Delray; power glide; WW; 2-tone. 1955 Chevrolet truck, 2-ton, 12-ft. flat bed, with side racks; both clean, A-l condition. Can be seen any time after Friday. Tel. 2584. . 45 BOATS & MOTORS Boats All types outboards - alum., «vood, fibreglass, Chris Craft Cavalier, Owens, Inboards and Cruisers. New Motors - 3 to V50 h.p. Also used boats and motors. Buy Now and Save on Lay-Away Plan. No Finance Charges ED. J. WENDT BOATS RICHMOND, n,L. 3n U.S. 12, 3 blocks north of Rts. 12 & 173. Open daily & Sunday RICHMOND 3231 26-tf WELLS DRILLED or DRIVEN WATER SYSTEMS -- We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, Ringwood, 111. Wonder Lake 5933. 26-tf GARAGES 14 x 20-ft. with Overhead door, concrete floor and shingle roof. Choice of siding and 2 windows. $695 We Build All Winter No Money Down - 5 yrs to Pay WALSH Home Improvement - Waukegan Call FRANK GANS 300 Riverside Drive McHENRY 1878-W 4-tf WASH and DRY 8 lbs. of laundry for 75c. Free pickup service, minimum 24 lbs. Phone McHenry 890. Riverside Drive Laundramat, 202 N. Riverside drive. 40-tf 1 Well Drilling And Septic Systems Trenching and Digging Water Lines • Seepage Beds Morrisson Water Systems Installed Walter M. Garrelts McHenry, 111. Phone McHenry 2102 _ 1-tf S & H ELECTRIC, industrial, commercial, residential and light & power wiring. Motor repairs and rewind. Free estimates. Phone McHenry 648- M-2. 43-4 Free Estimates - - - - - Work Guaranteed JIM KREIN ROOFING & SIDING FHA Financing No Money Down 36 Mo. to Pay PHONE McHENRY 591-W-2 WKrf.tfccijM^poBey? Porto to ycur Mwcwm WUhw llloon «m kmmnc* Mm and day with life VMM wit* too. if h* it «a independent «gwit THE ) KENT CORP. Insurance & Real Estatei i For Over 29 Yearns Insure through this Agency and Feel Safe. PHONE 8 N\ Riverside Dr., McHenry, 111. BUSINESS SERVICE WE ARE equipped" for land clearing, power brush cutting, cjiain sa>vt work. Call ;the Smith Brothers NOW. J&cksoh. -- 6'2622- - Business Opportunities „• - !W' -?-f- =, HOTEL MANAGEMENT;*Men, women and couples to train for motel management and operation. Only matured will be considered. Age 25 to 59. Write c/o McHenry Plaipdealer Box 347. 45 FOR SALE Repairs R I N G ' S PLUMBING and HEATING BOB FRISBY, Jr. Quality' fixtures - Radiant Heating - Gas and Electric Water Heaters - Water Systems - Water Softeners - Repairs - Free Estimates. Phone McHenry 289-M , 7-eow COMBINATION storm doors-- $16.75; garage doors $63.50; house doors $6.95; Mahogany wall paneling 19tec'ifJ& kinds of plywoods, etc. Buffalo siding and hard OriH? Sfjtfjfrhig. Clarence Smith, Johnsburg. Mchenry -- 1515-J.vj $ §6^tf Fully Insured! A REAL TREAT Pauli beer imported from Hamburg, Germany on tap at the Sportsman's Inn. ,s 41 yg. FOR SALE FOR RENT ROOMS for rent in McHenry. Furnished. Also garage space. Call McHehry 214-R after 6 p.m. weekdays, or weekends. 105 Waukegan Rdj §7-tf $189.95 Bendix,. iemi-automatic washer, 1% mos. old. Will sell for lew than half,, Phone Thursday or Monday- beforje 5 pan. Call-McHenry 578-R-l. 45 CHROME CHAIR, red leather upholstery; red frieze lounge chair; 2 mahogany lamp tables. Call McHenry 63. 45 FOR SALE Sears Roebuck -Building Materials Gutters - Plastic Tile Aluminum Cdmb. Windows and Doors ilbbr Till - ; Garage Doors Railings - JftloUsie Windows Roofing «hd Siding .: Materials or Applied • *•: ' •» | rr Easy_ Payment Plan CaU 1878-W or Write Frank Gans Representative 300 Riverside Dr., McHenry 45 AUTOMATIC washer $25; rocker $3.50; bicycle, girls coat set, size 4, $3.50; ice skates; Mputon coat $7; chairs $2 each. Phone 2676. 