Si iStSj4; sfaxti GS!S ifcf ixv-X': P«g« Tw< Thursday March 27, 19581 fe'.;:' PERSONALS Announce Card Totirney Winners The Catholic Daughters of America met last Thursday evening in the K. of C. hall for the last party in the card tournament. Prizes for the evening in pinochle were won by Irene Guffey, t-aura Weber, Mayme Freund and Marie Vales; in canasta by Joyce Weber, Evelyn Justea and Adele Weber; and in bridge by Betty Gende add Alvera Nye. The next combined business and social meeting will be held April 17. Tournament prizes will be awarded at this time. Christen Baby Of G. C, Wildes Susan Ann, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. G. C. Wilde, w. christened last Sunday at St? Mary's church by Fr. John Reuland. Sponsors for Susan Aim were Roman Bauer and Ruth Ann Kreutzer. A lovely dinner was seryed afterward Iti the Wildes' new home in Country Club Estates. Henry Mroz Infant Christened Sunday The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mroz of Holiday Hills was christened Nanette Marie-Gerard in a baptismal ceremony which took place Sunday, March 23, at St. 'Patrick's Catholic church, with Rev. Fr. Collins officiating. . Sponsors for the baby were Ray Mroz and Violet Mroz of Chicago. Mr. ant! Mrs. John Koerber are the parents of a son, born March 21 at Memorial hospital, Woodstock. On March 22, a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. James Holden at Memorial hospital. 'Mr. and Mrs. Frank* Frantz are the parents of a son, born March 23, at Memorial hospital. '. Mr: * and Mrs. George Freund ofWonder' 'Lake became the Barents of* a daughter, borri March 20 at Memorial hospital, Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Matthews are' the parents of a daughter, born March 20 at Memorial hospital. A girl was born at Memorial hospital March 20 to Mr. sfnd Mrs. Thomas Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Coughlin of Wonder Lake are the parents of a son, born March ~ lS at Memorial hospital. M?- and Mrs. James Malek are the. parents of a daughter, born at Memorial hospital March 19. Mr. and Mrs. John Nixon became the parents of a girl, . born March 24 at Memorial bospital.> Mr. jjnd Mrs. Richard Holmberg of Garden Grove, Calif., announce the arrival of a ddughtdr, Deborah Marie,' born Match' 11. They have another daughter, Dianne, 4 years old. Mrs. Holmberg is the former Mary Jane Laures, daughter , of the Matt B. Laures' of McHenry. JUNIOR HIGH BAND CAPTURES CONTEST HONORS ^ The McHenry Junior high school band competed in the sixth district band contest held at North Chicago last Saturday. There were forty-four bands represented and over 2,~ 000 young musicians participating. • The local band placed second :n Class C (schools of enrollment between 751 and 1,800) and are now proudly displaying their medals. The numbers' chosen for performance at the contest iVere I yNotre Dame Victory March" by Shea, "Bright Dawn" by Gordon and "Blue Danube" by sStrauss. • \ The following students look p&rt: Flutes: Sandra Hastings and Valrie Peterson. 'Oboe: Robert Beckenbaugh. Clarinets: Janet Eckstein, Susan Prawl, Judy Palmbach, Barry Leibsohn, Diane Tushkowski, » Virginia Peterson, Marilyn Kiehl, Nancy Lockwood, Melody Losch and Evan Gladstone. Cornets: Hugh Saynor, Kenneth Burns. Ted Hornby, Gary Ricker, Jack Hackmeister, Tom Conly, Arthur Olson, Terry Markgraf, Tim Farr and James Benson. Trombones: William Krefft, Charles Mars and Floyd Covalt. Baritone: Bill Wilson. Saxophones: Susan Lawrence, Gayle Bonder, James Hans and Tom Bitterman. Sousaphone. Adrie Bos. Drums: James