fW! f ' I w®-;™f™ ,'3pYW,7f'r ^%,'H ^ Thnrsday, March 27, • Thirteen * Lakeland Park ELECT OffiCHB a THE ANNUAL IffOA MEETM6 tl 9?" This by Bernlce Boyoe coming Sunday /the Iceland Park Property Owners association will hold its annual meeting and election of officers at the American Legion hall at' 7 o'clock. This is the important meeting of the y<£| as,the many projects that srW in the" wbrkings, association dues and' garbage fees, are to be discussed and votefi on. That is, the reason the association has asked roe to /repeat the "meeting notice in so many of my previous columns. Remember, if you can't come to the meeting/ pick up an absentee ballot from Joan Krater so you can vote for the candidate of^our choice, however it should be for a good reason as it is to your advantage to attend this meeting. Coffee and cake will be furnished ,and served -by the Women's- club. Just a gentle reminder gals don't fgrget your cakes. Women's Club The regular meeting and elections', of officers will be he^ on April 10 instead of April 3 because this date falls on Holy Thursday and so many of us, will be going to church that evening. Lee Glorch, treasurer, wishes me to remind all of the gals who are behind in their dues to please pay them by the next meeting. ,Lee will be leaving the office of treasurer ajujl wants to have the books ready for auditing. So Pl<#e gals cooperate with Lee in this request. She hais done a fine job and wants to be able to hand over a nice clean set of books to her successor. A list of candidates will be published in my next column to give you gals a chance to mull over in your minds who you would like as officers of your Women's club for the coming ye^\ Rumor Squelched How rumors get started we all know, however whoever started the rumor that plans tor the, betterman of the West Shore beach were to be abandoned should' have- a red face aft^* reading this; article. Roy M^ftieke, chairman of the bes&h committee, wants to report for the committee that arj| rumggg _ypu . may .hear regarding the abandonmertt of plans for the betterment of the West Shore Beach are absolutely FALSE. The reasons the dredging machine • .Was moved is because they Jhave another, job for the machine ,at present and could not leave the machine there when our work could not be done ait present. Now why diflrt they do our job first? Because shortly after 'the machine was brought here the severe cold weather set in which prevented them from working. Yes, the weather is fine now for the job v that is true, however the ground on the beach is too soft for the heavy trucks to go back and forth to the park site without doing a great deal of damage to the beach, to the park area and. to .our roads that heavens knows are bad enough 'Without any further damage. As soon as most of the frost is out of the ground the machine will be brought back and work will begip. ' The committee wofked mighty hard for the monies to realize this huge project and doesn't feel that they can add any more expense which certainly would be Incurred if the work was done at present. After all swimming weather is quite a bit in the distance, but when it is here, Roy Meineke said that the beach would be ready as the construction company has assured him it would be. So if you hear anymore rumors let it go in orie ear and out the other. Serious Business The problem of running dogs has been solved and everyone is real happy about it, however now we have a most serious problem of running children. Of course children have to run and no one wants to stop them, however it has been asked of me to wrtye an article to the parents of the children of Lakeland Park to tell their children to please stay off the roads in their play. Several people have told me that they just missed hitting a child because they were playing by the road and in a game of tag, etc., they get carried away in their play and dart out on the u n s u s p e c t i n g m o t o r i s t . So please tell your children to be careful and play in the prairies or in their yards. Mbst of our motorists are careful", however' there are many that go too fast and it would be impossible for them to stop if a child suddenly darted out in front of them. So please be careful kids, we don't want to see any one hurt. Senior Teen Fun On Sunday March 16, Mrs. Raymond Bujak (Tee to us) as chaperon, accompanied the Senior 'teens to Chicago for a wonderfuf day. The lucky 'teens were Leona Arndt, Ju-| dith Barwig, Hildegard Bock, Bonnie Short. Sharon Ozog, Carol Franklin, Janice Parisi, Collett Partipillo, '^Raymond, Bujak, Tom Kujak, Donald Parisi and Joseph and Vince Cina. They went out to dinner and then, on to a theatre to see a marvelous show. Eight gals and flv£ fellows could have been quite an expensive day for the young men, however the whole affair was paid from the proceeds of the club treasury mainly from dues. Sure wish . I was sixteen again. 