45 FCJR SALE: shade trees, 3 to 19 ft. high. Silver Maple. Chinese Elm, Ash and others. $1.50 to $9.50. Phone 169. 45 H. C. STAMP CO. stamp find coin store. Complete' HMfj 4f>' supplies. Collections bought & sold. 25 N. Williams St., Crystal Lake 1999-W. 45-2 McHenry Disposal Service Phone 2221 for DEPENDABLE GARBAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE WM. DE VRIES 115 3rd Ave. 47-tf Candid Weddings from Home, Church and Reception KOLIN Photographers Baby Pictures, Taken In Your Home. /Call us for appointment. Tel. 566-W-l McHenry, III 44-tf SACRIFICE for quick sale -- 18 ft. Shell Lake cruiser. Sides and bottom just refinished-- fibreglass 8" tape on keel and transom. Cabin top and sides Handed--read^ for paint. All hardware plus steering--$475. Phone 163-M. 45 Peter A. Freund SANITARY SERVICE I clean and pump septic tanks & cesspools Phone McHenry 1819-J Residence Fox Street 10-tf FREE OIL With Insurance Budget Plan CALL THENNES OIL CO. PHONE 32 Degree Day Delivery FOR ONLY $6.77 per .month, no down payment required^ we will install a UniveiisSif¥-. vAl|- O-Matic, fully automatic water softener in your home . All the sparkling clear soft wa^eryette home can use, up to?§00 gals, per day, at every tap . Full price $239.50 plus installation. Cheaper than renting. Call our local representative? Mr. Ed Mars, McHenry , 2073-M or Chain of Lakes 'Distributors, Prell Eqpt. & Ser. CO. JU7-6821. Fox Lake. Be glad to-morrow# that you bought your softener 'Prom PRELL today. "We service what we sell." Established 1944. 39-41-43-4# 27-tf PLOWING; disking; pond building; hauling or trucking sand, gravel, fill and black dirt. Call Smith Brothers -- JAckson 6-2622. 44-tf Johnson Motors Molded Fiber-Glass Thompson Speedicraft Gator Trailers Marine Supplies 3ervice - Refinishing - Storage NEW -- USED BANK FINANCING BILL'S OUTBOARD MOTORS 104ty S. Riverside Drive Phone McHenry 1076 29-tf PAINTING, interior and exterior. Paper hanging, wallboard taping -- Free estimates. Nick Huff & Son, 401 Greenwood road, McCullom Lake. Phone McHenry 3253-M. 36-tf New Electrolux "R" Automatic F World's Only Fully Automatic Cleaner NEW, work saving features! NEW, two-tone c&Ior! See It Today Call or Write Your Authorized Electrolux Man E. ROEWER Shalimar, Phone McHenry 1798 45 I Pump Cesspools and Septic Tanks G. A. Douglas Lakeland Park Subdivision Phone McHenry 1480 Station Box 38 1 38-tf AUTHORIZED Singer Sewing Machine and Vacuum Cleaner Repair Spring, Special Oil and Adjustment. $3.95 Phone Richmond 2954 or Lake Geneva CHestnut 8*3508 44-2 SHOP IN McHENRY TODDLER TOUftfa We Specialize In Communion Dresses TJhe Best Selection f ji tay-Away- From $8.95 . Phone McHenry 746 JUST ARRIVED ^1A JT^scinating ^ Cdllection of Lamps Over 100 different styles and , prices to choose from. Brighten your home this •mm* spring Math a NEW LAMP from 3$ie H6Hse of Willis flast Crystal Lake Ave. Crystal Lake, IUL Phone C.L. 666 Early American, Furniture Braided Rugs and Pictures Mi # Mi 45 5 TABLE larftps and 2 floor lamps. Phone McHenry 63. 