O'Donnell and John Bos. WOMAN'S CLUB PLANNING STYLE SHOW APRIL 16 MISSION SERVICES At St. Paul's Episcopal Mission, McHenry, the Palm Sunday service will be observed with Holy Eucharist and the blessing'; and distribution of £alms. "Holy Week services include litany gnd evening prayer at 7:5*0 Tuesday night, Holy Communion at 7:30 a.m. Holy Thurgda$. litany and penitential bffifce at 10:30 a.m. Good Friday and Holy Eucharist at 11 a.ira-; ISaster. v The Woman's club style show will be presented by Mrs. Betty Nielsen at the Atnerican Legion home on Wednesday, April 16. Mrs. A. J. Wirtz and Mrs. E. H. Winkelman, co-chairman will have the assistance of' the entire personnel of the Women's club for the show, the theme of which is "Fashions for Sun and Summer." Our special committtees are the following Mrs. Robert Weber, tickets; Mrs. Vaughan Jones and Mrs. Fred Bienapfl, refreshments; Mrs. A. C. Thornton and Mrs. Fred Lieberson, decorations; Mrs. Carroll Dietle, Mrs. Herbert Engdahl and Mrs. Robert Steuben, liaison; Mrs. Arnold Schaettgen, publicity. Mrs. Nielsen will feature many well-known lines of fashions for women. Among the most notable are Nardis of I Dallas, Koret of Calif., Jona- I than Logan, Jerry Gilden, ' Henry Rosenfelt. Lillian Dia I mond of Calif., and Annette Ross Originals. The sun fashions will include play clothes and bathing suits, as well as manj^ types of coordinates which are so popular with the busy, modern woman. , The summer styles will feature, especially, cottons that will see the busy housewife, club woman or career girl through a busy day. The lady who likes to "take it easy" will be well-dressed too, around the clock. SHOP IN McHENRY CARD OF THANKS 1 would like to take this means of thanking all those who remembered me with cards and letters and in Other ways during my illne$g. The many kindnesses extended were most appreciated. 47 Helen Heuser. Those who attended the mass ajnd burial services at Adrian, Mich.; Saturday were Mrs. George MiUeyr, son, Robert, and Mr. a)id Mrs. LeRoy Conway of - this city and a group from Chicago. Miss Rita Meehan and Mrs. John Harris of Jacksonville, Fla.; spent a few days ^e past week with relatives here, wheire they were called by the critical illness and death of their aunt, Sister M&rie Gratia. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cooney have returned from a several days visit in the home pf his brother, Martin and family, in Fort Worth, Texas. Edward Dwyer of Chicago spent the weekend "with his sister, Mrs. Walter J. Walsh. Mrs. Agnes Bonynge of Berwyn and Mr. Muriel Nicholas of Brookfield, spent a few days with the former's daughter, Mrs. Howard Thomas and family, and helped the Thomases celebrate their eleventh wedding anniversary Saturday evening. The Alfons Adams family, Laura and Joseph Weber, were visitors in the 'home of Mrs. Margaret Hafner, at Grass Lake Saturday and accompanied her to Richmond where they helped her and her twin brother Peter Adams celebrate their seventy-eighth birthday. Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson was a Sunday visitor in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Marion Messman, in Woodstock. Mis. Anna Miller and Mrs. Helen Young were visitors in the home of Mrs. Catherine Engels in Spring Grove Saturday. Mrs. Margaret Hafner and John Jackson of Grass Lake, and the Clem Adams family of this city, were guests in the Alex Adams home Sunday where the birthdays of* Mrs. Hafner and Roseann Adams were celebrated. Mr. and Mrs. Call Neuman and children and Mrs.