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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Mar 1958, p. 18

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alr"fS:' '-••'•'f--.,.- •, r y'.v ;'J v.'- :•'• -;V. ' t »!!»!» Page Eighteen SUPPLEMENT S Thursday*Marcli 2Tr 1958 Hiehmond Community JAKHtY SALE _ _s^ by Phyllis Carlson • On Saturday, March 29 the Richmond grade school P.T.A. wiH sponsor a bake sale to be "'field, at. the Hastings Memorial Temple: The bake sale will ItArt at 10:30 a.m. Everyone & invited to participate either liy donating or buying baked goods> Mrs. Vernon Harris and Mrs. Earl Schultz, the ways and rheans committee of the P.T.A. are in charge of the^iake sale ,$nd distributed the. posters you have seen around town. A Little Girl Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kane of rural Richmond are the parents of a baby girl, born March 18 at the Woodstock hospital. ' Her name is Katherine and she weighed 7 lbs. 6 oz. at birth and was 20 % inches long. She has a sister, Nancy, and twfc brothers, George and Lawrence, at home. Mrs. Kane is the president of the Richmond Evening Unit of Home Bureau and little Katherine was born the night Hoqie Bureau met.-,. 'Rotary Last week there were several guests at Rotary. LeRoy A. Mote from Elgin, who is. tunning for state central com-' ^nitteeman from this district, Richard Tazwell, county superintendent of schools, who talked briefly on school hearings and discussions, G F. Markeson, Bert Harrison and H. S. Fike from McHenry. -The program for the evening was in charge.of Curley Stevens who presented Howard Nehlig, superintendent of the County home. Mr. Nehlig showed slides and explained some of the reasons why the proposed bond issue for the home is necessary. Church News This week all the groups of the Community phiirt-h are scheduled to meet. Yesterday the christian service group met with Mrs. Leo. Karls and the good fellowship Group met with Mrs. Van Every assisted by Mrs. Pierce. Tonight the evening star group meets with Mrs. Ben Winn. Mrs. Samuelson is a co-hostess. At Grace church last night was the last of the Wednesday night Lenten services to be held. During Holy Week there will he services on Holy Thursday and .Good Friday, but none >n Wednesday. Tomorrow evening at Grace church the young adult group will meet in the church basement and will see the colored movie of work at the Easter Seal center in Woodstock. There will be a reception tomorrow Evening at the Lutheran parsonage for all those who will join the church on Palm Sunday. It will be the last, night, of Pastor Carlson's adult clasis. 1 On Palm Sunday at the Community church the Junior choir will sing at the morning service and the membeVs of the pastor's class will be- received into the church. "On Palm Sunday evening the Senior choir will present its annual cantata. The cantata this year is "Sing For His Praises" and is directed by Mrs. Robert Gardner. Mrs. Harriet Burton is accompanist and the oloists are Frances Wood, Owen Richardson and Robert Gardner. There will be an informal reception after the cantata. At Grace church there will be reception of new members on Palm Sunday. At Grace church there will be a dinner at the Community church for those young people who joined the church on Palm Sunday and fpr their parents. There will be a Communion service and service of Tenebrae after the dinner. At Grace church there will be a service of Holy Communion on^Holy* Thursday. On Good Friday afternoon there will be a two hour service at the Community church from 1 to 3 pm. Speakers at that sen/ice will be Rev. Hugh Gillian from Spring Grove MiCfc buy staple drags, too, from Prescription Specialists • It !s prudent to buy every drug item £rpm the source to which you entrust your Doctor's prescriptions. Only a pharmacist is fully qualified to counsel you in the selection of household drugs. Let this simple maxim be your guide: If it belongs m your Medicine Cabinet, buy it from 0 DRUG Store. Of course, we hope it will N be this one. Try us, next time. Bolger's Drug Store 103 So. Green Phone 40 McHenr: REELECT FERNE CARTER [X] PIERCE STATE REPRESENTATIVE Vote Democratic APRIL 8 Re-elect a representative who is qualified by education and experience and has the future of the State of Illinois at heart. Re-elect a representative who understands the farmers' problems and whose voting record proves she is capable of representing thijs district. Re-elect a representative whose voting record is endorsed by labor and management alike. Re-elect a representative whose experience in business, farming, and