45 2 BED S^NGS, % size; 1 four tier mahogany book case. Phone McHenry 797-R. 45 FOR RENT FOR RENT 3 BEDROOM home in Johnsburg on Church St., gas heat. Available March 15. Phone McHenry 699-W-2., A 45 Modern Store or Office Space for Rent 584 sq. ft. floor area, he>ated, storage space/priv. wash room, new tile floor, paneled walls. x3(p6 E.. ELM; ST. CALL 743 or 347 Shop for Rent Two rooms heated and large shop area, private wash room, street accessable by priv. drive. 304 E. ELM ST. CALL 742 or 347 43-tf PLEASANT room conveniently located. Call McHenry 93-J. 45 6 ROOM APT. with heat. Call McHenry 772-M, ' 45 4 ROOM furnished apt., newly decorated, elec. stove and refrigerator, heated. All utilities included in rent. Oak Park Hotel, Pistakee Bay, phone McHenry 176. 45 2% ROOM apartment. All utilities furnished. Town Club --201 Riverside Drive. Phone 12. 45 HELP WANTED WANTED: Married man for general farm work. No milking. To commute. Farm located near Volo. Call JAckson -- 6-4881. *45 EXPERIENCED housekeeper wanted to live with family of 5 in modern country home. 5% days a week. Children 2, 4 and 6. Private room, bath and TV. Call McHenry 3171. 45-2 REAL ESTATE 3 BEDROOM home East of bridge off Rt. 120. Natural gas heat, full price $8,250. Airspuh Real Estate. Phone 430. 45 GOOD BUYS InMqHepry 2 bdrm zoned business $13,250 2 bdrm expand. Cape^Cod $13,500 3 bdrm Country Club ' ~ $17,500 4 bdrm Edgebrook Hts $32,000 In Sunnyside 3 bdrm c(n Channel ( $19,500 McCiiRoin Lake 1* bdrm LAkeshoril 18,750 Wonder Lake 2 bdrm Highland Shored $12,500 3 bdrm Lakeshore $18,000 Griswold Lake 2 bdrm tri-level Lake shore $20*500 On The River 3 bdrm patio $19,500 2 bdrm many extras $26,000 Richmond 3 bdrm full basement $16,000 Woodstock 3 bdrm all large rooms " $16,500 I For information call MR. HEINEN McHENRY 2527 BAIRD & WARNER, Inc. 45 2 BEDROOM - year 'round home, large 'picture window*, lake view, sumara mahogahy paneled living room, draw drapes, built-in ; book case. Large closets, jfextolite coi^t. er tops, in' kitten and bath. Kohler plumbing fixtures ifisluding twin porcelain launiAtf tubs. Full basfeiftent, basemMt garage, landscaped lot. Lake rights -- 213 So. Highland, Pistakee Highlands. Phone -- 644-M-2 ey^niiigs? or weekends. Will consider selling on contract. . ^ , 19-tf FOR SALE - HOMES - FARMS CHOICE LOTS - BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY KNOX REAL ESTATE^ 406 Richmond Roid , , McHenry, HL Phone: .McHenry 42I-J 424t McHENRY and LAKE AREA Year 'Round Homes. Seasoi homes, farms, vacant. He sites. Income properties. JACOB FRIT2 REALTORS In Johnsburg, Ph. McHenry 8? Rt. S, McHenry, Illinois J 18-U TOR SALE or RENT--five room house for sale or rent at Wonder Lake. Call Wonder Lake 2771. ' 44-2 PISTAKEE BAY. Small 2 bedroom home gn xk acre beautiful grounds. Alum. stormsjMfc screens, flowers, shrubs and fruit trees. Private park and boat pier. % block to school bus. Oil heat, at present, permit for gas. $11,000--terms, now at pre-season price.' Write c/o McHenry Plaindealer Box 3,48. *45 FOR SALE or RENT, 5 room house; furnished, gas heat, call McHenry 593-M-2. j|5 Sales Department Shorthand and Typing Necessary Permanent Position Exce|lent Employee, Benpfitg, Hours 8:15 a.m. to 4?45 p.m. BARCO Manufacturing Company 500 Hought Street Harrington, I1L Phone Harrington 1700 45 WOMAN to care for 4 children in my home 3 or 4 evenings a week while mother works. Prefer someone from vicinity of Lakemoor. Phone McHenry 532-M-2. " 45 S RINGWOOD, ILL. Now Featuring P I Z Z A FISH FRY FRIDAY NIGHT PACKAGE GOODS WANTED: Professional man or woman to act as dealer for the Maico hearing aid. Call Kimball 6-2683 or write to Maico Hearing Service--25 So. Genesee, Waukegan. 