- Anna Miller accompanied by the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Neuman of Silver Lake were Sunday guests in the John Kolway home in BurHngton, Wis. Folks who paid their last respects to Sister Marie Gratia at St. Dennis convent in Chicago, last week, or attended her funeral on Friday included Mrs. Geprge Miller, daughter Mary; ' Mr. and> Mrs. "LeRoy .Conway^VMiS a»*^;Mrs.' • James Doherty, Son James; Mrs. Katjirvn Cop way: Mrs. Mar- «on Winters; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller, sons, Ronnie and Tommie; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller; Gary Meehan; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Anejlese; Miss Nellie Doherty arid Dpnaid Givens. Sunday guests in the home of Mrs. Irene Guffey were the William Guffey family and Mrs. Teddy Stermer of Richmond; Mr. and Mrs. Les Bunsard of Elmhurst; Mr. and IV^r's. Irvin Pope of Woodstock and «Mrs. Helen Young of McHenry. , Arthur Barbier was home from Marquette university, Milwaukee, Wis.; to spend the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard Barbier. Mrs. Ann Rodenkirch has been spending several days in hrme of her daughter in Kankakee, 111. Mrs. Frank Benes of Milwaukee. Wis.; was a weekend guest in the Joseph Benes home. Mrs. Albert Foley and Mrs Lillian Bolger spent the weekend in St. Louis where they attended a Delta-Kappa Gamma §tate convention. Mr- and Mrs. Fred Bienapfl visited relatives in Waukegan and Kenosha Sunday. Mesdnmes Pauline Adams, C e l e Z i m m e r m a n . S t e l l a Freund. Florence Welter, Loretta Harner, Madeline Mayfield and Miss Genevieve Knox attended the McHenry Deanery Council of Catholic Women board meeting held at S. S. Peter and- Paul church in Cary recently. "Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bengston of Northbrook and- Mr. «nd Mrs. Merle Freund bf Fox Lafcjs were Sunday visitors in the N i c k B. F r e u n d h o t a ^ ^ - Miss Helen Buch of Chicago spent the weekend with her mother, Miss Mary Buch. f;. Tiie William Berndt. fanjfly of DesPlaines \V£re Sunday guests of her mother, -Mrs. Kathryn Freund. / Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Wolf of Chicago visited Mrs., Larry Huck, Sr., and in the Louis Thalhofer home. 1 I. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Huck> Terry and Lawrence, wfre guests in the* Nicholas Reulaftd home in Chicago Sunday. Mr. and Mrs- Hilary. Rodenkirch and family and Geprge Rodenkirch visited Mrs. Ann Rodenkirch in Kankakee. *pie latter was taken Jli while visiting her daughter. Mr. and Mr§. Howard LoCfHwood visited .at Madison ayfld Lake Como, Wis., Sunday. Sunday guests in the James Curran home were Mi4, and Mrs. Edward O'Donnell and children of Woodstock, Mr. arid Mrs. George Rogers of Morris and Mr. and Mrs. William Brooks of Ottawa. Mrs. Ben Smith has returned to her home in Spring Grove after spending a few dayfc with Mrs. Katherine McDaniel. Mr. and Mrs. Knute Johanson of Ridgefield, Mr. and tifro. Edward Smith of Crystal Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Fuller Boutelle of Lake Geneva were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Josie Smith. Mrs. Ben Justen spent the weekend with her sister, Sister M. Alma. O.S.F., who is .ill in St. Elizabeth hospital at Danville. 111. Miss Mary Beth Fuchs spent the past week with relatives in Woodstock. •.% March 28-29 Rummage Sale -- Ringwood Methodist Church -- Friday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Ham and Bacon Dance' --t Moose Lodge--8 p.m. April 1 ' £ Fox River Valley Cam^ R.N.A. -- Regular Meeting -- Mrs. Frank Pechart Home. April 5 Bake Sale--Pink Lady Shbp. Bake Sale--HUppy and Leo's Grocery--10 a.m. to 2 p.m.