7- Congratulations; To Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bock who came from Hanover, Germany six years ago and their fondest dreams came true on March 19 when they became American citizens. Their daughter, Hildie, called me to tell me how happy and proud they are and just wanted to tell everyone about it. Congratulations, may you live to enjoy many .many years in America. Junior Teens Elections: The Junior 'teens held their elections at the Jerry Rogers home. The officers for the coming year are Beverly Grote, president, Jim Kujak vice president (second term for Jim) Lillian Hosie, secretary and Eddie Maginan, treasurer. Congratulations, may you all enjoy a real successful term of office. Lillian Hosie reports (her first duty as secretary) that this Sunday the Junior 'teens headed by Jerry, Rogers will collect in behalf of the Red Cross. So watch for these youngsters who will be calling at your door Sunday afternoon. Hospital Visit On Tuesday, March 18, Greg Uhles was operated- on for a rupture in the McHenry hospital. This is the second time Greg has gone through this operation. The first time he was a wee infant of eight months and now the second time he is qyite a young man of eight years. Look out for those ages with eight in them Greg. I understand he was a brave young man too and came through the operation with flying colors. Greg will be coming home on Friday, however he will not be able to be running about for awhile yet. A speedy recovery is expected though as Mama Irene sajd that Greg was teasing to come home on Wednesday which is certainly a good sign. Take it easy Greg as you don't waht to have to go back a third time, now do you? Anyway when you get all better you know it is back to school, so don't rush it. ^ On April 8 the primary elections will be held in McHenry. It is everyone's honor to vote and for the party they want to see elected, but living in Lakeland Park does present a problem to people without transportation. Dorothy and Roy Meineke have offered to give anyone a ride who wish to vote if they will just call them. No party favoritism enters into their offer, they jusrt want to see our community well represented in the elections. I consider it a privilege to be able to vote and am happy to-know I'will have a ride to the polls and won't have to get up at dawn to get a ride with Ken. I think it is mighty thoughtful of them especially where they have been working'for one of the parties. That is Roy wanted me to stress, jno party favoritisms as that is not the reason they Jja^e offered to give anyone a told her not to prepare any dinner. The story goes like this. A few weeks ago Lee and Ed had the two little girls in for dinner. They wanted to reciprocate by having Lee and Ed for dinner last.. Saturday, but because both she and Ed could not go at ttye same time the girls decided to bring the dinner to them. Saturday night they arrived at dinner time with a wonderful steaming hot dinner of chicken, spaghetti, and everything to go with it even a bottle of wine. Lee thought it, was so nice of the girls that she just had to brag about what wonderful friends she has, in fact, THE BEST. Happy Birthday To Linda Last of Shore Drive who is 5 years old today. Linda is quite talented for a five year old. The last time 1 saw her, she had just finished giving herself a haircut. A Ride to the Polls The Very First Margie and Tony Rebel were real tickled about their son's birthday and why not it was his number one birthday. Cutie Ronnie was 1 year old on March 12, but had his ,big birthday party on Sunday, March 24 as his aunts and uncles couldn't mafte Jthe "trip from Chicago until then. He had quite a party ;a$itt ^enjoyed every minute of it and who wouldn't with all that attention. Happy birthjmty. Ronnie, don't forget to tefi^iie about the, next one. ' Sneakies For four years Marge Casey has been promised a California trip by hubby Bill. Bill belongs to the Naval reserves and has been assigned to sea duty beginning April 6. Where is -he goi«€?l That's right, California. The irony of it is Bill is a torpedo man and the ship to which he has been assigned has no torpedoes. SO Marge thinks he is really pulling a sneakie as he will be on a two week cruise with nothing to do but loll around the sun drenched decks. Of course that is what Bill thinks. Marge, but maybe the navy will have something else in mind, like swabbin* the decks. Tip, Bill, better take along your sling shot and some sea sick pills. Green Snea On St. Patricty's day, Lee Glorch was paid a