45 REAL ESTATE LEAVING TOWN, must, sell THREE BEDROOM home, oil almost new 5-rm. brick ranch; heaff,'jlocated ht 107 No. Green gas heat; 1% garage; on edge St.fvHsMcHenry. For rates call of McHenry golf course. Tel. MCHenry 1183. 45 McHenry 2636-R. 44-tf 45 TWO box springs and jmattres es, twin size, like new--$5 Call 609-M-l. •f 'A REFRIGERATOR, Cooleratof, 2 doors, large freezer on bottom, 2 yrs. old $125.; jet pum^, $45.; dinghy $25, 10. h.p. outboard motor, $75.; small aqcordian, Italian make $35.06. Phone McHenry 637-J-2. 4$ "PH3LGAS" natural gas range, g|&a condition. Call McHen ' «91-M-2. F&R SALE "-- t grand Phone McHenry 746. pian0, 45-tf -h BOY'S tpp coat, iize,5. Phone McHenry 1430-M. ^ FOR SALE -- Hard fireplacfe wood. Delivered. Phone Mei. Henry $38i-.W-2. 4542 (Advertisement) Save at McHenry State where all your deposits are Insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance C6rp. 454 REMODELING and REPAIRS DON'T WAIT -- DO IT JSJQW THIS IS OUR SLOW SEASOI^ YOU CAN SAVE ijpofoEY / Large or Small -- We Can Handle ' LOOK AT THE. REST ' THEN GET THE BEST FREE ESTIMATES AIRSPUN REAL ESTATE PHONE GRAVII, FILL • EXCAVATING * GRADING FRANKS EXCAVATING PHONE 2694 MONEY in % HOME is like money in the BANK! We hav? a large selection of 3 and 4 bedroom RANCH and Bi-LEVEL HOMES to choose from in a wide price range -- to te built on your lot or ours. FINANCING IS EASY. A minimum of 10% down including house and lot. If you now own a lot, this lot may be your down payment. JOS. FREn & SON BUILDERS Hlghtvay 1!M -- Vt Mile East of Bridge -m 40-tf I PHONEt McHENRY 976 * ; ' r v 'Medtl homea open for inspection. 43-tf Mike & Tony Wieser, Props. *45 FARMERS TRADING P0SJ DOWN and CRIPPLED Cattle wanted, at better cash prices. Orville Krohn, 'Woodstock. Ph. 1651-R-l, collect 15-tf WILSON Bulk Milk Coolers for sale. Diss ton and Homelite chain saws sold with service by Laurence E. Anderson, Dairyman's Supply Co., McHenry 475. 23-tf 50 TON Alfalfa hay, without rain; 1000 bu. Corn; also 3 single unit DeLaval milk machines. Phone 2711--Bill Glosson. 45 WANTED--A pasture with water for 20 head of young stock. Call McHenry 586-J-l. 45 HOGS wanted. All classes and weight for highest net return Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Marengo Daily Hog Market, phone JOrdon 8-7291. 50-tf R. M. FLEMING & SON NEW IDEA - PAPEC DEALER TRACTORS SALES & SERVICE \ Complete Farm Implement Service. PHONE McHENRY SS 522 Waukegan Road Adult Farm Class The next adult farm class will be held March 13 at 8 p.m. in the agriculture room of the local high school. The subject will be "Bulk Fertilizer", with Bill Janefe as guest spwkfr. LEO BLAKE FEED. SALES Mathews Baby Chick Pure Line Leghorns M. 221 Large Gray Leghorn Cross. Lay White Eggs. Doughboy Pig & Chick Starter. Full Line of All Other Doughboy Feeds ' Lowes Hybrid Seed Corn and 8 Different- - Varieties of Seed Oats . Phone McHenry 899-J Before 10 A.M. or After 3 P.M. 205 GRAND AVE. ^ 3& GEO. P. FREUND Authorized Dealer for SALES & SERVICE PHONE MCHENRY 420 501 Crystal Lake R^ad FARMERS Dead and Crippled Animals Wheeling Rendering Works Phone: Wheeling No. 3 10-tf 0