legislation is an asset in the management of our ftate. LET FERNS CARTER PIERCE SPEAK FOR YOU IN SPRINGFIELD Methodist church, Herbert Eggers and Rey. Noyce. Qn Good Friday evening th?re will be a play "St. Claudia," a drama in three acts. This is tl\e story, of Claudia, the wife of Pontius Pilate.. Magda Copp will play Claudia. Roger Shaw will play Pilate. Mary Magdalene is played by Margaret Richardson, Sergius, a Roijian officer is portrayed by Robert McKendry. Disciples are Earl Gray, Owen Richardson, Walter Barber, Russell Rudolph, Don Rawlins, Virginia Gray. Others taking part are Eleanor Condon, Audrey Barber, Mrs. Parfrey and Velma Duncan. Rev. Noyce is director of the play. The public is invited. On Good Friday evening there will be a service at Grace church at 8. On Easter Sunday there will be a 6 a.m. service at the Community church at which the .Junior chbir will sing. After the service the choir will have breakfast at the church. There will also be an 11 a.m. service at the Community church on .Easter Sunday. At Grace church there will be three services on Easter Sunday, one at 6:30, one at 9:45 ^nd one al 11 a.m. There I will be no Sunday school that day, but all children ard expected to attend church with their parents, preferably at the 9:45 service at which time tile Junior choir will sing. SEE OUR WINDOWS Immediately following the sunrise service the ;©f the parish will serve breakfast at the parish house and will continue serving until I0$o a.m. so that those going to $ later service can be served befor church. < ' immediately after, tjhe last service Communion will be served ,to those unable to at: tend the Holy Thursday service of Communion. «, On Easter Monday the Senior Youth Fellowship will talte a trip to Chicago under the leadership of Pastor Carlson. Some of the mothers of the Seniors will drive as well as Pastor. Carlson for there are several interested ingoing on the trip. . - V School Holiday School will be out froin Tuesday afternoon of H,oly Week until the following Tuesday.. A long holiday, but we wish it would come after Easter stead of before. Birthdays On March ^16, Mrs. Charles Schultz had a birthday; On the same day Harold Buchert had a birthday. Last Sundny Billy Arseneau will be eleven years old. Tomdr? o aw is J e a n e t t e Busch's birthday. The Bond Issue * Bond issue voted on March 18 In Richmond for $57,000 to improve and repair sewage treatment was passed 151-23. J(75 people out <*f 500 voted? wnlch' is really a g&d state of Mfttirs. I Wonder if we are ^fjK|y disinterested in our local affairs. I»le. luLl There Tonight there will be an athletic bah^uet at the high school. Pn March 13 there will be a G.A.A. Initiation at school for fourteen £ir|s ,who joined. They were Kar^^Wiese, Judy Gaylord, Mary ' Kay Hermance, Dorothy Jdhes, Judy Freund» Judy Thomas, Rosemary May, Mary Metz, Janet May, Elizabeth Swiatek, Marge Zarnstorff, June Miller, Judy May and Diane Hora. Several 'young people were out collecting for Easter Seals last S$tur&iy 'and appreciate your cbn'tribiitiofik Last Sunday morning the Junior choir sailig in Grace church and sang very beautifully; Patsy Harms! was the soloist. / - Several men Ji Grace church have beein working under the direction of Lorrie Steadman in clearing the lot next to the parish house, sawing down trees, burning branches etc. Mrs, Roy Todd and Mrs. Franklin -Hoffman, spent last Thursday in Milwaukee. Pastor jCarlson spent MonwyHBS? WOMAN'S GROUP The. altupni fund-at,Memorial hospital, Woo<atoCk, is a: project of the wornan's aiiadl^ iary to Memorial hospital and Mrs. Olivet Stratton is this chairman of the committee in charge. In fact, she is the committee, too, ancj this one-woman ^effort' lias provided the auxiliary with$3,2Q0 Which has purchased incubators and a re- -suscinette far the hospital. Mrs. ' Stratton says, A that babies born at the hospital are enrolled by their parents in the infant alumni bdok which is on display at the nursery. Delations of at least one dollar are made at the time of the enrollment and it & this money day at a camp committee meeting in Chicago. Mr. arid Mrs. Paul Pretzman of Oak Park called on Mrs. Ethel Bell on Tuesday afternoon of last vreek." Mr. and Mrs>E. H- Bell of Union called on Mrs. Bell Sunday afternoon. Miss Charlotte Eggers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Eggers won a scholarship in nursing. She is in training at. present at Roseland hospital in south Chicago. INFANT'S • STEP MASTER • ROBIN HOOD *2" to *4" V that is donated in one child's name. that purchases new ,equipment aid, other chO* dren. /' "• Ten