®*«' ^u^g^8* *? 5wj 5:77 -' -i < SEAL ESTATE ^BEDROOM HOME for sale. .Living room with fireplace. All "•forge rooms. Attached garage, " xjgos heat. Also 4 room furnished apt attached, provides ad- Jiitional income. Call Wonder JUke 5654. 44-tf 3 bedroom ranch; full semgnt; g$s. heat; garage; ach right?! vacant now. nts highway, McHenry 1 . Contract sale. Phone 169. ' :^;:r ; 44-tf McHENRY VICINITY McHENRY - Fox Street, 1 blk. £>m New bridge, 5' rooms, bath, full basement. Lot 100 x 125. Price $11,800.00. XAKELAND PARK - 2 bedroom home, living, kitchen, large utility, attached garage. Price $10,000.00. Extra lot also available. . SpjNYSIDE - A nice 2 bed- Jp>m home, plastered walls, "bak floors, full basement, attached garage. Price $16,800.00 terms. ,2 bedroom home. Living, kitchfen, utility. Attached garage. -P^nge & refrigerator. Wooded tjff* Price oniy $10,900.00 Water front, n#w 3 bedroom home 1% Ceramic tile -baths. Oak floors, gas heat, 2 "Car attached garage. I-ot 80 x '150. Price $21,500.00. REALTORS / EXCLUSIVE AGENTS jlfor inspection call at our office Johnsburg - Ph. McHenry 37 44-tf -L sell new 3 bedroom jme with carport in Wauconidfca for $495 down, $99 per mo. to right buyer. Write us about yourself c/o McHenry Plaindealer Box No. 345. 45 FARM--105 acres on blacktop, 10 room house, large dairy hern, silo, machine shed, hog . and chicken house, 2 corn cribs, 1 mile to town. Price v $50,000. Airspun Bldrs. Phone 430. 45 WONDEI* LAKE -- 5 room waterfront house. % basement, carpeting, stove and refrigerator, patio furniture, etc. BeautifuHv landscaped. Concrete bathhouse, pier and sea- \wills. 2 patios and large parkin lot. Price $18,000. Phone Wonder Lake 4154. 45 FOR SALE Apartment building lot on John street in McHenry. For "QOick sale $3,000.00 Business lot on Main street In TWcHenry. For quick sale -- ^25. a fropt foot Business building on Main street in McHenry - 2 story brick. For quick sale $10,00(j.00 McHENRY REALTY 532 Main Street McHENRY 268 42-tf "WATERFRONT lot, shaded, s&iwall, terraced, 59 x 150. Price $4,975. Phone Wonder Lake 4154. 45 $17,000 BUYS this ranch type nver home. Access to 130 mil***- of boating, bathing and fishing. House fully insulated, 2 bedrooms, living, kitchen, bath fepd utility. Gas heat, hardwood floors, plastered walls, attached garage. Owner being J^nsferred. Shown by appt. only. Sat. and Sun. Airspun Real Estate, phone McHenry 430 45 BEAUTIFUL wooded land for nice country homes at Walk-up Woods and- the Country Woods at Crystal Lalfe.; Ralph Brans, Crystal Lake 223§. *45 JfTUATION WANTED WILL DO baby sitting. Available anytime/ Phone McHenry 609-J-2. 45 WILL DO housework and ironing 3 or 4 days a week. Phone McHenry 303, ask for Esther. 45-tf HANDY man wants carpenter work and painting. Call Mc- HRnry 797-R. * 45 WANTED •JpP PRICE PAID for iron, Petals sod Junk cars. Ed •TMTnfVi phone Woodstock -- WANTED LIST YOUR FARMS & or Contact us if you wish to buy. L. B. ANDERSON & CO., Inc. WHEELING, ILL. Phone Wheeling J>3 or 3LENN H. WILL Salesman Rt. 1. Aldfen, I1L Phone Hebron 3114 49-tf WANTED TO BUY CASH for old or broken jewelry ,eye glasses, . gold teeth, platinum. No obligation to sell if not satisfied. Phone McHenry 1094-W. o *45 WANT TO BUV Indian Head pennies. Will pay $4.50 per hundred. Phone 785 (between 5 -- 9 p.m. f *45 WANTED: One dozen goose eggs. Call Collect AVenue 3- 3947, Chicago. 45 Illinois has land owners. 