~- Sponsored l$r Woman's Auxftr iary of St, Paul's Episcopjf April 8 ' 5 O.E.S. Friends' Night -- 8 p.m. -- Masonic Hall. . St. Patrick's Mothers' Club Regular Meeting--2:45'p.m.-->- Church Hall. April 11 McHenry Woman's Club Regular Meeting--Legion Home-- 1:30 p.m. April 12 Bake Sale -- Sponsored by Zion Lutheran Ladies' Aid--1 p.m.--Art Smith Market. Johnsburg Firemen's Dance --Memorial Hall, Johnsburg. April 16 Woman's Club Style Show--: Legion Home Dedication Service--8 p.m.-- vSt. Paul's Episcopal Church JQINS SORORITY Miss Sue 'Stinespring, daughter of Mr. ~ and Mrs. H. P. Stinespring of Rt. 1, McHenry has been initiated into Alphft Gamma Delta sorority at Northwestern university in Evanston. ' LOOK YOUR LOVELIEST for . . . Sadler Start with an exciting new coiffure designed by our expert hair stylists. TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY ONLY tielene Curtis SPECIAL-' LIMITED OFFER SfcampQp. & Set • 14 oz. cfin Spray Net Regular $3.75 Value $1.75 .90 ONLY $2.65 tOUR LOVELINESS IS OUR BUSINESS . ;L . Ji i to 186 V. XUvflrsidA nrfv« P!»s»e 147 McIIeary, IDA., Thurs., FrL EvenlnM *m 9 (Political Advertisement) FOR SHERIFF ol McHENKY COUNTY RUTH KISTNEB APPEARS BEFORE GARDEN CLUB' * Photo Officers* of the1 McHenry Tbwnship Republican'^ Wopictured last week as hostesses at a rally fof G.O|P,'^arididates held at the Legion home in McHenry. Seated^ 'from left to right, are Mrs. Miriam Miller, Mrs. Ru%: ;jR^dnian,*. MrS. Marion. Carder, president; and; Mrs. )sHCte^^^^tahdirig aire Mrs;. Geraldine X>oran and Mrs. F l o r e n c e F a l s f r t t i ; ' ' y ' < . ' • . McHenry Hospital Patiehts at McHenry hospital this past week included Walter C. Dahl of Wauconda; flarrtan^ Donamario, Emil Mag^iismjv !; Dorothy Ullrich, C h r j s t c # » i e r . ^ Y o u n g , L a r r y Johnson, Sally Murphy, Ro>y Johnison, , Jeanne Lessard, WUliam Weingart, Ann Douglas, Rose Frisa, Susan Kiley and Bonita Sasso of McHenry; Richard Franlk of Ingleside; Janet I^agoon, Robert Diedrich and (George Harnny of Fox Lake; Paul Schwegel of Wonder Lake; John O'Holle^ ran of Ringwood; Eileen Bartlett of Crystal Lake; Louise Filip of Woodstock and William Miller of Lakemoor. < Memorial Hospital Patients at Memorial hospital, Woodstock, this past week were Mrs. Ruby Shepard of Ringwood, Allen Schimke .of Wonder'Lake, Mrs. Janice Fieroni and Bonnie Egerstaffer of McHenry. CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my tharikp ind appreciation to all those who remembered me "with cards, gifts and flowers durr 'ng my recent illness. 47 P6ter W. Freund 200 GATHER, TO it HEAR CANDIDATES' 'r IN APRIL PRIMARY, •i" • , I ' . \ An audience of 200 people gathered at the Legion home i% McHenry last week to hear GOP candidates speak in a rally staged by the McHenry Township Republican Women's club. Mrs. Marion Carder, president of the club, was gratified by an almost 1Q0 percent response from' those seeking office, and by their words of praise- for the Energetic response from thie community to the open house meeting of the ckib. Introduced to the public were Elmer J. Hoffman. Warren Wright, Mrs. Robert Ulc- Ciory, who' spoke for Louis Beckman; John Manning, Mrs. A. B. McConnell, who: spoke for her "husband; LeRoy Moat, I Joyd Ziegler, Charles Allen, James Cooney, Don Wicks, William Gleason, Vernon Kays, Marll Collier, < Harry Herend^ en, Melvin Griebel, Lyle Hutchinson, Everett Anderson, Richard Tazewell and O. C. O'Hara. Commltteemeh were also present.' ' ' Refreshments