surprise visit from Jean- Neault and Phyllis" Koehler. They brought over a quart of beer. Ed took the beer and went,out in the kitchen to pour it. He was gone for quite awhile, so Lee thought she had better go and see what was up. Ed was all flustered and Lee about died as - the beer was green. Lee had never seen green beer and thought something was wrong with her glasses. She and Ed were whispering back and forth and were surprised when Jean and Phyllis started laughing and said, "For Heaven sakes Lee, haven't you ever seen green beer?" "Green beer," screamed Lee. She just couldn't get over i£ 1 have'"a sneaking hunch Jean and Phylis knew darn well that Lee and Ed had never see green beer. Thanks again for all the news. Don't forget you can call any day now as I am happy to take your news anytime. Bye now, see you next week. TONS SCHOLASTIC -A : . HONORS ' ^|| Eugenie deHavas hag ; teen J honored for scholastic excfel- $ / lence at Trinity college in Cht- ; 1 \ cago. Miss deHavas was plated V j on the dean's list for maintaining a "B" average, in the r6ce%t 4 semester's work. CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend a sincere "thank you" tfl all our friends and neighbors for their cards, spiritual bouquets and other expressions of sympathy at the 1 time of our recent bereavement. We are truly grateful. *47 Mrs. Schatz and family. READ THE WANT ADS One of the hardest secrets for a man to keep is his opinion of himself. DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green Street* McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS: DAILY 9 TO 12 A.M. and 1 TO 5 P.M. FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:30 PJW. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE McHENRY 452 RELIEF FOR TIRED FEET AND WEAK ARCH PAW : D-SchoHs FLH-FOAMARCH An extremely lightweight (lest than 1 oz.) supportthat comfortably molds.; to the contours of your foot 6erii*» Ine leather top with pillow soft Latex Foam Cushions that relieve tired feet,, pain and callouses at ball of foot Worn invisibly^Men's and 64 f)f| women's sizes... PAIR BOLGER'S Drug Store 10S S. Green St. McHenry PHONE 40 ' " -• -- • "•S The Best<'% Lee and Ed Glorch, as we all know, are two of the nicest people anyone 'could want to have for friends. Lee's mother is an invalid which prevents Lee from going to visit her friends as much as they would like to have her do. So Jean Neault and Phyllis Koehler called Lee last Saturday and for better homes for lowest prices SEE us ROBERT HAY CONSTRUCTION Co. F.H.A. A V.A. FINANCING • Masonery • Concrete • Carpentry PHONE: 1907 Bos. 1877 Home 805 E. Elm St. McHenry Air Conditioning-temperatures made to ordertor all-Mwattwr comfort. Get a demonstration i CHEVROLET IS LOWEST PRICED OF THE LOW-PRICED THREE % FABULON |ifff MMt jftWiflf A COMPLETE LINE OF ...PAINTING SUPPLIES CHOOSE FROM A NEW COMPLETE LINE OF Snrinalime C^oic ^ Really different. ^ Tough, durable. f, Not a shellac, » Applet IrtRy r* vomlsh or wax. , * Mei'OafcUy *pnnffume NOW AT ALEXANDER LUMBER ) tlCHMON* 6# th# Early Bird I Point now with 100% Latex Wonder Wall Paint SPRED SATIN antf enjoy a carefree Spring. Pain! safely with windows closed. Dries in 20 min. Choose from 184 guaranteed washable colors. * The Bet Ait Sport Sedan with Body by Fisher, (very window of every Chevrolet is Safety Plate Glass, --and .you get more for yoOr dollars besides! Compare 'em and see. The closer you look at Chevrolet and the other low-priced cars, the faster Chevy comes off" as the biggest buy in its field. Big in size. Extra big in value?! L&ok at Chevrolet's fresh new '58 lode. ThiB one's sill new--lower, wider and a full nine inches longer. Look at the fine crafts- * BASED ON FACTORY 6$T PRICES FOR COMPARABLE manship of the only Body by Fisher in the low-price field. Sample Chevy's spirited performance. Feel its solid, smooth big-car ride. Add up-all you get and weigh it against/ Chevrolet's low price and lorigfamous economy. You'll find that nothing else near the price offers more for your money. Your Chevrolet dealer will prove it. SEDAN AND HARDTOP MODELS. You'll get the best buy See your local authorized Chevrolet dealer on the beat seller lx u CLARK CHEVROLET SALES 204 W. ELM STREET PHONE 273 McHENRY, ILL. RING YOUR HOME UP TO DAfE It's easy to modernize your present home. Increase the value and livability of your home by remodeling. WE CAN HELP YOU WITH THE PLANNING - MATERIALS - FINANCING NO MONEY DOWN OUR COMPETENT STAFF IS EQUIPPED TO ASSIST YOU WITH ANY BUILDING PROBLEM ALWAYS PLENTY OF FREE PARKING ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" On Highway 31 -- South of Main Street -- McHenry, Illinois PHONE 1424 «• "ALWAYS FIRST ... SERVICE TO O0R CUSTOMERS'