131,000 timber- MISCELLANEOUS ST. PATRICK'S ^ DANCE : • J . CHOOSE SATURDAY NIGHT 9 P.M. MARCH 15 PUBLIC INVITED ' ' Sr Corned Beef Sandwiches ' Music by the MeUo-Tones at the McHENRY MOOSE 'LODGE Cfn Route 120 McHenry, 111. 45 "(Advertisement) Save at McHenry State Bank where all yonur deposits are insured by the Federal, Deposit Insurance Corp. 45-4 LENTEN SPECIALS Boneless Perch - 75c Broiled Wall-Eyed Pike . $1.25 F,F. Jumbo Shrimp .... $1.50 12-Oz. Lobster Tail .... $2,25 Above served with tomato juice, french fries, lettuce & tomato salad, hot rolls and butter. CLUB LILYMOOR ROUTE 120 2% miles East of McHenry Phone McHenry 9869 45 MISCELLANEOUS ft Efficiency and Politics at Mix • v.;>; Vote -For HyleHutchinson Republican Candidate For McHenry County Sheriff Your Vote' Approbated (Political Advertisement) •45 LOST AND FOUND ROSARY LOST St. "MaryS church about 3 weeks ago. Very dear keepsake. Reward. Please call McHenry 878-R. 45 Who'buys the !ruite and vegetables pinched ana pushed aside by the early shoppers? * tdittiif \ ANNUAL TOWN MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN To the legal voters, residents of the Town of McHenry in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, that the Annual TcRvn Meeting of said Town will take place on Tuesday. April Pint, AJ). 1958 being the first Tuesday of said month ;, at the Jiour of 2:00 o'clock P.M. at Supervisor's Office 312 East Elm St. for the transaction of the miscellaneous business of the said town; and after a Moderator having been elected, will proceed to hear and consider reports of officers, to appropriate money to defray the necessary expenses df the Town and decide on such measures as may, in pursuance of lav/, come before the meeting. , Given under my hand this tenth day of March, A.D. 1958. H. WALTER ANDERSON Town Clerk (Pub. March 13, 1958) \ COM (* Save More by Shopping at Home HANDIOa>I^TO STUDY AT ALDEN, HEBRON SCHOOL A .joint meeting of the McHenry county 'committee on special education and the Cerebral Palsy association was held recently in the office of the county s u p e r i n t e n d e n t of schools for the purpose of continuing the ^program for the physically handicapped for the school year 1958-1959.. Truman Robinson of District 10 announced that his district could no longer provide a room in the Greenwood school due to increased enrollment. . The committee for special education had previously surveyed all school districts for a possible site and had found only one available, that room being in the new addition of the Alden-Hebron Junior high school. The Alden-Hebron board of education offered the use of a room fr one year. Early action for obtaining a classroom for 1958-1959 was necessary in order to retain the setyiQes of Mr. Whiteside, the present teacher. ..The results of the survey and the offer of $ room in the Alden- Hebron unit- were submitted to the-state department for consideration. After careful study, the state department agreed to approve the Hebron site on a temporary basis for one year. Classes for special education are financed by participating boards of Education and the State. The state re-imburses the sponsoring district with $3000 to apply to teacher's salary. In addition to state and participating board aid, the Cerebral Palsy association will pay $1,000 toward teacher's salary. Transportation costs per pupil are assumed jointly by participating boards and the state. Each pay one half not to exceed $400 paid by the state. FIRST PRE-CANA CONFERENCE TAKES" PLACE MARCH 23 4, Can