of cake and1 coffee were served in the social hour following. The McHenry Garden Club joins Bull Valley Garden club in bringing^ Mrs. Ruth Kistner to the community with some outstanding presentations of. flower arranging. The Kistner presentation. is scheduled for an early date in the "month of May. ..' '• As in years past, tl^e1 McHenry elub Will spowjor two high school students to thi conservation school durin] summer months. - i^mong regular ciiib activities; Mrs. Fred Lieberson represented the local club in the Navy Pier exhibit held March 21 to 25. Mrs. Lieberson arranged an "Elegant Breakfast" table. The members attended the show at the pier individually; _ Mrs, H. C. Fblde will give several lessons in flower arranging at succeeding meetings of the club. The club is not planning for an annual card party this year but looks forward to commun- ~ jrty support and partic^patioiitl Si tbe Itistner presentatimi. • The meeting,- held at the'-' Robert Thompson home, wait" deemed a successful on# ;both from the point of atteridahdc and achievement in; leariij^ new tricks in flower arrang&g^ Tasty refreshments ^iere served by the hostess, wh^ttls^ cheerfully put up with f^|inK Vasion of flower an^jferB^ upon her tidy domicile.4;4^ . %• " : McHenry Girl Di||iis rinnim MARRIAC«fi LICENSE William John M. Vogelsberg, Woodstoek,' and Carol F. Pal? mint^ri,; McHenry. I, (formerly The Noolcj !be open from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. every i" • • i> • ,' ' ' ' - Sunday, beginning March 30. \ ' ft Hwne Cookln9 BjUwers Home-made Pies FA YE MQSI|£Y, Proprietor 40T JVotat Street •'MoHe^ry, I1L 7CLBFHONE 9787 I EVERETT (Andy) ANDERSON » REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE Primary April 8, 1958 Born and Raised in Woodstock Overseas Veteran 2 Years State Prison Work Vh. Years with the Illinois State Police 5 Years in business as owner and operator of Andy's Mkt. and Grocery, Woodptock. <Pf THHR WAY Of UFEI Since the lerican ttgas l^uggy?' was invented, the attttimopile has become a part of America's way of life. Today, there is 1 motor vehicle for every 3 people in the U.S.A.; a happy state of affairs to which bank credit has contributed measurably. At the end of 1955, for example, total outstanding auto-purchase credit almost equalled the value pf factory sales of all U.S. motor vehicles that year -- and some $5 billion of that credit had been «' extended by America's^ banks. - • \ LOOK TO OUR BANK FOR THE CREDIT Y0U NEED TO BUY~YOUR NEXT CAR: COST IS |OW I McHENRY STATE BANK Interest Paid On Savings beppsjits Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation \ Member Federal Reserve System i-'% . P^QNE ' 1040 ' Sorority^, «ng i&ion 6f larquette1 ttfdverlukee la^^week' t of skit ii| sorority Varieties sitj end../ Mijss Mascari,'.,a senior ai the cOjlege of Sberal arts;4 guided her sorority, Delta Sigma ^am> ma, in their program entitled "Fascinating Rhythm." • Hie great "use. of life rs spend it on something that will outlast it. . . 1 i. COMPLETE • OFFICE SUPPLIES • OFFICE FURNITURE .AtU 308 E. Elm St. raude FHONS 878-J on McHenry, iti r-' i \ • as you ve fiever seen V' in dry cleaned garments you've never felt in cleaned garments' s our SANITONE I You simply MUST try our new cleaning to believe ANY cleaning can work such Ttiiracles on your wardrobe. • T?Y us Affl> BE WA2E& ^ PHONE 927 for Pickup Serviqi RAINBOW CLEANERS 100 N. FRONT ST., McHENElT^F^^ " ^ Just North of National's Parking Lot f• Always Plenty of Free Parking at Rainbow Drive-In ! OPEN DAILY -- 8 A.M. to -6 P.M. - Friday to 9 P M.