years ago two incubators were purchased for the .hospital by the alufthi fund. At that time there was, just rone incubator, on the premises and a° pair of premature twins could create an emergency. A few years later, the fund purchased what is called a resuscinette for the delivery room. The newborn child is placed in the resuscinette for the first hour after its birth. This piece of equipment is credited with saving many / little liyes as it sometimes starts breathing for the baby with its iron lung feature. This purchase cost the alumni fund about $900. ' Only recently, the two incubators purchased were traded in for new Ones with improved features for assisting the premature or underweight chilc). After the allowance for the old incubators, the cost of the new ones will run to abdUt $3Q0 each. ' Bert Hanson, administrator at the hospital, says that about one child in five requires, incubation. He says that the incubators are in use most <>f the time, Some of the full-term babies require heat, oxygen, or medication th^t can be introduced in the incubators by the spray method. SEE OUR WINDOWSildren s • STEP MASTER • ROBIN HOOD • BLUE BONNET $3" to $695 EN'S • ROBINETTE -5 CRESTCRAFT • MIRACLE TREAD $4" to $1095 •! ALWAYS A COMPLETE SELECTION • ' PBDWIN • EDGEBTON • NUNN-BUSH" • BOYAL CADET $795 to J2250 X-RAY FITTING THE COMPLETE FAMILY SHOE STORE 1 118 S. Green Street McHenry. Illinois Phone McHenry 2027 FREE Parking Meter Money Mrs. Stratton says that about $1600 remains ,in ttife aiuouBl fUrid at this time money is earmarked ,fqr purchase of 20 basinettes for tHtf new nursery when the .hospital addition is .completed. • - ~ -- " ..r I-* I • K PR0FE5J DIRECT0RV DR. JOHN C. GOETSCHEg^ Chlropratlc" Physician Naprapathic Manipulation^.1 Steam -Baths and Massagrip^r 804 East Elm Street McHenry, W. ^ Hours;.'.: • „ . Moa., Tues., Wed. ft Friaui> 10 fkm. to 12 p.m. . p 1:80 p.m. to 5:80 pjn. x 7 p.m. to & p.m. : . n Sat. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. :i,< Phone McHenry 748 ^ --1 •- • v-:- • B>R. C. R. SWANSON Dentist t Office Hours: Dally Except Thursday 9 to 12 -- 1:80 to 5:80 ; ( Mod.,, Wed., ft Fri. Eveningpi \ By Appointment Only Telephone McHenry 160 ' ROBERT A. CAMERON Complete Insurance Service Since 1923 R.F.D. 8 -- Box 12 McHenry, 111. Phone 1872-R ' EARL R. WAI..SH INSURANCE Fire, Auto, Farm ft Life ft * Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When You Need Insurance Of Any Kind PHONE 48 or 958 Green ft Elm McHenry, 111. • ' SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Ornamental ft Structural Steel Visit Our Showrooms 8 Miles South on Rt. 81 PHONE 950 --1 H. F. HARRISON CO. . Realtors •' Insurance • Real Estate Appraisals Phone 1910 405 W. Elm Street Y#u can retire on the sattite k dollars you use to protect y^r . . . . * family. :-~ Larry Booster -- Virgil Pollo$s The New England MutuaL.. Life Insurance Company ,1- <{04 E. Elm St. Phone 2500 (or EASTER or SPRING 5? urS . . . A Glamorous Collection of • Fine Furs of Every Style and Description. • JACKETS • STOLES • SCARFS MINK STOLES from *345.00 All Furs Labeled To Show Country of Origin of Imported Furs. lane A Specialty Shop featuring .. . l o u d l y ' for WOMEN & TEENS DRESSES Size 9-15; 12-^0 Half Size 121/2.24V£ We Specialize in Remodeling and Restyling Old Fur Coats into Capes - Jackets - Stoles. COATS Many styles, fabrics and colors to chose from. # Millinery , Gloves # Purses # Hosiery (Political Advertisement) OTTO HEINZ FURS 105 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, I}1. Fhone McHenry 1843 / 103 N. Riverside Drive t McHenry, 111. Phone McHenry 1843 Expert « PIANO TUNING ^ and Repairing A. G. SKALA o/o Steffan's Jewelry Store 514 W. Main Street PHONE 128-J DR. JOHN T. GRAY Optometrist 126 So. Green Street * , Office phone McHenry 18» • Res. phone Mchenry 604-M-l Honrs: Daily SdIO/- 5!00 • Tues. <& Fri. Evenings 6:80 - 9:00 Closed all day Wednesdays Eyes examined • Glasses fitted' Repair Service DR. LEONARD L. BOTTARI Optometrist ^ Eyes examined • Glasses fitted Contact lenses 105 Richmond Road Hours Eve.: W$d., Thurs ft FrL 7 to 9 >.tn. Saturdays - 8 to 6 p.m. Phone McHettry 2262-J Loop office • 108 N. State St. Phone DEarbora 2-2098 GEORGE J. CASTLE, Agejjt The Prudential Insurance Co. of America Life, Retirement, Sickness ft Accident and Group Insurance 826 Crystal Lake Road, McHenry, 111. Phone: McHenry 2588 ALYCE JOYCE ^ MUSIC STUDIO Gulbransen - Hammond Ofgana New -- Used Piano ft brgan Instruction 898 W. Elm Street Aiavnuur^r 9 ub Phones: McHenry 812 • 202

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