you: recall when, if ever, you were short-changed and for how much? SHOP IN McHENRY The first day of the Pre- Cana meeting for engaged couples will be Sunday, March 23, at 1 p.m., at St Thomas Catholic church in Crystal • Lake. On Monday, at the same church, there will be a d& cussion on "Marriage in Prac-; tice", with a question period following. A married couple will conduct the session, begin* ning at 8 p.m. On Wednesday evening, two, physicians will discuss marriage problems from the physiological side. On Friday, the couples will get additional advice and will be encouraged to ask questions either verbally ( or in writing. A question box is provided to answer all queries proposed by those attend^ ing. Couples who wish to attend, are asked to phone Crystal Lake 1571 or Crystal Lake 462. The "conference is open to all' • denominatiorfs. '4 •0% ,00*^0 "o^'A a \>eS\wo^\ CP LETS TALK ABOUT SATISFIED OWNERS It's a pleasure to sell'the German manufactured Lloyd Alexander. We would welcome the opportunity to refer prospective buyers to any of our already satisfied Lloyd customers. $1395.00 Delivered in Crystal Lake Plus 3% 111. OCC. Tax COMPLETE No. "Extras" to Buy per Gallon. *F*ont wheel drive, ce 8c Parts ^Imhtediately Available *4t T - -. . i, INCORPORATED THE ttEW IMPORTED LLOYD Crystal Lake* I1L MERCURY Phone C.L. 2433 or 2432 LINCOLN 325 Virginia St. (Rt. 14) THOSE WERE THE DAYS MMM THOSE WERE THE DAYSBy ART BEEMAN NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH By Arnold KBV\EVYBBR WHEN PEN-MIS' WERE ALL THE RASE ? POSTMAN _ . WAITING/DAUSHTER/ --AMD NOW WWTEY ^|0/ NOT L SUSIE, LET ME ANOTHER A T511- 'SOUT ^ , FELLOW of 1000 MILES fw HOUR VELOCITY RAGE 100 MILES AJSOVE THE EARTH/ (Thfe fe Jw tint lONOSPHESfi area, and at suoli a tkrc is little, atmospwv) bp. (jtjfr ?EEAWH lilwiDnit ihru rttret.l Nn. aIt tvia HOSSFACE HANK By FRANK THOMAS HE IS S«. Bl66S.mHe OV4N5 SIK RANCHES AND HALF THE BUSINESS PROPERTIES BOY! -THAT WAS A SWELL STEAK . DINNER1. HOSSFACE, SEHTHET FELUER WHO XI ST SAT DOWN OVER _ THERE? TOST BRING ME A f » GOTA QUARTER GRAHAM CRACKERS! f LEFT LET'S AND WARM MILK ..THAT IS ALL MY DOCTOR NNILL ALLOW ME TO EAT1 ANOTHER SLAB OF PIE AND DIVIDE IT/ | IDEA »N TOWN...HE'S GOT MORE WIONW THAN HE KNOWS WHAT TO DOWITH] ARBONM*' SONNY SOUTH By COURTNEY ALDERSON IN EVERY SEVEN FARMWORKERS. IN ENGLAND IS A ' iVof. Harry €. severin, SaDakofca State Colleqe Ev^okviolo^ist/ HAS COLLECTED 1,200,000 SPECIMENS of INSECTS!.' fiafctwed iwostln -From at*ouwd the woHa--he has also found H6 species of GRASSHOPPERS to S. Dakota alone / NOW,CHILDREN, WE WILU HAVE OUR FIRE. DRILL - WHEN 1 CORING THE BELL, FILE AS OUICKLV AS POSSIBLE LATER r THAT WAS VERV 600D' SOU TOOK JUST FIVE MINUTES TOCLEAR THE BOOM THAT'S OUEtR-THEY WERE ALL OUT IN TWO MINUTES THIS TIME - IUImI fcf SaidHk SIc rvica \ H , ; that does it By AL SMITH "BEETS AND LETTUCE •PUAMT OVER THERE, SQUASH COOU»-»E fOT-Tb THE BEAR. AND HAVBE t COOUJ^UT A FEW CORN STA_ -me WINOOVW. THCY, EASV TO REACH "rflEN / U/ELL. I TELU VA. ELMER, -ZOO HAVE AHV SRACE LEFT OVER r ATAU-. IHAVEA^EW -SEEDS AT HOME THATU. •PWOPUOE SOME -FINE CAHFORMI/\ -ReDvjvoco -TREES.' r m 81®!^ RURAL DELIVERY FR AL SMITH I PUT LON6IESON > 'EM LAST WINTER. TO KEEP EM WARM! NEVERTHELESS ITS SPRING.' LOOK/ THERE'S A ROBIN R&D BREAST.' THAT PROVES IT I THATS MV PISEON; hiE'S STILL WEARING RED UNDERWEAR.' CERTAINLY IT'S SPRLNS NOW.1 JUST AS IT WAS; tHATSNO ROBIN.' THE FIRST DAV OF SPRING.' AL SM I**-- V -